Basic Life Support - American Heart Association Pt. 1

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What is the chest-compression depth for a child?

At least one-third the depth of the chest, about 2 inches (5 cm).

What can be a dangerous chest-compression depth for an adult?

Anything greater than 2.4 inches (5-6 cm). Such may cause injury. Best target depth is 2 to 2.4 inches (5-6 cm).

Where can a cardiac arrest happen?

Anywhere: Street, home, hospital, or on route. MOST cardiac arrests, however, occur at home.

Basic life support is the foundation for saving lives after what?

Cardiac arrest.

What is the percent of out of hospital cardiac arrest and where do they happen

70% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and at Home

What is high-quality CPR?

A lifesaving procedure for a victim showing signs of cardiac arrest (unresponsive, no normal breathing and no pulse). Such improves a victim's survival chances.

What is the chest-compression depths for an adult?

At least 2 inches (5 cm).

What is the chest-compression depth for an infant?

At least one-third the depth of the chest, about 1 1/2 inches (4 cm).


In - Hospital Cardiac Arrest

What is your resuscitation-attempt approach and by what will your response be determined?

One: Available emergency equipment. Two: Availability of trained rescuers. Three: The level of training expertise. Four: Local protocols.

What is the Chain of Survival for an adult who has a cardiac arrest IN the hospital?

One: Surveillance, prevention and treatment of rearrest conditions. Two: Immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system. Three: Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions. Four: Rapid defibrillation. Five: Multidisciplinary post-cardiac arrest care.


Out 0f Hospital Cardiac Arrest

A cardiac arrest for a hospitalized adult usually happens as a result of what?

Serious respiratory or circulatory conditions that worsen. Many of these arrests can be predicted and prevented by careful observation, prevention and early treatment of pre-arrest conditions.

What percentage of cardiac arrests occur in the home?

Seventy percent. About half of those are unwitnessed.

A heart attack occurs when?

When blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked. It occurs when a clot forms in a blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. If the blocked vessel is not reopened quickly, the muscle normally nourished by that vessel begins to die. A heart attack is a "clot" problem.

Cardiac arrest and heart attack are not the same. Sudden cardiac arrest happens when what?

When the heart develops an abnormal rhythm and can't pump blood. It results from an abnormal heart rhythm. This causes the heart to quiver so it no longer pumps blood to essential organs. It is often a "rhythm" problem.

What is the leading cause of death in the United States?

Cardiac arrest.

A successful outcome of an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest depends on what?

Early bystander CPR and rapid defibrillation in the first few minutes after the cardiac arrest. Such are critical to improving OHCA outcomes.


Emergency Cardiovascular Care

What are the signs of puberty?

One: Chest or underarm hair. Two: Breast development.

What is the Chain of Survival for an adult who has a cardiac arrest OUT of a hospital?

One: Immediate recognition of cardiac arrest and activation of the emergency response system. Two: Early CPR with an emphasis on chest compressions. Three: Rapid defibrillation with an AED. Four: Effective advanced life support (including rapid stabilization and transport to post-cardiac arrest care).

What is the pediatric chain of survival?

One: Prevention of arrest. Two: Early high-quality bystander CPR. Three: Rapid activation of the emergency response system. Four: Effective advanced life support (including rapid stabilization and transport to post-cardiac arrest care). In adults, cardiac arrest is often sudden and results from a cardiac cause. In children, however, cardiac arrest is often secondary respiratory failure and shock.

As a single rescuer or a member of a multi-rescuer team, what do you need to do?

One: Recognize cardiac arrest. Two: Activate the emergency response system early. Three: Respond quickly and confidently.


Personal Protective Equipment

After a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), all cardiac patients receive what, and by whom?

Post-cardiac-arrest care. Such is provided by a team of multidisciplinary specialists and may occur in the cardiac catheterization suite and/or the ICU. A cardiac catheterization suite (sometime called a "Cath Lab") is a group of hospital procedure rooms where specialized equipment is used to evaluate the lungs, plus the heart and blood vessels around the heart.


Return of Spontaneous Circulation

What percentage of adult patients with non-traumatic cardiac arrest treated by EMS survive to hospital discharge?

Ten percent.

What are lay rescuers expected to recognize?

The victim's distress, call for help, start CPR, and initiate public-access defibrillation until EMS arrives. It is then that EMS takes over resuscitation efforts.

What is the purpose of personal protective equipment (PPE) like medical gloves, eye protection, high-visibility, full-body clothing, plus safety footwear and helmets?

To protect the rescuer from health or safety risks.

What is the purpose of high-quality CPR?

To recognize a cardiac arrest, improve patient outcomes and save more lives.

Critical concepts of high-quality CPR are?

1. Start compressions within 10 seconds. 2. Push Hard - Push Fast. Compress at a rate of 100 to 120/minute. 3. Allow complete chest recoil after each compression. 4. Try to limit compression interruptions to less than 10 seconds. 5. Give effective breaths by making the chest rise. 6. Avoid excessive ventilation

What is the Chain of Survival?

1. To describe the importance of high-quality CPR and its impact. 2. To describe all the steps of the Chain of Survival. 3. To apply the BLS concepts of the Chain of Survival.

BLS Objectives

1. the importance of High-Quality CPR and it's impact 2. The steps of the chain of survival 3. Apply the BLS concepts of the chain of survival 4. The signs of someone needing CPR 5. Perform High-Quality CPR for an Adult, Child and infant 6. The importance of early use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) 7. The appropriate use of an AED 8. Provide effective ventilations by using a barrier device 9. Perform High-Quality CPR for a Adult, Child and Infant 10. The importance of teams Multi-rescuer Resuscitation 11. The technique for relief of foreign-body airway obstruction for an adult child and infants 12. The technique for airway obstruction

What percentage of adults survive to hospital discharge


What are the patient age definitions?

Adults - adolescents (after the onset of puberty) and older Children - 1 year of age to puberty Infants- less than 1 year of age (excluding newly born infants in the delivery room)

High-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation is for victims of what age?

All ages


Compression, Airway and Breathing

What are the two distinct Adult Chains of Survival?

IHCA - In Hospital Cardiac Arrest Care: Primary, Code Team, Cath Lab, ICU OHCA - Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Care: Lay Rescuers, EMS, Emergency Department, Cath Lab, ICU.

What does a cardiac catheterization procedure involve?

Inserting a catheter through an artery or vein into the heart or lungs to study the heart, its surrounding structures and function.


Intensive Care Unit

CPR components are?

One: Chest compressions. Two: Breaths.

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