Art Final

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Placing a work of art into context means finding out about the historical, personal, and cultural experiences and influences that surrounded and shaped the artist and their art throughout their life—especially during the time period in which they created the art work that you are looking at. Researching context can give you clues about the meaning of an art work because the influences upon the artist may be reflected in the images found in their art. (a) True (b) False


Which of the following statements is false? (a) An aesthetic response is an internal, psychological response that can occur within viewers when they are looking at an artwork. (b) An artist may emphasize the dominance of certain images or objects within an art work by making them seem less visually powerful than the images surrounding them. Dominance can be created by making an image smaller or hiding it among a group of background images. (c) Symbols are visual images or even colors within a work of art that viewers may recognize and associate with specific meanings


Fresco is a mural painting technique in which paint is applied on top of the dry plaster on walls or ceilings. true or false


Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party prohibited modern art and wanted to inflame public opinion against the artists who created it. In 1937, they held a public art exhibition in Munich titled "Degenerate Art" in which they displayed and ridiculed the works of artists (like Kathe Kollwitz) which did not exalt the government "values of racial purity, militarism, and obedience." (a) True (b) False


Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty. Aesthetic objects can evoke a response inside us because they have qualities of beauty or the power to make us think or feel.


Although Edouard Vuillard was associated with the Nabi artists, he was best known for his ability to give viewers an intimate look into the interior lives of the people in his paintings. His domestic scenes revealed a world behind closed doors, a private world that others may seldom see. This is how Vuillard came to be called an "intimiste" painter. His most powerful art works are done in this style. (a) True (b) False


Ceramics is the ancient art of making 3-dimensional objects from clay and firing them in a kiln to make them durable. The clay objects may then be painted with chemicals and re-fired in a process known as glazing. True or false


Which of the following statements about Michelangelo Buonarrotti is false? (a) Michelangelo's painting The Last Judgment depicts Adam and Eve being expelled from the garden of Eden by an angel holding a sword. (b) Michelangelo always considered himself to be a sculptor instead of a painter. His creative urge was so powerful that when he went to the stone quarries and laid his hands on the blocks of marble he could see the art within and hear it crying out for him to release it. (c) Michelangelo was an Italian Renaissance artist who was so talented that he was given the nickname "Il Divino" (the divine one) by his contemporaries in the art world.


Which of the following statements about the artist Grant Wood is false? (a) Grant Wood was well known to the general public because of the cover illustrations of everyday life that he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over nearly five decades. (b) Grant Wood is an American artist whose most famous painting is a depiction of a farmer and his wife titled American Gothic. The man and woman who served as models for this painting were the artist's sister and his dentist. (c) Grant Wood was so upset by the negative comments the public made about his sister's appearance in American Gothic that he painted a new portrait of her as she actually appeared in real life. The artist also vowed never to use family or friends as models in his paintings again.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) Many believe that stained glass was first created by ancient Celts and Vikings, both of whom excelled in the making of small colored glass objects that they used to embellish their swords and armor. (b) Before the invention of the printing press and moveable type, average people who weren't wealthy had little or no access to books and therefore often remained unable to read and write. Churches often used stained glass windows to help teach Bible stories to worshippers in a visual form that worshippers could understand and connect with. (c) During the Medieval period, stained glass window making flourished, reaching its peak during the Gothic period when flying buttresses were used to brace the walls of cathedrals so that large areas of stained glass windows could be used. Stained glass window making persisted into the Renaissance period, but declined after the Protestant Reformation. Today, there has been a revival in the popularity of stained glass.


