AT Exam Questions

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"My leg pain is a 6/10"

26. It is recommended that individuals who are attempting to loose weight without medical procedures can safely loose _____ pounds per week.



2. Touching the lateral malleolus to check for pain

Orbital fracture

3. Diplopia, restricted eye movement, downward displacement of the eye

The proper way to fit crutches is:

30 degrees elbow flexion, 6" outside of feet, 2" in front, 1" below axilla

The most crucial stage in maturity is the _______ stage because of ________________.

3rd, increased speed of bone growth

8. If the flash to bang is 30 seconds, how far away is lightning occurring?

6 Miles

If the quads can lift 100 lbs, the hamstrings should be able to lift ____ lbs.


41. The 4pm workouts for today are scheduled to be outside and temps are projected to be in the upper 90's. You are keeping a close eye on the relative humidity because if it reaches _____ you will have to restructure practice to include more rest time and water breaks so everyone doesn't overheat.


Mandibular dislocation

A direct blow to the side of the jaw with an open mouth

A common foot condition with a sudden onset of pain in the arch region from forced DF and MTP extension. The pain is relieved when the person is non-WB. They report extreme point tenderness at the plantar surface of the calcaneus. These symptoms most likely indicate a ______ injury:

A plantar fascia strain

Damage to the _____ ligament is commonly associated with syndesmotic tears resulting in a high ankle sprain and prolonged recovery.


Your roommate has a fever and a headache and you want to give him/her an over-the-counter medication that will help these two symptoms, but not have other un-needed actions on their body. Which of the following medications would be the most appropriate?


47. When a patient raises their arm from their side to above their head they are performing a(n) _______ range of motion technique.


Movement that is performed solely by the athlete is called:


This injury occurred from direct impact to the posterior elbow. The injury pictured is an example of:

Acute olecranon bursitis

33. If the intensity of an activity is such that sufficient oxygen can be supplied to meet the demands of working tissues, the activity is:


The outer periphery of the intervertebral disk composed of strong fibrous tissue is called the:

Annulus fibrosus

A grade II lateral ankle sprain indicates damage to which ligaments?

Anterior Talofibular and Calcaneofibular

A positive anterior drawer test at the ankle indicates damage to which ligament?

Anterior talofibular

Plantar fascial strain is commonly associated with significant pain through the arch and is often painful with the 1st few steps in the morning or after sitting/laying down for a long period of time. This particular injury has a MOI that caused it (forced DF and MTP extension). Plantar fasciitis is not associated with a MOI


This test will result in pain if the patient has a torn meniscus:

Apley's Compression

Select all of the organs that are found in the right lower quadrant in a four quadrant abdominal sectioning.

Appendix Bladder Large Intestine


Ask the patient to stick out their tongue

Cranial Nerve VII

Ask your patient to smile

28. A decrease in muscle size due to disuse is:


If there is poor blood supply to a fractured area and a portion of the bone does not heal and eventually dies, this is called:

Avascular necrosis

Which of the following is associated with significant damage or chronic degeneration of the femoral head and/or femoral neck? The person usually walks with an antalgic gait.

Avascular necrosis Legg Calve' Perthes disease Slipped capital femoral epiphysis

Most serious cervical injuries in football result from purposeful:

Axial loading as a result of spearing (may include some neck flexion)

All of the following would be performed during the primary survey EXCEPT: Select the BEST answer

Bandage a lower leg laceration that is 1/8" deep.

21. A mineral that is extremely important in the body's ability to create a muscle contraction, blood clotting, and proper nerve function is?


30. Stroke volume and heart rate determine the _____________ of the heart.

Cardiac Output

You are at a Texas State football game on November 15th and the Bobcats just scored the go ahead extra point to put them up by 1 to win the game with 15 seconds on the clock. The game kicked off at 7pm. Everyone around you is high-fiving and jumping around except the man in his mid-50s who has been sitting/standing in front of you the whole game. He sat down after the last play and hasn't gotten up. He is now slumped down in his chair. His wife turns to him to see if he is ok, but cannot get him to respond. You introduce yourself as a first responder and ask if you can help. You determine that the has no pulse and is not breathing. He also has no signs of injury. His wife tells you he has no known medical history, except a torn ACL when he was 20yo. What is his most likely diagnosis and what should you do next?

