ASL1B Final Exam Study

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Which of the following descriptions matches the sign for the word "Stop"?

"chopping" one hand into the other

Your Deaf friend Marcus is a gifted artist and is very much into De'VIA. Knowing this, which painting below would Marcus most likely have painted?

A person wearing cochlear implants that have burst into flames.

Miguel, a Deaf high school student who attends his local neighborhood public school, has a designated note taker and an interpreter for several of his classes. What are the note taker and interpreter both examples of?

Accommodations guaranteed to students under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

What is true about Helen Keller's life?

Although deaf-blind, she wrote many books and gave many lectures.

What was the civil rights movement?

An organized series of efforts by African Americans to end racial discrimination and gain equal rights under the law.

Which of the following is an example of a subject matter that you might find in resistive art?

Being ignored by a hearing family.

Who founded the National Theater for the Deaf (NTD)?

Broadway professionals and people from Gallaudet College

Why could someone argue that some of Charlie Chaplin's success can be attributed to Granville Redmond, a talented Deaf actor?

Chaplin used some of Redmond's techniques and even added him to his own films.

Malcolm attends a school for Deaf students. Lately he has been seeing lots of posters and flyers on the walls advertising a school-wide "De'VIA" show. What type of event is being advertised in his school?

Deaf View/Image Art, a type of Deaf art that covers all of the visual arts and is by Deaf artists and about Deaf life.

What does Deaf social life celebrate?


All visual art made by Deaf artists is De'VIA art.


Cochlear implants are an example of mainstreaming.


During the oralism movement, both Black sign language and traditional ASL fell out of favor in their respective communities.


Even with the advent of pagers and mobile phones, TTY is used just as much, if not more these days.


For someone who identifies as Deaf, there are multiple technologies that will make them feel 100 percent like a "hearing" person.


Hearing aids are only useful for and used with elderly individuals, not young Hard of Hearing individuals.


If you are signing 68, you twist to the right if right-handed and to the left if left-handed.


If you do not choose to specialize in working with the Deaf, you will find that your ASL skills will not increase your usefulness at all, even at a job where there are some Deaf employees.


In contrast to spoken poetry, it is not possible to alter rhythm for artistic expression in ASL Poetry.


Job opportunities for the Deaf have significantly decreased over recent decades.


Los Angeles is known for having the largest per capita concentration of Deaf people.


Name signs are given out to anyone who wants one.


Resistive art often includes the theme of acceptance.


Since the Deaf community does not like to consider deafness a disability, the ADA did not want to insult them and add activities accessible to Deaf people.


Technology not only helps some Deaf people interact with the hearing world but also it has the ability to make a Deaf person's hearing the same as a hearing person's.


The Deaf community largely supported the lifeguard who interpreted during Hurricane Irma.


The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in jobs, schools, transportation, and all programs that are open to the general public.


The sign for "Chef" uses the C handshape.


The sign for the word "Police officer" uses the handshape for the letter "O" for "Officer."


To sign a past-tense verb in ASL, you use your extended thumb to point behind you to indicate the past.


When using the appropriate register, you would be more informal when interpreting at a business meeting and more formal when facilitating conversations at a social party.


When signing the word "calendar," you can imagine that you are doing what?

Flipping through the pages of your calendar.

Which of the following is true about signing the names of the months in ASL?

If the month's name is longer than five letters, you spell out the first three letters.

Your grandma's 78th birthday is coming up, and you want to surprise her by learning to sign "Happy Birthday" in ASL for her! You want to add "Happy 78th birthday dear Grandma" in there to really show off your numbers, but you know you'll need extra practice signing "78" before you perform your song for your whole family. To help you learn the sign for "78" faster, you write down instructions for yourself based on being right-handed. What do those instructions say?

Make the handshape for 7, then rock/twist slightly toward the left as you make the shape for 8.

Which of the following was an outcome of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disability Education Act?

More Deaf children began to receive education in regular schools in either special or general education classrooms.

Marie is Black and Deaf and regularly follows the Twitter account of an organization that promotes opportunities and equality for Black Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. What account does she follow?

National Black Deaf Advocate

ABC stories are a popular form of ASL literature. What is another major form of ASL literature?

Number stories

Which set of number signs includes a rocking or twisting motion?

Numbers where both digits of the number are 6 or higher (with the exception of 66, 77, 88 and 99).


Out of the corner of your eye, you just saw your friend sign this word. What is the conversation she is having LIKELY about?

You're visiting a De'VIA art show. You see a photograph of a doctor pointing a megaphone toward a patient who seems to be in tears. What type of art is being depicted in this photo?

Resistive art

All of the months that are longer than five letters are signed by spelling out the first three letters. Which month is the exception to this rule and is shown by spelling the first four letters?


What is another name for Total Communication?

Simultaneous Communication

What holiday is signed by bringing a "Q" from chin to chest or by using a common alternate, with two hands signing "thanks" with a double arch to the front?


Winter break is coming up, and in your ASL class you are learning to sign about what you will be doing during your break. You want to make sure you can understand the difference between the signs "cold" and "winter." What would help you remember this?

The context of the sign in the sentence as a whole.

What is the difference between the general sign for "Person", and the sign for "Person" when it is used as part of a job title?

