APUSH Vol. 1 to 1877 Ch. 10 Launching the New Ship of State 1789-1800

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"Mad Anthony" Wayne (1745-1796)

"Mad Anthony" Wayne a Revolutionary War soldier and commander in chief of the U.S. Army from 1792 to 1796, he secured the Treaty of Greenville after soundly defeating the Miami Confederacy at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

What year was the first official census?


Farewell Address

Address George Washington's address at the end of his presidency, warning against "permanent alliances" with other nations. Washington did not oppose all alliances, but believed that the young, fledgling nation should forge alliances only on a temporary basis, in extraordinary circumstances.

Convention of 1800

Agreement to formally dissolve the United States' treaty with France, originally signed during the Revolutionary War. The difficulties posed by America's peacetime alliance with France contributed to Americans' long-standing opposition to entangling alliances with foreign powers.

Alien Laws Act 1798

Alien Laws Act passed by a Federalist Congress raising the residency requirement for citizenship to fourteen years and granting the president the power to deport dangerous foreigners in times of peace. Proposed by President Adams to deport dangerous (Antifeds) foreigners and authorized imprisonment of aliens during war. The sedition acts stated any opposition of the legal measures of government or slander of the government could be punishment. met with hostility by public.

John Adams (1735-1826)

American revolutionary, statesman, and second president of the United States. One of the more radical patriots on the eve of the Revolution, Massachusetts-born Adams helped guide the Continental Congress toward a declaration of independence from Britain. From 1778 to 1788, Adams involved himself with international diplomacy, serving as minister to France, Britain, and the Netherlands. After serving as Washington's vice president, he was elected president in his own right in 1796. Adams's administration suffered from Federalist infighting, international turmoil, and domestic uproar over the Alien and Sedition Acts, all of which contributed to his defeat in the election of 1800. Federalist Vice president under washington, became 2nd president of U.S., failed miserably because of hard times, last federalist president

Battle of Fallen Timbers

Battle of Fallen Timbers decisive battle between the Miami Confederacy and the U.S. Army. British forces refused to shelter the routed Indians, forcing the latter to attain a peace settlement with the United States.

Sedition Act 1798

Enacted by the Federalist Congress in an effort to clamp down on Jeffersonian opposition, the law made anyone convicted of defaming government officials or interfering with government policies liable to imprisonment and a heavy fine. The act drew heavy criticism from Republicans, who let the act expire in 1801.

By 1789, revenue had increased, and public debt had significantly decreased for the new American government. True or False


President George Washington

Federalist From Virginia who was the First President of the United States 1789-1796 Invented the idea of a cabinet to assist the president. Warned of dangers of political parties in his farewell address, urged neutrality

What was the most fundamental difference between the Federalist party and the Jeffersonian Democrats?

Federalists advocated for a strong central government; Jeffersonians promoted states' rights

What were the first two political parties of america?

Federalists and Republicans

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (1754-1838)

French foreign minister whose attempts to solicit bribes from American envoys in the infamous XYZ Affair prompted widespread calls for war with France.

What move did John Adams make in 1800 that paved the way for the Louisiana Purchase in 1803?

He accepted a second invitation to negotiate a treaty with the French

Why did Alexander Hamilton want the federal government to assume state debts accumulated during the American Revolution?

He hoped to shift wealthy creditor's obligations and allegiances from the states to the federal government

Judiciary Act of 1789

It created effective federal courts in hierarchical order. City country and state courts along with circuit courts and the Supreme court. supreme court was the highest in the U.S.--head of all other courts

The Whiskey Rebellion is most significant because

It led to the strengthening and increased credibility of Washington's government

Louis XVI (1754-1793)

King of France from 1774 to 1792; he and Queen Marie Antoinette were beheaded during the French Revolution.

Little Turtle (1752-1812)

Miami Indian chief whose warriors routed American forces in 1790 and 1791 along the Ohio frontier. In 1794, Little Turtle and his braves were defeated by General Anthony Wayne at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, after which they were forced to cede vast tracts of the Old Northwest under the Treaty of Greenville.

Jay's Treaty 1794 -1795

Negotiated by Chief Justice John Jay in an effort to avoid war with Britain, the treaty included a British promise to evacuate outposts on U.S. soil and pay damages for seized American vessels, in exchange for which Jay bound the United States to repay pre-Revolutionary war debts and to abide by Britain's restrictive trading policies toward France. Agreement between the U.S. and Great Britain to resolve violations of the Treaty of Paris following the American Revolution. Became the first treaty of the U.S. The English agreed to withdraw from their trading posts in the northwest territory, settle boundary disputes, and pay american ship owners for ships they had seized. The treaty failed to solve the problem of British impressment of American sailors contributing to its unpopularity especially among democratic-republicans.

