Assessment quick check 3 and 7 quiz
protrudes through skin
A compound fracture is diagnosed if the bone:
Pelvis tilted to one side
Antonia has scoliosis. Which physical sign is she most likely to exhibit?
low back musculature that is very tight.
Gordon is 36 years old and 80 pounds overweight, carrying most of the extra pounds in his abdomen. He has lordosis and is in constant pain. This is due to:
Delayed closure of fontanelles
Joseph and Mariah have a daughter who is 18 months old. Their pediatrician is concerned the little girl might have rickets. Which factor would indicate this?
Vitamin D
Keoki is 7 years old and a very picky eater. His mother notices that her son's legs are bowing out and he often complains about tenderness in his limbs. She brings him to his pediatrician who diagnoses Keoki with rickets. What supplement might the healthcare professional suggest for Keoki?
Mae is 79 years old and was diagnosed with osteoporosis 10years ago. Her healthcare professional is monitoring Mae's bone health but is concerned that, even with medication and weight-bearing exercise, Mae's bones are becoming quite brittle. Which of Mae's cells are most likely too active?
secrete bone matrix which mineralizes to form new bone.
Monique is 28 years old and is concerned about having osteoporosis later in life. Her grandmother had it, and her mother was recently diagnosed with it. Monique knows her best option is to prevent osteoporosis from developing in her bones. Currently, she is researching ways to boost the activity of her osteoblasts because these cells:
The breaking of a bone or the associated cartilage is called a(n) ____.
genetic deficiency of growth hormone.
The cause of dwarfism is:
weakened vertebrae.
The most common cause of kyphosis is:
excessive body weight.
The most common cause of lordosis is:
Radiograph for degree of curvature
Which diagnostic test is used for a patient with scoliosis?
Which of these terms refers to a humped curvature in the thoracic spine (hunchback)?
Which of these terms refers to a lateral curvature of the spine, commonly seen in the thoracic and lumbar regions?
Which of these terms refers to enlarged bones in the hands, face, and jaw due to excessive amounts of growth hormone?
Which of these terms refers to exaggerated inward curvature of the lumbar spine (swayback)?
Which of these terms refers to loss of bone mass with resulting structural deterioration of bone tissue?
Waddling gait
Which sign do patients with osteomalacia have?
Twisting one end of a bone while the other end is firmly planted
Which type of trauma results in a spiral fracture?
Fracture repair
Zoe's body formed a hematoma, then a soft callus which was replaced with a bony callus, and finally the bony callus was remodeled. Which process did Zoe's body undergo?