Art App Midterms

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This German artist illustrated how a figure can be drawn from an oblique angle for his own text on drawing.

Albrecht Dürer

The use of shades of color are clarity to create the illusion of depth. closer objects have warmer tones and clear outlines, while objects set further away are cooler and become hazy. This is referred to as _____________ Perspective.


Color can be used healing purposes. The ancient Persian philosopher Avicenna believed that the color ________ had beneficial effects.


__________ is a method of applying value to a two-dimensional piece of artwork to create the illusion of a three-dimensional solid form.


Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet both used __________ Colors to create the visual illusion of vibrating movement and intensity in their paintings.


___________ is the use of overlapping parallel lines to convey darkness or lightness.

Cross Hatching

The Chinese artist Fan Kuan created __________ in his work Travelers among Mountains and Streams by alternating bands of lighter and darker values.


If an artist were to draw a figure whose arm was pointing directly toward the viewer, what technique would the artist have to use when drawing the outstretched arm?


An artist paints a scene with a large mountain, which lacks detail and is out of focus, and a tree, which is sharply defined and bright green. The viewer might assume that the mountain is _______ than the tree.


Analogous color combinations can be used to create unity and steer viewers toward a particular attitude or emotion. Mary Cassatt's The Boating Party uses yellow, green, and blue hues to create a _____ and _____ Composition.

Harmonious..... Relaxed

The varying color tones in Ancient sound by Paul Klee were intended to be associated with _________


A Summer Shower by the British artist Edith Hayllar employs linear perspective to create depth. The painting contains imaginary sightlines that converge toward a single vanishing point. These lines are also called _____________


_________ is the use of Non-overlapping parallel lines to convey darkness or lightness in a drawing.

Perpendicular Shading

Which colors on the color wheel are referred to as the primary colors?

Red, Yellow and Blue

One method used to establish depth in Beda Stjernschantz's Pastoral (Primavera) involves placing figures higher or lower in the composition. This process for creating depth is called ________.

Relative Placement

The Belgian Surrealist artist ___________ created the Treachery of Images, a work that calls our attention to the illusionary characteristics of painting.

Renè Magritte

In Grant Reddens painting titled Morning Gathering, we see the __________ of color which is an important element in the success of any painting.


We generally associate a color with its purest, most intense state, or its highest level of _______


Detective movies of the 1940s were filmed in such dark tones they were referred to as film noir. Filmmakers chose these dark values to enhance the ________ mood of the movies.


A color that is lighter than its basic hue is known as a tint. A color that is darker than its basic hue is called a _________


Hatching and cross-hatching use two-dimensional lines to communicate ________ depth.


Ascending and Descending, by M. C. Escher, uses ___________ perspective


The video game Transistor is designed using units that can be redistributed in any configuration using isometric perspective. Those units are called ___________


The element of art that describes the relative lightness of darkness of a hue, compared to another hue, is known as ______________


A series of different values that are grouped together is called a _____________

Value range

When complementary colors are used next to each other in a composition, they produce a visual anomaly called simultaneous contrast. This visual effect makes the colors appear to ________ along the boundary where the two colors meet.


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