The general sign for "Person" and the sign for "Person" when it is used as part of a job title use flat hands, but when it is used as part of a job title, another sign precedes it.

The sign for birthday has many variations; what is the most common variation that is used these days?

The middle finger touching the chin then the chest.

What is similar about the signs for "tomorrow" and "yesterday"?

They are both signed in the direction that the word indicates: in front of you = future and behind you = past.

You're driving with your deaf friend in the car and they turn up the radio so loudly that it is almost too loud to listen to! By instinct, you instantly reach for the volume and turn it down immediately. After this, you notice that your friend has become upset and a little standoffish. Why do you think this is?

They can only enjoy music by feeling the vibrations of the car speakers.

Affirmative art can be any type of art that is about Deaf empowerment.


After the landmark Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision in 1954, public schools across America were theoretically desegregated.


Alliteration is when the same beginning letter or sound is used in a series of words.


Although many music venues are making an effort to include ASL interpreters at concerts and performances, many Deaf people still don't feel they can appreciate music.


Being able to communicate accurately in classes, over the phone, or understand a lecture or movie improves lives and smashes some of the communication barriers that often hinder Deaf people in their everyday lives.


De'VIA identifies art that is by Deaf artists about Deaf life.


Employers are required to accommodate Deaf workers and provide them assistance to communicate effectively.


Even while using assistive technology, many Deaf people still rely on or prefer to use sign language.


Gallaudet University is located in Washington, DC.


If you are right handed and signing the number 67, you will sign the number 6, then rock to the left as you sign the number 7.


Initially, Deaf audiences complained that NTD's productions were too heavily geared towards hearing audiences.


It is very difficult to prove that someone was not hired by an employer due to being deaf.


Not all Deaf kids live near a day school so residential schools are often a very good option for Deaf children who want to be surrounded by other Deaf students.


The Code of Professional Conduct includes the following elements: confidentiality, professional skills, appropriate conduct to the situation, respect for consumers and colleagues, ethical business practices, and continuing education. Confidentiality, or keeping client information private, is exceptionally important for interpreters.


The more you watch people signing, the more you will be able to understand ASL.


The sign for "winter" uses both hands.


The word 'zoo' is so short that you simply fingerspell it when expressing it in ASL.


When signing the names of the months, if the month name has five or fewer letters, you spell out the whole month.


When signing two-digit numbers where both digits are six or higher, anytime that the second digit is smaller, you rock to the right.


Pam, a hearing individual, is enjoying herself at a local Deaf event when she realizes that she has accidentally begun to walk through two people having a signed conversation. How should Pam handle this situation?

Walk through quickly without ducking or talking.


What word is being signed in the video?


What word is being signed in the video?


Which of the following words is being signed in the video?

three of us

Which phrase is being signed in the video?

"What are you wearing tomorrow?"

Which question below would prompt a response that would include this word?

When does the bilingual-bicultural education model recommend that Deaf students begin learning English as a second language?

at a young age

How can you describe an acceptable way to sign the word "Easter" in ASL?

both hands in "E" shape, palms out, doing small outward circles

Your friend Marissa is writing a paper about the evolution of medical technology that assists the deaf-blind community. Which of the following is likely NOT a tool that she would discuss in her paper?

closed-captioning systems

Your friend Michelle has been stressed lately. Though she is working very hard at her job, she doesn't feel like she is taken seriously because she is a woman and is also Black. What term could we use to describe Michelle's experience?

double minority

Which sign begins with the sign for "Work"?


Which of the following signs does NOT incorporate the handshape that is the first letter of that word in English?


Jonah is a Deaf teenager who attends a school where he spends most, if not all, of the school day in classes with his hearing peers. What type of learning environment is Jonah involved in?


Mrs. Hernandez, the Spanish teacher at your school, has started an initiative to help immigrant students from Mexico join native English-speaking students in the regular classroom. This is a change from having immigrant students attend classes in their own Spanish-speaking wing of the school. What principle is this an example of?


What term refers to a unique sign that acts as a personal identifier for one person in particular and is earned by participating in the Deaf community for a very long time?

name sign

Which word below is signed using the first letter of that word?


What part of the body is touched when making the sign for "Boss"?


When signing "Independence Day", you generally have two "I" hands that separate, become independent, and then the sign for "day." What is an alternate way to sign "Independence Day"?

spell July 4

In order to help her students learn signs, your ASL teacher has offered to employ a technique that many deaf-blind individuals use where she allows students to not only look at her when she signs but also touch and feel what her hands are doing with each sign. What is this an example of?

tactile signing

Which gesture matches the sign for "hot"?

taking something hot from your mouth

Which sign uses the handshape of the first letter of the word in the sign?


To sign the word "Thursday," you sign "T" then "H" in a small clockwise circle; however, many people only use which letter?

the "H"

You are practicing signing a particular word that requires you to make an "H" letter shape and draw it down your chest. What is this word?


When speaking, how do hearing people often appear to those who use ASL as their first language?

unemotional and rigid

For your ASL midterm, you have been asked to write an ASL piece that uses like handshapes throughout. What is this an example of?

visual rhyming

What "action" can help you remember the sign for "summer"?

wiping sweat from your brow

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