Articles of Confederation, Constitutional Convention, and Ratification (oh my!)

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Virginia Plan

Presented by James Madison - bicameral legislature, membership based on population. Small states said NO!

5th Amendment

You don't have to testify against yourself

6th Amendment

You have a right to a speedy trial and an impartial jury. You have to be informed about what you are accused of and you have the right to confront witnesses against you.

Compromise regarding election of the president

electors chosen by the states will vote at the electorial college to deternime the president

Those who supported the Constitiution were called



government power divided between national (central) and state governments

Under Shay's rebellion, the farmers shut down the court houses to avoid what?

losing their land

4th Amendment

no unreasonable search and seizure

The land ordinace of 1785 provided for division and sale of the lands in what territory?

north western

name the states that will emerge out of the northwest territory

ohio, indianna, illinois, wisconsin, and michigan

According to the Land Ordinance of 1785, the sale of section 16 would be used to fund....

public schools

New Jersey Plan

single house legislature with all states having an equal vote.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 baned ____ in the Northwest territory (west of the Appalachians)


The southern states would not agree to the Constitution unless it allowed for....

slavery - slave trade had to be continued for 20 years.

The 2nd Continental Congress under the AOC did NOT have the power to.... (name all 5)

tax, control trade between states, settle disputes between states, draft an army, or collect state debt.

Under the Land Ordinance of 1787, land was organized into 6 by 6.....


In what year did the Constitution go into effect?


At the Constitution Convention, how did the founders solve the problem of how to count slaves?

3/5ths compromise - the slave from each state were counted as three fifths of a person when determining a states population

Under the AOC, how many states had to approve of new laws.

9 out of 13 states

Group of people who did not support the Constitution


Elastic clause

Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. constitution - also called the "necessary and proper" clause - gives congress the right to make all laws necessary to carry out its expressed powers.

In order to convince people to ratify the constitution, the federalists had to guarantee that they would add a....

Bill of Rights

The Federalist Papers

Collection of newspaper articles and journals written by Publius (really Madison, Hamilton, & Jay) written to encourage the ratification of the Constitution

Supremacy Clause

Constitution is the supreme law of the land. In other words, the federal law is more powerful than the state laws.

checks and balances

Each branch of government has the ability to limit the other branches, meaning that no branch of government can ever be too powerful.

How many delegates were sent to congress from each state? And how many votes did each state have?

Each state sent 2-7 delegates depending on population. Only one vote was allowed per state.

1st Amendment

Freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly

What type of people were likely to support the Anti-federalists?

Generally speaking, the poorer folks (farmers, states rights advocates)

At the Constitution Convention how did the founders solve the problem of representation?

Great Compromise - Lower House (House of Representatives) has representation by population, Upper house (Senate) has equal representation

10th Amendment

If its a right not given to the federal government then its a right reserved for the states.

Who was known as "the father of the Constitution?"

James Madison

9th Amendment

Just bc its not in the Bill of Rights does not mean you do not have that right (in other words, you have more rights than just the ones listed in the BoR).

2 Main accomplishements of the AOC were...

Land Ordinance of 1785 (method of allowing new states into the union) and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (set up a system for admitting territories as states)

The idea of divided government and checks and balances came from which French philosoph?


8th Amendment

No Excessive Bail or Fines No Cruel or Unusual Punishment

3rd Amendment

No quartering of troops

How many branches of government were in the Articles of Confederation?

One. The Legislative Branch consisting of a congress that made laws.

Reserved Powers

Powers left up to the states

Enumerated Powers

Powers listed for the national government. Aka Delegated powers.

7th Amendment

Right to a trial by jury, no double jeopardy (can't be tried for the same crime twice).

2nd Amendment

Right to bare arms (or bear arms, whatevs). :)

What historic event took place during the formation of the nation's government and convinced many that the AOC needed to change?

Shays' Rebellion

The main criticism of the AOC was that it left too much power for the ....


First amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and religion came from which Enlightenment philosopher?


What type of people were likely to support the Federalists?

Wealthy businessmen, highly educated, needed strong central government to make a profit from trade.


a country elected by representatives, a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

Amendments or changes and additions to the Articles of Confederation required the approval of (blank) states

all 13 states

Confederation (as in "The Articles of Confederation") made the states..

an alliance

Anti-federalists arguments

centered on the idea that the states would disappear under the power of the federal government and the national government would trample the rights of the people

The 2nd Continental Congress under the AOC had the power to... (name all 5)

declare War, form alliances, manage indian affairs, establish post offices, print money, regulate trade with other countries, borrow money, and regulate standards for weights and measures.

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