Neutrality Proclamation 1793

Neutrality Proclamation Issued by George Washington, it proclaimed America's formal neutrality in the escalating conflict between England and France, a statement that enraged pro-French Jeffersonians.

French Revolution 1789

Reacting to the oppresive aristocracy, The french middle and lower classes overthrew the king and asserted power for themselves in a violent and bloody revolution. This uprising was inspired by America's independence from England and the Enlightenment ideas

Reign of Terror

Reign of Terror Ten-month period of brutal repression when some forty thousand individuals were executed as enemies of the French Revolution. While many Jeffersonians maintained their faith in the French Republic, Federalists withdrew their already lukewarm support once the Reign of Terror commenced.

Edmond Genêt (1763-1834)

Representative of the French Republic who in 1793 tried to recruit Americans to invade Spanish and British territories in blatant disregard of Washington's Neutrality Proclamation.

Thomas Jefferson

Secretary of State under washington and vice president under John Adams, supported the common man, supporters formed Democratic Republican party, president from 1800-1808

Pinckney's Treaty 1795

Signed with Spain, which, fearing an Anglo-American alliance, granted Americans free navigation of the Mississippi and the disputed territory of Florida. This treaty was between spain and america and settled Florida-Georgia border dispute by defining the border. It also removed payment of tariffs by American ships at the port of new orleans.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions 1798 -1799

Statements secretly drafted by Jefferson and Madison for the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia. Argued that states were the final arbiters of whether the federal government overstepped its boundaries and could therefore nullify, or refuse to accept, national legislation they deemed unconstitutional.

Under which 1798 legislation, passed Adams's tenure as president, could an American be criminally prosecuted for speaking out against the government? The Virginia Resolution The Sedition Act The Alien Laws

The Sedition Act

Whiskey Rebellion 1794

The small farms of western Pennslyvania rose up in rebellion against an excise tax on whiskey. This tax fell heavily on western farmers who condensed their corn to whiskey. They refused to pay the tax, attacked tax collectors, and began a march on pittsburg. President washington sent 13,000 troops and the rebels protest quickly ended

Tariff of 1789

This was the first law passed by Congress. It was designed to protect the infant industries by placing a duty of 8% on all imports

Adams accused the French of attempting to drive a wedge between the American people and their government. True or False


Adams equated France's refusal to grant his envoys audience unless they acquiesced to certain demands to the denial of America's sovereign status. True or False


Treaty of Grenville 1795

Under the terms of the treaty, the Miami Confederacy agreed to cede territory in the Old Northwest to the United States in exchange for cash payment, hunting rights, and formal recognition of their sovereign status. This treaty was between the indians and the U.S. government and required Indians to give up the ohio river valley to the U.S.

XYZ Affair

XYZ Affair Diplomatic conflict between France and the United States when American envoys to France were asked to pay a hefty bribe for the privilege of meeting with the French foreign minister. Many in the United States called for war against France, while American sailors and privateers waged an undeclared war against French merchants in the Caribbean. During the war against other european nations, France began to seize goods from neutral american cargo ships. Foreign diplomats attempted to meet with foreign minister Talleyrand of france to settle the dispute. However, anonymous foreign ministers X Y and Z required a loan of 250,000 in cash to even consider negotiations. Some offended Americans demanded war after this incident.

Although they had come to agreement on the Constitution, what did politicians continue to hotly debate? a. The balance of federal powers with states' rights b. The requirements for admitting states to the Union. c. The presidential election process.

a. The balance of federal powers with states' rights

By what means did the British influence Indian-American relations? a. They sold firearms and alcohol to Indians of the Miami Confederacy. b. They encouraged the Indians of the Miami Confederacy to settle their disputes through negotiations rather than violence. c. They brokered a number of significant peace agreements between the Americans and Indians of the Miami Confederacy.

a. They sold firearms and alcohol to Indians of the Miami Confederacy.

The new Constitution did not provide for the creation of a(n) a. cabinet. b. Electoral College. c. Supreme Court. d. vice president. e. federal court system.

a. cabinet.

Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton believed that federal fiscal policies should be designed to favor a. the wealthy. b. the states. c. wage-earning ordinary citizens. d. veterans of the armed forces. e. farmers and western frontiersmen.

a. the wealthy.

