Art History Test 1

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Which of the following describes the Medieval narrative method? a. presenting several episodes in a single frame b. presenting several episodes in sequential frames c. presenting several episodes in multiple round frames d. presenting several episodes framed by Doric columns

A: presenting several episodes in a single frame

In 1401 an important competition was held to determine the design of the Baptistery doors for the Cathedral of Florence. Even at this early date, Renaissance traits were evident. Which of the following is one of those traits? a. adherence to the 14th-century frame b. a new pictorial illusionism c. maintaining artist anonymity d. humility of civic pride

B: a new pictorial illusionism

In Ghiberti's Isaac and his Sons from the east doors of the Baptistery, he arranged the figures in front of grandiose architecture. Which of the following architects stated, "the grandeur of the architecture reflects the dignity of the events shown in the foreground"? a. Michelozzo b. Brunelleschi c. Alberti d. Andrea da Sangallo

C: Alberti

2. Ghiberti's competitive panel for the Baptistery doors of the Florence Cathedral shows classical references that reflect influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel? a. the drapery flowing from the body of Isaac b. the elongated S curve of Isaac's body c. the profusion of cloth puddled around Abraham d. the naked figure of Isaac

D: the naked figure of Isaac

Caravaggio's Conversion of St. Paul presents the same dynamic emotion and dramatic religious fervor with the use of eloquent pictorial devices and stage lighting in much the same way as in which of the following works of art? a. Bernini's Ecstasy of St. Teresa b. Carracci's Flight into Egypt c. Velásquez's Water Carrier of Seville d. Rembrandt's Return of the Prodigal Son

a. Bernini's Ecstasy of St. Teresa

In Bruegel's Netherlandish Proverbs, the artist has depicted the Netherlandish obsession with proverbs. The scene is busy with a topsy-turvy multiplicity of figures and activities. It is reminiscent of which of the following artists? a. Bosch b. Mantegna c. Giovanni Bellini d. Jan van Eyck

a. Bosch

In Leonardo's Last Supper, how did the artist break with traditional iconography? a. By the placement of Judas on the same side as Christ and the other Disciples b. By including the Magdalene in the role of servant c. By including the Virgin seated at the table d. By not including Judas at all

a. By the placement of Judas on the same side as Christ and the other Disciples

Which of the following was Philip the Bold of Burgundy's most significant commission? a. Chartreuse de Champmol b. Les Très Riches Heures c. Ghent Altarpiece d. Portinari Altarpiece

a. Chartreuse de Champmol

Titian's Meeting of Bacchus and Ariadne was most likely inspired by ________. a. Classical art b. the tradition of romance poetry c. the sermons of Savonarola d. Scholastic philosophy

a. Classical art

The Roman Catholic response to the Reformation was formulated at which of the following? a. Council of Trent b. Convocation of Rome c. Council of Toledo d. Council of Westphalia

a. Council of Trent

Which of the following works functions as an "altarpiece" for the new civic religion of inspiring the viewer with the martyr's dedication to service? a. Death of Marat b Death of General Wolfe c. Cornelia, Presenting Her Children as Her Treasures or Mother of the Gracchi d. Oath of the Horatii

a. Death of Marat

Who created Knight, Death, and the Devil? a. Dürer b. Cranach the Elder c. Jean Goujon d. Mabuse

a. Dürer

In Leonardo's Last Supper, the numerous preparatory sketches and studies he made for the work indicate how carefully he thought about this work as a complete entity representing the entire story and its theme. Based on this which of the following would describe Leonardo's conceptualization of the figures from his Last Supper? a. Each figure was individualized. b. He grouped the figures in threes and they all expressed the same emotion. c. He used the emotions of rage and sorrow for each figure appearing at each end of the table. d. All the figures expressed only rage.

a. Each figure was individualized.

The Hundred Years War involved primarily which two kingdoms? a. England and France b. Germany and France c. Italy and Germany d. England and Spain

a. England and France

Hans Holbein, a master portraitist, combines realism with monumental composition and sculpturesque form. Which of the following traditions does this describe? a. Flemish and Italian b. French and Italian c. Dutch and Italian d. Flemish and French

a. Flemish and Italian

Which of the following was not included in Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece? a. God the Father b. Lamentation c. Entombment d. Crucifixion

a. God the Father

How does Fra Andrea Pozzo create the illusion of Heaven opening above the heads of the congregation in the church of Sant'Ignazio? a. He illusionistically continued the church's actual architecture into the vault so the roof seems to be lifting off. b. He narrowed the nave ceiling so it is difficult to see the vault. c. He widened the vault so the perspective is skewed. d. He illusionistically lowered the church's actual architecture so the roof seems to be lifting off.

a. He illusionistically continued the church's actual architecture into the vault so the roof seems to be lifting off.

Who was instrumental in transforming the Mantua court into an important center for art and learning? a. Isabella d'Este b. Sofonisba Anguissola c. Isabella of Aragon d. Lucrezia Tornabuoni

a. Isabella d'Este

In contrast to Catholic religious images Rembrandt's Return of the Prodigal Son can be said to be which of the following? a. It is a painting of inward turning contemplation. b. It illustrated lofty theological ideals. c. It celebrated the celestial triumph of the Roman Catholic church. d. It consisted of figures in dramatic poses with emphatic gestures

a. It is a painting of inward turning contemplation.

