Art unit 3

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what accurately describes the women of Austria figure

It was carved approximately 25,000 years ago. It was found in Willendorf (present-day Austria).

How did art created during the Amarna period diverge from earlier Egyptian art?

It was relaxed and naturalistic.

Where have Cycladic figures such as this example in marble typically been found?

in burial settings

The partial fresco featured at the northern entrance to the Knossos palace, unlike Egyptian painting, conveys a sense of:


The palace at Knossos features Blank______ construction with painted columns.

post and lintel

Based on the subject matter of numerous surviving frescoes found at Knossos, which was a preoccupation of Minoan culture?


What is the purpose of an amphora?

storage vessel

The first cities of Mesopotamia arose in the southernmost area, a region called:


Which were goals of Perikles' massive construction program for the city of Athens?

to replace the temples on the Acropolis to restore the past glory of Athens to achieve greater splendor than the past

When was the Babylonian empire established by the Amorites?

1830 B.C.E

The small statuette from Willendorf was carved approximately how long ago?

25,000 years ago

Minoan culture can be traced back to approximately when?

3000 B.C.E

Kouroi and korai figures were created largely during the Blank______ century B.C.E. in the Archaic period of Greek art.

6 th

What was the significance of the carved alabaster figure and others like it in ancient Sumer?

They were substitutes for their owners offering prayers to deities.

When was the Ishtar Gate constructed?

Around 575 B.C.E.

What are some of the ways in which artists explore art itself?

Artists place themselves in works of art as the subject. Artists sometimes critique the very institutions that support them. Artists learn to make art by looking at art of the past and present.

What is the significance of Marcus Aurelius' beard in this equestrian statue?

Beards were associated with Greek philosophers and wisdom.

When are the rock paintings of the Tassili n'Ajjer region of Algeria estimated to have been made?

Between 5000 and 2000 B.C.E.

Which factor has complicated the study of Cycladic art?

Very little is known about the culture and people who made the art.

Select all the descriptions about art and the sacred realm.

Each society has formed its own view of the sacred realm and how it interacts with our own. From earliest times, art has played an important role in the relationship of humans with the sacred.

Wang Jian gives the viewer an aerial view in Shade of Pines in a Cloudy Valley for what purpose?

He wants the viewer to travel through the landscape mentally.

What is significant about Augustus of Primaporta's clothing?

He wears soldier's clothing, which prominently features Roman gods.

Which are works of art that have been purposefully damaged?

Head of an Akkadian Ruler (possibly Sargon I?) Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa Rembrandt's Sortie of Captain Banning Cocq's Company of the Civic Guard (The Night Watch)

In which ways does Old Market Woman stylistically diverge from Classical values of sculpture?

Her body is not depicted as being restrained and balanced. Her body shows age as opposed to idealized youth. Her body conveys weakened muscles and joints.

Like their forebears, the Neo-Babylonians had a formidable leader in Blank______, a patron of the arts who built a dazzling capital city at Babylon.


The creation of the Egyptian pyramids tells us what about the political power of pharaohs?

Power is divinely given through the gods.

Which are works of art that have been purposefully damaged? Multiple select question. Rembrandt's Sortie of Captain Banning Cocq's Company of the Civic Guard (The Night Watch) Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa Head of an Akkadian Ruler (possibly Sargon I?) Vermeer's View of Delft

Rembrandt's Sortie of Captain Banning Cocq's Company of the Civic Guard (The Night Watch) Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa Head of an Akkadian Ruler (possibly Sargon I?)

What did the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius help to preserve?

Roman frescoes

Based on the scenes depicted in the rock paintings of Tassili n'Ajjer, what roles did women play in this Neolithic society?

Women harvested grain. Women cared for the children.

which statements accurately describe the roles of men and women in Greek society?

Women were largely confined to the domestic sphere. Men in ancient Greece had public lives. Ideal male bodies were associated with nobility and goodness.

What did the Sumerians leave behind in addition to artifacts?

a writing system

The ______ consolidated their rule over the Mesopotamian region by about 1830 B.C.E. and established a more stable empire with its capital city at Babylon.