Cardiac arrest. Get him on the ground while your buddy gets the stadium EMS crew. Perform CPR until they arrive with an AED.

Abnormal heart sounds

Cardiovascular Screening

Tapping over the transverse carpal ligament tests for:

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Which of the following portions of the spine have a convex curve anteriorly?

Cervical, lumbar

You are an EMT-Paramedic who is called to a 2-vehicle car crash with 4 involved persons. When you arrive you do not notice any gas leaking or other signs of imminent danger. You assess the conscious female driver of car #1 who has a closed-fracture of her left femur. How should you care for her? Select the BEST answer with the correctly ordered evaluation.

Check her popliteal pulse (posterior knee). Ask her to move her toes. Have her close her eyes, touch her knee and ask her to identify where you are touching her. Immobilize her leg.


Check pupils bilaterally

Patellar tendonitis is an example of:

Chronic inflammation

Select all the possible mechanisms for a person to contract a bloodborne disease.

Cleaning up dried blood from a patient that was profusely bleeding 2 days ago with soap and water. Life-saving blood transfusion after surviving a near-fatal car accident Getting a tattoo from a licensed or unlicensed artist. Unprotected vaginal or anal sex. Sharing needles

A wrist fracture resulting from the distal radius being forced backward and upward (hyperextension), is called a:

Colles' fracture

Your son just fell off the swing and hit his mouth on the ground. He runs over and shows you that the top ¼ of his front, lower incisor is missing. It is bleeding and he says that the cold air is hurting it. He has a(n):

Complicated crown fracture

All of the following should be performed on the sideline following a possible head injury except:

Computerized Neurocognitive Assessment

This contraction occurs in your hamstrings during knee flexion


Postconcussion Syndrome

Concussion signs &/or symptoms lasting at least 3 months post-injury

46. __________ is not one of the 5 domains of athletic training.

Conducting pre-participation physical examinations

45. You are at the zoo with your family when you notice an older gentleman collapse on the ground. His sweet wife has no idea what to do. She kneels down next to him calling his name over and over and begins crying. Because you are certified in CPR/AED/1st Aid you approach, ask permission to treat, determine CPR is necessary and begin compressions and breaths. During the process you hear/feel a few pops in his chest as you compress his sternum. You:

Continue performing CPR until EMS arrives without worry. You are covered by the Good Samaritan Law.

34. The best, most accurate measure of body fat is:

DXA Scans

Which of the following is not a physical response to stress?

Decreased bp Pupillary constriction Increased anxiety

Mandibular fracture

Deformity, loss of occlusion, bleeding around teeth, positive x-rays

39. Which of the following conditions does NOT indicate a possible medical disqualification from collision/contact sports?


Nasal fractures

Direct blow

During a weekend hike in the mountains your best friend's left leg falls between two rocks and he screams in pain. After 15 minutes of struggling to get him loose you realize that he is bleeding profusely from a large, deep gash in his upper-inner thigh. The blood is bright red. None of answers will have all of the steps for treating someone who is profusely bleeding. Select the BEST answer that correctly orders your treatment plan.

Direct pressure over the laceration, elevate the entire leg, direct pressure over the anterior hip

43. Medicare is an insurance program for whom?

Disabled and aged

A __________ injury will always occur at a joint and results in ligament and capsular damage; nerve damage and bone fractures should always be suspected; it does not reduce itself. Select the BEST answer


This contraction occurs in your abdominal muscles when you slowly lower your upper back/shoulders to the floor when performing crunches


Your patient sustained a lower spinal cord injury as well as soft tissue damage to his lower extremities. He is having trouble contracting his quad. You want to determine if the case is caused by a decreased electrical signal to the muscle, or if the muscle itself has been damaged. What diagnostic test would be most appropriate in assisting your decision?


10. Making decisions about clinical care of individual patients based on the supporting evidence in professional literature is known as:

Evidence based medicine

31. Which of the following are not included under the sports medicine umbrella?

Exercise Physiology Strength and Conditioning Athletic Training Sports Massage

40. When an athlete assumes the risk of the sport that means that they can sue for any accidents that may occur.


6. EAPs only apply to outdoor athletic facilities.


A hydrocollator pack would be the best modality to heat an injured finger.


An acute subdural hematoma is caused by a venous bleed and is a common cause of death in athletes.


