ART FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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The following are tools used to incise metal in the intaglio process:?(wood pencils with metal tips)

femmage; Miriam Shapiro

The following image is an example of ______________, which was created my artist ________________ and elevates women-centered hobby crafts into fine artworks.


The popularity of relief printing declined with the introduction of the __________ process, which did not appear until the fifteenth century.


The vehicle of encaustic paint is?


Type of printmaking that requires wiping the ink from the matrix's surface before printing?

powerful and assertive

We discussed two different versions of Judith Slaying Holofernes in class. A much more ________________________ woman is depicting in the female artist Artemisia Gentileschi's version, and may be a reflection of the artist's own qualities.


What is another name for silkscreen printing?


What is often combined with fine clear lines of pure ink to provide tonal emphasis?


What is the binder for crayons?


What type of print is this?

stone, metal, wood, fabric

Which material do printmakers use as a matrix or the working surface in printmaking?

ancient Greeks

___________________________ also used this type of paint to color their marble statues, negating what some may find are crucial aspects to the sculptures' original aesthetic value.


a combination of powdered chalk, plaster and animal glue used as a ground in tempera.


a light-sensitive gel applied to the screen during the photo silkscreen process.


a liquid material that imparts color to a surface.


a manual process using a prepared plate (done with a hatcher) that results in areas of value (see aquatint).


a way of organizing the design elements in a design work such as a poster, book, or magazine.


an emblematic design used to identify and advertise a company or an organization.


burnt pieces of wood or bone; long history dating back to prehistoric cavemen.


chemical process of intaglio that results in similar results as engraving; incorporating a ground and metal-eating acid.


derived from the Italian word cartone meaning paper; originally full-scale preliminary drawings for more permanent projects.


diluted ink that is applied with brush.


graphite bound with clay encased in wood; replaced silverpoint.

lithography or planographic printing

invented in the 19th-century by German playwright Aloys Senefelder; uses stone as its matrix.


one of the earliest methods of applying color to a surface; uses a pigment in a wax vehicle that has been heated to a liquid state.


the application of multiple layers of transparent films of paint to a surface.


uses ground pigments mixed with a vehicle of egg yolk or whole egg thinned with water.


(also known as serigraphy) uses stencils set into fabric, often with a photo-sensitive chemical known as emulsion.


(intaglio) an ancient artistic method that manually incises into metal; ink is pressed into the resulting grooves.


A rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work.


Before the Renaissance, the concept of ________ hardly existed.


Fluid media used in wet media drawing techniques originating in India and China.


Gilding is a method often used with tempera paintings that uses ____________ in a unique way and is often used to indicate a non-secular entity.


He called ___________ "the necessary beginning of everything in art, and not having it, one has nothing."

make known the degradation of previous generations of Chinese women

In works such as her Untitled mixed-media print of Chinese girls, Hung Liu's purpose is to __________.

trompe l'oeil

It is a good example of what in a two-dimensional artwork?


It is essential to soak the paper in the _____________ printmaking process, so that the cotton fibers are soft enough to press into the matrix and receive ink.

surface; stone slab

Lithography, invented in the beginning of the nineteenth century by a German playwright, is a planographic, or __________, printing process in which a __________ is used.


Many cultures of the world, especially non-Western cultures, place a high value on __________ visual traditions.

silk fabric

Match the printmaking technique with the material used to develop the matrix. (Serigraphy)


Match the printmaking technique with the material used to develop the matrix. (intaglio)


Match the printmaking technique with the material used to develop the matrix. (lithography)


Match the printmaking technique with the material used to develop the matrix. (relief)

it is a painstaking and time consuming procedure

Mezzotint is rarely used because__________.

Albrecht Durer

Never having actually seen the animal, which printmaker masterfully completed Rhinoceros?


Often overlooked, Egyptian portrait paintings were sometimes left in tombs of aristocrats and priests and often created using _________________ paint.

the square footage of their paintings

Prior to the Renaissance, painters were paid on the basis of:?

