BA 101(Chptrs 8&11)

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3 steps of training and development(1-3)

1. Asses organization needs and employee skills for training gaps 2. Design training activities to meet identified needs 3. Evaluate the training effectiveness.

Selection Process steps (1-6)

1. Obtain complete application forms 2. Conduct initial and follow-up interviews 3. Give employment tests 4. Conduct background investigations 5. Obtain results from physical exams 6. Establish probationary periods.

5 Steps of Human Resourcing(1-5)

1. Preparing a human resource inventory 2. Preparing a job analysis 3. Accessing future human resources demand 4. Accessing future human resources supply 5. Establishing a strategic plan.

Online Training

A form of off-the-job training in which employees complete classes via the internet.

Compensating Teams

A problem in developing effective compensation for teams is that rewarding individuals erodes cohesiveness.

Job Specifications

A written summary of the minimum qualifications required of workers to do a particular job.

Using the results to make decisions

An effective performance appraisal system provides information to managers and is also a way to satisfy legal requirements.

Performance appraisal

An evaluation that measures employee performance against established standards in order to make decisions about promotions, compensation, training, or termination.

Matrix Organization

An organization in which specialists from different parts of the organization are brought together to work on specific projects but still remain part of a line-staff-structure.

Organization chart

An organization shows who reports to whom, who is accountable for accomplishing specific work, and the relationship among people in the company.


An organization with many layers of managers who set rules and regulations and oversee all decisions.

Decentralized Authority

An organizational structure in which decision making authority is delegated to lower-level managers more familiar with local conditions than headquarters management could be.

Flat Organizational Structures

An organizational structure that has few layers of management and a broad span of control.

Tall Organizational Structures

An organizational structure which the pyramidal organizational chart would be quite tall because of the various levels of management.


Another employee who introduces lower-level employees to the right people and acts as a sponsor within the organization.

Establishing Trial

At the end of the selection process, a trial period can make it easier to dismiss a new employee if necessary.


Better adaptation to customer wants, empowerment to workers, faster decision making, higher morale.

Conducting background investigations(includes)

Credit history, school record and work record. They do this to identify the candidate who would most likely succeed.


Determining what work needs to be done.

Division of Labor

Dividing task among the company.

Science applied to organization

Division of labor, Hierarchy of authority, Unity of command, Obedience to authority.

Staff Personnel

Employees who advise and assist line personnel in meeting their goals.

Line Personnel

Employees who are part of the chain of command that is responsible for achieving organizational goals.


Fixed compensation computed on weekly, biweekly, or monthly pay periods.

360-degree review

Gives managers opinions from people at different levels to get a more accurate idea of the workers abilities.

Pay systems

Hay pay system uses a tiered system of pay ranges based on know-how, problem solving, and accountability.

Contingent Workers

Individuals who are part-time, temporary, or seasonal workers are classified as contingent workers.

Communicating Standards

Is important to communicate the established performance standards so employees know what is expected of them.

Conducting initial and follow-up interviews

It is important to plan and prepare all interviewers for the for the interview because missteps and illegal questions can lead to lawsuits based on anti-discrimination laws.


Less efficiency, complex distribution system, less top management control, weakened corporate image.


Less responsiveness to customers, less empowerment, inter-organizational conflict, lower morale away from headquarters.

On the job training

Lets the employee learn by doing an experienced employee and then imitating them.

Equal employment laws

Limit the kinds of questions that can appear on employment applications so that people's rights are not violated.

Job Specialization

Many jobs can be done quickly and well when each person specializes,with also dividing smaller jobs to get done.

Gain sharing systems

Most gain-sharing system base bonuses on improvements over previous performance.

Job Analysis

Observing current employees doing a job, discussing the job with managers, and keeping activity diaries are all part of the process of job analysis. A study of what employees do who hold various job titles.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Prohibits discrimination in hiring, firing, compensation or privilege of employment based on race, religion, creed, sex or national origin.

Americans Disability Act of 1990

Prohibits employers from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in hiring, advancement, or compensation and requires them to adapt the workplace if necessary.

Job Description

Responsibilities and duties of the job, Objectives of the job, the job's relation to other functions.

Fringe Benefits

Sick-leave vacation pay, pensions, and health plans that provide additional compensations are called fringe benefits.

Human resource inventory(includes)

Specialized skills, languages spoken and demographics such as age and education level.


The activity that introduces new employees to the organization, employees, and immediate supervisors.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

The federal law that protects those over 40 years of age from workplace discrimination in hiring, compensation, promotion, layoff, and other workplace opportunities.

Span of Control

The optimum number of subordinates a manager supervises or should supervise.


The process of establishing and maintaining contacts with key managers in your own organization or outside of it to serve as informal development systems.


The process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired, under legal guidelines, in the best interest of the organization and the individual.


The process of setting up individual departments to do specialized tasks. Dividing an organization into separate working units.

Management and development

The process of training and educating employees to become good managers and then.


The set of activities used to obtain a sufficient number of the right people at the right time. The process for obtaining qualified people.

Job simulation

The training where employees can learn skills before attempting them on the job using equipment that duplicates job conditions.


Top management control, more efficiency, simpler distribution system, strong brand/corporate image.

Vestibule Training

Training done in schools where employees are taught on equipment similar to that used on the job.


Using communications technology and other means to link organizations and allow them to work together on common objectives.

Centralized Authority

When decision-making authority is maintained.

Cross-functional self-managed teams

groups of employees from different departments who work together on a long term basis.

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