Which ancient culture's political ideals served as a model for contemporary democracy?

ancient greece

Greek architecture and sculpture had an enormous influence on which civilization?

ancient rome

______ is defined as a Postmodern practice in which one artist reproduces an image created by another artist and claims is as their own.


What was the most prominent architectural element used in the construction of the Colosseum?


What makes the Transcendent Buddhas recognizable from other buddhas? Multiple choice question.

clothing worn

The principal theme of Egyptian art is:


The monumental carved winged lion from the gate of Assurnasirpal's palace wears a horned cap, indicating:

divine status

The work Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk gives viewers a glimpse into what aspect of daily life?

domestic duties of court ladies

Which column type were used in the construction of the Parthenon?


Art about the self is primarily explored through the use of portraiture.


Where was this gold Mycenaean death mask uncovered?

in a circular complex of graves near the fortified palace at Mycenae

It is suggested that Sargon I, an Akkadian ruler, is depicted. How is his face rendered?

in a naturalistic manner

William Hogarth used his print The Harlot's Progress to do what?

influence how society viewed sex workers

Before it was capable of recording language, cuneiform developed as a system of wedge-shaped marks for keeping track of which aspects?

inventories, accounts

Which are unique Roman architectural features of the Maison Carrée in France?

its placement atop a tall platform a single point of access up a tall staircase an enclosed interior chamber framed by half-columns

With whom was this gold Mycenaean death mask once associated?

king Agamemnon

In ancient Mesopotamia, Blank______ were associated with kingly power, and was often seen in sculptures depicting rulers.


When the Babylonians again came to power in Mesopotamia, late in the 7th century B.C.E., they formed a kingdom now called:


What are characteristics that define the Neolithic Period?

new types of stone tools domestication of animals cultivation of fruits and grains

Which places were likely the source of Mycenaean supplies of gold?

nubia and egypt

While most surviving Cycladic figures are depicted with their arms folded across the body, some examples are carved to portray which activity?


Ziggurats were designed to be a symbolic mountaintop, which could be seen for miles around. For which groups of individuals were they designed?

priests and priestesses

What is the most famous architectural creation of the Egyptians? Multiple choice question.


Where did Henri Rousseau draw inspiration for his vibrant jungle scenes?

reading materials, local museums, and zoos

Based on the accounts of ancient historians, Greek painters strove for which of the following qualities in their work?


Which are Greek contributions to art?

red-figure painting technique realism in painting contrapposto

Which subjects were commonly featured in Minoan frescoes?

servants carrying wine vessels dancers marine life

The beginning of the Hellenistic era is usually dated to which historical event in 323 B.C.E.?

the death of Alexander the Great

The disjointed images in Robert Rauschenberg's Windward is reminiscent of what?

the energy associated with New York

Giovanni Battista Piranesi likely created his prints, The Prisons, in response to what historical movement?

the enlightenment

Which elaborate structure did the Mycenaeans build that were influenced by neighboring Egypt?


How is Robert Rauschenberg's Windward able to communicate the location depicted?

use of symbols shared by a specific society and culture

What are landscapes?

visual representations of a view of the natural world

Robert Rauschenberg's friendships with artists such as Jasper Johns, John Cage, Josef Albers, and Joan Miró greatly influenced his artistic style. True false question.


In the Chinese painting tradition, landscape artists sought to create the most accurate visual representations of a particular place.


Why would The Two Fridas give Frida Kahlo a sense of existence? Multiple choice question.

It was her way of validating her existence despite her crippling pain.

what kind of art was created to provide space for people to worship


The Romans are best known for which two areas of artistic development? Multiple select question.

architecture engineering

When, approximately, did the Mycenaean culture flourish?

between 1600 and 1100 B.C.E.

Select all the ways art made from surrounding natural materials is unique.

It's created with the understanding it will change appearance. It almost always leaves behind evidence of its existence.

What kind of subject matter falls under the theme of the everyday life, the here and now?

daily chores of ordinary people

Henri Rousseau was inspired to paint images of the jungle after a trip he took to South America in his youth. True false question.


During the Hellenistic phase of Greek art, Greek culture spread eastward into which territories?

