ATI critical thinking Exam

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Analysis questions are looking for

- anaylaze the pattern, sequence or relationship within the example. -make comparison -identify the best comparative relationship

Explanation questions are looking for what from you

- justify reasoning or conclusion in terms of context and evidnce -draw conclustions -make a decision based on facts

Evaluation questions are asking for you to:

-Asses the credibility of the information source. -prioritize from best to least -select the best source of information from several options -identify possible bias.

Interpretation questions:

-Comprehend the information -Explain the meaning of a statement

Inference questions are looking for:

-draw accurate conclusions based on the data -differentiate between conclusions that are logical and those are probable or possible

Self-regulation questions are looking for you to:

-examine one views with sensitivity to the possible influence of personal bias or self-interest.

A doctor gives a man 8 pills and tells him to take one every 3 hours, starting now. If the man does as he is told, how long will it be until he has take all of the pills? a. 18 b.21 c.24 d.32


What is the 10th number in this sequence? 5,11,17,23,29,35,.... a.51 b.53 c.59 d.61



A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning

Statement: Complaints were raised against the town's sole French teacher for using her monopoly to charge more than her late predecessor. In fact, however, she does not earn more money on each lesson than she would have before, because she lives out of town and her fee reflects higher transportation costs than those of her predecessor, who lived in town. Proposed Assumption: Service providers who spend more on transportation are more expensive. Assumption Made Assumption Not Made

Assumption not made

explanation question 1: A teacher believes strongly that students should not receive extra credit for written assignments, regardless of how well they are written. However, she gave extra credit to a student who had been ill, but turned in an extraordinary paper. How can this contradiction be best explained? The teacher: a. felt sorry for the student because of the students recent illness b. valued the quality of the students work more than her belief c. was afraid other students would think poorly of her d. has difficulty upholding her belief system

B is the correct answer. a is incorrect because feeling sorry does not justify c is incorrect because being afraid does not justify d is incorrect because it does not show she is unable to uphold her beliefs

All Real Estate assets are either very large or located in central areas but not both. While no apartment is without air-conditioning, all air-conditioned RE assets are substantial. RE Assets that are located in central areas are not apartments. a. conclusion follows b. Conclusion does not follow

Conclusion follows

Text: In the years 2011-12, 32% of pupils entitled to free school meals (an indicator of low socioeconomic status) achieved five GCSE passes at grade C or above. This is compared to 65% of pupils who were not entitled to free school meals. Conclusion: Most of the pupils who were not entitled to a free school meal achieved five GCSE passes at grade C or above. Conclusion follows Conclusion does not follow

Conclusion follows

If i go down to the pond today, the only birds I will see are swans. What is the best assumption? a. There will be no ducks at the pond. b. All swans are white c. There will be swans at the pond today.

Correct answer is A. b-no color is stated c-does not say there will always be swans.

Analysis question 2: Consider the following. Which is the logical match? If B3E2H1, then: a. A9D8G7 b. C1E2G3 c. A4E3H2 d. B7F6C4

Correct answer is a. BECAUSE the alphabet pattern is every 3rd letter and numbers decrease by 1. b,c,d are incorrect because they don't follow the pattern

Analysis question 1: Consider the following to determine which is the same as roses are red. a. tree trunks are brown b. carnations are white c. bananas are yellow d. leaves are green

Correct answer is b. a is incorrect because a tree is not a flower. c is incorrect because a fruit is not a flower d is incorrect because a leaf is not a flower.

Should private schools be taxed more heavily to pay for state school pupils meals? Which argument is accurate? a. Yes-those children are going hungry! b. No- Big businesses should be taxed instead of private schools. Taxing private schools would reduce their incentive to provide good service, and could lower quality of teaching. c-No- We live in a free market and therefore private schools deserve the profits they make. That is just the way it is. d. none

Correct answer none a-emotional response b- double standard. c-descriptive and prescriptive claims.

Scientific studies have discovered a link between chewing gum and better performance when it comes to tests. Research shows that this is because the act of chewing gum correlates with heightened activity in the hippocampus- the region of the brain which handles memory. When activity in the hippocampus is increases, it appears though the ability to recall memories is strengthened. which of the following inferences can be made? a. Chewing gum causes heightened activity in the hippocampus b. There is a correlation between chewing gum and better recollection of memories c. Students who chew gum will perform worse in exams than students who do not.

