EMT- Chapter 18- Neurologic Emergencies

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When caring for a patient with documented hypoglycemia, you should be MOST alert for: A. Respiratory distress. B. A seizure. C. An acute stroke. D. A febrile convulsion.

A seizure

The spinal cord exits the cranium through the: A. Foramen magnum. B. Vertebral foramen. C. Foramen lamina. D. Cauda equina.

Foramen Magnum

Your patient answers your questions appropriately, although her eyes remain closed the entire time. She moves each extremity on command, although her left side is weaker than the right. You should have signed a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of: A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15


Which of the following patients would MOST likely demonstrate typical signs of infection, such as fever? A. A 3 month old female who was born prematurely. B. A 35 year old female in the later stages of AIDS. C. A 17-year-old male with anxiety. D. And 88 year old male with chronic renal problems

A 17 year-old male with anxiety

Which of the following MOST accurately describes a focal onset aware seizure? A. A seizure that begins in one extremity. B. A seizure that is not preceded by an aura. C. A seizure that causes the patient to stare blankly. D. A generalized seizure without incontinence

A seizure that causes the patient to stare blankly

Febrile seizures: A. Occur when a child's fever Rises slowly. B. Often result in permanent brain damage. C. Are usually benign but should be evaluated. D. Are also referred to as absence seizures.

Are usually benign but should be evaluated.

Components of the Cincinnati pre-hospital Stroke Scale include: A. Speech, pupil, and memory B. Facial droop, speech, and pupil size. C. Arm drift, speech, and facial droop. D. Arm drift, memory, and grip strength

Arm drift, speech, and facial droop.

When it says seen for arm drift of a patient with a suspected stroke, you should: A. Expect to see one arm slowly drift down to the patient's side. B. Ask the patient to close his or her eyes during the assessment. C. Observe movement of the arms for approximately 2 minutes. D. Ask the patient to hold his or her arms up with the Palms down.

Ask the patient to close his or her eyes during the assessment

A 58 year-old male presents with confusion, right sided weakness, and slurred speech. His Airways patent, and his breathing is adequate. His wife is present and is very upset. Which of the following has the MOST immediate priority? A. Asking his wife when she noticed the symptoms. B. Obtaining a complete set of baseline vital signs. C. Administering glucose to rule out hypoglycemia D. Documenting all of his current medications

Asking his wife when she noticed the symptoms

Law enforcement has summoned you to a nightclub, where a 22 year old female was found unconscious in an adjacent alley. Your primary assessment reveals that her respirations are rapid and shallow and her pulse is rapid and weak. She is wearing a medical alert bracelet that identifies her as an epileptic. There is an empty bottle of vodka next to the patient. You should: A. Place a Bite Block in her mouth in case she has a seizure and transport at once B. Apply oxygen via a non rebreathing mask and transport her for a blood alcohol test. C. Apply oxygen via a non rebreathing mask, Place her on her left side, and transport D. Assist ventilations, perform a rapid exam, and prepare for immediate transport

Assist ventilations, perform a rapid exam, and prepare for immediate transport.

Which of the following Most accurately describes the cause of an ischemic stroke? A. Rupture of a cerebral artery. B. Blockage of a cerebral artery. C. Narrowing of a carotid artery. D. Acute atherosclertic disease.

Blockage of a cerebral artery

The most the most basic functions of the body, such as breathing, blood pressure, and swallowing, are controlled by the: A. Cerebellum. B. Brainstem. C. Cerebrum. D. Cerebral cortex.

Brain Stem

Muscle control and body coordination are controlled by the: A. Brainstem. B. Cerebellum. C. Cerebrum. D. Cerebral cortex.


Interruption of cerebral blood flow may result from all of the following, except: A. Cerebral vasodilation. B. An acute arterial rupture. C. An embolism. D. A thrombus.

Cerebral vasodilation

The three the three major parts of the brain: A. Midbrain, cerebellum, and spinal cord. B. Brain stem, mid brain and spinal cord. C. Cerebellum, medulla and occiput. D. Cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem

Cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem

During the primary assessment of a semi-conscious 70-year-old female, you should: A. Ask family members if the patient has a history of a stroke. B. Ensure a patent Airway and support ventilation is needed. C. Immediately determine the patients blood glucose level. D. Insert a nasopharyngeal Airway and assist ventilations.

