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America's artistic achievements in the first half of the 19th century

Borrowed heavily from existing European styles in painting and architecture

Andrew Jackson vetoed the recharter of bank of United States partly because he believed that the bank

Concentrated too much power in the hands of a few people

The nullification crisis started by South Carolina over the tariff of 1828 ended when

Congress passed the compromise Tariff of 1833

Which of the following events prompted the Mormons to abandon their settlement at nauvoo, Illinois and set out west to the valley of the great Salt Lake?

Continuing vicious hostility by non-Mormon Americans including the murder of Mormon leader Joseph Smith and his brother

The canal era of American history began in 1817 with the construction of the

Erie Canal in New York

And the new continental economy, each region specialized in a particular economic activity: the south blank for export; the West grew grains and livestock to feed blank; and the east blank for the other two regions

Grew cotton, eastern factory workers, made machines and textiles

The American phrase of the industrial revolution first blossomed

In the New England textile industry

Which of the following supplied the largest number of immigrants to the United States during the first half of the 19th century?


The religious sects that gained most from the revivalism of the Second Great Awakening were the

Methodists and Baptists

The sentiment of fear and opposition to open immigration was called


During the first half of the nineteenth century, the central and western areas of new York were known as the "burned over district" because

Of the intense religiius zeal created during the second great awakening

Of the following, the most successful of the early-nineteenth-century communitarian experiments was at

Oneida, New York

Native born protestants Americans feared that Catholic immigrants to the United States would

Out breed, outvote, and eventually overwhelm politically socially and culturally

The Force Bill of 1833 provided that the

President could use the army and navy to collect federal tariff duties

Which of the following stress the importance of individual inspiration, self-reliance, dissent, and nonconformity

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The role of women expressed in the cult of domesticity had its roots in

Republican Motherhood

The "Father of the Factory System" in the United States was

Samuel Slater

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved the defense of

States rights

Throughout the first half of the 19th century, women reformers were most active in the cause of


Which of the following best describes deism?

The belief that God had created the world but allowed it to operate through the laws of nature

Opposing the tariff of 1828, Southerners labeled it a "Yankee tariff" quotation because

The tariff protected New England manufacturing at their economic expense

All the following are true statements about the workers in the Lowell factory system except

They worked a maximum five days a week for eight hours a day

Which of the following transportation development open the west to settlement and trade between 1790 and 1830?

Turnpikes and canals

Which of the following transportation developments opened the West to settlement and trade between 1790 and 1830?

Turnpikes and canals

A major economic consequence of the transportation and marketing revolutions was

a gradual, steady improvement in average wages and standards of living for all workers including unskilled workers.

Religious revivals of the Second Great Awakening resulted in

a strong religious influence in many areas of American life including abolitionism and benevolent and charitable organizations

Transcendentalists believe that all knowledge came through

an inner light

The new two party political system that emerged in the 1830s and 1840s

became an important part of the nation's checks and balances

German immigrants to the United States

came to escape economic hardships and autocratic government

People in the West tended to prefer Andrew Jackson in the 1824 election because he

campaigned against the forces of corruption and privilege in government

Compared with canals, railroads

could be built almost anywhere with sufficient financial capital

Despite his suspicions of the federal government, Andrew Jackson's Democratic political party

created the spoils system in the federal government

Politics in the antebellum United States changed dramatically because

expanded White male suffrage broadened participation in elections

Perfectionism in the mid-19th century is best defined as

faith in the human capacity to achieve a better life on earth through conscious acts of will

Perfectionism in the mid-nineteenth century is best defined as

faith in the human capacity to achieve a better life on earth through conscious acts of will

President Jackson resisted the admission of Texas into the Union in 1836 primarily because he

feared that debate over the admission of Texas would ignite controversy about slavery