Correct response is B. a- insufficient data- correlation/causation c-there is a link of doing better, no link that it makes you do worse.

Interpretation question 1: A company's policy states that employees may take two weeks vacation after they have reached their seventh anniversary with the company. This means that: a. employees must work for the company at least seven years before they may take two weeks vacation b. employees who have works for the company at least 7 years take two weeks vacation c. if the employee take two weeks vacation, they have worked for the company for 7 years d. all employees take 2 weeks vacation after working for the company7 years.

Correct: A b is incorrect because it some may not want to c is incorrect because they may worked longer than 7 d is incorrect because they may want to

Evaluation Question 2: A politician states "scientists argue that global warming is occurring. They cite evidence regarding an upward trend in nighttime temps throughout the USA. However, I know that winters in the Midwest have been colder than normal over the past 2 years. Therefore, I say, global warming is not occurring." The best evaluation of the politicians conclusion is that it: a. proves there is a relationship between Midwest winters and global warming. b. considers the importance of two successive cold winters in the Midwest c. does not consider the relationship between global warming and the Midwest d. does not consider scientific evidence about nighttime warming trends.

D is the correct answer. a- no relationship between midwest winters and global warming has been proven b/c-only Midwest is considered

Ms. White, who lives in a village in the countryside, was brought before the village's court for the third time in the past six months due to not picking up after her dog. She pleaded innocence but was found guilty and fined $200, which she paid, as happened the previous two times. There were two consecutive months during the past six months when Ms. White properly picked up after her dog. a. True b. Probably true c.Insufficient Data d. Probably false e. False

Insufficient data

Statement: James is a human rights activist who was fined £60 on three different days during the past month for smoking in public at his workplace. On each of the occasions, he admitted to the act peacefully, telling policemen that he is unwilling to conform with such a breach of people's right to privacy. James paid the three fines shortly after receiving them. Inference: James has spent at least a couple hundreds of pounds in his struggle to oppose violation of civil liberties this year. True Probably True Insufficient Data Probably False False

Probably true

Should employees who have over five years of experience in the company be bound by law to give employers advance notice of 60 days upon resignation? No. Labor laws such as this one that protects employers discourage employees, making them less efficient in the workplace. a. strong b. weak



To assess the credibility, significance,and relevance of information necessary to support the conclusions; and to asses the information for biases, stereotypes, cliches or inappropriateness.


To examine ideas, analyze arguments, make comparisons, and categorize, organize and prioritize.

Question: Should parents put their children in preparation courses for gifted tests, in order for them to reach their full potential? Argument: Yes; parents are responsible for their children's future and should do whatever they can to help them succeed in life. Strong argument Weak argument


You read a story online about salary negotiations with public school bus drivers. The drivers have planned a strike for next week. What can you assume from this news story? a. Parents should find an alternative way to get their kids to school next week. b. the premiums must be over-priced. c. Collective bargaining is no longer a feasible solution. d. Their employers are being unreasonable.


Charities don't have to charge VAT to customers, which means charity bookshops can charge lower prices than those charged by second-hand bookshops which are not registered as a charity. VAT increases the price customers pay for things. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption made

Chilean students were right in 2012 to stage protests demanding that university education in Chile should be made free. Some Universities outside of Chile are free. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption made

In 2008, the President of the USA promised to prevent the country entering economic depression, but he failed because at the beginning of 2012, over 12 million USA citizens were unemployed. The number of USA citizens out of work ought to be less than 12 million. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption made

In 2008, the President of the USA promised to prevent the country entering economic depression, but he failed because at the beginning of 2012, over 12 million USA citizens were unemployed. Unemployment is an indicator of economic depression. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption made

Monarchic nations, i.e. those with royal families, differ from republican nations in several ways. An example of this difference is that citizens of monarchic nations pay more tax than citizens of republican nations. A monarchic nation cannot be a republican nation. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption made

Monarchic nations, i.e. those with royal families, differ from republican nations in several ways. An example of this difference is that citizens of monarchic nations pay more tax than citizens of republican nations. Republican nations do not have a royal family. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption made

