AVADE Training

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4 Types of individuals who commit violence

1. Criminal intent/Stranger violence 2. Patient/Client violence 3. Worker to worker 4. Relationship violence

3 myths of workplace violence?

1. It won't happen here 2. There's nothing we can do about it 3. Management and the Agency just don't care

Five stages of the assault cycle

1. Triggering phase 2. Escalation phase 3. Crisis phase 4. Recovery phase 5. Post-Crisis Depression phase

The principles in the AVADE Training program stand for....

A= Awareness V=Vigilance A= Avoidance D= Defense E= Escape/Environment

Environmental Awareness

An understanding of external physical conditions that can affect your physical well-being and survival.

Workplace violence is...

Any act of aggression, verbal assault, physical assault, or threatening behavior that occurs in the workplace environment and causes physical or emotional harm to guests, staff, or visitors

AVADE WPV Prevention training is designed to....

Educate, Prevent, and Mitigate the risk of violence in the healthcare and corporate environments.

Situation Awareness can be explained through what equation?

Incident + Response = Outcome

Emotional Awareness

The ability to recognize and and feel the emotions and feelings of others as well as your own.

The AVADE philosophy incorporates...

learning new habits, skills, and actions that employers and employees can use to enhance personal safety and their ability to defend themselves or others from dangerous situations, crime, and violence.

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