The first ten amendments to the new Constitution a. were passed to satisfy antifederalist concerns that the Constitution should guarantee individual liberties. b. were subsequently revoked when Washington invoked executive privilege. c. did little to satisfy antifederalist concerns about individual liberties. d. formally severed the last ties between the governments of America and Britain. e. were passed without debate.

a. were passed to satisfy antifederalist concerns that the Constitution should guarantee individual liberties.

Bank of the U.S. 1791

as created by Congress in 1791, was charted for twenty years. Located in Philadelphia, it was to have a capital of $10 million, one-fifth of it owned by the federal government. Stock was thrown open to public sale. to the agreeable surprise of Hamilton, a milling crowd over-subscribed in less than two hours, pushing aside many would-be purchasers.

Despite the flourishing cities, America's population was still about ________ percent rural. a. 20 b. 90 c. 40 d. 55 e. 70

b. 90

All of the following were true of the Federalists except a. they openly advocated rule by the "best" people. b. Hamiltonians supported full-blown democracy as the fountain of all civic good, rooted in the common folk. c. they advocated a strong central government. d. they were largely welded by Hamilton into an effective group by 1793. e. they believed that "Those who own the country ought to govern it."

b. Hamiltonians supported full-blown democracy as the fountain of all civic good, rooted in the common folk.

Why was this act by President Washington so controversial? a. It overwhelmingly favored the British position. b. He had neither sought nor gained congressional approval for it. c. It blatantly rescinded a promise and diminished U.S. credibility.

b. He had neither sought nor gained congressional approval for it.

Despite the 1778 Franco-American alliance still being in effect, what action did President Washington take in 1793? a. He declared a corresponding Anglo-American alliance to prevent the French from seeking U.S. aid in their present war against England. b. He issued the Neutrality Proclamation, removing the united states from involvement in the war between England and France. c. He declared the alliance null and void by virtue of Edmond Genet's unauthorized recruitment of Americans to invade Spanish Florida and Louisiana.

b. He issued the Neutrality Proclamation, removing the united states from involvement in the war between England and France.

The Sedition Act of 1798 declared that a. the Jeffersonian Republican Party was illegal until the war with France was settled. b. anyone criticizing the President or other federal officials could be fined or imprisoned. c. an office of wartime espionage would be created to carry out clandestine operations against the French. d. foreign immigrants in the United States could be held in prison without the writ of habeas corpus. e. those who engaged in open rebellion against the federal government could be attacked by the U.S. army as enemies of the United States.

b. anyone criticizing the President or other federal officials could be fined or imprisoned.

The rebellion of Pennsylvania farmers against Hamilton's whiskey excise tax a. resulted in a similar rebellion carried out by Daniel Shays in western Massachusetts. b. was crushed by an army led by President Washington himself. c. was fomented by holdouts of the departed British army. d. rejected the revolutionary principles for which many had fought. e. resulted in the immediate repeal of the hated tax.

b. was crushed by an army led by President Washington himself.

Alexander Hamilton believed that the Bank of the United States was constitutional because of the a. Constitution's stipulation that the federal government had exclusive powers to create money and guarantee its value. b. executive order signed by Washington deeming it so. c. "necessary and proper" clause of the Constitution. d. clause declaring Congress's power to protect copyrights and patent protections. e. President's inherent powers to administer federal finances.

c. "necessary and proper" clause of the Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson's Kentucky resolutions essentially declared that a. state Supreme Courts should be the final judges of what laws were or were not constitutional. b. western states like Kentucky should not remain part of the federal Union. c. individual states had the right to nullify or refuse to obey unconstitutional federal laws. d. the federal government had not power or right to tax individuals under the Constitution. e. the Bank of the United States should cease operation in states that cleared their public debt.

c. individual states had the right to nullify or refuse to obey unconstitutional federal laws.

The loose construction interpretation of the Constitution refers to the notion that

in carrying out its duties, the central government can take any measure not specifically prohibited by the constitution

Leaders chose a site along the Potomac River for the nation's capital city because

it ensured that Virginia would vote in favor of Hamilton's plan for federal assumption of state war debts

Elastic Clause

paragraph in constitution giving congress the power to make laws which shall be necessary and proper.. expanded powers of congress

Democratic Republicans 1796

political party formed by Jefferson opposed alexander hamilton's financial plan. It supported the common man and espoused the belief that the best government was the one that governed the least

Americans were angered by the XYZ Affair with France because

they likened it to a bribe rather than to respectable diplomacy

What was the main reasons that leaders in the newly formed United States were suspicious of the formation of political parties?

they worried that party politics would interfere with the functioning of government

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