Marichasana B
29th asana One leg in half lotus other bent with foot flat on mat, reach arm around the bent knee and grab hands behind back. Marichya (Ray of light (of sun or moon)) pose
Surya Namaskara A
2nd asana (pose) Sequence standing with arms up going down to standing pike then into cobra and downward dog. Sun salutation
Marichasana C
30th asana One leg straight in front other leg bent with foot flat on mat reach arm around the outer side of the bent leg and grab the other arm. Marichya (Ray of light (of sun or moon)) pose
Marichasana D
31st asana Leg in half lotus other leg bent with foot flat on ground reach opposite arm around the outer side of the bent leg. Marichya (Ray of light (of sun or moon)) pose
32nd asana Holding legs together in air balance on butt arms out in front on either side of legs, keep spine straight. Boat pose
33rd asana Balancing on hands, legs wrapped around tricep, slight bend in elbows. Arm pressure pose
34th asana Legs spread apart into a straddle with arms underneath knees with torso on floor; try to straighten knees so heels are off the floor if you can get your chin to the floor. Tortoise pose
Prasarita Padottanasana A
10th asana Standing sideways on yoga mat split legs about 4ft apart leaning down with both hands flat on mat and if you can head on mat too. Spread feet stretching pose
Prasarita Padottanasana B
11th asana Legs about 4ft apart leaning down with arms on hips elbows back head touching mat. Spread feet stretching pose
Prasarita Padottanasana C
12th asana Legs about 4ft apart leaning down with hands held behind your back try to get hands and head on mat/floor. Spread feet stretching pose
Prasarita Padottanasana D
13th asana Legs about 4ft apart leaning down grabbing big toes pulling head down to mat. Spread feet stretching pose
14th asana Standing vertically on mat in straight leg lunge, hands in prayer behind back, lean down to knee. Sideways stretching pose
Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
15th asana Leg up, one hand on hip or in air other holding big toe/foot. Extended triangle pose
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
16th asana Standing one leg in half lotus, opposite arm reaching behind back and grabbing foot, leaning down with other hand on mat/floor. Half bound lotus stretching pose
17th asana Knees half bent and together, arms up above head loo at hands. Uneven pose
Virabhadrasana A
18th asana Lunge with arms up looking at hands Warrior pose
Virabhadrasana B
19th asana Lunge with arm out, one in front, one back both straight, look forward. Warrior pose
1st asana (pose) Standing up straight Standing still
20th asana first sitting pose Siting down, back straight, legs straight out in fornt of you, tuck chin down and both hands on mat. Four-Limbed Staff Pose (staff means spine, body support)
21st asana Legs straight in front of you in pike grab your hands behind your feet and bring your torso down. West-Back (extended-intense) stretching pose
22nd asana Push feet down into mat hands on ground behind you lifting pelvis off ground with head back. Est-Front (extended-intense) stretching pose
Ardha Baddha Padma Pascimattanasana
23rd asana One leg straight in front other in half lotus leaning torso down reach arm around your back and grab the foot in half lotus. Half bound lotus forward pose
Tiryangmukha ekapada Pascimattanasana
24th asana Leg straight in front other bent with side of knee on floor lean forward and try to grab wrist around foot. One foot transversely facing back forward stretch
Janusirsasana A
25th asana Leg straight in front with other leg bent on ground with outside of knee on mat, bottom of foot touching inner thigh, lean down and grab foot Head to knee pose
Janusirsasana B
26th asana Leg straight in front with other leg bent on ground with outside of knee on mat, heel flexed under perineum leaning forward grabbing foot. Head to knee pose
Janusirsasana C
27th asana Leg straight in front with other leg bent, knee and toes on mat, heel up and leaning forward grabbing behind foot if you can. Head to knee pose
Marichasana A
28th asana One leg straight in front other bent with bottom of foot flat on mat reach arm around the bent leg and grab other hand behind back and lean forward. Marichya (Ray of light (of sun or moon)) pose
Supta Kurmasana
35th asana Arms under knees legs bent with feet together lean forward so head touches the inside of your feet; try to get your feet crossed behind your head Sleeping tortoise pose
Garbha Pindasana