Mesopotamia Egypt Western Asia

Knossos was the center of which Aegean culture?


What does the term iconoclasm mean?

The destruction of religious imagery due to idolatry

How does Frida Kahlo explore the concept of the self in this painting?

The double-self portrait reflects two sides of her identity.

In the context of Aztec culture, which of the following statements is true about the feathers depicted in the Florentine Codex?

The feathers were used to make clothing.

Which processes accurately describe the red-figure painting technique?

The figures are mostly left unpainted, with only thin black lines to delineate the forms. The ground of the pottery is painted black. The red hue that results is the natural color of the fired clay.

What were the three major ancient Aegean cultures?

Mycenaeans Cycladics Minoans

Why is art used in the sacred realm?

To give tangible form to unknown beings and ideas

One of many standard Greek pottery shapes, a krater was a vessel used for:


The largest structure of a Sumerian city was the:


In which ways does the limestone relief Akhenaten and His Family diverge from traditional conventions in Egyptian art?

Akhenaten and his family are depicted with more relaxed, naturalistic postures. The intimate scene of family life humanizes royal figures with absolute power.

What is significant about Judith Baca's use of a drainage canal for Great Wall of Los Angeles?

Although public, it received little attention just as the history of certain populations in the area.

What does the rounded limestone female statuette from Willendorf, present-day Austria, often serve as?

An emblem of prehistoric art

The British Museum has stated that it would consider loaning the Parthenon marbles to Greece for a limited time on the condition that:

British ownership is officially recognized.

Pablo Picasso's Guernica depicts what 20th-century event?

German bombing of a small Spanish city

What was unique about Robert Rauschenberg's art?

His experimental style challenged the boundaries between art, life, and media.

How did Frank Henderson prevent the loss of Arapaho nomadic culture when the population was forced onto reservations?

Images normally recorded on animal skins were recorded in ledgers.

What is one reason art can be its own theme?

It is created for visual pleasure.

Why is Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty considered part of the Great Salt Lake landscape?

It used the surrounding materials to create a permanent presence.

Why do scholars believe that Babylon must have been a city of brilliant color?

Stone was rare in the Mesopotamian landscape, so architects largely built with glazed bricks.

Because the Blank______ did not have stone, they built ziggurats with sun dried clay bricks


Prior to the dawn of so-called Western art, what period began around 9,000 B.C.E. and continued over 4,000 years?

The Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Period evolved into the New Stone Age or Neolithic period.

For which reasons has UNESCO's Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property recommended that the British Museum return the Parthenon marbles to Greece?

The Parthenon marbles are of Greek origin. They are concerned about the leaky roof at the British Museum.

What artistic choices does Alice Neel make in her painting of Andy Warhol to give her subject a sense of humanity?

The unfinished painting, loose brushstrokes and closed eyes give Andy Warhol a sense of vulnerability and frailty. correct

How do the Guerrilla Girls explore the art world?

They created posters detailing discrimination by art galleries and museums against women artists and artists of color.

Select all the beliefs scholars have about the significance of Cycladic figures such as this example in marble.

They may represent a certain female deity. They may be associated with fertility.

Why do artists rely on stories for subject matter?

They offer a culture's collective memory that is relatable.

In which ways did kouroi and korai figures play a role in Greek society and ritual?

They were set as grave markers in cemeteries. They were placed as offerings to the gods in sanctuaries.

For which of the following reasons has art been destroyed in the past?

for religious purposes changes of regime or political ideology in a society due to mental illness or the desire for attention on the part of the destroyer

Eugène Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People supported a revolution in which country?


Which artistic medium or process primarily survives in what was once the Minoan city of Knossos?


Hatshepsut, one of Egypt's few female rulers, is well known to history for her commission of a massive Blank______, one of the largest and most famous architectural structures from ancient Egypt.

funerary temple

Select all the adjectives that describe Cycladic art.

geometric simplified abstract

Which structure was created for a large group to worship in? Multiple choice question.

great mosque

What piece depicts the history of populations often left out of major history books?

great wall of los angeles

What popular subject matter of Assyrian reliefs is depicted here?

lion hunt

How did political art change for the modern era?

Artists chose the message they wished to create.

