Asking and answering difficult questions
Asking questions aggressively
Are you saying that?
Asking probing questions
Could you be a little more precise?
Asking probing questions
Could you be more specific, please?
Asking questions aggressively
Could you clarify that comment, please?
Asking questions politely
Could you please tell me...?
Asking questions aggressively
Do you deny people have been...?
Asking questions aggressively
Do you deny that...?
Checking if you understand
Have I got this right? Are you saying?/suggesting...?
Asking questions politely
I am interested to know why...
Checking if you understand
I am not sure I understood you. Could you rephrase that, please?
Avoiding a straight/precise answer
I can't give you an answer off the top of my head.
Playing for time
I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Avoiding a straight/precise answer
I'll have to think about it.
Dealing diplomatically with questions
I'm happy to answer that.
Asking questions aggressively
Isn't it true you've been...?
Asking questions aggressively
Isn't your real reason for not...?
Asking questions aggressively
Roughly how many...?
Avoiding a straight/precise answer
Sorry, I am not sure I know the answer to that one.
Playing for time
Sorry, I can't give you an answer straight away.
Thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Dealing diplomatically with questions
That's an interesting question. Let me answer it this way...
Asking questions aggressively
What are you trying to say?
Asking probing questions
What do you mean exactly?
Asking questions aggressively
When exactly will you get back to us?
Asking questions aggressively
When will that be? When exactly will you get back to us?
Asking questions aggressively
Why you are still selling them?
Asking questions aggressively
Would you answer my question, please?