Which of these statements about the artist Louise Elisabeth Vigee-LeBrun is false? (a) After Marie Antoinette was beheaded, Elisabeth Vigee-LeBrun disguised herself and her daughter and attempted to escape Paris (and her abusive husband), but was caught and executed because of her association with the queen. Her daughter's life was spared and she was returned to her father. (b) Vigee-LeBrun was commissioned by Queen Marie Antoinette of France to paint a series of royal portraits with the hope that these images might influence the public to perceive the queen more favorably. The artist's portrait of Marie Antoinette with her Children (1787) was intended to present the queen as a devout and loving mother and garner affection and approval from the public. (c) The artist's attempt to portray the queen in a favorable light in her paintings was unsuccessful in swaying public opinion and during the French Revolution, Vigee-Lebrun was forced to flee for her life because she had once been employed by Marie.


which of the following statements is false? (a) Nonobjective works of art contain recognizable images from the natural world, but the images have been changed, simplified, or distorted so that they no longer appear realistic. (b) Futurist artist Umberto Boccioni's sculpture Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (1913) depicts an figure without arms rushing forward into the increasingly technological future. (c) The Native American artist James Luna spoke loudly but silently concerning the representation of the American Indian as a figment of the past when he displayed himself in a box as The Artifact Piece at an art museum.


which of the following statements is true? (a) 2-Dimensional art works exist on a flat surface. Some examples of 2-D art are drawings, paintings, photographs, and prints. (b) 3-Dimensional art works deal with altered time and space and technology. Some examples of 3-D art are video performance art, virtual computer worlds, and holographic light projections. (c) 4-Dimensional art works exist in real space and have height, depth, and weight. Some examples of 4-D art are architecture, sculpture, and ceramics.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) Archaeologist Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922. He was joined shortly afterward at the site of the tomb by Lord Carnarvon, the wealthy Englishman who financed Carter's excavations. (b) Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 11th dynasty who came into power when he was 19 years old during the period of Egyptian history known as the Old Kingdom. It is believed that King Tut died from a staph infection in a broken arm at around 29 years of age. (c) King Tut's tomb contained a treasure trove of applied art objects that were buried along with the king for his use in the afterlife. Some of these objects included four canopic jars that contained the king's vital organs, a model boat for sailing on the Nile, vessels of perfume, throwing sticks for hunting birds, and a full sized chariot and throne chair.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) Calligraphy is the art of beautiful, decorative writing. It can be done in any language and adds beauty to everyday life. (b) Benvenuto Cellini was instrumental during the 20th century in opening the door for artists to use functional objects to make fine art. His ready-made sculpture The Fountain consisted of a porcelain urinal that he bought and signed "R. Mutt." This influenced other artists to explore the uses of functional objects as art materials. (c) Andy Warhol (1928-1987) was an American artist and a leading figure in the visual art movement known as Pop Art. His works explored celebrity and the culture of advertising that flourished by the 1960s. Warhol used a variety of media including painting, film, printmaking, photography and sculpture. Some of his most famous works include his silkscreen prints of Campbell's Soup Cans and the Marilyn Monroe Diptych.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) Goat Island was a collaborative performance group based in Chicago. Their piece of performance art How Dear to Me the Hour When Daylight Dies wove together abstracted stories of wartime torture, death, and survival. (b) Stylized artworks are a subcategory of representational art in which the artist makes people or objects appear more beautiful or grand than they would be in real life. Stylized art often focuses upon youth and beauty. (c) Mixed media art works are created by combining more than one type of material, technique, or dimension in the same work.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) Mannerism is an art style or movement that began during the 16th century (1510-1580) and followed the High Renaissance in Italy. Mannerist artists moved away from the High Renaissance ideals of classical proportions, beauty, and peacefulness and instead created works of art that emphasized the fear and political unrest in Europe through peculiar positioning of the figures, bulging musculature, and a sense of tension. (b) L.O.O.K.Q. is an altered version of Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting The Mona Lisa in which Salvador Dali defaced the beauty of the original work with graffiti and gave it a title that sounds like "she's hot in the pants" when pronounced a certain way in French. (c) Dada was an art and literary movement that arose around 1915-1917 in response to the disillusionment felt by many artists and writers with the violence and inhumanity that occurred during World War I. The Dada artists rejected the idea that art should be beautiful and created anti-aesthetic, irrational, nonsensical works that challenged established ideas of traditional aesthetics. One of the leading figures in this art movement was the artist Marcel Duchamp.