Monarchic nations, i.e. those with royal families, differ from republican nations in several ways. An example of this difference is that citizens of monarchic nations pay more tax than citizens of republican nations. The governments of monarchic nations are responsible for setting tax rates on their citizens. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption not made

Monarchic nations, i.e. those with royal families, differ from republican nations in several ways. An example of this difference is that citizens of monarchic nations pay more tax than citizens of republican nations. The only types of nation are monarchic and republican. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption not made

Charities don't have to charge VAT to customers, which means charity bookshops can charge lower prices than those charged by second-hand bookshops which are not registered as a charity. Charities pay less tax than non-charities. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption note made

Chilean students were right in 2012 to stage protests demanding that university education in Chile should be made free. Chilean students cannot afford to pay fees for university education. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption note made

Chilean students were right in 2012 to stage protests demanding that university education in Chile should be made free. Chilean students want to attend university. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption note made

Chilean students were right in 2012 to stage protests demanding that university education in Chile should be made free. Staging protests will influence the costs of Chilean university education. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption note made

In 2008, the President of the USA promised to prevent the country entering economic depression, but he failed because at the beginning of 2012, over 12 million USA citizens were unemployed. Presidents should stick to their promises. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption note made

Charities don't have to charge VAT to customers, which means charity bookshops can charge lower prices than those charged by second-hand bookshops which are not registered as a charity. Customers prefer to pay lower prices. A. Assumption Made B. Assumption Not Made

assumption notmade

Josie's English teacher gives her class a vocabulary quiz every Wednesday, and Josie has never done well on any of the quizzes. What can Josie do to improve her score on the next vocabulary quiz? a. Look over her past quizzes to see what she missed. b. Set aside more time during the week to review the material for the quiz. c. Get to class on early Wednesday and briefly look over the chapters. d. Get a good night's sleep.


Ethics committee member: "This person was the proctor at the exam during which the two students were caught allegedly cheating. Yet, she claims to recognize the student who gave the answers but not the student who was getting the answers. Therefore, the proctor's testimony should be excluded." Proposed Assumption:If a proctor claims to recognize both parties involved in cheating, then the proctor's testimony should be included. a. Made b. Not made

b. Not made

We forecast that the completion of supercomputers' development will be followed by a shortage of people who know how to make use of all this computing power. Proposed Assumption:It's only a matter of time until the development of supercomputers will be completed. a.assumption made b. assumption not made

b. assumption not made

2500 people gathered to protest a proposed 1% increase in their state's sales tax. The speakers at the protest spoke about not just lowering the sales tax but also lowering the state's income tax. Several hundred counter-protesters also came to the protest. Some violent confrontations ensued, resulting in dozens of arrests. The counter-protesters do not want the state's income tax to be lowered. a. True b. Probably true c.Insufficient Data d. Probably false e. False

b. probably true

A recent survey showed that residents in Alaska are happier than residents in Hawaii. What reasonable conclusion can be drawn from this evidence? a. People in Hawaii dislike living on an island. b. Colder climates induce more happiness than warmer climates. c. The high scores on the Alaska survey were produced by people who enjoy snow. d. People in Hawaii should move to Alaska.


Inference question 1: A boy and girl are students. The night before every test, they both study and eat pizza. Which statement is true? a. If the boy is studying, the girl is eating pizza. b. If the boy eats pizza, there is a test the next day. c. If the girl does not study, there is no test the next day. d. If the girl eats pizza and the boy studies, there is a test the next day

c is the correct response. a is incorrect because the boy studying does not infer that there is a test the next day b is incorrect because the boy eating pizza does not infer that there is a test the next day d is incorrect because the combo by both may not be occurring because their is a test the next day