In Masaccio's Trinity, he embodies two principal Renaissance interests. One is realism based on observation. Which of the following is the other? a. It is the application of mathematics to the pictorial organization of perspective. b. It is the use of antique elements as components of the work. c. It is the introduction of the donors into the context of the work. d. It is using architecture as a frame.

a. It is the application of mathematics to the pictorial organization of perspective.

The illusionism found in French manuscript was influenced by contact with ___________________? a. Italy b. Constantinople c. Bruges d. London

a. Italy

In Allegory of Law and Grace, the artist has depicted the differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the followers of Martin Luther. The artist who created this woodcut was dubbed with the title, "painter of the Reformation." Who is the artist? a. Lucas Cranach the Elder b. Albrecht Dürer c. Matthias Grunewald d. Hans Holbein

a. Lucas Cranach the Elder

Which of the following was the most prominent patron of fifteenth-century Florentine art? a. Medici family b. Pazzi family c. Riccardi family d. Gonzaga family

a. Medici family

Which sculptor believed that the artist must proceed by first finding the idea—the image—locked in the stone and then release it by chipping away the stone? a. Michelangelo b. Benvenuto Cellini c. Giovanni da Bologna d. Christoforo Foppa Caradosso

a. Michelangelo

Rubens has synthesized the styles of three Italian artists in his Elevation of the Cross. Which of the following are those three artists? a. Michelangelo, Tintoretto, and Caravaggio b. Leonardo, Titian, and Carracci c. Masaccio, Fra Angelico, and Mantegna d. Castagno, Piero della Francesca, and Uccello

a. Michelangelo, Tintoretto, and Caravaggio

Quinten Massys was willing to explore the various styles of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This exploration can be seen in which of the following works? a. Money-Changer and His Wife b. Isenheim Altarpiece c. Four Apostles d. Netherlandish Proverbs

a. Money-Changer and His Wife

Which of the following architects were the most influential in Thomas Jefferson's re-design of Monticello? a. Palladio and Robert Adam b. Soufflot and Vignon c. Palladio and Soufflot d. Vignon and Robert Adam

a. Palladio and Robert Adam

The dome Bramante designed for St. Peter's in Rome would have resembled which of the following? a. Pantheon, Rome b. Hagia Sophia, Constantinople (Istanbul) c. Florence Cathedral d. St. Mark's, Venice

a. Pantheon, Rome

Which of the following artists traveled to Italy yet chose not to incorporate classical elements into his work? a. Pieter Bruegel b. Hans Holbein c. Dürer d. Jan Gossaert

a. Pieter Bruegel

Increasingly in portraiture, artists of the High Renaissance paid particular attention to the subject's personality and psychic state. This could also be said to describe the portraiture of which of the following artists? a. Raphael b. Michelangelo c. Giulio Romano d. Cellini

a. Raphael

In Martin Schongauer's engraving he created distinctions of tonal values and textures. He distinguished between skin and cloth, feather and fur. Which of the following is the title of Martin Schongauer's engraving? a. Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons b. The Crucifixion c. The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine d. The Adoration of the Shepherds

a. Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons

Wren synthesized the design elements from the Italians, French, and Inigo Jones into a unified monumentality for which of the following churches? a. St. Paul's, London b. St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London c. All Hallows, London d. St. Dunstan's, London

a. St. Paul's, London

The Dukes of Burgundy commissioned art to reinforce their status as rulers in their dynasty. Which of the following best supports this? a. The Dukes wanted to reinforce the view of power and sophistication b. The Dukes wanted to employ artists c. The Dukes wanted to provide art for trade d. The Dukes wanted to collect for the sake of collecting alone

a. The Dukes wanted to reinforce the view of power and sophistication

Which of the following represents a symbolic function of Bernini's Baldacchino? a. The columns invoke the Early Christian past. b. The columns reiterate the promise of Salvation. c. The columns visually state the wealth of the Church. d. The columns invoke the theme of Redemption.

a. The columns invoke the Early Christian past.

Bernini's statue of David differs from previous generations of this depiction. His David seems to be moving through time and space. Which of the following would support this description? a. The pivoting motion of the figure implies the movement through space and time. b. The figure's upright stance implies movement through space and time. c. The crouching figure implies movement through space and time. d. The action of raising the sling above his shoulder implies movement.

a. The pivoting motion of the figure implies the movement through space and time.

In Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp, he has clustered the participants on the left side and has placed Dr. Tulp on the right side with the diagonally placed foreshortened corpse disrupting the strict horizontal, planar orientation. This is in sharp contrast to which of the following traditions of group portraiture? a. The subjects were placed evenly across the canvas b. Group portraits of professional organizations were never portrayed c. Only five subjects were allowed per group portrait portrayals d. Only guilds were allowed as subjects for group portraits

a. The subjects were placed evenly across the canvas

Which of the following is a manifestation of the commitment to private prayer? a. a Book of Hours b. a small Altarpiece c. the construction of small chapels in the city cathedral d. an illuminated Psalter

a. a Book of Hours

What does the fountain created by Claus Sluter for the cloister of Chartreuse de Champmol symbolize? a. everlasting Life b. the Well of Moses c. flowing water d. the Dukes of Burgundy