Which of the following statements is false? a) Stained glass art works are made by creating a pattern from smaller pieces of colored glass (created by adding metallic salts to glass), joining the pieces together by soldering lead strips around them, and placing the finished work within a rigid frame. (b) The Bayonne Tapestry depicts the events leading up to the Saxon conquest of England and culminating in the Battle of Hastings. Early tapestries were hand-woven by nuns and ladies of the court and the threads of the picture went all the way through the thickness of the tapestry. The Bayonne Tapestry was different, because it was embroidered on top of thick canvas. (c) In 1936, the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed a house called Falling Water which was located in Bear Run, Pennsylvania and integrated it into the surrounding environment so that it did not disrupt the path of a creek that flows beneath the foundation of the house. Wright also used cantilevered balconies in Falling Water that jut out into space and give the house a sculptural feel.


In regard to the artist Rene Magritte, which of the following statements is false? (a) Magritte's art was influenced by seeing The Song of Love by artist Giorgio de Chirico. Magritte was inspired by the way that Chirico and the Italian Metaphysical artists manipulated reality and made meaning visionary rather than literal. This gave Magritte the idea to use familiar objects in unfamiliar ways in his art works so that viewers would be forced to examine reality and think about what is truly "real." (b) Rene Magritte and other artists, writers, and composers formed a group in the 1920's that became known as the Belgian Surrealists. Magritte has also been called a "magic realist" because his paintings looked so real (despite having impossible subject matter). (c) In 1940, five days after the Germans occupied the country of Belgium, Georgette Berger left Magritte and went to France to live with Pierre Bourgeois. Magritte stayed in Brussels alone for over a year, before following Georgette to Paris and reconciling with her. Because of this betrayal, Rene and Pierre were bitter enemies for the remainder of their lives.


In regard to the artist William Blake and his painting The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed by the Sun (1805-1810), which of the following statements is false? (a) William Blake was a visionary artist, book engraver, poet, and writer. He believed that "true" artists would receive visions from God and were supposed to interpret these visions in their art works. (b) The figures in The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed by the Sun are taken from the book of Revelation in the Bible and could also serve as archetypal symbols of a battle between good and evil. (c) William Blake was known as an Expressionist artist because his art works tried to show the hidden truths and evil that lie just beneath the surface of everyday life. Art historians believe that Blake's disturbing art works may have originated from childhood abuse by his parents.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) Some drawings are done as preparatory studies for other works of art. Michelangelo first worked out the musculature and positioning of the Libyan Sibyl in a series of studies prior to actually painting her on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He did multiple sketches of the big toe on her left foot before he was satisfied with the way that it should look. (b) Louis Comfort Tiffany was an American designer who became internationally known for his work in developing and using new forms of stained glass. Tiffany became famous for his use of opalescent and favrile glass, which he incorporated into beautiful designs for windows, lamps and other decorative items. (c) Illuminated transcripts are beautiful, hand-written books created after the invention of the printing press. Beautiful, decorative letters written in calligraphy and illustrations were often used, as were heavy, embellished book covers. The transcripts were considered to be illuminated because of their illustrations and decorative margins.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) The Applied Arts are the functional art disciplines which involve the production of aesthetic works that serve some useful purpose or function. In order for a work to be considered applied art, rather than just a functional object, it's aesthetic qualities should surpass its functional purpose. (b) Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings and other physical structures. Architectural works in the form of buildings are often perceived both as cultural symbols and works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements. (c) Painting is the act of creating pictures by inking a surface (such as stone, woodblock, or engraved metal) upon which an original art work has been created and pulling one or more copies of this image onto paper or fabric.