All plastic bags make noise. Nevertheless, not all plastic bags are reusable. Some noisy plastic bags are reusable. a.conclusion follow b.conclusion does not follow

conclusion does not follow

Bonds and stocks are both securities, which differ in that stockholders bought and own a share in the company, whereas bondholders lend money to company owners. Another difference is that bonds have a defined term, after which the bond is redeemed by the owners, whereas stocks may be outstanding indefinitely. I invested money in company C's stocks. I didn't lend money to company C. a. conclusion follows b. conclusion does not follow

conclusion does not follow

In a certain recycling company that generously rewarded workers for each new client they brought in, it was found that 15 percent of the workers brought in three or more new clients last year. Among workers who had bribed clients to get their business, 25 percent brought in three or more new clients last year. The workers who had not used bribes earned more money than those who did because the bribers also lost money in bringing in clients. a.conclusion follow b.conclusion does not follow

conclusion does not follow

In an attempt to cut expenses, an organisation disbanded its IT department and outsourced its IT function to a business process outsourcing company. In doing so the company has managed to save 20% on its IT function expenditure. The aim of this company's outsourcing was to make the organisation more profitable. A. Conclusion Follows B. Conclusion Does Not Follow

conclusion does not follow

No one has ever proven that babies who are slow to gain weight in the first few months of their lives generally don't catch up to their peers by age 13. Babies who are slow to gain weight usually catch up with their 13-year-old peers. a.conclusion follow b.conclusion does not follow

conclusion does not follow

When I go to work in the morning, I usually leave my house at 7:00 am and take the bus into the city. However, on rare occasions, I stay overnight at my aunt's house and take the underground to work. My workplace is in the city. a.conclusion follow b.conclusion does not follow

conclusion does not follow

n an attempt to cut expenses, an organisation disbanded its IT department and outsourced its IT function to a business process outsourcing company. In doing so the company has managed to save 20% on its IT function expenditure. Outsourcing functions to business process outsourcing companies will cut expenses. A. Conclusion Follows B. Conclusion Does Not Follow

conclusion does not follow

Statement: Some citizens pay taxes. Many citizens receive income support. Conclusion: More citizens receive income support than citizens who pay taxes. Conclusion follows Conclusion does not follow

conclusion does not follow (Citizens = A, pay taxes = B, receive income support = C.According to the premises, (A+B)some, and (A+C)many. The conclusion states (A+C) > (A+B).)

Sarah owns a new company. New companies are more likely to fail than well-established companies. Therefore: Sarah's company will fail. A. Conclusion Follows B. Conclusion Does Not Follow

conclusion does not follw

In an attempt to cut expenses, an organisation disbanded its IT department and outsourced its IT function to a business process outsourcing company. In doing so the company has managed to save 20% on its IT function expenditure. The outsourced IT function has saved the organisation 1/5th on their IT function expenditure compared to the in-house IT function. A. Conclusion Follows B. Conclusion Does Not Follow

conclusion follows

At the beginning of Sept 2015, the govt launched a program to improve learning at A-level across the country. The goal w to improve A-level results between A and C students scoring between a C and an A in their A-level rose from50% in 2015 to 75% in 2016. The number of students scoring U had dropped from 15% to 12% and between E and D scored were down from 45% to a meager 13%. which of the following interpretations is true? a. The govt has been successful in this program b. The govt's goals have been achieved or exceeded c. Students who would've likely achieved between a D or an E were now achieving a to C

correct answer is b (goal was met) a-doesn't mean the program causes high improvement c-does not follow- students in different year just may have been more capable

Self-regulation question 1: 2 students have applied for selection for residency in a college dorm, but there is only one space for one student. In order for the dorm admission to make the best choice, the counselor should: a. choose the student with an ethnic background similar to those already living there b. allow students currently living there to pick c. use past personal experience with similar students to guide them d. consider each applicant using the same set of selection criteria

correct answer is d a is incorrect because racial bias b is incorrect because students will be bias c is incorrect because personal bias

interpretation question 2: Consider the statement: If it is made of glass, it may break. Which statement provides the best interpretation? a. If it does not break it is not glass. b. Nothing breaks except glass c. If it breaks, it is glass. d. Glass can break.

correct answer is d. a is incorrect because many things that do not break are not glass b is incorrect because things do break that are not glass c is incorrect because many things break that are not glass.

Some objects with four wheels are cars. All cars posses a steering wheel. This object has four wheels but no steering wheel. Therefore: a. this object is a car b. this object is not a car c. this object is a bike

correct response is b. a-only some object with four wheels is car, and does not meet all the steering wheels c-bikes have 2 wheels

What is the root of the problem? a. Jenny's credit card was declined at the mall. b. Jenny's bank keeps charging her $30 overdraft fees. c. Jenny's check bounced when she attempted to purchase a new TV. d. Jenny spends more money than she makes.


