AS 111

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Effective Team has ___________.

Capabilities, power, practice clarity and commitment.




Chief Master Sergeant & First Sergeant & Command Chief Sergeant, Sergeant Major & Master Gunnery, Master Gunnery & Sergeant Major

Top E-9

Chief Master Sergnet of the The Air Force, Sergeant of the Army, Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps

Female Officer/ Enlisted Service Dress has

Coat and Matching Skirt or Slacks, Matching Tie Tab, Headgear, Rang Insignia ,



The service cap for ________ and above is mandatory


President to flight level

President, Secretary of Defense, Air Force Chief of Staff (member of Joint Chief of Staffs), Vice Chief of Staff (Chief Master Sergeant advises these guys), Air Staff (Headquarters of Air Force), MAJCOMS, Air Number Forces, Wing

Air Force Mission ________________

To fly, fight, and win in air, space and cyber space

What are Direct Reporting Units

Under Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force and help with MAJCOMS

Function of the Secretary of the Air Force

conducts the administrative affairs of the department and is directly responsible to the Secretary of Defense. In the overall administration of the department, the secretary handles matters relating to fiscal spending, production, procurement, and legal plans and programs. The secretary does not become directly involved in military operations

Watch must be ________


_________ ornaments or ________ sunglasses and eyeglasses are authorized.

conservative, nonprescription

Hair nets can be worn by men and women but must be made of _______ or _________

cotton, synthetic material similar to ones hair color

The Final Step is _______, this step encompasses _______, _____, ______,_________ and _________

delivery, method, eye contact, body movement gestures, voice transitions.

Badges: All badges except the _____ badge can be worn above the ribbons; wear a maximum of ____, any combination your choice. Center badge _______ inch above top ribbons. Center additional badges _____ inches from the first. If more than one badge is worn wear the bade with the highest _________ in the _______________.

duty, 2,1/2, 1/2, precedence, highest position.

Badges: Below Pocket wear only one __________ badge centered _________ below the top of the welt pocket. On right side of the uniform, wear only one duty/miscellaneous badge, with _________ of the badge ___________ to the top of the welt pocket. __________ badges only

duty/miscellaneous, 1 1/2 below, bottom edge of badge parallel, well polished

Earrings won't extend past the ___


Mens Facial hair must not ______

extend downward beyond lip line of the upper lip, or extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corner of the mouth

Hair must not touch ___________ when groomed


The _______ of all accouterments must match


Groups are __________________

flexible units made up of two or more squadrons

The four stages of group growth _____,_________,________,______

forming, storming, norming, preforming

"US" insignia. Wear _________ US______. Align the bottom of the insignia _________ up the seam of ________, resting on but not over, and _______________

highly polished, without the circle, halfway, collar, horizontal to the ground

A custom is _____________.

is a social convention stemming from tradition and and enforced as an unwritten law

Teams have_________________ which groups don't.

stronger sense of identification, common goals or task, task interdependence, more differentiated and specialized roles between team and members

POC must be ____ yrs old or ____ with parental consent

18, 17

POC have ______ years reamiang


Female enlisted wear _________ or ________ chevrons

2 1/2 inch or 4 inch

____ for freshman, _____ for sophomores, ______ for juniors and ______ for seniors a month in tax free allowance. Also get money between AS300 and 400 years

$250, $300, $350, $400

GMC must be _____ yrs old, _____ to receive scholarship

14, 17yrs

Talking Paper ID line should be _____ inch from the bottom of the page, _____ with left margin have ____,_______,________,______

1, flush, rank, name, organization, office symbol, phone number, typists initials, date prepared

May wear ___ bracelet, no wider then ____, _______ or ________ in color and dosen't _________

1, gold, silver, 1/2, subject wearer to harm

Talking Paper Margins are ___ inch. ____ are not required

1, headers

Bulkiness or Thickness of Men's hair may not exceed _____

1-1/4 inch

About ____ of all cadets are on scholarship


Nails will not exceed _______ from fingertip


Bulk may not exceed ________ at termination point

1/4 inch

Beard may not exceed ________ in length

1/4 inches

Females hair may not exceed ______ in bulk or be styled in a way that prevents proper use of headgear

3 inches

You can have a maximum of _____ rings but no _______ ring


Badges: a maximum of _____ earned badges may be worn


Enlisted rank insignia : wear ______

4-inche chevrons

Rank Insignia should be centered ______ inches form the end of the epaulet


Air Force has three components ______,_______,______

Active Duty, Air National Guard and Air National Reserves

POC must pass _________

Air Force Qualifying Test


Air Men Basic,Army Private, Marine Corps Private


Airman , Private E-2, Private First Class


Airmen First Class, Private First Class, Lance Corporal


Brigadier General

Males Service Dress has ________

Coat and matching trousers, tie (polyester herringbone twill), Tie Tac/Clasp (Optional), headgear ( Matching Flight Cap or Service Cap), rank insignia, blue sleeve braid, Cut Links (optional), Nametag (mandatory), Badges (Chaplain and aerospace badges are mandatory).