a. everlasting Life

In his print of the Fall of Man, Dürer demonstrated his knowledge of classical art in the representation of the __________________. a. figures of Adam and Eve b. wooded landscape setting c. highly detailed animals d. distant view of a goat teetering on the edge of a cliff

a. figures of Adam and Eve

What is the name of the specific style of Rococo painting that depicted the outdoor amusements and entertainments of the upper classes? a. fête galante b. pays bonheur c. sans souci d. fête de jour

a. fête galante

Why is Saint Anthony prominently featured in the Isenheim Altarpiece? a. his association with diseases and miraculous cures b. He was the patron saint of the donor, Antonio Mor c. his association with the city of Colmar d. his assiciation with the papacy

a. his association with diseases and miraculous cures

Jacob van Ruisdael specialized in which of the following genres? a. landscapes b. church interiors c. still life d. portraits

a. landscapes

Veit Stoss excelled in creating ___________________ ? a. large carved wooden altarpieces. b. elegant Book of Hours. c. A detailed reliquary. d. altarpieces devoted to the Last Judgment.

a. large carved wooden altarpieces.

Which art form grew in popularity partially because of its ability to memorialize the sitter? a. portraiture b. reliquaries c. small altarpieces d. church construction

a. portraiture

Enhancing its meaning, the Portinari Altarpiece contains small scenes, such as ______________, in the background. a. the Arrival of the Magi b. the Crucifixion c. the Baptism of Christ d. the Resurrection

a. the Arrival of the Magi

The Sistine ceiling represents which of the following themes? a. the chronology of Christianity b. the history of the papacy c. the history of Julius II d. the chronology of the Early Christian Church in Rome

a. the chronology of Christianity

In the Money Changer and His Wife by Quentin Massys, the artist has given us an image of a professional man transacting business. Massys has provided insight into which of the following? a. the secular life of the Netherlands b. the secular life of France c. the secular life of Germany d. the secular life of England

a. the secular life of the Netherlands

In Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter, the artist has reminded the viewer of the link between Constantine, St. Peter, and the basilica of St. Peter. Which of the following is the vehicle used as that reminder? a. the triumphal arches in the background b. the Pantheon -like temple in the background c. the key dangling from Peter's hand d. the great marble piazza in the background

a. the triumphal arches in the background

How did Masaccio create a sense of bulk for his figures in the Tribute Money? a. through modeling with a specific light source outside the picture b. through modeling with a flat neutral light c. through modeling with an identifiable light source within the picture d. through modeling

a. through modeling with a specific light source outside the picture

The gallery ceiling in the Palazzo Farnese in Rome was arranged as framed easel paintings. Who was the artist? a. Guido Reni b. Annibale Carracci c. Caravaggio d. Artemisia Gentileschi

b. Annibale Carracci

One of the most important trading cities of fifteenth-century Netherlands was _________. a. Dijon b. Bruges c. Basel d. Amsterdam

b. Bruges

Which city derived its wealth from banking and the wool trade? a. Dijon b. Bruges c. Munich d. Paris

b. Bruges

The development of linear perspective is generally credited to ____________. a. Donatello b. Brunelleschi c. Uccello d. Ghiberti

b. Brunelleschi

José de Ribera was most strongly influenced by the work of which of the following artists? a. Annibale Carracci b. Caravaggio c. Guido Reni d. Bernini

b. Caravaggio

Which of the following would support the argument that the Well of Moses created by Claus Sluter did not actually spout water? a. There was no water source in the Carthusian monastery. b. Carthusian commitment to silence would preclude any sound making device. c. The Well of Moses was never finished, so it never worked. d. The Well of Moses was not the actual device used to spout water.

b. Carthusian commitment to silence would preclude any sound making device.

Which artist painted groups of soaring figures on the dome of Parma Cathedral that seemed to ascend through rings of clouds into the sky itself? a. Andrea del Sarto b. Correggio c. Michelangelo d. Titian

b. Correggio

Who commissioned the Tempietto? a. Pope Julius II b. Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain c. Henry VIII of England d. Lorenzo de'Medici

b. Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

In the 15th century, the Dukes of Burgundy wielded power over which of the following counties? a. Bavaria b. Flanders c. Galicia d. Lombardy

b. Flanders

. Which Italian city played the most important role in the development of Renaissance ideas and art forms in the early fifteenth century? a. Venice b. Florence c. Siena d. Rome

b. Florence

Which two entities divided the Burgundian territories after the death of Charles the Bold? a. France and Spain b. France and the Holy Roman Empire c. England and France d. Rome and England

b. France and the Holy Roman Empire

In the 16th century power was focused on the king. This monarch made a concerted effort to elevate his country's cultural profile by inviting esteemed Italian artists to his court. Who was this monarch? a. Henry VIII b. Francis I c. Charles V d. Elizabeth I

b. Francis I

The fifteenth-century Italian artist whose work showed the most influence of the International style was ______________. a. Masaccio b. Gentile da Fabriano c. Andrea del Castagno d. Pollaiuolo

b. Gentile da Fabriano

Which of the following artists actively collected Classical sculpture? a. Nanni di Banco b. Ghiberti c. Brunelleschi d. Gentile da Fabriano

b. Ghiberti

Which of the following artists was the winner of the famous competition for the bronze doors of the Florence Baptistery? a. Donatello b. Ghiberti c. Brunelleschi d. Nanni di Banco