Every time a host is infected with an infectious microorganism they will immediately begin progressing through all 5 stages of pathogen infection with the incubation phase always being the shortest phase.


Healthcare facilities should mandate that all employees wear latex gloves to prevent spread of disease.


If you come upon an unresponsive minor (<18 year-old) you cannot treat them until you have parental consent.


Jones Fractures occur in the 2nd metatarsal bone.


LCL sprains are more common than MCL sprains.


The abdominal muscles are the key to core stability.


The correct ratio of bleach to water for a disinfectant is 9:1.


The rotator cuff muscle most commonly injured is the infraspinatus.


Valgus stress of the elbow assesses the radial collateral ligament of the elbow.


Visually observing an elbow at a 45-degree angle of flexion will show the olecranon process and both humeral epicondyles in a straight horizontal line.


22. Athletic Trainers are only found in the secondary and collegiate settings.

False, they are found in many different settings

32. When a sprinter runs the 60-yard dash he/she is primarily using which type of muscle fiber?

Fast Twitch (Type 2)

5. ______ is a potentially fatal condition that develops when individuals have an eating disorder, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis.

Female athlete triad


Fever reducer

Bursae injuries are associated with the following: (Select all that apply)

Friction can result in extreme swelling/edema Pain Protects against chronic irritation

The tarsometatarsal joint lies between:

G,H, I, F and J, K, L, M, N

Select the injuries that are most commonly associated with the MOI depicted in the attached photo. Hint: Look at the thumb position.

Gamekeeper's and Bennett fracture

The following test(s) can be used to assess sugar levels. Select all that apply

Glucometer Urinalysis

The MOI for the above injury was a direct blow to the tip of the shoulder and the evaluation resulted in a positive piano key. What injury do you suspect?

Grade 3 AC sprain

Your star hitter/attacker (the front row player who jumps up and hits the volleyball) just smashed the ball in her opponents face and scored your team the game winning point. When she came down she landed on her opponents foot and forcibly inverted her ankle. Upon evaluation you determine that she has significant ankle joint instability. Her pain was initially very severe, but it is subsiding fairly quickly. What injury does she have?

Grade 3 Sprain

4. ____ are methods to used to reduce or prevent heat illness. Select all that apply

Graduate increase in exercise intensity and duration over several days Electrolyte beverages Unlimited water breaks

2. ___ is the act that says medical records cannot be release unless permission is given.


The _________ are the most commonly injured thigh structure.


Which of the following are qualities of a synovial joint? Select all that apply

Has a capsule or ligaments Has a joint space Lined with a synovial membrane

A disc herniation:

Has pain reduction in sustained extension

You are the primary responder (at the head) for a 16 year-old male soccer goalie who was kicked in the neck when attempting to block a shot. She is laying supine, but you suspect a c-spine injury since she is reporting neck pain and distal numbness/tingling. EMS has been alerted and is in route. What is the most effective and safest way to put her on a spine board with at least 4-5 people? Assume a c-collar has already been applied for all scenarios.

Have 6 other people spread out down her body and on your count pick her up so the spine board can be slid underneath her body by a 7th person. Everyone will then lower her to the board on your count. Have someone unlatch a scoop stretcher and slowly close it underneath her body until it the latch locks again while you hold c-spine immobilization.

15. What are some of the things one can do to reduce his/her risk of litigation?

Have an EAP at each site Documentation Communication

Cranial Nerve II

Have your patient read the Snellen Eye Chart from 20 ft away with each eye separately

13. Your patient is an 80-year-old woman who has been at a music festival all day in 90°F temps. She comes to you with cool, clammy skin, dizziness, profuse sweating, and a headache. Her core temp is 102°F. What is your initial clinical diagnosis?

Heat exhaustion

20. The most common cause of indirect sports death is:


Your star point guard took a hard knee to the quad in the game last night. He came limping into practice today. Which of the following should you tell him to avoid so he doesn't develop myositis ossificans? Select all that apply

Heavy squats Heat Running

16. Which one of the following is not a goal of a professional organization?

Help clinicians make the majority of their decisions

Which of the following should be used today to care for your patient who sustained a severe deep quad contusion yesterday?

Ice pack Crutches Ace Wrap

12. The primary purpose of a pre-participation health exam is:

Identify whether an athlete may be at risk before he/she participates in a specific sport

Following an injury or surgery, when should the rehabilitation process be initiated?