Which of the following statements is false? a) Missouri Mother is a famous photograph taken by the American photographer Dorothea Lange in 1936. Lange was a photographer who was hired through several government programs to document the effects of the Great Depression upon the American people. This powerful photograph taken by Lange was picked up by newspapers and magazines and helped lead to social welfare programs for those in need. (b) Scrimshawing is a technique in which a design is carved into the hard surface of a bone, horn, or tusk with a sharp instrument. Ink is then applied to the design so that it penetrates into the recesses of the carving. The ink on the outer surface is buffed away, leaving the design visible because of the ink remaining within the recesses. (c) Crafts may be defined as the making of useful objects by hand. Some examples of crafts include quilts, baskets, textiles, and hand-made functional pottery. Persons who make crafts are called craftsmen or artisans because their work is not considered to be on the same technical and aesthetic level as that of fine art artists.


Which of the following statements is false? a) Printmaking is the art or act of applying paint to a surface to produce a picture. Printmakers recorded history and captured faces long before the camera existed, providing a record of society and a glimpse into the past. (b) The Fine Arts are the non-functional art disciplines which involve the production of works to be seen and experienced on an abstract or internal level. The fine arts are purely aesthetic and their sole purpose is to create a psychological response in viewers. (c) Drawing is the art or act of applying marks such as line, texture and tone to a surface, usually paper, using various art media such as graphite, charcoal, ink, and chalk. Historically drawings have been used to investigate the natural world in scientific and imaginative ways and as preparatory studies for other works of art. But drawings can also become polished works of finished art that make sensitive statements about the subject and content depicted.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) The public approved of Eric Fischl's sculpture Tumbling Woman because it was a such a powerful expression of the human loss and suffering that took during the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York. Several additional copies of the sculpture were swiftly created and placed at various locations around the city so that more people could view it. (b) Marcy Borders became known as the "Ash Woman" of 9/11 after an iconic photograph was published of her, stricken with fear and covered in ashes as she tried to escape from the World Trade Center during a terrorist attack in New York on September 11, 2001. (c) Eric Fischl's Tumbling Woman reflected the horror of 9/11, and may have been symbolic of the persons who chose to jumped from the towers of the World Trade Center and die on the sidewalks below rather than be burned alive in the buildings they couldn't escape from.


which of the following statements is false? (a) Applied art ceramics are purely aesthetic, nonfunctional pieces that are done in a sculptural manner. (b) Frank Fleming was an Alabama artist who attended UNA and went on to become internationally known in the art world for his imaginative sculptures of plants and animals. (c) Frank's sculpture Leo Holding the Book of Knowledge was commissioned by the University of North Alabama and stands beside the Victory Flame in front of the outdoor amphitheatre.


which of the following statements is false? (a) Assemblages are 3-dimensional works of art that move (whether by mechanical action, or that of a natural force such as wind or water). (b) High relief (alto-relievo) is a type of sculpture in which figures emerge 3-dimensionally from a flat surface to half or more of their natural depth. (c) Found objects (objet trouve) are objects that are presented as a work of art (or part of one), although they did not originally have an art-related purpose.


which of the following statements is false? (a) Because the Statue of Liberty is made of iron, it was painted with a green waterproof varnish to protect it from the moisture of the harbor that surrounds it. (b) The term patina is primarily associated with the greenish cast that bronze sculptures develop as they age or "mellow" in an outdoor environment. (c) The Statue of Liberty was a centennial gift from France to America to commemorate 100 years of independence as a country.


which of the following statements is true? (a) Sculpture is a 3-dimensional art form created by carving, modeling, casting, or assembling materials. (b) Additive Process: When a sculptor starts with an original block of material (such as wood or stone) and uses tools to chip away areas until the sculpture is revealed. Carving is an example of the additive process in sculpture. (c) Subtractive Process: When a sculptor starts with nothing and builds up a form made out of some sort of materials (such as wax, clay, or objects). Modeling and assembling are examples of the subtractive process in sculpture.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) Sculpture may be representational, abstract, or nonobjective in style. (b) The Palette of King Tutankhamun is a significant Egyptian archeological find, dating from about the 31st century BC, containing some of the earliest hieroglyphic inscriptions ever found. It depicts the young First Dynasty king Tutankhamun conquering his enemies and bringing about the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under one ruler. (c) The artist Barnett Newman created a non-objective sculpture called Broken Obelisk that was dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and symbolized the Civil Rights movement in America. This work might be related to the Biblical story of Moses leading the Israelites of bondage in Egypt.