Ensure a patent Airway and support ventilations as needed

A 40 year old patient without a history of seizures experiences generalized (tonic-clonic) seizure. The LEAST likely cause of this seizure is: A. Epilepsy B. A brain tumor C. Intracranial bleeding D. A serious infection


A patient who is possibly experiencing a stroke is not eligible for thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) therapy if he or she. A. Is older than 60 years of age B. Has bleeding within the brain. C. Has had a prior heart attack. D. Has a GCS score that is less than 8.

Has bleeding within the brain

A patient who is possibly experiencing a stroke is not eligible for thrombolytic (fibrinolytic) therapy if he or she: A. Has had a prior heart attack. B. Has bleeding within the brain. C. Has a GCS score that is less than 8. D. Is older than 60 years of age

Has bleeding within the brain

The MOST significant risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke is: A. Hypertension B. Diabetes mellitus C. Heavy exertion D. Severe stress


Which of the following conditions would be the LEAST likely to mimic the signs and symptoms of a stroke? A. Hypoglycemia. B. Hypovolemia. C. A postictal state D. Intracranial bleeding


You are dispatched to a residence for a 66 year-old male who, according to family members, has suffered a massive stroke. Your primary assessment reveals that the patient is unresponsive, apneic and pulseless you should: A. Initiate CPR in attached to AED as soon as possible. B. Obtain a blood glucose sample to rule out hypoglycemia. C. Assess the patient for a facial droop and hemiparesis. D. Perform CPR for 5 minutes before applying the AED

Initiate CPR and attach an AED as soon as possible

Which of the following findings should concern the EMT the MOST when assessing a patient who complains of a head a? A. History of migraines. B. Sinus congestion. C. Slow onset of symptoms. D. Next stiffness or pain

Neck stiffness or pain

Which of the following is characteristic of a focal-onset aware seizure? A. Normal level of Consciousness. B. Generalized twitching of all muscles. C. Absence of breathing. D. No change in Vision, smell, or taste.

Normal level of consciousness

A patient with an altered mental status is: A. Not thinking clearly or is incapable of being aroused. B. Typically alert but is confused as to preceding events. C. Usually able to be aroused with a painful stimulus. D. Completely unresponsive to all forms of stimuli

Not thinking clearly or is incapable of being aroused

A patient with an altered mental status is: A. Usually able to be aroused with a painful stimulus. B. Typically alert but is confused as to preceding events. C. Completely unresponsive to all forms of stimuli. D. Not thinking clearly or is incapable of being aroused

Not thinking clearly or is incapable of being aroused

Which of the following is a metabolic cause of a seizure? A. Massive stroke. B. Poisoning. C. Brain tumor. D. Head trauma


Status epilepticus is characterized by: A. Profound tachycardia and total muscle flaccidity. B. An absence seizure that is not preceded by an aura. C. Prolonged seizures without a return of Consciousness. D. Generalized seizures that last less than 5 minutes.

Prolonged seizures without a return of consciousness

Which of the following conditions would MOST likely affect the entire brain? A. Block cerebral artery in the frontal lobe. B. Ruptured cerebral artery and the occipital lobe. C. Respiratory failure or cardiopulmonary arrest. D. Reduced blood supply to the left hemisphere

Respiratory failure or cardiopulmonary arrest

Which of the following clinical signs is MOST suggestive of a ruptured aneurysm? A. Confusion and weakness. B. Unilateral hemiparesis. C. Sudden, severe headache. D. Nasal discharge of blood

Sudden, severe headache

A patient who is experiencing Aphasia is: A. Usually conscious but has slurred speech. B. Unable to produce or understand speech. C. Not able to swallow without choking. D. Experiencing a right hemispheric stroke

Unable to produce or understand speech.

Individuals with chronic alcoholism are predisposed to intracranial bleeding and hypoglycemia secondary to abnormalities in the: A. Pancreas. B. Kidneys. C. Brain. D. Liver


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