Art Appreciation (Ch. 4)

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Organic Shape

irregular, associated with living forms in nature

Primary Colors

Yellow, Red, Blue


a three- dimensional form that occupies a volume of space( height, width, depth)


a two dimensional form that occupies an area with identifiable boundaries

Positive Shape

any shape or object distinguished from the background, also known as figure

Negative Shapes

areas in a work of art that appears to be empty; also known as ground - the surrounding visual information that the figure stands out form


closely spaced parallel lines used to convey value


color darker than normal value


color lighter than normal value


colors that are adjacent to one another on the wheel


colors that are directly opposite from each other on the wheel

Closed form sculpture

completely solid

Implied Shape

does not exist, completed in our mind (gestalt)

Open form sculpture

extends into space, areas can be seen into or though

The Visual Elements

* Line *Shape *Light(Value) *Color *Texture *Space *Motion

Establishing Depth

-Overlapping - Diminishing Size - Vertical placement

Picture Plane

2-D surface on which shapes are organized into a composition.


Italian for "light/dark" the technique pf using values to record light and shadow, especially as they provide information about three-dimensional form(mass)


Italian"paste; a thick application of paint (actual texture)

Implied Line

Lines that do not exist on a surface but are created or completed in the viewers imagination

Secondary Colors

Made by mixing primary colors ex.) Red+Yellow= Orange

Cross- Hatching

Parallel lines interest like a checkerboard to convey value

Contour Line

line drawn to indicate perceived edges of three-dimensional forms


line used to define a boundary of two-dimensional shapes

Tertiary Colors

made by combining a primary with a adjacent secondary color on the color wheel ex.) Green+Blue=Green-Blue

Mixed Media

materials of different qualities and characteristics used within the same work of art


name of a color

Atmospheric/aerial perspective

objects at distance lose their detail and become pale blue in appearance. Establishing by softening edges, value contrast, less detail and pale blue color

Geometric Shape

regular, mathematical shapes like triangles, squares, circles, rectangles


relative lightness or darkness


relative purity of a color


rubbing of a textured surface to create an image (Implied texture)


simulating the effects of light and shadow to portray optically convincing masses

Actual Texture

tactile quality we could experience through touch


that is composed of different values (tints/shades) and intensities of the same hue


the dynamic unity of a successful work of art-derived from Gestalt psychology, the doctrine holding that psychological phenomena are configurational wholes. ( we perceive art as a sum of its parts)

Kinetic art

work of art that has actual motion

Ensembles d'études connexes

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