The enlightment

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A) from 1650 to 1800, European philosophers began rethinking new ideas about government, religion, economics which led to an era known as the enlightenment also called the age of reason.


B)The most important enlightenment ideas were those that challenged rule by absolute monarchs and presented new theories about the government


Women Most Europeans had a traditional view of women as housewives, mothers, and not equal to men



1.enlightenment ideals of perfection and reason gave rise to neoclassical art in the enlightenment was a simple, elegant, and focus on Greek styles

The impact of the Enlightenment

A)Enlightenment thinkers challenge the divine right if the kings and argued for liberty and rights 1.salons (discussion parties), high literacy rates, and cheap printing help spread new ideas across Europe 2.these theories inspired a variety of new ideas in art, music, gender, economics, and government

Why did the Enlightenment begin?

a. during the renaissance, people began question medieval ideas, emphasize individual potential (humanism), and encourage education b.during the age of exploration the discovery of new lands and trade routes led Europeans to search for other new things c.during the protestant reformation people began to question the church teachings, freely explore new ideas, and tolerate other religions d.during the scientific revolution scholars applied logic perfected the scientific method, and made new discoveries that shattered old ideas... this gave enlightenment philosophers a model to follow to make new theories about society.

Italian philosopher Cesare Beccaria criticized abuses in the justice system

a.Beccaria was upset with the use of torture, corrupt judges, secret trails, and severe punishments for crimes b.Beccaria argued that people accused of crimes should be given a fair and trail and that capital punishment and torture should be abolish

Music composers created new, elegant styles of music know as classical

a.Franz Joseph Haydn created the first symphony b.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart set a new standard for originality c.Becthoven used emotions and range to move music beyond the classical style Music became a popular art that people went to concert to hear

One of the first political thinker of enlightenment was Thomas Hobbes

a.Hobbes was bother by the English civil war and chaos that plagued England after the beheading of king Charles 1 b.Hobbes believed that humans are naturally cruel, selfish, and hungry for power, Hobbes argued that people need to protect themselves c.Hobbes supported rule by absolute monarchs. he used scientific reasoning to argue that only kings with absolute power could maintain order in society. d.Hobbes believed in an idea called the social contract, people give up power and rights to a king who provides laws and order

Baron de Montesquieu agreed with John Locke that government should protect individual liberties and that too much power led to tyranny

a.Montesquieu believed in separation of power 3 branches of government. legislative (makes laws), executive (carries out laws), and judicial (evaluates laws) b.Montesquieu's model of gov't also included a system of checks and balance in which each bran of gov't could limit the power of the other branches

The intellectuals of the enlightenment were called philosophers and share basic beliefs

a.New truths could be discovered by using logic and reason b.Everything could be explained by observing universal truths know as natural laws c.A belief in progress that the world can be improved and that life should be enjoyed. d.people are born with natural rights (personal freedoms that protect liberty).

The Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed in individual freedom

a.Rousseau believed that people are naturally good, but power corrupts them, free people from social contract and gov't based on the common good b.Rousseau argued for a direct democracy that is guided by the general will of the majority of citizens

The french philosopher Voltaire was one of the most famous writers of the Enlightenment

a.Voltaire argued for the rights of freedom of speech and religion, he criticized intolerance, prejudice, and oppression b.Voltaire was jail twice in France for criticizing the gov't but his letters to European monarchs helped introduce new reforms and freedoms

Economics of the most important enlightenment ideas was the theory of capitalism and laissez-faire economics by Scottish professor Adam Smith

a.capitalism is an economic model based on private ownership of property and desire to make profits b.laissez-faire is the idea that the economy thrives when the gov't does not interfere with business and allows free market to exist c. according to Adam Smith price is determined by supply and demand

English philosopher John Locke disagreed with the ideas of Thomas Hobbes

a.he was influence by the glorious revolution when the bill of rights was created to protect citizen's rights b.Locke believed that people are born with natural rights, including life, liberty, property, Locke argued that the kings could be overthrown if they violated people' rights c.Locke supported limited or constitutional monarchies d.Locke believed that gov't power came from the consent of governed (approval of the people) and that kings should protect the rights of the people

Encyclopedia During the Enlightenment people throughout Europe and america began to study, read, and philosophize about new ideas

to collect these new ideas and make them accessible Denis Diderot created the first encyclopedia a.Encyclopedia included essays and sketches on a wide variety of political, scientific, and cultural ideas b.Encyclopedia spread the ideas of the Enlightenment and scientific revolution

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