Immediately after the injury occurs


Increase the excretion of urine


Inhibit or reduce coughing


Interference with the necessary metabolic process of pathogenic microorganisms.

Which of the following is NOT a sign for a fractured femur?

Internally rotated hip

The process whereby ions in solution are carried through the intact skin by an electrical current is called:


When an athlete is asked to perform sitting knee extension at 90 degrees per second (set speed)


After an ACL surgery an athlete is told to squeeze their quadriceps muscles as hard a they can without moving their hip or knee.


This contraction occurs when you are holding a drinking glass still in your hand while you talk to a friend


Bench press (full motion - down to chest and back up)-


An avulsion or rupture of the flexor digitorum profundus is commonly called:

Jersey Finger

Stress fractures most commonly occur to:

K and L

Some friends are over in Sewell playing ultimate frisbee. Seth plants hard on his right leg to cut to the left to get away from Amanda. When he does this he falls to the ground yelling and grabbing his knee. Amanda yells at you (the only person in the group who takes classes in HHP) saying she thinks Seth dislocated his knee cap. What would you expect to see when you get to him?

Knee is flexed and patella has moved and is superficial to his LCL.

A brachial plexus injury on the left side is caused by:

Left sidebending of the neck. Downward pressure on the left shoulder with forced sidebending to the right.

Which of the following would NOT be included in the observation part of a foot and ankle assessment?

Ligament laxity

Special Tests

Ligament laxity tests

7. Which of the following answers correctly provides effective methods to minimize circadian dysrhythmia when traveling west?

Load up on sun light, eat a heavy meal late in the day

37. In giving emergency treatment for a heat stroke victim, the athletic trainer should direct efforts at:

Lowering the victim's body temperature by immersion in cold water, simultaneously have someone call 911

29. Mark weighed in before football practice today at 200lbs. After practice he weighed in at 192. He gave you a high five as he sprinted out of the building on his way to dinner. What does he need to do to practice tomorrow?

Mark needs to push his fluids and eat his regular meals. He will need to gain back 4-5lbs overnight so he can practice tomorrow.

Appendectomy 3 years ago

Medical History

Injuries to the musculotendinous unit commonly occur at all of the following sites except in the?

Mid-tendon area

19. Sam is an EMT-Basic who is trained in CPR, 1st Aid, AED, and splinting of severe injuries. She is assisting with a patient who is in cardiac arrest and has to put the pads on the patient's torso before they turn on the AED to shock him. She was getting yelled at by a firefighter to "hurry up" and instead of putting them on the left side of the chest and ribs, she puts them on the right. This is an example of:


Your patient strained their hamstring 2 days ago and she is now walking around with her knee in slight flexion causing her to limp. She also does not have full knee extension (AROM or PROM) due to pain. What is the most likely cause?

Muscle guarding

______ is not an example of prolonged immobilization.

Muscle hypertrophy


My patient has a grade 3 ATF sprain of their left ankle

Improper care of a thigh contusion leading to incomplete absorption of the hematoma, which later produces formation similar to cartilage or bone, is called:

Myositis ossification

The most common form of internal drug administration is:


Passive range of motion

Orthopedic Screening

Ruptured tympanic membrane


44. Athletes who continually lift heavier weights, push themselves to run faster or jump higher are applying what principle?


Immediate care for this basketball player should include:

PMS Application of a sling Referral

When a fracture of the lower leg is suspected, what test can be done to confirm your suspicions?

Percussion Test

Which phase of the rehabilitation should include functional progressions?

Phase III

As a clinician you may have to treat patients suffering from _______ which is associated with a persistent and irrational fear of a specific event, activity, or object that creates an intense desire to avoid the feared stimulus.


Vision assessment

Physical Examination

Which of the following mechanisms would not be used to assess the "P" on the AVPU scale?

Pupillary response

23. Sixty-five percent of the heat produced by the body is lost in cold weather by:


35. Which of the following is/are true of plyometrics? Select all that apply.

Rapid concentric contraction followed by a rapid eccentric contraction Rapid eccentric contraction followed by a rapid concentric contraction

You are treating a fully equipmented conscious football player who went down with a suspected c-spine injury. EMS has been alerted and you are waiting for their arrival. What should you do while waiting for them to arrive? Select the BEST answer.Fully equipmented = helmet, shoulder pads, leg pads, etc.

