Bible Exam 2

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old, can't keep "warm"

1 Kings opens up with David being:

Antiochus Epiphanes IV and the Desecration of the 2nd Temple (nickname is the "madman" his rise of terror gives rise to the book of Daniel

167 BC

Alexander the Great (thought everyone should be Greek or want to be Greek)

332 BC

the people to rebuild the walls of Yehudi/Judah

445 BCE--Nehemiah goes to Palestine and organizes:

Chief Priest and Scribe, teacher of the law (Ezra 7:1-6)

458 BCE—What two roles does Ezra assume as he leads a group of Jews to Palestine in 458 BC?

The Second Temple.

515 BC What is rebuilt?

Zerubbabel (a Davidic descendant) and Joshua (a priest) (Ezra 3:2; 6:14)

515 BCE—Second Temple rebuilt under leadership of which two figures:

Cyrus the Great

538 BC _______ decrees that the Jews can return to their land and rebuild their Temple.

Jews may Return home to Jerusalem (Ezra 1:1-4)

538 BCE—Cyrus the Great proclaims that

Return of the Jew from Exile

539/8 BC

Destruction of Jerusalem

587 BC

Jerusalem will fall - 2nd Deportation

587 BCE

1st Deportation under Johoiachin

598 BC

First Deportation - Jehoiachin, Ezekiel

598 BCE

Sennacherib's Invasion

701 BCE

Fall of the Northern Kingdom (Samaria)

721 BCE

Syro-Ephraimite War

734-732 BCE

All the other nations have a king (they also want one bc Samuel is old and his sons are corrupt)

According to 1 Sam 8:5, 20, what is the primary reason the people want a king:

Jews; Judaism religion of the book - Torah being the book

After Cyrus the Great decrees that the Jews can return to their land, we now refer to children of Israel as _______ and their religion as _______. It also becomes a ________

Against the Philistines in a return battle

Against whom does Samuel lead Israel in battle?

"Do not think that in the king's palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silence at such a time as this, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another quarter, but you and your father's family will perish. Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this" - Mordecai to Esther

Be familiar with Esther 4:14.

the house of Saul and the house of David; house of Saul grew weaker while the house of David grew stronger

Chapters 1-4 of 2 Samuel describe a civil war between:

Resurrection; "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, to eternal life, and some to hell"

Daniel 12:2 contains the clearest expression in the OT concerning the _________


Daniel is the best example of _______ literature in the OT.


David spends 1 Samuel 21-31 as a _____

N. Kingdom—several, Jeroboam, Omride S. Kingdom—one: the Davidic dynasty

Dynasties: N. Kingdom—____________ S. Kingdom—_____________

Daniel, Meschach, Shadrach, and Abednego observe the dietary laws from Leviticus (keep kosher). Maintaining Jewish identity in the face of adversity.

Each of the following stories pertain to a particular issue regarding Jewish identity: Daniel 1

The fiery furnace; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refuse to bow down to a golden statue; thrown into fire, but are not burned; Nebuchadnezzar said, "Blessed be the God of S,M, and A...PP"

Each of the following stories pertain to a particular issue regarding Jewish identity: Daniel 3

The Lions' Den; Issue: prayer; Daniel prays to the Lord three times a day rather than to the king, delivered from the Lions' Den; King Darius: "I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: For he is the living God, enduring for ever. His kingdom shall never be destroyed and his dominion has no end." Daniel is thrown into the Lion's den bc the king of babylon make a decree that you have to pray to him when you pray to God, he didn't, then King Darius makes other decree

Each of the following stories pertain to a particular issue regarding Jewish identity: Daniel 6

Mt. Carmel

Elijah challenges the authority of the priests and prophets of Baal on top of _______

a contest

Elijah's first message is to proclaim _______ which is a direct challenge to the priests and prophets of Baal

Conditions that pt 1 lacked...if you keep torah...

God places what on his covenant with David in 1 Kings 9:4-7:

Elijah the Tishbite a prophet Yahweh is my God; Baal is a storm God, who is in charge of sending the rain, but it's not gonna rain until God wants it to

God raises up ________, during the time of syncretism, whose name is his message and means

they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.

How does Elijah depart from this world?

Saul becomes jealous and will keep looking for ways to have him killed

How does Saul react to David's rise to prominence?

A gentle whisper; a great wind tore the mountains apart, but God was not in the wind, There was an earthquake, but he wasn't in the earthquake. After the earthquake was a fire, but He wasn't in that. After the fire was a gentle whisper, which was God.

