BCS Therapy

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Why are researchers likely to use the double-blind procedure in studies determining the effectiveness of a new drug?

By keeping participants and researchers unaware of which condition the patient is assigned to researchers can determine if the placebo effect is at work.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the role psychotherapists play in a client's improvement?

While orientation and experience of the therapist does not seem to matter, the development of a caring and empathic relationship between the client and therapist does.

The belief that the mind and body are one unit is assumed by the __________ approach to treatment.


Therapeutic life-style change proponents suggest that

depression stems from physical inactivity, poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, and a lack of social connections.

After many years of use, no one know exactly how __________ works to alleviate symptoms of depression.

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

Of the following, which is a major difference between clinical psychologists and psychiatrists?

Clinical psychologists have earned a Ph.D.; psychiatrists are physicians who can prescribe medications.

Of the following, who is most likely an eclectic therapist?

Dr. Vroman, who encourages patients to evaluate their illogical thinking, uses role-playing to teach new adaptive behaviors, and interprets transference

Which of the following is a reason that clients' perceptions of the effectiveness of therapy should be cautiously evaluated?

Even if problems remain, clients try to find something positive to say about their experience.

Why is transference important to psychoanalysts?

If a patient experiences strong negative feelings toward the analyst, it reveals a pattern of past relationships and provides an opportunity for change.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT concerning the relationship between psychotherapy and the improvement of a client's symptoms?

Individuals with clear-cut, specific problems tend to improve the most.

What is the main difference between Freudian psychoanalysis and interpersonal psychotherapy?

Interpersonal psychotherapists are more likely to focus on current relationships than on unraveling past repressed conflicts.

Which of the following is an advantage of group therapy?

It focuses on replacing maladaptive behaviors with constructive ones.

According to humanistic therapists, what is the advantage of using the active listening technique?

It provides an accepting atmosphere in which clients may deepen their own self-understanding.

Which therapist is most closely associated with the development of counterconditioning techniques used to treat various fears?

Mary Cover Jones

In addition to treating severe depression, antidepressant medications have also been found to be effective in treating


In a study assessing the effectiveness of light therapy in treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), researchers assigned participants to a group that received 90 minutes of bright light a day or a group that was exposed to a fake treatment called a "negative ion generator." Those who received the fake treatment were assigned to

a placebo group.

Which of the following terms best describes unconditional positive regard?


A psychoanalyst would be interested in analyzing the latent content of patient's dreams because

analysis of the underlying meaning of dreams reveals repressed wishes.

Why shouldn't researchers conclude that psychotherapy is effective based solely on clients' perceptions?

because therapy should be systematically studied by comparing an experimental and a control group

Therapists who create a token economy are most likely


Counterconditioning therapies, such as systematic desensitization and aversive conditioning, are based on the principles of

classical conditioning

Which of the following is a type of group therapy?

family therapy

Preventive mental health proponents attempt to

identify and alleviate social conditions that lead to psychological illnesses.

Paul is an autistic child who rarely makes eye contact with others. To encourage this behavior, Paul's parents and teachers reward him with a piece of his favorite candy when he makes eye contact. This method of changing Paul's behavior is based on

operant conditioning

Interpersonal psychotherapy takes its structure largely from


The cognitive therapies assume that

psychological disorders are produced by faulty thinking in response to life events.

A trained therapist using psychological techniques to assist others in overcoming difficulties or achieving personal growth would be using which of the following?


Social workers are more likely to be

qualified to offer psychotherapy, mostly to people with everyday problems.

The focus of stress inoculation training is to

teach people to restructure their negative thinking.

Preventive mental health proponents focus on

teaching people to restructure their thinking in stressful situations.

A patient who believes that bleeding can effectively treat typhoid fever may improve after such a treatment. However, just believing that a cure will work may lead to recovery. This is called

the placebo effect

Many who have tried eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) have reported improvement. Researchers have cautioned that such improvement may be due to the individual's belief that the treatment will work. This is called

the placebo effect

Patients given a new drug treatment appear to improve. A researcher should be cautious before concluding that a new drug is effective because

the placebo effect may arise from the positive expectations of patients and doctors.

Psychosurgery is used only as a last resort treatment for psychological disorders because

these procedures are irreversible.

Hans Eysenck reported that ________ of individuals with nonpsychotic disorders noticeably improved with or without psychotherapy.


Research by Irving Kirsch suggests that antidepressants should be prescribed only for patients

who are severely depressed.

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