art history exam 2

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pompeo batoni, charles john crowle

neoclassicism. grand tour sought to obtain personalized memento. portrait of themselves. surronded by abundant evidence of his learning of antiquity.

benjamin west, death of general wolfe

neoclassicism. mortally wounded youn english commander after defeat of the french in battle of quebec. clothed characters in contemporary costumes. history painting with realism but theatrical arranging of figures

university of virginia, thomas jefferson

neoclassicism. patritism admired palladio. octagonal dome. country villa

flitcroft and hoare, stourhead garden

neoclassicism. picturesque garden, enlightenment taste for natural. allusions to classical antiquity. bridge with five arches after palladio.

robert adam, etruscan room, osterly park

neoclassicism. pompeian style. inspired by the third and early fourth styles of roman mural painting. took decorative motifs of roman art.

antonio canaletto, riva degli schiavoni

neoclassicism. scenic views of venice. picturesque water traffic. used camera obscura= very detailed

daumier, rue transnonain

realism. LITHOGRAPH. atrocious slaughter. terrible aftermath. factualness.

bonheur, horse fair

realism. accuracy of living horses. dramatic lighting, loose brushwork, rolling sky.

manet, luncheon on the grass

realism. away from illusionism. used colors to flatten form and draw attention to surface. women unidealized. ordinary men and promiscious women.

courbet, burial at ornans

realism. history painting. ordinaty nature and anitheroic composition. reoccurring event involving common folk

millet, the gleaners

realism. occupation of everyday world. impoverished women performing the backbreaking task of gleaning.

tanner, the thankful poor

realism. ordinary people in everyday events. objects in room with great detail. deep shadows show the mans devot concentration.

eakins, gross clinic

realism. science based and realistic. EMPIRICISM. careful observation.

cupid and psyche painting cycle, german boffrand


german boffrand, salon de la princesse

rococo. center of social life. softenes the arch. enchanting small sculptures, ornamented mirror frames, tapestries.

antoine watteau, l'indifferent

rococo. elegance and sweetness in pose. capture slow movement from difficult angles.

joseph wright of derby, a philospher giving a lecture at the orrery

rococo. enlightenment era. scholar demonstrates a mechanic model of solar system.

antoine watteau, pilgrimage to cythera

rococo. fete galante (anomous festivals). outdoor entertainment, luxuriously lovers who have made a pilgrimage. elegant figures move gracefully. most poised attitudes.

jean honore fragonard, the swing

rococo. glowing pastel colors and soft light= sensuality. lacks serious nature. emphasis on pleasure, loose brushstrokes.

francois boucher, cupid a captive

rococo. graceful canvases. rosy flesh set off against a cool leafy background hiding the nudity. baroque drama into playfulness. ornamental reflections of their cherished pastimes.

balthasar neumann, vierzehnheiligen church

rococo. italian baroque architecture but interior lacks baroque drama.

clodion, nymph and satyr carousing

rococo. nude female. erotic playfulness.

barry and pugin, houses of parliment


goya, the sleep of reason produces monsters

romanticism. ETCHING. romatic spirit unleashing of imagination and emotion.

goya, third of may

romanticism. commissioned by ferdinand. napolean ruthlessly executing unarmed and terrified spainsh. encouraged empathy. faceless french.

friedrich, abbey in the oak forest

romanticism. embelms of death. deep emotion. sacred places.

gericault, raft of the medusa

romanticism. high drama and violent action. carefully posed.

vignon, la madeleine

romanticism. high podium and flight of stairs leading to a deep porch. cornithian columns. traditional church in costume of imperial rome

delacroix, liberty leading the people

romanticism. history and poetic allegory, liberty leading the parisian uprising. wears a scarlet phrygian cap (symbol of freed slaves in antiquity).

david, coronation of napoleon

romanticism. huge canvas showing pageantry of coronation.

bierstadt, among the sierra nevada mountains

romanticism. natural beauty of the american west. Manifest Destiny.