Remove both his helmet and shoulder pads so both his airway and chest are fully accessible in case lifesaving maneuvers become necessary.

Strength, and ROM, and cardiovascular endurance development occur primarily during the ________________.

Repair phase

Lateral epicondylitis results from:

Repetitive extension of the wrist

Severe point tenderness in the anatomical "snuffbox" may indicate a fracture of which bone?


Injury to the ____ will result in decreased strength in hip extension, knee flexion, and IR of the knee.


Shae, the starting power forward on the varsity basketball team was diagnosed with a concussion 3 days ago, where she reported a total symptom score of 76. Your school does not have an athletic trainer and your school policy states that you, the head coach, are in charge of running all return-to-play (RTP) protocols following injury. Your team is playing in the first round of post-season on Friday, which is 4 days away. Shae is only complaining of a slight headache (2 out of 6), some intermittent head pressure (1 out of 6) and a little eye strain today (Total symptom score = 4). What should she do today (Monday) and will she be playing in the game on Friday?

Shae can ride the stationary bike at 60rpm (slow) with no resistance for 15-20min or until her symptoms get worse, whichever comes first. She won't be playing on Friday.

36. Sarah has a 19 year-old male patient who has experienced several setbacks after his ACL reconstruction regardless of her best attempts to help him improve using modalities and exercise. Sarah believes the setbacks have been a result of genetic predisposition to excessive scar tissue and non-compliance. She has throughly evaluated him at the start and end of every session and has extremely good records. His parents are upset that his professional ping pong career may be ruined and are looking to get revenge. Sarah:

Should be concerned about being named on a law suit, but as long as she has followed protocols, she should be fine due to her good record keeping.

Blood test to screen for misshapen red blood cells

Sickle Cell Trait Screening

You are a first responder with a patient who has a mid-shaft femur fracture. Which of the following answers should be included in your immediate care of this patient? Select all that apply.

Splint the hip Assess for hypovolemic shock Call 911

Name the injury


Sports movements that characteristically hyperextend the lumbar spine are likely to cause:


18. The stretching method that uses an extreme stretch without movement that is held for a long period of time (20-30seconds) is:

Static stretch

9. Which of the following correctly describes an eccentric followed by a concentric muscle contraction?

Stepping forward with your right leg and lowering into a full lunge position (knee/hips flexed to 90) and then pushing backwards off your right leg to return to the starting upright position.

_________ is a passive technique that places a patient's affected muscle in a shortened position for at least 90 seconds to decrease muscle spasm and guarding.


SOAP stands for:

Subjective, objective, assessment, plan

Pronation and supination primarily occur at what joint?

Subtalar joint

This test assesses damage to the:


14. Which of the following are no consumable supplies?

TENS units, tape, massage lotion Tape, massage lotion, bandages TENS units, ankle braces


The athlete will perform 6 sets of 10 reps on the stair to achieve enough strength and confidence to walk stairs by herself. I am referring the patient for occupational therapy to improve the dexterity of their right hand and fingers.

The anterior cruciate ligament is most vulnerable to injury when:

The knee is valgus and the tibia is externally rotated


The patient has a noticeable swelling, discoloration on their shoulder and isn't swinging their arm normally when they walk


The patient reports that they had injured their knee 2 years before and had to have surgery on it to fix some torn cartilage.

Systolic blood pressure indicates:

The pressure on the blood vessel walls when the left ventricle contracts


The x-ray finding was positive for a fracture The patient's end feel in extension was squishy

42. Suzie was injured in a car accident 6 years ago when her father's car was T-boned by a drunk driver. She was 4 at the time. She still has medical complications from the shoulder and chest injury she sustained and the medical bills are piling up. What are her parent's options?

They probably can go after the drunk driver for restitution of her bills for at least 8 more years.

When squeezing the calf muscle with the leg extended and the foot hanging over the edge of the table, you are performing which test for Achilles tendon rupture?

Thompson Test

Jacob is overly hard on himself in all aspects of his life, but especially concerning his physical health and well-being. He recently tore his left Achilles and had to have it surgically repaired. His rehab is going more slowly than he would like, but as his clinician you feel that he is progressing well. You have heard him saying derogatory (bad/negative) things to himself about his physical abilities and his recovery progress during his rehab sessions. What mental training technique may help him 1) identify when he is doing this, 2) make quick adjustments, and 3) stop this destructive behavior from occurring or getting worse?