How does the Lord meet Elijah at Mr. Horeb (Sinai)?

Second Temple Period

In fact the era from 538 BCE to 70 CE is known as

First tries to get Uriah to come home and sleep with his wife (but he doesn't go back); he then tries to get Uriah drunk and go home and not remember what he did (but Uriah doesn't go home); Ultimately he writes a letter to Joab (David's military commander) to create a retreat signal that everyone will know except Uriah, and that happens. Uriah carries the letter that David wrote to Uriah

In order to cover his tracks of adultery with Bathsheba, what does David ultimately do?

Dan and Bethel A golden calf - perhaps another deity or footstool of YHWH

In order to solidify his hold on the kingdom, Jeroboam establishes two sanctuaries: Where are they located? What is placed in each sanctuary?

Discretion and courage

In order to survive exile Esther is teaching us:

"I have sinned against the Lord"; he listens, confesses, and repents

In response to his sin, what does David do?

the Song of the Bow in honor of Jonathan and Saul

In response to the news that Saul and Jonathan are dead, David composes:


Israel struggles with the sin of ______ at this time in their history (Omride dynasty).

Problematic from the beginning

Israel's request for a king is: __________

Tiglath-Pileser III

King of Assyria during the Assyrian Crisis


King of Israel during the Assyrian Crisis


King of Judah during the Assyrian Crisis


King of Syria during the Assyrian Crisis


Later, after he is first proclaimed king, David makes _______ his capital city.

- Israel - Samaria (the capital city) - Ephraim (the primary tribe) - Multiple Dynasties

N. Kingdom is also known as (4 terms):

Hebron; the tribe of Judah.

Now that Saul is dead, David is *first* proclaimed king in:

Sanballat (Samarians) (Neh. 2:10, 19-20; 4:1; 6:3-4)

Opposition to Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild the walls of Judah comes from:

Persia defeats Babylon

Persian context 539 BC—Persia defeats ______

Judges; Monarchy

Samuel marks the transition from the period of the ________ to a ________

using conscripted or forced labor to get the logs from the mediterranean to Jerusalem (5:13-18)

Solomon acts like the Pharaoh by _________

king Hiram of Tyre/Phoenicia; Cedars of Lebanon

Solomon forms an alliance with ________ and uses the _______ to build the temple (1 Kings 5:1-2), his most famous building project.

The Lord loved Solomon Solomon showed his love for the Lord Solomon loved many foreign women

Solomon's love life with the Lord in 3 parts:


Solomon's son who becomes king after him is:

proverbs (4:29-34)

Solomon's wisdom is expressed in 3,000 _________

shalom - promise fulfilled to Abraham (you will have descendants like sand on the sea shore)

Solomon's wise rule provides _______ in 1 Kings 4:20

the tribe of Judah; The Davidic Line

Southern Kingdom can be equated with:


Taken to an extreme, the ministries of Ezra and Nehemiah can lead to what problem:

1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah

The Chronicler's History consists of which four books:


The Philistine giant killed by David:


The next major dynasty after Jeroboam's is the _______ Dynasty.

- Omri Who is known for buying a mountain and builds Samaria the capital of the Northern Kingdom - Ahab Who marries Jezebel who is a Sidonian Princess, and attempts to make Israel a Baal state

The two noteworthy kings of the Omride Dynasty are:


The wall is rebuilt in ____ days (6:15).

Nathan the prophet and Zadok the priest

These two individuals anoint Solomon as king:

persecution (and oppression); holy person (Daniel); mediator (an angel); highly symbolic language; very numerical, creates a code

This type of literature (Apocalyptic) was written during times of ______ and usually involves a ________ receiving messages from God through a _______ and utilizes ________ and _________ to convey the message.

Mephibosheth; he's crippled in both feet; he will always eat at David's table; could be David being nice and just keeping the covenant, could be because David wants to keep an eye on Saul's grandson

To which son of Jonathan does David show kindness?

Lost in battle to the Philistines

To whom do the Israelites lose the Ark?

David spares Saul; twice david has the opportunity to kill Saul, and he doesn't

Twice David does this to Saul:

Samaritans (from the Samarians)

What Jewish sect begins at the fall of Samaria?

Name of God dwells in temple; not God's actual presence

What actually abides in the temple in 1 Kings?

Hophni and Phinehas - wicked, corrupt, they embezzle money, force women to have sex with them

What are Samuel's sons' names and what are they like?