ingres, grande odalisque

romanticism. odalisque. reclining nude female. elongated limbs. connection to romantic taste for orientalistis subjects

delacroix, death of sardanapalus

romanticism. rich color emotional charged with exotic figures. oriental

constable, the hay wain

romanticism. tranquility. people are participants in the landscape.

turner, the slave ship

romanticism.emotive power of color. express forces of nature and the painters emotional response to them.

gros, napoleon visiting the plague-stricken in jaffa

romanticism.outbreak of bubonic plague, people in awe of him. no glove implied the power to heal. christlike figure tending to sick. orientalism

peter paul rubens, elevation of the cross altarpiece

triptych. antopeneur. heavily muscled men in unusual poses. bright highlight deep shadow caravaggioness. emotional diagonal. assistance helped paint.

inigo Jones, facade of whitehall banqueting house

17th century england. classical authority and restraint. Pallodio's buildings like. columns and pilasters near the ends.

sir christopher wren, st pauls cathedral

17th century england. restoring the old gothic church based on roman structures. two foreground towers great dome, columns.

hyacinthe Rigaud, Louis XIV

17th century france. absolute monarchy. look down on the viewer. state portrait. setting rich=high status.

versailles, royal chapel

17th century france. hardouin mansart. pier-supported arcades. only the illusionistic ceiling paintings suggest drama and complexity.

versailles, galerie des glaces, hardouin mansart & le brun

17th century france. hundreds of mirrors set into walls opposite of windows. illusionistily extended width.

jacob ruisdael, view of Haarlem from the dunes at overveen

dutch and flemish. overarching view of city. quiet serenity. accurate presentations of buildings. pleasure of seeing familiar things.

jan steen, the feast of saint nicholas

dutch and flemish. scene of chaos and disruption. children in uproar to search shoes. personalities shown. allusion to selfishness, pettiness, and jealousy

pieter claesz, vanitas still life

dutch and flemish. worldly possessions marked emergence of wealthy merchants as patrons. reject religious art. reference to death...skull, timepiece, cracked walnut. time reflected in glass ball.

wu shen, stalks of bamboo by a rock

china. LIERATI. CALLIGRAPHY. differentiated the individual bamboo abstract pattern form stalks adn leaves. HANGING SCROLL.

huang gongwang, dwelling in the huchun mountains

china. LITERATI. textured mountains with richly layered brushstrokes . sought to represent the essential beauty of the natural world .

david vases, porcelain vases

china. dragons and phoenixes major painted motifs.

wen shu, carnations and garden rock

china. flower painter. chinese arc-shaped fan painitng. central rock and three formations of flowers. restricted PALETTE.

giuseppe castiglione, auspicious objects

china. hybrid italian-chinese painting. single source of light with shadows and three dimensional. chinese LITERATI. subject chinese eagle, rocks, pine tree

forbidden city, beijing

china. ming dynasty. walled cities. strict symmetry. throne room was situated at the center of the world. hall of supreeme harmony which is the climaz of long north axis. hall is the largest wood building in china= throne room.

wangshi yuan, garden of the master of the fishing nets

china. natural and artificial elements intended to reproduce irregularities of nature. planned garden that seems unplanned.

Nicolas Poussin, ET in Arcadia ego

classical world. no dynamic movement. balanced grouping

rembrandt, self- portrait

dutch and flemish. contrast of light and dark, merging softly and subtly. realistic not idealized.

frans hals, women regents of the old men's home of Haarlem

dutch and flemish. darker clothes, restrain and serious. weren't allowed to show wealth= devote calvinists.

peter paul rubens, arrival of marie de' Medici at marseilles

dutch and flemish. did she murder him? commissioned for the palace, tell stories of all the wonderful things she's done. an allegorical personification of France, draped in a cloak decorated with the fleur-de-lis welcomes her. coloritto

rachel ruysch, flower still life

dutch and flemish. flowers appear in vanitas. dutch leading growers of flowers. idealized groupings of individually studied flowers, not real arrangement.

rembrandt van rijn, the academy lesson of Dr. nicolaes tulp

dutch and flemish. human dissection. surgeons guild commissioned this. portray members clustered. in the act. facial expressions.

jan vermeer, women holding a balance

dutch and flemish. light illuminates scene. orthogonals direct to her hand. perfect balance sin with virtuous behavior. used camera obscura.

rembrandt, the company of captain frans banning cocq (night watch)

dutch and flemish. not nocturnal but dramatic lighting. darkness is varnish the artist used. capture excitment and frentic activity for parade. rushing in the act.

