Behavioral Neuro Exam 1

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Myelination of the CNS

Schwann cells

Myelination of the PNS

Ependymal cells

Ventricular system

Vulnerability Model

-We inherit dispositions, not destinies. -This model has been applied to disorders such as schizophrenia. -The model shows how nature and nurture interact to produce a characteristic or disorder.

Spatial Summation; Temporal Summation

An action potential is initiated when the potential at the axon hillock reaches approximately -50mv. This can occur by several excitatory signals from different places reaching the axon hillock by ___________, or many excitatory signals reaching the axon hillock within a short amount of time by ___________.

executive functions

Frontal lobe function

Neural network

Groups of neurons that function together to carry out a process is known as a/an _____________.

Biopsychology, Psychobiology, Behavioral Neuroscience

If someone is interested in the relationships between behavior and the body, what area of science do they work in?


If you were to draw out the human body increasing or decreasing the size of each body part to correspond to the amount of cortical space devoted to that part, what you drew would be a ____________.


Immune response


In a reflex, movement occurs faster than the normal signal going to the brain and returning because of _____________ that are located in the spinal cord.

peripheral nervous system

In some cases where the damage is not too sever, neurons can regenerate an axon within the ______.

afferent, input, sensory

Information from neurons going toward the brain can be classified as:

Output, motor, efferent

Information from neurons leaving the brain can be classified as


Maintains blood brain barrier

Nervous system

Neuroscience is the multidisciplinary study of the ____ and its role in behavior.


Occipital lobe function


Parietal lobe function


T or F: Adding positive ions into a neuron will decrease the likelihood that an action potential will take place.


T or F: Satellite cells are considered glial cells.


Temporal lobe function

Electrostatic pressure

The Sodium-potassium pump removes sodium from the neuron leaving the inside of the neuron with a negative potential. When an action potential is initiated, voltage gated sodium channels open and sodium ions rush in. The best explanation for why this happens based only on the information above is _________.

ramps us up; slows us down

The Sympathetic nervous system ___________ and the Parasympathetic nervous system ____________.

parasympathetic nervous system and sympathetic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system consists of:

Cajal-Retzius cells

The cells that help guide the radial glia and migrating neurons are called:

directing the building of proteins

The direct function of a gene is

Fatty acid

The hydrophobic portion of the phospholipid bilayer is made of ________.

Glutamate; GABA

The primary excitatory neurotransmitter is ___________. The primary inhibitory neurotransmitter is ___________.

Nothing physical moves down the axon

When an axon transmits action potentials:

The body is made of matter, whereas the mind is not.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the dualism view of the mind-brain problem?

The brain and the mind are both physical.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the materialistic monist view of the mind-brain problem?


While chimpanzees and humans resemble each other closely in terms of DNA sequences, we do differ dramatically in measures of genetic ___.


___ means that genes contribute a predisposition for a disorder that may or may not exceed the threshold to produce the disorder.


creating new neurons


eliminating excess neurons


one area takes over function of a damaged area


shift in connections that change the function of an area

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