Thought stopping

Which of the following should not be done when managing a bleeding nose?

Tilt the head back


Treatment of chronic musculoskeletal and joint inflammation

17. In adults, death is imminent if the core body temperature rises above 104ºF for an extended period of time or drops between 77ºF and 85ºF.


27. Licensure is the most restrictive form of state regulation for athletic trainers.


3. Water is the most essential nutrient and accounts for 60% of the body's total weight.


38. An equipment manager changed out one factory eye shield for another one sold by the same company for the same style of ice hockey helmet the day after receiving it from the manufacturer. 1 month later the player sustained an orbital (eye socket) fracture and an eye injury when the shield shattered. This is an example of manufacturer liability.


A 5-year-old boy is running away from his older brother. He falls and smashes his knee on stairs. His mother tells him to rub his "owie" to make it feel better. She is using a real-world example of the gate control theory to help reduce her son's pain.


An open fracture poses different immediate care concerns compared to a closed fracture.


As the spinal segments progress downward the vertebral bodies grow increasingly larger to accommodate the upright posture of the body.


Cubital valgus is greater in women than men.


Improper footwear may cause a person to tear their ACL.


In second-impact syndrome, the athlete may receive a minor blow to the head while still recovering from a concussion, appear stunned, and then collapse in as little as 15 seconds.


Injury may affect an athlete as much psychologically as it does physiologically.


Ligaments have the same healing process as other vascular soft tissues and bone.


Most direct causes of anterior glenohumeral dislocations are situations in which the arm is forced into abduction, external rotation and extension.


Physicians generally agree that a first-time dislocation may be associated with a fracture, and therefore its treatment (relocation) is beyond the scope of a coach's or athletic trainer's duties.


The point at which the clavicle changes shape and contour presents a structural weakness. Due to this bony weakness the largest number of fractures to the bone occurs there.


The primary active ingredient of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.


When an athlete is physically ready to return to play, the physical aspect is all the sports medicine team needs to be concerned with.


Repetitive hyperextension of the great toe resulting in inflammation and pain under the great toe is known as, what condition(s)?

Turf Toe

Which nerve can become irritated secondary to cubitus valgus present at the elbow?


If an overhead athlete complains of burning and tingling or paresthesia to the fourth and fifth fingers, what structure may be damaged? Hint: Positive Tinel's Sign would be present.

Ulnar nerve

What do you notice about these pupils? What is their possible injury?

Unequal; Head injury

The red structure is most commonly injured during what motion(s) and is assessed with what special test?

Valgus; Valgus stress test

24. Which of the following is true concerning vitamins?

Vitamins are necessary in small amounts to regulate body process

Which of the following conditions results from an injury to the brachial artery, usually associated with a supracondylar fracture of the humerus?

Volkmann's contracture

What the patient has to eat over the last week

Wellness Screening

HBV can live outside the body for __ .

at least 1 week

This type of fracture most commonly occurs in _____________.


The ____ an injury is to a nerve ______ the less likely it is to heal.

closer, cell body

During you initial assessment of a new patient you find that your patient's measurement from their ASIS to their medial malleolus on their left side is longer than their right side. They have a(n) _________ leg length discrepancy. Rehabilitation exercises and modalities __________ fix this injury.

functional, can

The strongest, most supportive ligament in the human body is the _________ and it is found in the _______.

iliofemoral ligament, hip

The most effective method of improving neuromuscular control after an injury is:

increasing repetitions

A coach who always yells at his athletes:

may cause an athlete to feel either eustress or distress.

The ________ arch is located inferior to bones D, C, E, G, and J.

medial longitudinal

Early controlled ________ using ______ may enhance healing after immobilization.

mobilization, exercise rehabilitation

The most discernible difference between a cervical dislocation and a cervical fracture is:

position of the neck

A _______ SC sprain should be considered a life-threatening injury


Most elbow dislocations result from falling on an outstretched hand and result in the ulna and radius dislocating in the ______ direction.


When a patient tells you that moving their knee into flexion is what causes them pain they are describing their injury:


All of the following occur in the inflammatory phase of healing except:


On-field transmission of HIV and other communicable bloodborne pathogens is:


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