Georges de la tour, adoration of the shepherds

french. caravaggio. nothing in environment distinguishes them from being divine. light comes from candle= material not spiritual. percies hsadows on surfaces.

ustad ahmad lahori, taj mahal and garden

idnia. hindu and islamic arch. religious but political. imperial authority. MAUSOLEUM. to his favorite wife. dome on cube= islamic. CHAR-BAGH orignially exteneded to rivers. PIETRA DURA= on walls.

bichitr, jahangir preferring a sufi shaykh to kings


qutb minar

india. "gate of mosque" huge tower. really a triumph column assert power of new rulers.

quwwat al islam

india. "might of islam" 1200 establishment of muslim empire. built on site of hindu tmple. SPOLIA.

sahifa banu, shah tahmasp

india. MINIATURE PAINTING. persian emperor watercolors on paper

outer gopura, great temple

india. increasted w/ plastor of hindu gods. build bigger towers. later built walls and gateways.

lotus mahal, vijavanagara

india. look at roofs= continuted look. impact of islam archs. hybrid of islam and hindu

shiva and parvati riding nandi, great temple, madurai

india. stucco sculptors representing hindu dieties.

schwedagon pagoda, rangoon

india. stupa but called PAGODA. continuation of buddah stupa. believed to hold hair of the buddah. renounced power/privilege

basawan and chatar muni, akbar and the elephant hawai

india. watercolor on paper. small painting from book. persian/indian/european. drama chaos and energy. figures leaping.

kogan, shino glazed stoneware with decoration

japanese. WABI AND SABI. inherent beauty rather than monetary worth. surface crasks adn irregular rims

karesansui garden, ryoanji

japanese. ZEN BUDDHISM. perfect for meditation. artfully placed irregular shaped rocks in bed of raked white gravel. KARSANSUI.

sen no rikyu, interior of the taian teahouse

japanese. cavelike feeling encourage intimacy. crawl through small door to enter.

honami koetsu, boat bridge writing box

japanese. dramatic texture and color.

yosa buson, cuckoo flying over new verdure

japanese. haiku poetry. literati. distinctive palette of pale colors and bolder brushstrokes. HANGING SCROLL.

katsushika hokusai, the great wave off kanagawa, from the series thirty-six views of mount fuji

japanese. landscape painting. contrast of whitecapes ominous fingers magnify the waves threatening aspect. flat and powerful.

ando hiroshige, plum estate

japanese. multicolor woodblock print sleeping dragon plum, branches spread out in abstratct patters resembling calligraphy.

sesshu toyo, splashed ink landscaping

japanese. splashed ink has chinese roots. broad rapid strokes . spontaneity and knowledge. HANGING SCROLL.

kano motonobu, zen patriarch xiangyen zhixian sweeping with a broom

japanese. splashed ink, but bold outlines and defined forms. lightly applied colors.

hasegawa tohaku, pine forest, six panel screen

japanese. wet brushstrokes to paint great pines. illusory nature of mundane reality.

richard boyle and william kent, chiswick house

neoclassicism. classical architecture. clarity and simplicity rather than baroque. palladian-style

jacques louis david, oath of the horatii

neoclassicism. could inspire virtue. patriotism and sacrifice. history painting. tries to be correct with antiquities= intellectual value

john singleton copley, paul revere

neoclassicism. directness adn faithfulness to visual fact that marked the taste for honesty and plainness. informality and sense of the moment . down to earth

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