Art Appreciation 111-Ch. 2

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What is iconography?

A system of images whose meaning is understood by a certain cultural group. The images used in iconography represent concepts or beliefs beyond literal subject matter. Culutral conventions are often carried from one generation to the next through iconography.

How does subject matter differ from content?

An artwork's subject matter is what the image or object literally represents. The content, by contrast, is what the artwork means.

Take note:

Art can be in between representational and abstract

What constitutes an artwork's form?

Form is the overall structure of an artwork. Form includes such aspects of an artwork and its materials and the organization of its parts into a composition.


Realism, photorealism, and naturalism

What is representational art?

Representational artworks portray recognizable forms. The more the representation represents what the eye sees, the more it is said to be an example of realism.

Three basic styles of art:

Representational, abstract, non-representational


a brand of representation in which the artists retains apparently realistic elements


an image that is so realistic it looks like a photo


an image that resembles what the eye sees


if in image is captures an immensity so large that it could hardly be comprehended by the imagination


is the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work.


literally means "image breakers"

Trompe l'oeil

means fool or deceive the eye

Visual Literacy

the ability to be able to recognize why you like a work of art and how it communicates to you.


the overall structure of a work of art

Subject matter

what the image literally depicts


what the image means


what the work expresses or means

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