b. Ghiberti

The destruction of images in German cities that occurred in the 1520s is known as the _________________. a. Thirty Years War b. Great Iconoclasm c. Saint Anthony's Fire d. Counter-Reformation

b. Great Iconoclasm

Which of the following artists specialized in portraiture? a. Grünewald b. Hans Holbein c. Altdorfer d. Pieter Bruegel

b. Hans Holbein

Which of the following was the primary church for the Jesuits in Rome? a. St. Peter's b. Il Gesù c. San Giorgio Maggiore d. Santa Maria Maggiore

b. Il Gesù

Which of the following Renaissance churches influenced Maderno's design for Santa Susanna in Rome? a. San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome b. Il Gesù, Rome c. Cathedral, Florence d. Sta. Maria Novella, Florence

b. Il Gesù, Rome

In Masaccio's Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden Adam's feet clearly, come into contact with the ground. Which of the following is the interpretation for this? a. It marks the Original Sin. b. It marks the human presence on earth. c. It marks the direction the viewer must proceed in the chapel. d. It points the viewer toward the theme of Salvation and Redemption.

b. It marks the human presence on earth.

The artist whose work best spoke for the French Revolution was which of the following? a. Angelica Kauffmann b. Jacques-Louis David c. Honoré Fragonard d. Élizabeth Vigée-Lebrun

b. Jacques-Louis David

The Neo-Platonic ideals of the Medici circle were most congenial to the thinking of which of the following artists? a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Michelangelo c. Raphael d. Bronzino

b. Michelangelo

The term terribilita is most often used to refer to__________? a. Leonardo da Vinci b. Michelangelo c. Raphael d. Andrea del Sarto

b. Michelangelo

Neoclassicism invoked classical references of patriotism and trust in unshakable authority serving imperial agendas. Which of the following leaders embraced these aspects of Neoclassicism? a. Thomas Jefferson b. Napoleon c. George IV d. George Washington

b. Napoleon

At the turn of the century, the French Academy was divided rather sharply between two doctrines. Which taught that color was the most important element? a. Grand Manner b. Rubenistes c. Poussinistes d. Naturalists

b. Rubenistes

Which of the following works by Bernini illustrates his mastery of perspective in architecture? a. Spanish Steps b. Scala Regia c. Papal Steps d. Scala Romana

b. Scala Regia

. Which of the following artists was most interested in depicting the human body in violent action? a. Fra Angelico b. Signorelli c. Mantegna d. Perugino

b. Signorelli

Leonardo's style fully emerges in the cartoon, Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John. Which of the following describes this work? a. The cartoon is ordered with pictorial logic reflecting the International Gothic style. b. The cartoon is ordered with pictorial logic and visual unity. c. The cartoon is ordered with the visual unity of the15th century Flemish style. d. The cartoon is ordered with pictorial logic of Piero della Francesca.

b. The cartoon is ordered with pictorial logic and visual unity.

Which painter created dynamic compositions, often by means of swirling clouds and fitful light? a. Giorgione b. Tintoretto c. Giovanni Bellini d. Raphael

b. Tintoretto

The duke of Mantua commissioned the frescoes of the Camera degli Sposi from Mantegna for which of the following purposes? a. To memorialize courtly life b. To create a visual expression of his authority c. To challenge the Medici as the leading patron of the arts in Italy d. to create a tribute to his wife

b. To create a visual expression of his authority

A leading advocate of the Enlightenment in France was which of the following? a. Louis XVI b. Voltaire c. Isaac Newton d. John Lock

b. Voltaire

How has Michelangelo portrayed David? a. At the moment of victory b. With stern watchfulness before the battle c. By celebrating the defeat of Goliath d. By watching Goliath die

b. With stern watchfulness before the battle

Vermeer was known to have used which of the following tools? a. stencils b. camera obscura c. clip targets d. photo lens

b. camera obscura

Sluter's sculptural works can be characterized as _____________. a. elegant, using sweeping curvilinear lines b. having little physical movement or weight shift c. typical of the "soft" style d. influenced by the style of Donatello

b. having little physical movement or weight shift

One of the distinctive qualities of Francesco Borromini's architecture, visible in the façade of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, is _____________________. a. the wave-like movement created by concave and convex lines b. its similarity to Greek temple design c. the smooth treatment of the wall d. towers and tracery of Gothic architecture

b. its similarity to Greek temple design

In Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece, the artist has used specific references, saints and symbols to depict pain, suffering, and salvation and redemption. Which of the following symbols can be interpreted to mean the Son of God? a. white dove b. lamb c. sword d. arrow

b. lamb

In his diary Albrecht Dürer described Joachim Patinir as a good _________________. a. printmaker b. landscape artist c. imitator of Michelangelo d. Mannerist artist

b. landscape artist

The personal tastes of the court of Francis I ran to the elegant, erotic, and unorthodox. Which of the following styles would most appeal to this king and his court? a. classicism of 16th century Italy b. mannerism c. expressiveness of Grunewald d. intellectualism of Leonardo

b. mannerism

In London at the age of twenty-five, Christopher Wren was appointed to which of the following positions? a. official court painter b. professor of astronomy c. secretary of public woks d. parliamentarian

