ath test 2

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active, unassited range of motion

pain present in active, not in passive

contractile injury



need to apply cold

first 72 hrs


immature ct cells released by exudate, come into area and lay down collagen; initating scar


inelastic, nonvascular car tissue

muscle weakness and no pain

nerve damage


passive, help of athletic trainer


promotes further vasodilation


slowing of blood flow, increase in viscosity, stasis, release of chemicals, increase in swelling, increase in capillary permeability

capillary budding

whole new network of cappillaries forms into area-increase blood and oxygen supply needed

initial cold sensation

0-3 mins

special tests

techniques for detecting injury to specific body part or area

palp findings

temp, swelling, pulse, point tenderness, deformity, crepitus, cutaneous sensation, muscle spasm

stress tests

test joint function and integrity of joint structures, primarily noncontractile tissues, assesing ligaments

muscle weakness and pain

muscular strain

pain present in passive and limitation

noncontractile injury

inflammatory phase

0-6 days

length of cold app

15- 30 mins

burning and aching sensation

2- 7 mins

remodeling phase

20-25 wks or more; continued recession, modification, putting finishing touches


only ingesting bacteria


optimize healing, muscle regeneration, joint lubrication & nourishment, stiffer stronger ligament, promote healthy joint mechanics


physically touching, feeling gentle circular pressure than deeper pressure

activity specific function testing

preformance of active movements typically excted during sport


prepares for repair, clean up debris and waste products

goal of management

prevent further injury, decrease pain and swelling

cold wet wrap

produces a significant reduction subcatenous tissue temps


prolong repair & regeneration of damaged tissues, loss of strength, total muscle wt, weakness, joint adhesions, reduced muscle endurance

application of compression can

reduce space available for fluid seepage, and encourage fluid absorption


resisted, asses muscle strength

active spec look for

response to normal activity, asses strength, agility, flexibilty, balance, joint stability, endurance, coordination, observe part that is causing pain

local factors delay healing

size of injury, amount of hemorrhage & edema, muscle spasm, inflammation, infection, poor blood supply, prolonged immobilzation, excessive motion, repeated adverse stress

indications of app of cold

acute/ chronic pain, muscle spasm/ guarding, acute inflammation or injury, used with exercies

secondary injury zone

after vasodilation; includes all tissues affected by inflammation, edema, and hypxia

immiediate management of ankle sprain should include

application of ice bag, compression and elevation

stress tests used to

asses laxity of ligaments, the amount of give, graded of 3 degree scale

functional tests

based on range of motion

primary injury zone

before vasodilation; hematoma and necrotic tissue


bodys attempt to seal broken blood vessels, initates clotting


cell capable of generating collagen during proliforative phase


death of living cells

contraindications of app of cold

decresed cold sensitivity/ hyersenitivity, cold allergy/ cold induced urticaria, circulatory or sensory impairment, raynauds phenomenon

compression effects

decresed hemorrhage, reduces available space for fluid seepage, increase in fluid absorption


disruption of oxygen supply

app of elastic wrap

distal to proximal, should feel firmness not throbbing

effects of movement in inflam

encourages venous return, phagocytosis, edema absorption, prevent contractures and loss of range of motion


encourages venous return, prevent pooling of blood in extremities, reduce bleeding

effects of movement in repair

fibroblasts told where to lay collagen, movement establishes lines of stress, directs optimal placement of collagen rather than haphazard unorganized


fluid substance w/ cellular debris; has protein, collagen, fibrin

movement in inflam phase

gentle controlled that progresses to ADL


history observation palpation special testing


localized mass of blood & lymph confined w/in a space or tissue; formed by blood of broken vessels & damaged tissue

neurologic testing

motor, sensation, and reflex

effects of ice

vasoconstriction, decrease metabolism, tissue temp, edema, muscle spasm, reduces secondary hypoxia, cap permeabilty & pain decrease, analgesic ansthetic, increase collagen viscoisty

heat effects

vasodilation, increase metabolism, bloodflow, tissue temp, inflammation, colagen extensibility; decreased muscle spasm, joint stiffness; analgesic, not an asthetic

day 4-5

weak, vascular ct that has low tensile strength

numbing sensation

5-12 mins

repair phase

6-8 weeks

movement in repair phase

increase in intensity and complexity

2-4 weeks

increase in tensile strength, decrease in vascularity, recession of fibroblasts & capillaries

characteristics of scar tissue

inelastic, nonvascular, fibrous

healing process

inflammatory, repair, remodeling


ingesting all of the debris


irregular work of tiny fibers that forms a net that surrounds the damaged area

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