Which of the following statements is false? a) The three main categories of applied art are crafts, design, and commercial art. (b) The Saltcellar of Francis I was a beautiful, golden salieri made for the king of France by the Italian sculptor and goldsmith Michelangelo Buonarroti in the High Renaissance style. (c) Albrecht Dürer was a printmaker and painter during the German Renaissance. He established his reputation and influence across Europe when he was still in his twenties due to his high-quality woodcut prints. He was in contact with major Italian artists of his time such as Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael, and was patronized by emperor Maximilian I.


which of the following statements is false? (a) Earthworks are large scale sculptures in which the surface of the earth itself is used as an art medium. Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty is good example of an earthwork. (b) Frontal sculptures are finished on all sides and meant to be viewed from all angles. (c) Installations are 3-D art works set up (indoors or outdoors) so that the work itself becomes an environment that viewers can experience as they walk through.


which of the following statements is false? (a) Frank Fleming was influenced by the art works of Hieronymus Bosch and Rene Magritte, as well as by a trip that he took to San Francisco where he saw the work of California clay artists like Robert Arneson. (b) Frank Fleming walked with a severe limp due to an accident that occurred on the family farm when he was young. As a child, he was often ridiculed by because of this disability. (c) Frank Fleming's fountain The Storyteller was the source of a public controversy in Birmingham because of the ram man depicted in the sculpture. Some persons felt this figure was satanic and threats were made that people would tear it down.


which of the following statements is false? (a) Norman Rockwell was a longtime supporter of the goals of equality and tolerance. In 1963, he confronted the issue of racial prejudice head-on in his powerful portrait of 6-year-old Ruby Bridges walking into William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans surrounded by U.S. marshals. (b) Fantasy art is a type of representational art in which the artist focuses on the emphasis of design qualities such as repetition, harmony, and pattern in the art work rather than focusing on the actual subject matter of the work. (c) Guernica is Pablo Picasso's most powerful political statement. It was painted in reaction to the Nazi's devastating casual bombing practice in 1937 on the Spanish town of Guernica. Guernica serves as a continual reminder to the world of the horrors of war and the suffering it inflicts upon innocent civilians.


which of the following statements is false? (a) Scale is the relative size of an art work. Art works may be small scale or large scale in proportion to the viewer or the environment in which they are placed. (b) The sculptor Auguste Rodin created a famous sculpture called The Seeker that depicts a sitting man pondering his eternal fate. (c) Christ the Redeemer in Brazil is considered the largest scale Art Deco statue in the world. It is 98 ft tall and located on a mountain overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro.


In regard to the artist John Henry Fuseli and his painting The Nightmare (1781), which of the following statements is false? (a) John Henry Fuseli moved to Britain and painted The Nightmare in 1781. This shocking image alluded to demonic sex and captured the imagination of viewers, helping Fuseli gain admittance into the Royal Academy of Art, where he later became a teacher and curator of their art collection. (b) The demon depicted in The Nightmare was a mara, or crushing demon, that could sit on sleepers, paralyzing them and inducing nightmares. Later, this demon became known as an incubus (from the Latin word incubare, meaning "to lie on"), and it was believed that it could attack sleeping women and force them to have sexual intercourse against their will. (c) A few years after being accepted into the Royal Academy of Art, a fierce rivalry developed between Fuseli and his former mentor, Sir Joshua Reynolds. The two men grew to hate each other and their feud became so public that it was ridiculed by political cartoonists of the time period.