b. professor of astronomy

How did Georges de la Tour eliminate dogmatic significance and traditional iconographic meaning in his Adoration of the Shepherds? a. the figures are garbed as simple peasants b. the absence of halos c. the positioning of the infant d. The figures are not elegantly portrayed

b. the absence of halos

7. Which of the following works represented the beginning of the process of separating architectural sculpture from its architectural setting or niche? a. Bronze doors, Baptistery, Florence Cathedral b. Portal South Transept, Chartres Cathedral c. 13th-century statues, West Front, Reims Cathedral d. Four Crowned Saints, Or San Michele

c. 13th-century statues, West Front, Reims Cathedral

. In Masaccio's Trinity, there is a coffered barrel-vault reminiscent of which of the following? a. The Baths of Diocletian b. The Pantheon c. A Roman triumphal arch d. The Basilica of Constantine

c. A Roman triumphal arch

Which of the following architects wrote influential treatises on painting and architecture? a. Brunelleschi b. Michelozzo c. Alberti d. Vitruvius

c. Alberti

The following phrase from Revelations, "pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb" is depicted in which of the following? a. Deposition b. Last Supper from the Holy Sacrament Altarpiece c. Altar of the Lamb from the Ghent Altarpiece d. Adoration of the Shepherds from the Portinari Altarpiece

c. Altar of the Lamb from the Ghent Altarpiece

Which of the following is one of the most important cities of the sixteenth-century Low Countries? a. Paris b. Munich c. Antwerp d. Rotterdam

c. Antwerp

The creation of which of the following allowed merchant firms to hold money on account instead of carrying precious metals as a form of payment for trade goods? a. transfer merchandizing b. International Company of Bankers c. Bank of Amsterdam d. Bank of Genoa

c. Bank of Amsterdam

The first known northern European self-portrait by a woman is purportedly by which of the following? a. Levina Teerlinc b. Judith Leyster c. Caterina van Hemessen d. Lavinia Fontana

c. Caterina van Hemessen

Which of the following influenced Paul V's decision to convert the central plan of Saint Peter's into a basilican plan through the addition of a nave? a. The longitudinal plan resembled Byzantine churches b. Paul V wanted a larger space for symbolic purposes c. Central plan buildings evoked pagan temples d. The Papacy wanted to outshine St. Paul's in London

c. Central plan buildings evoked pagan temples

Which of the following was a dynastic symbol of Burgundian power? a. Valois Castle b. Chateau Blanc c. Chartreuse de Champmol d. St. Bavo

c. Chartreuse de Champmol

The influences of Vitruvius, Palladio, and Inigo Jones are most apparent in which of the following? a. Houses of Parliament b. Monticello c. Chiswick House d. Panthéon

c. Chiswick House

Which of the following episode from Christ's life was NOT included in Jan van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece? a. Adam and Eve b. God the Father c. Deposition d. Adoration of the Lamb

c. Deposition

Inigo Jones created a clear and dignified design for the Banqueting House at Whitehall. He superimposed two orders by using columns in the center and pilasters near the ends. The balustrade roofline has an uninterrupted horizontal sweep that predates which of the following structures? a. Garden Façade, Versailles b. St. Paul's, London c. East façade, Louvre d. San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome

c. East façade, Louvre

Which of the following was the Dominican painter-friar who combined elements of the new style of art with traditional religious devotional works that did not conflict with the content of the works? a. Piero della Francesca b. Pollaiuolo c. Fra Angelico d. Fra Filippo Lippi

c. Fra Angelico

Which of the following artists specialized in images of the Madonna and Child? a. Hugo van der Goes b. Rogier van der Weyden c. Hans Memling d. Jan van Eyck

c. Hans Memling

Velásquez was the court painter for Philip IV. He accompanied the king to Fraga during the Aragonese campaign. While there he painted Philip's portrait, it is known as the Fraga Philip. Due to the dynastic inbreeding in the Hapsburg line, Philip inherited the Hapsburg jaw. How did Velásquez compensate for this "jaw" in the Fraga portrait? a. He painted a heavy beard on the king's face. b. He used a large brimmed hat to shade the king's face. c. He focused attention of the cloak and baldric worn by the king by making them shimmer. d. He focused on the mustache of the king.

c. He focused attention of the cloak and baldric worn by the king by making them shimmer.

What is an Arcadian reverie? a. Greek countryside b. Florentine countryside c. Idyllic place of rural, rustic peace and simplicity d. Elysian Fields

c. Idyllic place of rural, rustic peace and simplicity

Francis I by Jean Clouet presents a worldly prince in an elaborate costume of silk and brocade and wearing a gold chain with the medallion of the Order of St. Michael. Which of the following suggests the purpose of this portrait? a. It was an attempt to overshadow Henry VIII b. It was used as an enticement to find a wife for Francis c. It was an attempt to glorify Francis I d. It was an attempt to overshadow Charles V

c. It was an attempt to glorify Francis I

The Nuremberg Chronicle is a tribute to the new craft of the printed illustrated book. What was the content of the Nuremberg Chronicle? a. It was the history of Nuremberg. b. It was the history of Germany. c. It was the history of the world. d. It was the history of the illustrated book.

c. It was the history of the world.