36th asana Lotus with arms through the legs and hands on chin; rock back 9 times Embryo in the womb pose
37th asana Still in lotus with hands through the legs go up on hands and hold there. Roster pose
Baddha Konasana
38th asana Bottoms of feet touching each other hold feet and try to get knees touching floor. Bound angle pose
Upavishta Konasana
39th asana Straddle your legs and grab your feet with your hands, lean your torso down. Seated angle pose
Surya Namaskara B
3rd asana (pose) Sequence standing with arms up and knees bent down to standing pike next to cobra and downward dog and then to a lunge with back leg straight and arms out one pointing front and one pointing back repeat on other side. Sun salutation
Supta Konasana
40th asana straddle your legs while grabbing your feet have tour toes touch the floor above your head so you are just on your shoulders and top of back. Sleeping angle pose
Supta Padangushtasana
41st asana Lay on back and grab your foot to pull your leg up. Lateral sleeping thumb to foot pose
Ubhaya Padangushtasana
42nd asana Balancing on you butt with your legs out straight in air holding your toes. Both thumbs to feet pose
Urdhva Mukha Paschimattanasana
43rd asana Grab your feet with your legs straight up balance on your butt and pull your head close to your legs. Upward facing forward stretch pose
Setu Bandhasana
44th asana Balancing on your head and heals arching back, put hands crossed on chest. Bridge configuration (construction) pose
Urdhva Dhanurasana
45th asana Both hands and feet pressing into the floor arching back as much as you can keeping arms straight (its a bridge) Elevated bow pose
46th asana Legs straight out in pike grab hands behind your feet, lean down. West-Back (extended-intense) stretching pose
Salamba Sarvangasana
47th asana first finishing pose Using your elbows and tricep to balance with your feet up in the air and your hands on your hips get back and legs as straight as possible looking at your legs. (candlestick) All limbs pose
48th asana From candlestick bring your feet down to the floor over your head so your in a pike upside down with your hands on the floor. Plow pose
Karna Pidasana
49th asana Hands still on floor on your back your knees by your ears and shoulders get them on the floor squeeze your ears with your legs Ear pressure pose
4th asana Go down into standing pike & grab your big toes with your first two fingers. Thumb to foot pose
Urdhva Padmasana
50th asana Still on your back bring your legs back up and put your legs in lotus and move hands to your knees. Elevated lotus pose
52nd asana Coming down slowly laying on your back arch your back, getting pressure form your heals by straightening or bending or somewhere in between your legs, whatever works best. Fish pose
52nd asana Legs still in lotus bring them down to the ground near your head and shoulders, grab around your legs. Embryo pose
Uttana Padasana
53rd asana Holding the arch in your back straighten legs in air using your stomach, hold arms straight out in air, hands together. Extended foot pose
54th asana Hands grabbed together on mat with your elbows slightly apart put your head in between bent arms and push off grounds so your legs and back are straight. (headstand) Head standing pose
Baddha Padmasana
55th asana Sitting up straight in lotus position with your arms crossed behind your back grabbing opposite foot. Bound lotus pose
56th asana Sitting up straight in lotus position with hands in Yoga Mudra (okay); deep breaths Lotus pose
57th asana Hands on floor, legs in lotus position, lifting of ground. Sprung up
58th asana last pose Lay down on back spreading legs and arms apart deep breaths. Corpse pose
Pada Hastasana
5th asana Go into standing pike with hands flat under your feet palms facing up. Hand to foot pose
Utthita Trikonasana
6th asana In straight leg lunge with with your hand next to foot or grabbing big toe and opposite arm vertical in the air and look at the hand in the air. Extended triangle pose
Parivrtta Trikonasana
7th asana In straight leg lunge with opposite hand as leg on the outer side of the foot and other arm straight up in the air. Revolved extended triangle pose
Utthita Parsvakonasana
8th asana Lunge with same side shoulder over the bent knee and other arm straight up in air reaching over while looking at arm in air. Extended side way angle pose
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
9th asana Lunge with opposite side arm over the bent knee and other arm straight up in air reaching over while looking at arm in air. Revolved extended side way angle pose