- Saul kept David with him (and did not let him return to his father's house) - David and Johnathan become friends - form a covenant - David wins the heart of the people "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands" - David marries Michal the daughter of Saul

What are the four events lead to David's rise to prominence?

- Shepherd; Caring for his flock (people of Israel) - Musician; Leading Israel in worship (may have wrote some of the Psalms); good with a Lyer/harp to calm Saul down - Warrior; Delivering Israel from its enemies (Philistines); Goliath - david strikes him down and cuts off his head

What are the three ways that David is introduced to us?

- God will deliver those who remain faithful - "stand up for what you believe in" - God is sovereign over the world - even over the nations ruling the Jews

What are the two central messages of Daniel?

- Stories concerning Daniel and his friends who remain faithful in spite of opposition and pressure to conform (Daniel 1-6) - A series of four apocalyptic visions, primarily concerned with Antiochus Epiphanies IV - 167 BC and the desecration of the temple - Hanukkah comes from this

What are the two main parts of Daniel?

David means a temple - a place to live and abide; God means a dynasty/lineage

What are the two meanings to the word "house" in this chapter, 2 Samuel 7?

1st piece of advice: Listen to the people Given by whom? Older advisors 2nd piece of advice: Threaten the people, increase taxes Given by whom? Younger advisors

What are the two pieces of advice Rehoboam is given and who give each piece of advice?

fortress of Zion and City of David

What are two other names for Jerusalem?

The ark of the covenant

What cultic item does David bring into the city of Jerusalem?

He won't come from the bloodline of saul; Saul's kingdom will not endure

What does 1 Sam 13:14 say about the next king of Israel?

People look at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart

What does 1 Sam 16:7 tell us is the difference between what we look for and what God looks for in a ruler:

Absalom (David's third son and Tamar's full brother); kills Amnon; Absalom steals the hearts of men in the house of David to become king; Absalom's revolt is him planning to kill David and become King; Absalom sleeps with David's concubines in the sight of Israel

What does Absalom do to his father?

David won't kill Jonathan or his children, David to show kindness to him and his household, will not go after Jonathan or any of his children ever

What does David promise to do for Jonathan?

House for the Lord/temple

What does David want to build in 2 Samuel 7?

syncretism - Elijah went before the people and said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him."

What does Elijah accuse the people of in 1 Kings 18:21?

That he is the only one left that is Zealous for the lord No, Elisha

What does Elijah claim in 19:9-10? Is he?

Saves Jerusalem

What does God do for Hezekiah and Judah in 2 Kings 19:35-36?

makes a vow to dedicate him (Nazarite)

What does Hannah promise to do if given a son?

Serves Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, as a vassal - pays tribute; Hezekiah rebels against the king of Assyria

What does Hezekiah do in 2 Kings 18:1-8?


What does Samuel say kings do more than anything else?

Nazirite; God has heard

What does Samuel's name mean?

Tells Elijah to anoint Elisha as prophet coming after him

What does YHWH do when Elijah claims he is the "only one left"?

Stone of help

What does the name Ebenezer mean?

Beloved of the Lord

What does the name Jedediah mean?

Has a medium conjure Samuel up from the dead; Samuel says Saul and his sons are going to die in battle

What does the witch of Endor do for Saul?

- He trusted God - He was shrewd

What does this (David killing Goliath) tell us about David?

The Book of the Law in the temple of the LORD

What does this priest, Josiah, find in 2 Kings 22:8?

Babylon, Medes, Persians, Greeks

What empires are represented in the four beasts in the book of Daniel?

The Fall of Jerusalem (the chosen city of God) in 587/586

What event brings Joshua-2 Kings to an end?

Feast of Purim

What festival is established as a result of the Esther's bravery?

Requests Abishag as consolation prize - put to death by Solomon

What foolish request does Adonijah make and what happens to him?

Has a census of Israel and Judah

What foolish thing does David do in 2 Samuel 24?

Wisdom; a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong

What gift does Solomon receive in this dream 1 Kings 3:9?

Amnon (the oldest son of David) feigns illness; Tamar (Amnon's half sister) goes in to Amnon to feed him; Amnon rapes Tamar; Amnon then kicks Tamar out, further disgracing her

What happens between Amnon and Tamar?

Fall of Samaria

What happens in 721 BC?

An old man at this time, dies when he hears the news the ark is lost to the Philistines

What happens to Eli after the battle with the Philistines?

Killed in this battle

What happens to Eli's sons during the battle with the Philistines?

He is released from prison, put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king's table

What happens to Jehoiachin at the end of 2 Kings?