Vigée-Lebrun portrayed herself as a self-confident painter looking directly at the viewer (and pausing to return their gaze) this has been copied from an earlier artist. Which of the following is that artist? a. Artemisia Gentileschi b. Caravaggio c. Judith Leyster d. Vermeer

c. Judith Leyster

Of the following, who was one of the most important Roman patrons of Michelangelo? a. Lorenzo de' Medici b. Federigo da Montefeltro c. Julius II d. Ludovico Sforza

c. Julius II

In El Greco's Burial of Count Orgaz, the artist has successfully merged his early and late styles. He combined elongated figures and rich color in this one work. Which of the following describes his early and late styles? a. Middle Byzantine and Flemish 15th Century b. Italian 16th Century and Venetian 16th Century c. Late Byzantine and Venetian 16th Century d. Flemish 15th Century and Venetian 16th Century

c. Late Byzantine and Venetian 16th Century

The miniature portrait of Elizabeth I, shows an elegant, formally attired young Elizabeth presented as a princess. Who is the artist who created this memorable portrait? a. Hans Holbein b. Caterina van Hemessen c. Levina Teerlinc d. Albrecht Dürer

c. Levina Teerlinc

Leonardo painted the Virgin of the Rocks, and it is said this work is a masterpiece in expressing emotional states. He modeled the figures with light and shadow-- a technique he learned from earlier works. Which 15th century Italian artist would have influenced Leonardo? a. Piero della Francesca b. Fra Angelico c. Masaccio d. Gentile da Fabriano

c. Masaccio

Which of Brunelleschi's buildings comes the closest to the centralized plan so loved by Renaissance architects? a. Ospedale degli Innocenti b. Palazzo Medici-Riccardi c. Pazzi Chapel d. Santo Spirito

c. Pazzi Chapel

Who was Raphael's teacher? a. Bronzino b. Andrea del Sarto c. Perugino d. Signorelli

c. Perugino

Which artist that did a series of six paintings showing seasonal changes? a. Bosch b. Grünewald c. Pieter Bruegel d. Jan Gossaert

c. Pieter Bruegel

Which of the following artists departed from the rule of frontality that dominated sculpture since the Middle Ages? a. Piero della Francesca b. Paolo Uccello c. Pollaiuolo d. Andrea del Castagno

c. Pollaiuolo

The major center for artistic development in the High Renaissance was ___________. a. Florence b. Mantua c. Rome d. Parma

c. Rome

Which city has been generally credited with the birth of the Baroque style? a. Madrid b. Seville c. Rome d. Florence

c. Rome

Which of the following individuals denounced humanist philosophy? a. Marsilio Ficino b. Piero della Francesca c. Savonarola d. Lorenzo de' Medici

c. Savonarola

In Judith Leyster's Self-Portrait she portrays herself as a confident, accomplished painter, seated in front of her easel working yet taking time to stop work and meet the viewer's eye. Unlike Rembrandt she does not portray herself in a painter's smock. Which of the following would account for this? a. She wanted to demonstrate her ability to paint the textures of cloth. b. She wanted to show off her costume. c. She wanted to indicate her social prominence. d. Her vanity would not allow herself to be seen in the dull and dirty smock.

c. She wanted to indicate her social prominence.

The duke of Bavaria, Wilhelm IV, engaged the invading Turks in a battle for supremacy. Which of the following works of art would be the most likely commission of Wilhelm IV? a. Knight, Death, and the Devil b. The French Ambassadors c. The Battle of Issus d. Burial of Count Orgaz

c. The Battle of Issus

Which of the following describes Ghiberti's use of the Medieval narrative method in his Baptistery panel? a. The figures on either side gracefully turn in opposite directions. b. The figures gracefully move in the same direction. c. The figures in varying degrees of projection and postures move gracefully through a convincing stage space. d. The center figures point to the sides and include them in the dialogue.

c. The figures in varying degrees of projection and postures move gracefully through a convincing stage space.

His remarkable sense of color and his ability to convey light through color emerge in the altarpiece, Assumption of the Virgin. Who was this artist? a. Michelangelo b. Raphael c. Titian d. Giorgione

c. Titian

In Leonardo's Last Supper, the curved pediment above the head of Christ represents which of the following? a. the Parthenon b. pagan Rome c. a halo d. mere ornamentation

c. a halo

As part of his training in art Annibale Carracci received instruction in the classical and Renaissance traditions as well as anatomy studies and life drawing. Which of the following styles would describe the style of Carracci? a. a more naturalistic style b. a strictly Renaissance style c. a more classically ordered style d. a more experimental style

c. a more classically ordered style

Which of the following was one of the favorite compositional devices of painters of the High Renaissance? a. a flat triangle b. a trapezoid c. a. pyramid d. an oval

c. a. pyramid

In Masaccio's Trinity, the vanishing point can be found at which of the following? a. between the dove of the Holy Spirit and God the Father b. above the head of God the Father c. at the foot of the Cross d. on the face of the Crucified Christ

c. at the foot of the Cross

By _________________ Donatello revolutionized relief sculpture in his image of Saint George Slaying the Dragon. a. placing his work in a quatrefoil b. gilding the surface c. creating an atmospheric effect using incised lines d. including many episodes of one scene

c. creating an atmospheric effect using incised lines

The Protestant concern about the role of religious imagery was in many cases outright hostile. Martin Luther spoke about destroying images. This destruction of religious imagery also occurred during the Byzantine period. Which of the following defines this act? a. idolatry b. iconography c. iconoclasm d. iconology