For blue sleeve braids _________ and below must wear __________ blue braid__________ from the end of the sleeve on the service coat

Colonel, half-inch, 3

Groups are typically lead by ___________________



First Lieutenant



Special rank

General of the Army


Lieutenant Colonel


Lieutenant General


Major General


Master Sergeant & First Class Sergeant, Sergeant First Class, Gunnery Sergeant

Groups primary functions are to __________________

Operation, Maintenance, Mission Support of Medical

Ornaments on the head and visible ornaments around the neck are________ while on duty or in uniform


Special career opportunities are also presented along with organizations like ________,__________,_________

Provisional Development training, Base visit program, Arnold Air Society


Second Lieutenant


Senior Airman, Corporal & Specialist, Corporal


Senior Master Sergeant & First Sergeant, Master Sergeant & First Sergeant, Master Sergeant & First Sergeant

Function of the Flight

Squadrons commanders span of control limited and the flight helps with efficiency.


Staff Sergeant, Sergeant, Sergeant

Hairnets must be _________________

Strong enough to support hair and may have metal fasteners


Technical Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Staff Sergeant,

Function of the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force

The Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force represents the highest enlisted level of leadership in the Air Force and represents their interests, as appropriate, to the American public, and to those in all levels of government. He serves as personal adviser to the Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Air Force on all issues regarding the welfare, readiness, morale, and proper utilization of the enlisted force.

Structure of a wing

Wing Commander (Typically Brigadier General), Wing Staff and Comptroller Squadron, Groups, Squadrons, Flight

A courtesy is _________________.

a written in a form that says do this

The Seven Step to effective communication: ____________________________.

analyze purpose and audience, research topic, support your ideas, organize and outline, write your draft edit your draft and seeking feedback.

Women Nametag worn on the wearers right side of the service dress jacket with the bottom of the nametag parallel to the bottom of the ribbons. It should be centered between _________________

between the sleeve seam and the lapel

Plain and conservative _____________ may be used to keep hair in pace but only for females

bobby pins, clips

Talking Paper Title Should be _____ with capital letters _________ from top. Use ____ specific lines that arnt bold or underlines.

centered, one, three

Function of Air Force Chief of Staff

is the military head of the Air Force and is directly responsible to the Secretary of the Air Force for the efficiency and operational readiness of the Air Force. The CSAF is also a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The Chief of Staff delegates virtually all functions as the US Air Force military head to the Vice Chief of Staff when demands of JCS duties necessitate such actions. The Vice Chief works directly with the Air Staff, making decisions and issuing orders in the name of the Chief of Staff.

Women's hair may not extend in _____________

length on all sides below an invisible line draw parallel to the ground bottom edge of the shirt collar at the back of the neck

Squadrons are __________________

lowest deplorable unit (not self-sustaining), building block of the air force and

Rank Insignia on Light Blue Shot or Long Sleeve Shirt , Officers should __________ and Enlisted may _______________

mark insignia, wear 3 or 3 1/2-inch chevrons

Men desiring to wear wigs must have________

medical reason

Air Force Members will not wear the uniform or any part of the uniform at __________

meetings the Attorney General deems as totalitarian, fascist, communist, or subversive, advocates or approves acts of force or violence to deny others their rights, or seeks to change the United States Government by unconstitutional means. When participating in anything not approved by AF.

Female officers 2d lt-Col wear epaulets and ______ rank. Center regular size grade insignia _____inches from the end of the epaulet.

metal, 5/8

You may have _______ visible piercings and Tattoos/brands will not be __________

no, not excessive

The Tie /Clasp when worn must be ______________

old shiny finish or new wing and star design

When Cuff Links are worn they can be either ______ or __________ and _________

old shiny finish, new wing, star design

Steps to Briefing, First step is ____, it encompasses the _______, the _______, and the _______ and the ________.

organization, beginning, body, ending

Talking papers are supposed to be written on __________ that is ___ by __ inches.

plain bond paper, 8, 11,

Cosmetics are _____ in field conditions


Wear all Ribbons, they must be_________ and _______ above the __________

properly sequenced, immediately, pocket welt

Hair may not ________ underneath headgear unless _______

protrude, female and its a flight cap

Women may wear ______ conservative ________, _________, _________, or _______ pierced or _______ earnings with all uniforms unless safety concerns dictate otherwise

small, diamond,gold, white pearl, silver, spherical, slip

Side- Burns must be ________ in shape and now lower then _______

straight and of even width and end in cleanly shaven lines, earhole

Second Step to Briefing is _______, encompasses _____ and _______.

support, verbal support, visual support

Men's hair must be ________ in appearance and conform to ones head curving towards ___________

tappered, termination point

____,_____, and _____ are paid for on scholarship

tuition, textbook, lab fees

Salutes are required in ______. Exchanged ___ and _____ duty and ____________________

uniform, on , off, on and off base

The nametag is worn on the _________ of the ______________ with the bottom of the ribbons. It should be centered between ________ and the _________

wearer's right side, service jacket, the sleeve seam lapel

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