She's quarantined in the palace, she receives no visitors ever, cutting off the line of Saul

What happens to Michal?

Joab kills Absalom in battle against David

What is Absalom's fate?

Working miracles

What is Elisha best known for?

The northern tribes ask him to lighten the team load that Solomon had imposed

What is Israel's chief complaint against Rehoboam?

Jezebel threatens Elijah after he defeats her priests and prophets

What is Jezebel's response to Elijah's contest to Baal and syncretism?

The house of Eli is corrupt, the house and line of Eli will come to an end

What is his first prophetic message about?

Name of God never mentioned. Reflects the exilic experience?

What is the interesting characteristic about Esther?

Emphasizes matters concerning the temple

What is the main focus of the Chronicler's History?

Sytro-Ephraimite War in 734-732 BCE

What is the major historical event that lies behind the fall of the N. Kingdom as told in 2 Kgs 16-17

is struck with leprosy; meets Wlisha who tells him to wash seven times in the Jordan; Naman refuses, then relents and bathes in the river; skin is clean like a child's; thanks Elisha Gehazi is Elisha's servant/apprentice; has greed; runs after Naaman to take his gifts and hides them; Elisha puts the leprosy from Naaman onto Gehazi

What is the miracle or sign associated with following individuals: Naaman the Syrian 2 Kgs 5 Naman, a commander of the Syrian army Who is Gehazi?

She's old and barren; rewarded with a son for her hospitality; years later the boy dies; Elisha raises him from the dead Proclaims, "It is well"

What is the miracle or sign associated with following individuals: a. The Shunammite woman 2 Kgs 4:8-37 In 4:26 what does she proclaim:


What is the name of the Babylonian King at this time of the Fall of Jerusalem and the first deportation, 598 BC?


What is the name of the Persian province where Jerusalem is?

Northern tribes split off and make Jeroboam their king

What is the result of Rehoboam listening to the younger advisors?

Persian Empire

What is the setting for the book of Esther?

Will become the site of the temple that the son of David (Solomon) will build

What is the significance of this place, the threshing floor of Araunah, the Jebusite?

Ezra says, "Now honor the LORD, the God of your ancestors, and do his will. Separate yourself from the peoples around you and from foreign wives."; divorce

What is the solution for Ezra to his people marrying foreign women?

1. The sword will never depart from your house (calamity within the house) 2. I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you (not secret, happens publicly) 3. The son born to you will die (Bathsheba's son)

What is the threefold punishment that David receives for his sin?


What is the word for anoint, chosen?

The Seleucid Line of Greek Rulers (the rulers after Alexander the Great dies)

What line of rulers is represented by the ten horns in Daniel 7:7?

"I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing", saying sacrifices must cost something

What phrase does David use that help us understand the nature of sacrifice? 24:24

Mixed Marriages; The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples; they have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons, and have mingled the holy race with the peoples around them. "You have been unfaithful; you have married foreign women, adding to Israel's guilt." (9:1-2; 10:10-11)

What primary Torah issue did Ezra deal with:

Working on the Sabbath, keeping shabbat; solution: shutting the gate (13:15, 19)

What primary Torah issue does Nehemiah deal with:

says "Saul is the Lord's anointed, he will not die by my hand"

What reason does David give for doing sparing Saul's life?

Ruling wisely, story of the two prostitutes, solving the case of who's baby it is by saying he will cut it in half and the real mother is willing to give the baby up

What story illustrates this giftof wisdom to Solomon in 3:16-28?

- Saul offers the sacrifices (offered up a burnt offering instead of waiting for Samuel to do it before battle) - Saul's foolish vow; bound people under an oath "Cursed be any man who eats food before evening comes, before I have avenged myself on my enemies!"; Johnathan eats some, is defended by army, Saul must back down and loses face (shame) - Saul spares Agag; they were supposed to carry out Herem against the Amalekites, he kills everyone but Agag and the best of sheep, cattle, fat calves, and lambs; "because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king"

What three foolish decisions does Saul make that demonstrates he is unfit as king:

- final Judge - Priest - Prophet

What three roles does Samuel assume in chapters 1-7?


What tribe is Saul from?

They worshiped other gods and followed the practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before them ,a s well as the practices the kings followed

What was the primary sin that led to the Fall of Samaria? (17:7-8)?

Jerusalem will be destroyed

What will be the result of Manasseh's reign?

Reject; "because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king"

What word frames the beginning and ending of the reign of Saul in 1 Samuel 8 and 15?

