Art History AP images

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Rebellious Silence T-contemporary, 1994 A-Cynthia Preston M-ink on photograph Chador- garment which only hands and face of Iranian women can be seen (keeps from being seen sexually) Poem on face in Farsi (Persian language), expesses devotion Gun divides into light and dark, adds tension *Westerners see work as female oppression, Iranians view as obedient right-mind women who will die for her faith efined by the hard edge of her black chador against the bright white background—appears sparse, measured and symmetrical

Date? What is the name of her garment? What language are words?

Vietnam Veterans Memorial T-contemporary, minimalist 1982 A-Maya Lin M-black granite artist an ohio born chinese american; V shaped monument cut into the earth with 60,000 casualities of the Vietnam war listed in order; one arm of the monument points to the Lincoln memorial, the other to the Washington monument; black granite highly reflective so viewers can see themselves; black is somber

How many names? Where do the arms point to?

jade cong T-prehistoric, 3300 BCE M-jade W-neolithic era china, Liangzhu, china circle in square; abstract; face decoration of spirits of deities; foour corners have mask like images; jade in burials of high ranking; placed in buril around bodies show signs of intentional buring; hard to carve;parallel lines were made by rubbing sand on the jade

How were the parallel lines made?

Beaker with Ibex motifs T-prehistoric, 4200 BCE M-terra cotta W- Susa, SW Iran (now in louvre) found near burial site with baskets,bowls, etc; use of potters wheel important, thin walls; friezeof aquatic birds on top, below is stylized running dogs; in middle of horns is clan symbol of famliy ownership; may identify deceased; made right before rise of mesopotamia; circles balanced by geometric forms; mountain goat in large rectangle (body made of two arcs; some detail in nose, beard, eyes

Material and where? What is in middle of horns?

Stonehenge T-prehistoric, 2500 BCE M-sandstone W-Wiltshire, UK, neolithic Europe may have taken 1000 years to build; post-and-lintel buildin; lintels i place by mortise and tenon system; large magaliths in center over 20 feet tall and form horseshoe; some stones over 50 tons, hundreds of smaller stones; some stones from over 200 miles away; oriented towards ssunrise on longest day of year or may predict eclipses, or center of ceremonies concerning death and burial

What system supports the post and lintel system?

Running horned woman T-6000 BCE M-rock painting W-Tassili n'jjer, Algeria over 15000 artworks at this site; one time was grasslands, now desert; some natural, some abstract, some negroid,some white; shows livestock, wildlife, and humans composite view of body, dots may reflect ritual paint, entire site prob. painted by many groups; may be deity bc horns; *different than european cave paintings bc it depicts humans*

What type of view is the body in?

apollo 11 stones T-prehistoric, 25,500 BCE M-charcoal on stone W-wonderwerk cave, Nambia some of worlds oldest artwork; several stone frags found, named after apollo 11 moon landing because thats when cave was discovered; unidentified animal form was drawn resembling a feline in appearance but with human hind legs that were probably added later.

Where was it found?

camelid sacrum in shape of a canine T-prehistoric, 14000 BCE M-bone W-Tequiixquiac, mexico sacrum is triangular bone at base of spine; worked to make image of dog or wolf; represents mamals skull; *mesoamerican idea that sacrum is a second skull;d. A camelid is a member of the Camelidae family—think camels, llamas, and alpacas.The date of the sculpture is difficult to determine because a stratigraphic analysis was not done at the find spot at the time of discovery. in Mesoamerica, the sacrum is seen as sacred

Where was it found?

Ambum stone T-prehistoric, 1500 BCE M-greywacke (used stone to carve stone) W-Ambum walley, papua new guinea tonae age work; coomposite human animal figure; maybe anteater head human body (anteaters sig. bc of their fat deposits; theories: masked human, anteater embryo, pestle, or ritual purpose

Where was it found? Medium?

anthropomorphic stele T- prehistoric, fourth mlilenium BCE M-sandstone W-Arabia found in rea with trade routes; religious or burial purpose; belted robe and double knife/sword; resembles human form but not in itself human; 3' hgih


The Gates T-contemporary, 1979-2005 A-Christo and Jean-Claude M-mixed media installation W-NYC christo is bulgarian, jean-claude is french; 7,503 gates of free hanging saffron colored fabric panels; framed all the pathways in central park, NYC; 16 foot tall gates formed a continuous river; 23 miles; temporary installation left up for 16 days; after exhibition closed materials recycled

how long was it left up?

San Carlo alle Quatro Fontane plan

ignore upper white square

Pink Panther T-contemporary, 1988 A-Jeff Koons M-glazed porcelain W-MOMA NY commentary on celebrity romance, sexuality, commercialism, pop culture, sentimentality, stereotypes; artificially idealized female form; overly yellow hair, bright red lips, large breasts, pronounced red fingernails; overly fake life size; Kitsch; creates a permanent reality out of something that is ephemeral and never meant to be exhibited Woman is Jane Mansfield, popular screen star; pink panther-cartoon character from american movies; tender delicacy of panther's gesture; part of series called "The Bantality"

who is the woman?

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