Art Appreciation 1301 Exam 1

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Name three techniques that an artist has used to imply the illusion of space on a 2-dimensional surface?

- 2 point perspective -3 dimensional shapes -lines

Art enhances the envrionment


Art expresses fantasy


Art expresses personal expression


Art expresses religious beliefs


Art reveals the truth


Beauty in art is subjective


What are the differences between abstract art and representational art?

Abstract art is subjective and not focused on an object itself. The object has been transformed to its most simplest form. At times, to a point where it is unrecognizable from the original piece. Representational art represents something and can easily be seen.

What is the primary subject matter in Romare Bearden's art?

African American Culture

How does political and social art impact culture?

Art has the ability to shape our society, by reflecting on it, or criticizing it to make people realize what the government or society is doing. almost all the time, art is used to express oneself, whether it be their thoughts, emotions look at the major art movements in history and the artists behind them, for example, Picasso.

What is a patronage? How has patronage changed in history?

Arts patronage refers to the support that kings, popes and the wealthy had provided to artists such as musicians, painters, and sculptors. Now, the wealthy still support artists and so do kings and popes but not as much as they were back during the Renaissance.

Differentiate between children's art, folk art, and naive art. Do all these types of artists share the same aesthetic impulse?

Children's art consists of simple lines. Folk art is made by a specific culture and tells a story/narrative

What are the key building blocks of an art work?


What is CONTENT?

Content is the meaning we get from the art work.

How is FORM significant to an artists work?

Form is what we see based on the art work.

Distinguish between hue, intensity, and value.

Hue is the property of color identifying a specific named wavelength such as, green, red, violet, and so on. It is often used synonymous with a color. Intensity is the relative purity or saturation of a hue ( color) on a scale from bright ( pure) to dull. Varying intensities are achieved by mixing a hue with a neutral or with another hue. Value is the lightness or darkness of tones or colors. White is the lightest value while black is the darkest.

What does it mean to be creative?

Imagination Confidence Originality Problem Solving Inspiration Critical Thinking

List three creative traits associated with being an artist

Imagination Independence Focus and Driven

Explain the nature of art in other cultures. Do all cultures have the same definition of art?

In Europe, there is a stronger appreciation towards art. Art seems to be everywhere. Not All cultures have the same definition of art. It depends on how educated the country is on art.

What does it mean to create extraordinary versions of ordinary things?

Increases the emotional value The artwork become rare The artwork is seen as a precious and valuable thing

How has art changed the world?

It impacts advertising It changes how we view our surroundings It allows you to see into the new world

Define Beauty. How does your definition of beauty relate to the philosophy of aesthetics?

It is pleasing to the eye It is symmetrical It portrays passion

Why is texture important in the visual arts?

It puts tactile quantity on the art work.

Artists who have used light as a primary element in their art work

Jackson Pollock, Piet Meridan,Robert Motherwell,Wassily Kandisky,Donald Judd, Isamu Noguchi

Who has used Light as a Medium?

James Turell Dan Flavin

Is there a difference in looking and seeing?

Looking is the physical intake of an artwork Seeing is the perception based on our own understandings and interpretation of the artwork

Is creativity a necessary precursor to making Art?

No, but some level of creativity needs to exist to produce art

Does art always have to be pleasurable to appreciate? Why?

No, we can appreciate it though. We can interpret the message behind the art piece.

How does the function of communication in art differ from other functions?

Nonverbal expression Art is nonverbal and transcends into words.

What are the two categories of shapes?

Organic and Geometric shapes

Visual Thinking

Perception and Awareness

What is perception and how does it relate to art?

Perception is the elevated awareness of something, of a work of art.

What are the functions of art?

Propaganda Entertainment Preservation of time Uplift spirit Celebrate religion Personal Expression Education Record History Other forms of therapy

In what period was linear perspective perfected in order to achieve a " window on the world"?

The Renaissance

What is the realtionship between the artist and the viewer?

The artists relates to the viewer The artists have a reason The viewer interprets the art piece

How has the role of art changed throughout history? What about the role and status of the artists?

The industrial revolution changed everything. More industrial jobs came about and artists were not seen as important as they were. They used to have a high status. Nowadays, an artist is seen as someone of a normal status.

What are the primary colors and why are they important?

The primary colors are red, blue, and green. They are pure hues. Secondary colors are red-orange, blue-green. Colors that have been mixed together.

Why are visual elements so important in a composition?

They are vital to produce works of art

What do artists do?

They express feelings and inspirations into artwork They express themselves Consider Audience in their work

How does an artist give tangible forms to feelings and ideas?

They express their personalities or feelings or worldviews in art; artwork becomes a meeting site between artist and viewer.

How has light been incorporated into artwork?

To change and/or persuade feelings and emotions in the viewer

What is said about the impulse of making art?

To resolve inner conflicts To express feelings and emotions Craving gratification from others Boredom Human species do this to evolve

What is style?

Uniqueness Aesthetics Consistency Personality Culture, Family, Religion Friends

Can an artists style affect the way they convey their message?

Yes, it might not be clear to others who are trying to interpret their art work.

Can time and motion be expressed in art? How?

Yes, through a road or a pathway.

Can art refresh our vision and help us see the world in new ways? How?

Yes, when you change the content ( what you perceive from the artwork).

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