c. iconoclasm

Which of the following developed in 15th century Italy but fully matured in 16th century Italy? a. fresco b. manuscript illumination c. perspectival systems d. architectural standards

c. perspectival systems

Titian's altarpiece, the Madonna of the Pesaro Family, differed from High Renaissance compositions in central Italy in the __________________. a. symmetrical arrangement of figures b. creation of a dark background c. placement of the figures on a steep diagonal d. the gesturing of figures toward the viewer

c. placement of the figures on a steep diagonal

The style of Ghiberti can be characterized as a rhythmic, unified system for depicting space. He is further credited with which of the following? a. heavy reliance on Medieval sculptural elements b. continued use of Gothic frames c. realism in characterization, movement, and surface detail d. posing his figures in the architectural space he created

c. realism in characterization, movement, and surface detail

In Pieter Aertsen's Meat Still-Life, the artist has created what appears to be a descriptive genre scene, a butcher's shop displaying its products, as well as fish and pretzels. This work also has embedded within it which of the following? a. political references b. social references c. religious references d. cultural references

c. religious references

In the calendar pages of Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry scenes of courtly life alternate with ___________________. a. Scenes form Christ's life b. the rosary c. seasonal tasks d. the ancestry of the Duc de Berry

c. seasonal tasks

In Jan Steen's The Feast of St. Nicolas the artist has captured the joy and chaos of Christmas holidays. He has also added a subtle satirical jab at adult society by using children and their behaviors to mirror adult behaviors. Which of the following behaviors did Steen allude to in this painting? a. calm b. generosity c. selfishness d. greed

c. selfishness

The Age of Enlightenment had its roots in which of the following centuries? a. early sixteenth century b. mid-sixteenth century c. seventeenth century d. eighteenth century

c. seventeenth century

Which of the following describes the style of Fra Angelico? a. lush and opulent b. scientifically precise c. simple and direct d. dynamic and complex

c. simple and direct

What anamorphic symbol appears in Holbein's French Ambassadors? a. skeleton b. seal of Francis I c. skull d. seal of Henry VIII

c. skull

The Battle of Issus, which depicts the battle that took place between Alexander the Great and the Persians, was selected as a subject by Wilhelm IV because it reflected his endeavors to ___________________. a. find a wife b. hold onto the Catholic Netherlands c. stop Muslim expansion d. wage war against Martin Luther

c. stop Muslim expansion

Paul III convened the Council of Trent in 1545. It was part of which of the following? a. the Hundred Years War b. the League of Cambrai c. the Counter-Reformation d. the Hanseatic League

c. the Counter-Reformation

Spain in the sixteenth century supported which of the following? a. the Anabaptists b. Martin Luther c. the Counter-Reformation d. John Calvin

c. the Counter-Reformation

art for art's sake

condenses the notion that art has its own value and should be judged apart from any themes which it might touch on, such as morality, religion, history, or politics. It teaches that judgements of aesthetic value should not be confused with those proper to other spheres of life

Which of the following artists most influenced the work of Artemisia Gentileschi? a. Annibale Carracci b. Guido Reni c. Bernini d. Caravaggio

d. Caravaggio

Velásquez held the titles of First Painter to the King and which of the following? a. Manager of the Stables b. Treasurer of the Escorial c. Curator of the Escorial d. Chief Steward of the Palace

d. Chief Steward of the Palace

The Classical principle of contrapposto, or weight shift, was reintroduced into Western art by the sculptor ______________. a. Ghiberti b. Verrocchio c. Pollaiuolo d. Donatello

d. Donatello

Who said "Depart not from nature according to your fancy, imagining to find aught better by yourself?" a. Holbein b. Cranach the Elder c. Mabuse d. Dürer

d. Dürer

In Riemenschneider's Assumption of the Virgin, the artist had successfully incorporated which of the following elements? a. Italian illusionism b. Byzantine spirituality c. Roman classicism d. Gothic intricacy

d. Gothic intricacy

How does Gentile da Fabriano reconcile the Adoration of the Magi with the current trends in Florentine Renaissance art? a. He included a classical nude in the predella scene of the Flight into Egypt. b. He used a "modern" architectural setting for the Adoration scene. c. The background scene of the Adoration is the classical Roman countryside. d. He depicted animals from a variety of angles and foreshortened their forms convincingly.

d. He depicted animals from a variety of angles and foreshortened their forms convincingly.

Which artist served as the dean of the painters' guild of Ghent and worked for Tommaso Portinari? a. Jan van Eyck b. Rogier van der Weyden c. Dirk Bouts d. Hugo van der Goes

d. Hugo van der Goes

Michelangelo's fascination with the human body was a lifelong pursuit. In his David he presented a perfect body with an attuned mind, prepared and ready for action. Which of the following descriptions of this work would support this statement? a. It is a combination of Greek perfection and psychological insight. b. It is a combination of Hellenistic excess and restrained emotion. c. It is a combination of athletic tension and emotional excess. d. It is a combination of athletic tension and psychological insight.

d. It is a combination of athletic tension and psychological insight.