Japanese; Western

Roger Shimomura's acrylic painting discussed in class depicts both ______________ and ______________ imagery, blending two cultures and styles into a single artwork.

silk screen and light hardened emulsion

Serigraphy has a matrix that is made of?


The application of pigment to a surface.


The main medium of this artwork is?


The name of the tool used to apply ink to the relief matrix?


The working surface from which a print is made is called a __________.​


Traditional fresco painting played a major role in the visual culture of society during the Renaissance. ________________ was an Italian artist whose work was so highly regarded, that the pope commissioned him to complete the ceiling in The Sistine Chapel using the medium.


What kind of matrix was used for the first known piece of printmaking?


What type of printmaking requires the light-sensitive gel known as emulsion?


When art historians of the nineteenth century saw that the art of some non-Western cultures did not change for thousands of years, they classified the works as ________.

haute couture

Which of the following is not a component of graphic design?


Which of the six major painting mediums uses ground pigments mixed with a vehicle of egg yolk?

Giorgio Vasari

Who authored a book in 1550 entitled Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, which rocketed several Renaissance artists to fame?

Giorgio Vasari

Who is considered to be the first art historian?


With this medium, the artist drags a metal tipped instrument over the surface and the particles stick to the ground.

fresco paint; visible seams

You can see that this artwork was created with ___________, because of the ________________ specific to that medium.

graphic design

an artistic process used to communicate information and ideas through writing, images, and symbols that are connected to contemporary human experiences.

video art

artists have appropriated TV to make what?

digital art

artists use computers to make what?

chalk and pastel

bound by gum arabic then shaped into a workable stick; similar to charcoal in its workability.


chemical process that involves resin that etches areas of value.


comes from the Greek word meaning "to write with light;" both a science and an art.

oil painting

consists of ground pigments combined with a linseed oil vehicle and a turpentine medium or thinner.


created by using metal plates nto which lines have been incised; run through a press.


does not produce an edition; most painterly of printmaking processes.

buon fresco or true fresco

done on damp, lime plaster.


fluid media used in wet media drawing techniques; carbon black and water; primarily used in pen and brush.


made of lines; in drawing, you may build linear value in pen, silverpoint, etc.


material upon which a design has been formed that is used to create a print; includes many surfaces ie metal, wood, stone, fabric, etc.


originally defined as any painting medium that employs water as a solvent.


paint medium of ground pigments combined with a linseed oil vehicle.

fresco secco

painting on dry plaster.


similar to engraving, a needle is dragged across the surface; a softer line is produced.


the application of thinly hammered sheets of gold to a panel surface. (Commonly used in conjunction with tempera).


the art of painting on plaster; popular in the Renaissance; revived in Mexico after WWI.


the binding agent that holds the pigment to generate the paint.

egg tempera

the egg mixture traditionally used as a vehicle in tempera.


the four major printmaking classified by how the ink is printed from its matrix; they are relief, intaglio, planographic, and stencil.


the piece of paper or surface that has received a design from a printing matrix.


the result of implement running over a surface and leaving some trace of this gesture.


the solvent used in creating paint.


the surface on which drawings are many; ie paper, cardboard, etc.


the technical term for designing and composing letterforms.

digital photography

translates visual images to digital information, which is recorded on a disk.


used in the middle ages as a writing/drawing implement for ink Replaced by the 19th Century invention of a nib and stylus.


wax crayons combine ground pigment with wax as their binder; they are less apt to smudge.


(also known as metal point). metal-tipped implement ran over a surface and the particles stick to the prepared ground.


A drawing showing technical details of a building, machine, final work, etc.

the artist had never seen the animal before and captured an accurate likeness from a written description

Albrecht Durer's relief print Rhinoceros, is especially interesting because __________________ .

the raised areas that are left of the matrix

In relief printing, which area of the matrix is inked and printed?

a squeegee

In silkscreen ink forced through the screen using what?

religious imagery; spray

Murals have changed quite a bit since the middle ages. Subject matter has changed from mostly ________________ to individual expression and the reflection of the place's culture, and the medium has changed from fresco paint has changed into _____________ paint.

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