The goals of educational reformers in the antebellum years included all of the following EXCEPT

federal financing of secondary education

The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes involved

forced removal from their traditional lands

The policy of the Jackson administration toward the eastern Indian tribes was

forced removal from their traditional lands

Cult of Domesticity

glorified the traditional role of women as homemakers

All of the following gave rise to a more dynamic, market oriented, national economy in early 19th century America except

government regulation of all major economic activity

The cement that held the Whig party together in its formative days was

hatred of Andrew Jackson and his use of executive power at the expense of the states and congress

The American phase of the industrial revolution first blossomed

in the New England textile industry

One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the United States was

its function as a source of credit and stability, promoting the nation's expanding economy

In the case of Commonwealth v. Hunt, the supreme court of Massachusetts ruled that

labor unions were not illegal conspiracies in Massachusetts provided that their strategies and tactics were honorable and peaceful

Whether they were propertied or landless, immigrants were often enticed to leave their homelands by

letters from family or friends in the U.S., bragging about easy opportunities for wealth

The Second Great Awakening partly reshaped American religion by making it

more reliant on women as members and social reformers

The house of representatives decided the 1824 presidential election when

no candidate received a majority of the vote in the Electoral College

As one of the greatest of the revivalist preachers, Charles Grandison Finney advocated

opposition to slavery, a perfect Christian kingdom on earth, and opposition to alcohol

Jacksonian Democracy was distinguished by the belief that

political participation by the common man should be increased

John Quincy Adams could be described as

possessing almost none of the arts of the politician

New England reformer Dorthea Dix is most notable for her efforts on behalf of

prison and asylum reform

Members of the American (Know-Nothing) Party of the 1850s typically supported

restrictions on Catholics' holding public office

In the 1820s and 1830s, the two issues that greatly raised the political stakes were

slavery and economic distress

As a result of the development of the cotton gin

slavery revived and expanded

Most of the cotton produced in the American South after the invention of the cotton gin was

sold to England for production of textiles in their mills

The excessive consumption of alcohol by Americans in the 1800s

stemmed from the hard, struggling, and monotonous life of many American men and women.

The American work force in the early nineteenth century was characterized by

substantial employment of women and children in factories

The American workforce in the early 19th century was characterized by

substantial employment of women and children in factories

The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following except

taking the country off the gold standard

The nullification crisis of 1832-1833 erupted directly over

tariff policy

Native-born Protestant Americans distrusted and resented the Irish immigrants for all of the following reasons except

the Irish immigrants were very slow to learn American English and mostly spoke Gaelic in their urban neighborhoods

Andrew Jackson made all of the following charges against the bank of United States except that

the bank was beholden to British financial interests

The Deist faith embraced all of the following except

the concept of original sin

Andrew Jackson based his veto of the recharter bill for the Bank of United States on

the fact that he found the bill harmful to the nation as well as unconstitutional

The key to Oneida's financial success was

the manufacture of steel animal traps and silverware

Andrew Jackson supported all the following except

the right of nullification

The underlying basis for modern mass production was the

the use of interchangeable parts

All the following are true statements about German immigrants except

they typically settled in Northeast coastal cities.

Southerners feared the Tariff of 1828 because

this same use of the power of the federal government could be used to suppress slavery.

The purpose behind the spoils system was

to reward political supporters with public office

One strong prejudice inhibiting women from obtaining higher education in the early nineteenth century was the belief that

too much learning would injure women's brains and ruin their health

Most of the Irish immigrants who came to the United States following the potato famine of the 1840s settled in

urban areas of the North

Tax-supported public education between 1825 and 1850

was deemed essential for social stability and democracy

All of the following are true of the second great awakening except that it

was not as large, democratic, or influential in terms of social reform as the First Great Awakening.

A genuinely American literature received a strong boost from the

wave of nationalism that followed the War of 1812

When the Irish flocked to the United States in the 1840s, they stayed in the larger seaboard cities because they

were too poor to move west and buy land

The Second Great Awakening tended to

widen the lines between classes and regions

In the early 1830's, the majority of workers in the textile mills of Massachusetts were

young unmarried women from rural New England

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