APUSH Unit 8 - FDR's Foreign Policy & WWII

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How did Rockwell contribute to the propaganda?

"Four Freedoms" illustration captured liberties and values at stake

Why was Roosevelt elected for a third term?

(1) a strong eco recovery enhanced by defense purchases (2) fear of war, voters want experienced leader

How did President Hoover end the interventionist policies of Taft and Wilson?

(1) arranged US troops to leave Nicaragua by 1933 (2) negotiated a treaty w/ Haiti to remove all US troops by 1934

Why did Roosevelt create his policy?

(1) interventionism for dollar diplomacy didn't make sense (2) needed defense from militarist regimes of Germany and Italy

What was agreed at the meeting of Potsdam?

(1) to demand that Japan surrender unconditionally (2) hold war-crime trials of Nazi leaders


A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs

Where was the A-bomb tested?

Alamogordo, New Mexico

What did the Neutrality Act of 1935 do?

Authorized president to prohibit all arms shipments and to forbid US citizens to travel on the ships of belligerent nations

What is the largest naval battle in history?

Battle of Leyte Gulf

Who became the Fascist leader of Italy in 1922?

Benito Mussolini

Why were Japanese Americans sent off to internment camps?

Blamed as spies for the bombing of Pearl Harbor

What does Roosevelt's quote "a date which will live in infamy"?

Bombing of Pearl Harbor (Dec 7, 1941)

What did the Big Three agree to at Teheran?

British & Americans would begin drive to liberate France in Spring 1944 & Soviets would invade Germany and join war against Japan

Who did Roosevelt secretly meet with at the coast of Newfoundland?

British PM Churchill

What was Hitler's personal army called?

Brown shirts

What technique of the US was a less restrictive version of a Neutrality Act and allowed a belligerent to buy US arms if it used its own ships and paid cash?

Cash and Carry

The America First Committee was formed to mobilize Americans against war. Who did they hire to speak?

Charles Lindbergh

How did Japan defy the Open Door Policy and the League of Nations?

Claimed Manchuria (1931) and renamed it Manchukuo & est. a puppet gov.

What group was formed to be more militant for AA interest?

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

The Office of Research and Development led to what?

Contract scientists & universities for war efforts → radar/sonar, medicines, jet engines, rockets, and atomic bomb

How did Wendell Willkie feel about Roosevelt's policies?

Criticized New Deal, agreed on preparedness + helping Britain, criticized breaking 2 terms

What groups were attracted to Italy's Fascist Party?

Dissatisfied war veterans, nationalists, and those afraid of rising communism

If US Embargo on oil didn't end, where would Japan get its oil for its navy and airforce?

Dutch East Indies

What was the Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act of 1943?

Empowered the gov to take over war-related business whose operations were threatened by a strike

What is the "Double V" slogan?

Encouraged to AA, one for victory over fascism abroad and one for equality at home

What was the Lend-Lease Act?

Ended cash-and-carry requirement from Neutrality Act and allowed Britain to obtain all US arms it needed on credit

What did a 1942 agreement allow braceros?

Enter US in harvest season without formal immigration procedure

Four events that highlighted the unpreparedness to fight Fascist aggression

Ethiopia (1935), Rhineland (1936), China (1937), and Sudetenland (1938)

Who quotes "your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars" during the election of 1940?

F. Roosevelt

What ideology did Hitler use to gain popularity amongst unemployed German workers?


What was the ideological struggle between in the Spanish Civil War (1936)?

Fascism (led by Francisco Franco) & Loyalists (Repubs)

How did Roosevelt act in the Progressive Democratic way like WJB and Wilson?

Favored lower tariffs as a means of increasing international trade

What was the meeting of Teheran the first of?

First meeting of the big three: Roosevelt (US), Churchill (GB), and Stalin (Soviet Union)

What did the Neutrality Act of 1936 do?

Forbade the extension of loans and credits to belligerents

What did the Neutrality Act of 1937 do?

Forbade the shipment of arms to the opposing sides in the civil war in Spain

What pursuit of Hoover's did F. Roosevelt try to continue?

Friendly relations with Latin America

Who led D-Day, the largest invasion by sea?

General Eisenhower

What made Roosevelt order navy to attack all German ships on sight?

German submarine attacked American destroyer "Greer"

What was agreed to at Yalta Conference?

Germany divided into occupation zones, free elections in liberated countries of Eastern Europe, Soviets enter war against Japan, Soviets control southern half of Sakhalin Island & Kurile Islands + special concessions in Manchuria, formation of United Nations

What plan of Sec of State Hull's did Congress enact in 1934?

Give president power to reduce US tariffs up to 50% for nations that reciprocated w/ comparable reductions for US imports

What was Roosevelt's policy towards nations of the Western Hemisphere?

Good-Neighbor Policy

Where were the A-bombs dropped?

Hiroshima & Nagasaki

How were Kaiser's production methods efficient?

His shipyard in CA could produce a ship in 2 weeks

What event made it clear that war was unavoidable?

Hitler sending troops to occupy all of Czechoslovakia

How did the government finance the war?

Increasing income tax and selling war bonds

What helped US forces destroy Japanese carriers in the Battle of Midway that ended Japanese expansion?

Intercepting and decoding Japanese messages

What resulted from Korematsu v. US (1944)?