Which of the following is an invalid argument? a. Lori has thirty cans of soda in a refrigerator in her garage and another fourteen sitting on the counter. Lori does not have anymore cans of soda. Therefore, Lori has 44 cans of soda. b. The accounting department loves math. My friend works in the accounting department. My friend loves math. c. Everyone southbound on the freeway yesterday was late to work. Jackie was southbound on the freeway. Jackie was late to work. d. Adrian lives in either Springfield, California, or Springfield, Illinois. If he lives in Illinois, then he is an American.


Evaluation question 1: You are given a prescription for a new drug to treat a long-standing health problem. How can you best determine the side effects that may be produced by this drug? a. Take the drug until the side effects occur b. Ask the physician who prescribed the drug c. Consult another person who has taken the drug. d. Read research studies related to the drug in question.

d is the correct answer a is incorrect because side effects may or may not occur b is incorrect because they may not be aware of all the side effects c is incorrect because you aren't the same as someone else

Inference question 2: A woman concludes, "it is Saturday; therefore, children will be watching cartoons on the television." Which of the following statements best describe the conclusion of the woman? a. Good. Cartoons are the only shows available for children to watch on Saturday. b. Good. Children watch cartoons on television because it is Saturday. c. Faulty. Cartoons are the only shows children want to watch on Saturday. d. Faulty. Children may wish to do something other than watch television.

d is the correct answer. a is incorrect because other shows are available b is incorrect because the day is not the reasoning of why they want to watch it c is incorrect because they may want to watch other shows.

One hundred young adults in their 20s and 30s paid to participate in a recent speed dating event at a bar in a big city. At this event, education and occupation were the most commonly discussed topics among the speed daters, because young adults today view these topics as the most important for finding an ideal partner. A majority of young adults had not previously discussed the topics of education and occupation with their previous potential partners. a. True b. Probably true c.Insufficient Data d. Probably false e. False

d. Probably False

Argument: Sam offered to buy Lee's bike for $150 by paying Lee $25 a week, Lee would let Sam keep the bike at her house and ride it when and where she wanted. Both girls accepted. Conclusion: Until Sam makes her final payment, Lee can ride the Bike. Is the conclusion strong, weak or little to no evidence?

little to evidence

bout 330 marketing professionals attended this year's Media Innovations Forum. This indicates that social media engagement is a substantial feature of brand marketing plans. Proposed Assumption: The extent of attendance in professional media forums is not negligible. a.made b. not made


Should all members of the European Union join the Eurozone and adopt the euro? No, instability in one Eurozone country could cause the whole Eurozone to become unstable, disrupting the economies of all countries that use the euro. A. Strong Argument B. Weak Argument


Should all members of the European Union join the Eurozone and adopt the euro? Yes, greater economic unity between countries improves foreign relations between those member countries, which in turn makes each country stronger. A. Strong Argument B. Weak Argument


Should banks and financial institutions be obligated to engage in socially-responsible investing? No, focusing on social responsibility detracts from the aim of making money, which is the most important endeavour for banks, and leads to a decrease in revenue and profit. a.strong b.weak


Should banks and financial institutions be obligated to engage in socially-responsible investing? Yes, engaging in socially responsible investing leads to a happier and more fulfilled workforce compared to banks which do not engage in socially-responsible investing. a.strong b.weak


Should companies downsize their workforces to decrease expenses and maximise profits? No; downsizing leads to demoralisation of the workforce and causes a drop in employee productivity. a.strong b.weak


Should employers allow all staff the option of flexi-time working hours? No, flexi time leads to employees working fewer hours. Working fewer hours will decrease an employee's exposure to the workplace, making career progression harder and leading to a less experienced workforce. a.strong b.weak


Should employers allow all staff the option of flexi-time working hours? Yes, giving staff greater flexibility will improve their work-life balance, and therefore their productivity. a.strong b.weak


Should governments be engaging in space exploration research? No, the money spent on these programs could be used to increase funding for education and healthcare, which would lead to increasing the quality of life for a country's people. A. Strong Argument B. Weak Argument