What does Judith Baca's piece Great Wall of Los Angeles document?

the unknown history of Los Angeles

Following the establishment of the Roman Republic, there was a long period of expansion and consolidation of territories. Which territories came to be subsumed under Roman rule?

Egypt present-day Great Britain Greece

Which Goddess was the Parthenon dedicated to?


By the time Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin, had been appointed as ambassador of England to the Ottoman court, which factors, in addition to the passage of time, accounted for the Parthenon's dilapidated state?

Early Christians had converted the Parthenon into a church and had destroyed many of its sculptures in the process. Invading Venetian forces fired on the Parthenon, which was being used to store Ottoman gunpowder, resulting in an explosion.

The exaggeration of which body parts prompted the belief that this object might be a fertility figure?

Heavy breasts Ballooning midsection

Why is the statue of Augustus of Primaporta a political piece of art?

It depicts the emperor as he wanted to be portrayed.

What is the most significant trait of this Neo-Babylonian gate?

It features a true arch, an architectural feature often associated with the Romans.

How does Alice Neel's painting Andy Warhol depict the theme of the human experience?

It focuses on evoking feeling rather than portraying realistic details.

What accounts for the name of the Mycenaean culture?

It formed around the city of Mycenae.

In which ways is the Laocoön Group emblematic of the third Hellenistic style of sculpture?

Laocoön's reaction to the murderous serpents is violent and anguished. The figural group's subject matter is filled with drama and tension. The three figures writhe in agony, thrusting their bodies outward in intense poses.

In what ways does this marble bust of a man reflect the stylistic developments that characterized Roman sculpture?

The bust's unsmiling face communicates a sense of strict self-discipline. Portrait busts such as this were inspired by wax death masks that Romans displayed to honor ancestors. The bust is a realistic portrayal of an individual as opposed to an idealized type.

Which statements are true about the Riace warriors?

The figures depict idealized male physiques. They are some of the few bronze figures that survive from ancient Greece. The figure stands in contrapposto to express the potential for motion.

Which stylistic traits indicate that this krater attributed to the Hirschfeld Workshop dates to the Late Geometric period

The painted figures are highly abstracted. Overlapping figures offer a superficial suggestion of depth.

Recent archaeological research confirms that Stonehenge was constructed for which purposes?

To mark a graveyard, possibly of a ruling dynasty As dedication to religious rituals

Which leadership qualities are conveyed by this equestrian portrait of Marcus Aurelius?

a sense of calm in victory a sense of wisdom

Art that expresses the sacred realm deals with what kind of subject matter?

gods, goddesses, and the spiritual world

Which civilization was the most influential to the development of the Roman artistic cannon?


Who were the first to speculate on the nature and purpose of art?

greek philosophers

What group brought attention to institutions' lack of women and minority artists being featured?

guerrilla girls

During which period of Greek history did Rome become prominent?


In many cultures, the presence of halos around a figure's head indicates: Multiple choice question.


Which animal was commonly depicted in art associated with martial aspects of ancient Greece and Rome?


What type of subject matter is portrayed in the theme of the natural world?

humans and their connection with nature

In what ways does The Garden of Earthly Delights demonstrate Bosch's unique innovation?

landscapes filled with unknown plants depictions of otherworldly plants and animals imaginative interpretations of textual sources

Piranesi used his imagination and what other source to create his print series Il Carceri (The Prison)?

roman justice systems

What is this fresco from the house known as Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii believed to portray?

secret cult rituals

The temples atop Sumerian ziggurats also housed ______ placed by the faithful before an image of a god or goddess.

small figures

Egyptian kings or pharaohs derived their authority from Blank______, from whom they were assumed to be descended.

the sun god Ra

Some use iconoclasm to prevent what from happening?

the worship of the object over the being

How does Hieronymus Bosch explore fantastical ideas in his painting, The Garden of Earthly Delights?

Bosch depicts a false paradise of sorts, revealing a bizarre and outlandish hellscape.

What was the name of the primary city in Minoan culture?


The bodhisattvas in the Transcendent Buddhas gives tangible form to what? Multiple choice question.

enlightened beings assisting others in reaching nirvana

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