Internment policy was justified

To secure basic raw materials (oil, tin, and iron) what did Nationalists/Militarists in Japan persuade their emperor to do?

Invade China & Southeast Asia to give Japan control over Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

How did Hitler defy the Treaty of Versailles by marching his troops to Rhineland?

It was meant to stay demilitarized

What was achieved from Smith v. Allwright (1944)?

It was unconstitutional to deny membership in political parties to AA as a way of exclusion from voting in primaries

How did Mexico test US's Good-Neighbor Policy?

Its president, Cardenás seized oil properties owned by US corporations → Roosevelt rejected demands to intervene

What made Roosevelt prohibit export of steel and scrap iron to countries except for Britain and nations of Western Hemisphere?

Japan joining the Axis (Sept 1940)

In 1940, which countries formed the Axis Powers?

Japan, Italy, and Germany

What happened in the Battle of Leyte Gulf?

Japanese navy was destroyed, they used "kamikaze" pilots (suicide)

What made Roosevelt freeze all Japanese credits in the US and cut off Japanese access to vital materials like oil?

Japanese troops occupying French Indochino (July 1941)

How did the Manchuria Crisis display the ineffectiveness in League of Nations?

League of Nations didn't take action against Japan's aggression

Which side did Roosevelt and the Americans sympathize with in the Spanish Civil War?

Loyalists because of Neutrality Acts, but Franco and his army prevailed

What are braceros?

Mexican farmworkers

Where was isolationist sentiment most prominent?

Midwest and repubs

Why did Hitler insist on taking the Sudetenland, a strip of land in Czechoslovakia?

Most people were German-speaking

Which membership increased during the war?


What was Operation Torch?

North Africa campaign to drive German forces out

What did the Atlantic Charter entail?

Peace after war, self-determination for everyone, no territorial expansion, free trade

Which act did the Cubans dislike get nullified by Roosevelt in 1934?

Platt Amendment (originally made Cuba's foreign policy subject to US approval; after, only kept US naval base at Guantanamo Bay)

If _____ was attacked, Britain and France would fight as a recognition of the failure of appeasement


What was Roosevelt's quarantine speech?

Proposal that all the democracies "quarantine" the aggressor, but the public reaction to it was negative

What was the Battle of the Atlantic?

Protracted naval war to control shipping lanes

What was Roosevelt's Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934)?

Provided for the indep of the Philippines by 1946 and gradual removal of US military presence from the islands

What did Roosevelt and Hull want Japan to do?

Pull its troops out of China

What happened in NY and Detroit during the summer of 1943?

Race riots

Why did the Nazi party in Germany rise in the 1920s?

Reaction to deplore eco. conditions after the war and national resentments over Treaty of Versailles

How did Stimson honor the Nine-Power Treaty of 1922?

Refused to recognize the legitimacy of any regime like "Manchukuo" that had been est. by force

What was the Selective Service Act of 1940?

Registered American men btw 21-35 & trained 1.2 million troops in 1 year

What did the US get for giving Britain 50 older destroyers?

Right to build military bases on British islands in the caribbean

What was the meeting of Casablanca?

Roosevelt & Churchill agreed to invade Sicily & Italy to demand unconditional surrender from Axis powers

What song encouraged women to take defense jobs?

Rosie the Riveter

Why did US go to WWI according to Senator Nye of North Dakota?

Serve greed of bankers and arm manufacturers

What caused the migration to the Sunbelt?

South's warm climate and low labor costs

Roosevelt used the justification of "four freedoms" to lend money to Britain to purchase US war materials, what were the freedoms?

Speech, religion, want, and fear

Who was at the meeting of Potsdam?

Stalin (Soviet Union), Attlee (GB), and Truman (US)

At the Pan American Conference in Uruguay, what did F. Roosevelt repudiate?

T. Roosevelt's justification of intervention in his corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

What production replaced automobiles?

Tanks and fighter planes

The unity of Americans made WWII remembered as?

The Good War

Who controlled news about troop movements and battles?

The Office of War

Which US gunboat in China did Japan bomb?

The Panay

Why did Britain and France instill a policy of appeasement?

Their democracies weren't prepared to challenge Germany as they knew Hitler was building a powerful air force

Why were the democracies shocked when Stalin and Hitler signed a nonaggression pact?

Their ideologies (communism & fascism) were enemies, but they secretly divided Poland

Why did Roosevelt recognize the rule of the Communist regime in the Soviet Union?

Thought it would increase US trade and boost economy

True/False: Like Wilson, Roosevelt argued for neutrality and an arms buildup at the same time?


True/False: The New Deal helped immigrant groups feel included as "bands of brothers"



US forces moved from island to island, using each as a base for capturing the next

Why was Wallace replaced with Truman as Roosevelt's vice?

Wallace was too radical and unmanageable

How did Hitler stab Stalin in the back?

Went against non aggression pact and ordered an invasion of Soviet Union

Did Mussolini demonstrate his fascist military might when he invaded Ethiopia?

Yes, they conquered the African country with no objection from League of Nations & US

What were the riots between whites and Mexican Americans on the streets called?

Zoot suit riots


idea that people should glorify their nation and their race through an aggressive show of force

Blitzkrieg (lightning war)

type of warfare Germany used on Poland with air power and fast-moving tanks

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