Which of the following characterizes Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece? a. It is portraits of its patrons b. It is an exclusive concern in adhering to the teachings of Martin Luther c. It has a flat gold background d. It is an exacting rendering of anguish

d. It is an exacting rendering of anguish

Hardouin-Mansart's Church of the Invalides in Paris is reminiscent of which of the following styles? a. Versailles b. English Baroque c. Banqueting Hall, London d. Italian Baroque

d. Italian Baroque

Which of the following artists created one of the earliest portraits where the sitter engages the viewer? a. Tilman Riemenschneider b. Dirk Bouts c. Hugo van der Goes d. Jan van Eyck

d. Jan van Eyck

Who was the noble patron who commissioned Les Très Riches Heures? a. Philip the Good b. Giovanni Arnolfini c. Tommaso Portinari d. Jean, Duke of Berry

d. Jean, Duke of Berry

Which of the following eighteenth-century philosophers stressed the importance of the natural goodness of human beings and was an important forerunner of the Romantic sensibility? a. Isaac Newton b. Voltaire c. John Locke d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

In Hunters in the Snow, the artist has captured the atmosphere of a cold winter's day. The landscape is snow-covered and stark with the returning hunters wearily trudging home. It is reminiscent of earlier renditions of seasons. Which of the following also described the seasons and might have been influential in the conception of this work? a. Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Peaceful Country b. Konrad Witz's Miraculous Draught of Fish c. Masaccio's Tribute Money d. Limbourg Brothers' Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry

d. Limbourg Brothers' Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry

Which of the following made up the territory known as the Netherlands in the 16th century? a. Switzerland, Holland, and Belgium b. Bavaria, Holland, and Belgium c. Northern Italy, Holland, and Belgium d. Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium

d. Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium

In Raphael's Stanza della Segnatura, he reconciled the philosophies and teachings of Plato and Aristotle. Which of the following have also been reconciled? a. Julius II and Lorenzo de'Medici b. Rome and Florence c. Rome and England d. Paganism and Christianity

d. Paganism and Christianity

Sansovino was succeeded as chief architect of the Venetian republic by__________. a. Giulio Romano b. Michelangelo c. Della Porta d. Palladio

d. Palladio

Which of the following artists was most closely associated with the style known as classical Baroque? a. Rubens b. Caravaggio c. Bernini d. Poussin

d. Poussin

Poussin was fascinated by ancient Rome and Italian Renaissance cultures. In his Et in Arcadia Ego that fascination has been translated into a visual text illustrating rational order and classicism. It is reminiscent of which of the following artists? a. Titian b. Tintoretto c. Michelangelo d. Raphael

d. Raphael

Who was the artist who portrayed contemporaries participating in the great events of the latter half of the eighteenth century? a. Gainsborough b. Stubbs c. Wright of Derby d. Reynolds

d. Reynolds

Which of the following accounts for the decline in the role Florence played in the support of the arts at the end of the 15th century? a. death of Lorenzo de'Medici b. incursion of the French armies c. death of Masaccio d. Savonarola's brief span of power

d. Savonarola's brief span of power

The Escorial is in which country? a. Germany b. France c. England d. Spain

d. Spain

Which of the following sculptural conventions did Michelangelo use for the figure of Moses in order to create an expression of "awful wrath"? a. The straight forward pose b. The figure is staring down at viewer c. The figure is looming over the viewer d. The bulging muscles and swollen veins of the figure

d. The bulging muscles and swollen veins of the figure

How did Michelangelo's David become a political statement? a. The sheer size of the work illustrated the wealth of Florence b. David was the patron saint of the Gonzagas c. The Pope contributed to the commission d. The placement of figure near the west door of the Palazzo della Signoria

d. The placement of figure near the west door of the Palazzo della Signoria

The ceiling fresco for Gran Salone in the Palazzo Barberini in Rome is a visual eulogy to the family. The papal tiara and keys seen in the fresco announce the personal triumph of a family member. Who is that family member? a. Alexander VII b. Leo III c. Gregory VII d. Urban VIII

d. Urban VIII

Reflected in Poussin's Et in Arcadia Ego, the dominant style in France during the Baroque period was ___________________ a. tenebrism b. orientalism c. mannerism d. classicism

d. classicism

The Return from Cythera represents a group of lovers preparing to depart from the island of eternal youth. Watteau emphasized that elegance and grace using which of the following? a. form b. shape c. line d. color

d. color

Hugo van der Goes's Portinari Altarpiece is characterized by which of the following? a. its joyful angels and muted colors b. an exclusive concern with formal problems c. a flat, gold background d. its rich colors and a somber mood

d. its rich colors and a somber mood

Which of the following were among the founding members of the Bolognese Academy of Art? a. the Farnese b. the Caravaggisti c. Fra Andrea Pozzo d. the Carracci

d. the Carracci

How did historical fact replace the fanciful notions of Rome and its ancient society? a. the monumental work of Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire b. the work of Johann Winckelmann, History of Ancient Art c. the paintings of David d. the discovery and excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii

d. the discovery and excavations of Herculaneum and Pompeii

Jan van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride contains many symbols. Which of the following is an allusion to God? a. the dog b. the bedpost c. the whisk broom d. the mirror

d. the mirror

During the Great Schism, Philip the Bold of Burgundy supported ____________________. a. the pope in Rome b. the king of England c. the king of France d. the pope in Avignon

d. the pope in Avignon

Four steps of art criticism

description, analysis, interpretation, judgement

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