In regard to the artist M.C. Escher and his graphic work Hand with Reflecting Globe (1935), which of the following statements is false? (a) In this art work, the artist has used the technique of placement to emphasize objects in the picture that have special significance. Examples of this would include the shelf of books near the man's head and the portrait of a woman hanging high above on the wall. (b) If we place this art work into context, we discover that the theories of Sigmund Freud were very popular during this time period and may have influenced this work. If so, the man sitting in the chair could be a psychiatrist analyzing himself. (c) The content of this work is a man sitting inside a room surrounded by objects that seem to have no symbolic meaning. The subject matter is a representation of the mental pressure and stress upon persons who have intellectually challenging jobs, such as criminal lawyers and judges.


Which of the following statements about Vincent van Gogh is false? (a) Before becoming a painter, Van Gogh worked briefly as an art dealer and trained to become a preacher. He was unsuccessful in his theological pursuits, but spent some time as a missionary in a poor area of Belgium. (b) Vincent van Gogh was unsuccessful in selling his art works and was supported financially and emotionally by his younger brother Theo, who sent him money for painting supplies, food, and lodging. Much of what we know about Vincent comes from letters that he wrote to Theo. (c) Van Gogh's painting The Potato Eaters was done in the light, airy style of Impressionism. Tragically, it is now believed that Vincent died from a gunshot wound inflicted during a quarrel with his friend Paul Gauguin over money.


Which of the following statements is false? (a) Photorealism is a subcategory of representational art in which the artist strives to make the images appear to the viewer as realistically as possible—just the way they would appear to your eye. (b) Representational art depicts the world in a recognizable manner. There are degrees of realism in representational art that range from almost photographic works to those that are less realistic. (c) Abstract art works make no reference to objects from the physical, natural world. They might be composed of colors, shapes, lines, patterns, or forms. There will be no recognizable images in abstract art works.


Engraving is incising a design onto a hard, flat surface, by cutting lines into it. Engravings may be used to decorate metallic or glass objects, or to print images on paper by using a printing plate made of copper. Historically, engraving was an important method of producing images on paper and for illustrating books and printed materials. The artist William Blake often used watercolor paint to add color to his engravings. (a) True (b) False


Nam June Paik was a Korean American artist. He worked with a variety of media and is considered to be the founder of video art. He is credited with an early usage of the term "electronic super highway" in application to telecommunications. true or false


Romanticism was a complex intellectual, artistic, and literary movement that originated in the late 18th century. Romanticism expressed and emphasized emotion, placed importance upon the individual and creativity, and rebelled against purely scientific thought. (a) True (b) False


The German Expressionist artist and printmaker Kathe Kollwitz created a sculpture called Grieving Parents that stands in Flanders Field. It honors her son Peter, as well as all the lives that were lost during the wars. Kathe's art works such as "Death Seizing A Woman" and many others still speak powerfully to us today about loss, grief, poverty, injustice, war, and death. (a) True (b) False


The art movement known as Surrealism sought to reveal the reality behind outward appearances, especially in a psychological sense, and drew heavily on Freudian theories about the unconscious, dreams, irrationality, and fantasy. Because of this, symbolism and dream imagery are central to these art works. (a) True (b) False


The subject matter of Frank Fleming's public sculpture The Storyteller (Birmingham, AL) was based on southern folk lore and paintings of The Peaceable Kingdom done by Edward Hicks in the 1800's. true or false


While the Renaissance artist Michelangelo's sculpture of David (1501-1504) depicts a Biblical figure, the nudity of the figure was influenced by his study of classical Greek and Roman statues from antiquity that focused upon the perfection of the human form. These older sculptures centered around humanism, which emphasized and glorified man and his abilities rather than focusing on God as the sole creator and center of all life. True or false


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