Should governments be engaging in space exploration research? Yes, the findings of these space exploration research and development programmes have been successfully applied to industry, boosting the economies of the host country. A. Strong Argument B. Weak Argument


Should governments implement a minimum wage, outlining a minimum amount an employee is to be paid per hour? No, minimum wage leads to under-employment by forcing companies to take on staff part time, as they cannot afford to hire them on a full time basis. a.strong b.weak


Should the US government welfare program exchange the current food stamps system, which act like cash, for a list of approved foods? No. While fraudulent schemes using food stamps are well known and can therefore be prevented, the fraudulent schemes that will undoubtedly be used with a list of approved foods are unknown and cannot be prevented. a. strong b. weak


Should the government close aging and polluting power stations even if the result is more energy imports? No, importing is highly expensive, and the world-wide financial crisis has had a major impact on the government's ability to pay for such expensive schemes. a. strong b. weak


should university-level education be free to all students? No, research has shown that students that are not required to pay tuition fees slack off more and learn less during their degree. a. strong b.weak


should university-level education be free to all students? Yes, having a highly qualified workforce ensures high levels of employee productivity in organisations a.Strong b.Weak


Self-regulation question 1: You are trying to make a decision about the best policy to implement regards sick leave for your staff. In order to make the best decision, you should: a. implement the policy that most closely resembles that of a nearby company b. consider the costs and benefits to both the company and employees c. choose the policy that costs the company the least amount of money d. find out which policy is favored by the majority of employees

the correct answer is b a- does not show impartial judgement c-does not show impartial judgement d-only shows impartial judgment to employees not company

Explanation question 2: It is a hot summer day. A 6 year old child has been playing outside and riding her bike. When she comes in for lunch her face is red and she is warm and fussy. Her temp is normal. Which best explains what is happening to the child. The child: a. is hungry and tired b. is showing early signs or illness or infection c. may be responding to weather and activity. d. needs immediate medical care

the correct answer is c a - there is no information to support b-no information to support d-no data to support this need


to monitor, reflect, question and adjust ones own thinking processes as appropriate.


to understand, comprehend, identify problems, clarify, decipher and decode.

Should all members of the European Union join the Eurozone and adopt the euro? No, countries may find it difficult to adapt to a new currency. A. Strong Argument B. Weak Argument


Should all members of the European Union join the Eurozone and adopt the euro? Yes, the function of the European Union is to form a single currency union. A. Strong Argument B. Weak Argument


Should banks and financial institutions be obligated to engage in socially-responsible investing? No, banks are for-profit institutions and have no obligation to social issues. a.strong b


Should banks and financial institutions be obligated to engage in socially-responsible investing? No, over-regulation in the financial sector leads to decreased opportunities and therefore lower profits. a.strong b


Should companies downsize their workforces to decrease expenses and maximise profits? Yes, companies which have no control over the size of their workforce will be highly vulnerable to economic climates and market changes. a.strong b.weak


Should companies downsize their workforces to decrease expenses and maximise profits? Yes; companies have no obligation to employ more people than it can handle. a.Strong b.Weak


Should companies downsize their workforces to decrease expenses and maximise profits? Yes; downsizing will protect the company from bankruptcy in hard economic times. a.Strong b.Weak


Should employers allow all staff the option of flexi-time working hours? Yes, organisations that value their staff are on average more productive and show lower staff turnover. a.strong b.weak


Should governments be engaging in space exploration research? No, countries have collectively spent trillions of dollars on space exploration research already. A. Strong Argument B. Weak Argument


Should governments be engaging in space exploration research? Yes, space exploration has led to numerous discoveries and ushered in the space age. A. Strong Argument B. Weak Argument


Should governments implement a minimum wage, outlining a minimum amount an employee is to be paid per hour? Yes, countries that do not have a minimum wage are often impoverished and dysfunctional. a.strong b


Should governments implement a minimum wage, outlining a minimum amount an employee is to be paid per hour? Yes, the existence of minimum wages is a key part of a civilised society. a.strong b.weak


Should university-level education be free to all students? No. Too much education can lead to over-qualification, and therefore unemployment. a.Strong b.Weak


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