587 BC

What year does the Fall of Jerusalem take place?

Seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines

What, more than anything else, turned Solomon's heart away from God?

He tears his robes (repented) and initiates a reform, trying to get people back to following the Lord's commands

When this item, the Book of the Law, is read, what does Josiah do?

The Battle of Mr. Gilboa; Battle against the Philistines; Saul falls on his own sword

Where and how does Saul meet his deadly fate?

Runs all the way to Mt. Horeb (Sinai) for forty days journey

Where does Elijah go after Jezebel threatens him?

The threshing floor of Araunah, the Jebusite

Where does the punishment stop?

Sleeping in the Tabernacle (temple)

Where is Samuel when he is called?


Where is Solomon when he has a dream 1 Kings 3:5?


Where is the tabernacle at this time (1 Samuel 1-15)?

Bathsheba's son, Solomon

Which brother is Adonijah's rival for the throne in David's stead?

The Younger advisors

Which set of advisors does Rehoboam listen to, the younger or older ones?

Ranked from most important to least important: Tiglath, Rezin, Pekah, Ahaz. Rezin and Pekah form an alliance; Ahaz chooses to form an alliance with TP III rather than trusting in God

Who are the principle players at the time of the Assyrian Crisis?

Haggai and Zechariah

Who are the two prophets who encourage the people in their rebuilding efforts:


Who did not like David's "dance moves?"

The witch of Endor

Who does Saul meet with in Endor?

aka Xerxes, is the king of Persia

Who is Ahasuerus?

Elisha God Saves

Who is Elijah's successor? What does his name mean?

becomes queen in Vashti's place, name means "I am hidden"; is Jewish; queen for Ahasuerus

Who is Esther?

plots the death of the Jews all across the Persian empire; a close advisor to the King; Mordecai refuses to bow down before him; casts lots (purim) to determine the date when they will carry out the decree of the King to kill all the Jews

Who is Haman?


Who is Israel's first king:

Saul's son; eats some honey and was supposed to be killed, but the army defended him

Who is Jonathan?

Esther's adopted father, tells her to keep her Jewish identity a secret; refuses to bow to Haman

Who is Mordecai?

Hannah - barren wife of Elkanah

Who is Samuel's mother?

is the queen who is deposed (no longer queen) bc she wouldn't do what her husband told her to, parading in front of the other men sexually

Who is Vashti?


Who is brought in to keep David "warm?"

Antiochus Epiphanies IV

Who is represented by the little horn of Daniel 7:8?


Who is the adversary God raises against Solomon?


Who is the first king of the Northern Kingdom?


Who is the king of Assyria who invades Judah and besieges Jerusalem in 701 BC?


Who is the king of Israel during the Fall of Samaria?


Who is the king of Judah during the first deportation in 598 BC?


Who is the king of Judah when this event, the Fall of Jerusalem, takes place?


Who is the priest during the time of Josiah?

High priest at Shiloh is Eli

Who is the priest during this time (1 Samuel 1-15)?

Nathan the Prophet

Who is the prophet that tells David he can/can't build a temple/house for the Lord?

Ahijah; took hold of the new cloak he was wearing and tore it into twelve pieces signifying taking the kingdom out of solomon's hands and giving him 10 tribes

Who is the prophet who informs Jeroboam of God's intentions and what does he do to illustrate what will happen?


Who is the prophet who tells Hezekiah "Do not be afraid."

Huldah said "This is what the Lord says: i am going to bring disaster on this place (Jerusalem) and its people, according to everything written in the book the king of Judah has read."

Who is the prophet who tells Josiah of his fate and Jerusalem's ?

Ezra; Written sometime during 2nd Temple or Persian Period

Who is the traditional author of the Chronicler's history?


Who is the wickedest king of Judah? (2 Kings 21:3)?

Uzzah; he touched the ark

Who loses his life while transporting this piece of furniture?

Adonijah, the 4th son of David (oldest surviving son)

Who proclaims himself king in 1 Kings 1:5?

the Queen of Sheba

Who visits Solomon to confirm the reports about his wisdom?


Who wanted to kill Saul when given the chance?

David; the house of Jesse of Bethlehem

Who will the next king be after Saul and where is he from?

Reflects the concerns and interests of priesthood

Whose concerns are reflected in this version of ancient Israel's history (the Chronicler's History):

Uriah the Hittite; an elite soldier

Whose wife is Bathsheba?


With whom does David commit adultery?


With whom does David make a covenant of friendship?

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