APWH Chapter 9- The Expansion of Civilization in Southern Asia

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One of the earliest freestanding structures on the indian subcontinent is the eighth century shore temple at

A. Mamallapuram.

the group which dominated banking and the textile industry, and the group which dominated trade and manufacturing, respectively were the

A. Paris and Jains.

The capital of the Gupta Dynasty under Chandragupta I was at

A. Pataliputra.

The Mongol khan from Samarkand who attacked the Islamic state of the Tughluq Dynasty was

A. Tamerlane.

Which of the following is not true about the caves of Ajanta?

A. They served only as shrines that wee nothing more than holes in cliffs

Southeast Asia has proven to be

A. a region of linkage between disparate civilizations

In te divisions within Buddhism, those who followed the school of Theravada believed in

A. an uncompromising attachment to individual conduct and the ability to escape mundane through the pursuit of comprehension.

Indian Muslims

A. formed Muslim castes, an ironic action in relation to the Islamic traditions elsewhere.


A. tried to blend Islam and Hinduism

The peoples recognized as being among the first migrants into Southeast Asia during the first millennium C.E. were the

C. Burmans and Thai.

Under the medieval Indian land-use system

C. actual title of the farmland in the realm belonged to the king.


C. combined poetry and prose as well as a number of languages in his plays.

Many of the people found throughout the vast southeastern Asian region

C. depended on maritime trade for their livelihoods

Buddhism declined in India

C. in part, because its individualistic outlook appealed to the poorer population and, in so doing, aroused fear, among higher status Indians.

The Indian sea routes used by the Romans to ship Silk Road imports back to Rome

C. passed through the Kushan Kingdom.

What factor served as the most significant and potent inhibitor of commercial development in medieval India?

C. the restraining effects of the caste system

The Kushan peoples

C. were of Indo-European background, driven out of Central Asia by the Xiognu.

Which of the following statements was true about the religious underpinnings of the Indianized Southeast Asian states?

D. Although based on Hindu political thought, they afforded great privilege to Buddhists who won over the masses.

The greatest of the Kushan rulers was

D. Kanishka.

In rural India

D. a great deal of cotton was grown; more, indeed than anywhere else.

In medieval India

D. cotton goods, spices and sandalwood were major exports.

Muslim rule in India

D. found that most of the high posts in central government and the provinces were reserved for Muslims.


D. founded a new religious movement, although he had originally tried to integrate Hindu and Muslim ideas and practices.

The stringed instrument used in Indian music is called the

D. sitar.

All of the following wre true of the Kushan kingdom except

D. the government crushed out Buddhism under King Kanishka.

Which of the following was not true about religious practice in Southeast Asia?

A. Buddhism and Hinduism were never in competition in the region.

Why did Theravada Buddhism have such a strong appeal for the Burmese and others in the northern part of Southeast Asia?

A. It didn't need a priest or ruler go-between to permit the believer to achieve Nirvana

The Buddhists who applied the term "lesser vehicle" to their rivals were eventually known as

A. Mahayana.

The Southeast Asia mainland kingdom formed in the ninth century was

B. Angkor.

The most famous bodhisattva was

B. Avalokitesvara.

Where was the capital of the Kushan kingdom located?

B. Bactria

The most famous example of the Buddhist architecture that employed a massive stupa with nine sculpted terraces is the temple at

B. Borobudur.

Which of the following statements is not true about ancient Indian music?

B. It had no spiritual connection at all.

Which of the following was not true about historic Southeast Asia?

B. It was culturally integrated into a single religious social entity.

Islam was spread through parts of India by the military advances of

B. Mahmud of Ghazni.

Which of the following is a valid observation about the social practices in the societies of traditional Southeast Asia?

B. Southeast Asia women had more rights than Chinese women.

Two major trading states on the Southeast Asian archipelago were

B. Srivijaya and Majapahit.

The Burmans and Thai originally came from, respectively,

B. Tibet and southwestern China

The two major geographic components of Southeast Asia are

B. an extensive archipelago today's Indonesia and the Philippines and a mainland zone from the Malay Peninsula north to China

In their political institutions, the new states of Southeast Asia

B. assimilated Chinese and or Indian practices into their own ways of doing things.

Mahayana Buddhism

B. attempted to maximize the number of people who could obtain release from the wheel of life

In India, Muslims

B. converted many lower caste Hindus to Islam

During the period between the Mauryans and the Mughals, Indian culture

B. experienced great creative development

Southeast Asian agriculture

B. had an economic structure in which landlords served, in effect, as royal tax collectors.

Which of the following may have contributed to the decline in medieval Indian manufacturing and commercial activity within India?

B. heavy local taxation of commerce by rulers for their many wars

It can be said of medieval Indian culture that

B. the temples of India are among that civilization's most important artistic contributions

As far as social structure in Southeast Asia was concerned,

B. there was a social hierarchy among the populations of the various societies .

Trade in Southeast Asia

B. was of considerable importance in the Indonesian archipelago.

Indian religious groups

B. were, particularly its two major religious groups, strikingly different.

Which of the following was not a factor in the decline of Buddhism in India?

Buddhism's reinforcement of the indian caste system

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