Bible semester 2 exam

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Abijah/Abijam story

*2 Chronicles 13* = Abijah, meaning my father is Yahweh -given birth name -portrayed as good king -mothers father was Uriel of Gibeah (good) -*positive light* *1 Kings 15: 1-8* = Abijam, meaning father is sea -harmonization of name -portrayed as bad king -mother's father was Absalom (bad) -*negative light* Similar patterns with other kings between these books, like David. Can both books be true if they follow different trends? -different audiences asking different questions with different needs -Samuel/Kings chose different stories to highlight their messages, not give an ultimate/complete final message -All history requires selection of events and emphasis of events based on interest/questions, often driven by the audience

Importance of dates: 2000, 1000, 931, 722, 586, 539

*2000*: Abraham's birth *1000*: Reign of David, United Monarchy *931*: Solomon died, rebellion of Northern ten tribes of Israel, formed Independant Kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam. Rehoboam was the king of the South (Judah) --Divided Monarchy began. *722*: Northern Kingdom falls to Assyria *586*: Southern Kingdom falls to Babylon, sent into exile. *539*: Persia defeated Babylon, Israelites allowed to return to land.

Immediate retribution vs. delayed retribution

*Delayed retribution=Samuel-Kings* -talks about how punishment for sins is to come later -Ex: *2 King 23:15-16*- saying evil today will be punished later and emphasizes delayed retribution, and this explains why Israel was in exile. Punished for their sons and their forefathers sins. *Immediate Retribution=Chronicles* -talks about immediate retribution as if now someone breaks the law or is sinning, there will be immediate punishment, so that you will be less likely to sin b/c you know the consequences. Get away from exilic idea of descendants taking the sin.

Important Scripture passages given in class

*Deut 12, 2 Kings 16:1, 2 Kings 21:1= Centralization* -Sacrifice/worship only @ temple -The kings didn't follow this closely -Jereboam had problem since he was in the North and the temple was in the South -*exile occurred because the kings (besides 2) broke the law of centralization* *Deut 17:14-20= Role of the King* -outlines things Kings should/shouldn't do, model of law/piety -*exile because kings not following God, but trusted in foreign alliances instead of God the Warrior...own interests in mind* *Deut 13, Deut 18, 2 Kings 17:7-23= Fulfillment of Prophetic Word* -*exile because listened to false prophets* -true prophet outlined in D13,18 -2 Kings 23: Reign of Josiah, recounts how he destroyed false alters, killed priests, burned bones to desecrate, finds tomb of young and old prophets from before and honors it-->*delayed retribution (vs. immediate retribution in Chronicles)* *Deut 27-28= Curses* -threat that a fierce nation from far would destroy all the food, livestock, ruin the people, siege to cities, toppled walls, there would be suffering, people would have to eat fruit of the womb, no compassion to family, no sharing ------------------------------- *1 Chronicles 28:8-9, 2 Chronicles 7:14= Immediate Retribution* -prompt better action now, more likely to obey if consequences immediate *1 Sam 8-12= Transition from Judges (theocracy) to Kings* -Inauguration of first king of Israel (Saul #1, David #2, Solomon #3) -United monarchy *2 Sam 7= Davidic Covenant*


*First king of the United Kingdom of Israel* He was anointed by the prophet Samuel and reigned from Gibeah. He fell on his sword to avoid capture in the battle against the Philistines at Mount Gilboa, during which three of his sons were also killed. The main account of Saul's life and reign is found in the Books of Samuel.


*Second king of the United Kingdom *of Israel and according to the New Testament Gospels of Matthew and Luke an ancestor of Jesus. His life is conventionally dated to c. 1040-970 BCE, his reign over Judah c. 1010-1002 BCE, and his reign over the United Kingdom of Israel c. 1002-970 BCE. In the Bible, David is the King of Israel, and the Jewish people. Biblical tradition maintains that a direct descendant of David will be the Messiah. He is depicted as a righteous king, though not without faults, as well as an acclaimed warrior, musician, and poet, traditionally credited for composing many of the psalms contained in the Book of Psalms. He was a good king, and had a heart for the glory of God and a heart for repenting, which was what God was looking for in a king.

Through Jeremiah's sermons and signs, he faithfully declared that surrender to God's will is the only way to avoid calamity.


the four kingdoms that will rise and fall

-Babylonians -Persians -Greeks -Romans

Significance of dates of books for theological perspective of the history of the books

-Show the time in which the line of kings began for Israel -Show why Israel was in exile because the kings and people didn't follow the law of centralization, connected to other recordings of other historical accounts of other people which we can use to date the biblical theology and history of events that took place. -Samuel-Kings and Chronicles dealt with roughly the same time period, but dramatically different presentation

What's included in the covenant lawsuit

-arraignment in the divine court -accusations -pronoucement of judical sentence -description of coming punishment -promise of restoration

Elements that characterize the relationships between the Lord, prophets and their hearers. List elements

-authority of the Lord over both the prophets and audience -obedience of the prophets, sometimes with inital protest -authoiryt of the prophets as reprentatives of the soverign God -requirment of the audience to choose covenant obedience of disobedience -report of the prophet back to the Lord in the form of prayer

Prophets use poetry to convey their message because:

-it speaks powerfully to the will and emotionsnot only to inorm but move audience -stress on symbolism and imagery is sometimes better than prose to convey the onders of God and charater at the heart of prophets messages -can speak about meaning of future events without having do descirbe all literary details

Most important prophets in the kindom period?

-samuel -elijah -elisha

After an introductory chapter in hebrew, Daniel switches to Aramaic, and then back again to hebrew. Explain the content of the following chapters Daniel 2-7 Daniel 8-12

-to describe the future course of gentile world powers -reverts to hebrew to survey the future of the jewish nation under gentile domination

Nine eras of OT period as described in class

1. Gen 1-11: *Primeval Period* -2000 BC 2. Gen 12-50: *Patriarchal Period* -2000-1750 BC - the time of Abraham and his descendants 3. Exodus - Deuteronomy: *Exodus + Wilderness Wandering* - 15th/13th c. BC 4. Joshua 1-12: *Joshua Conquest*, during either 15th/13th c. BC 5. *Judges*- starting after Joshua's death in either 15th/13th c. BC up until the crowning of Saul as king in 1050 BC 6. *United Monarchy* -1002 BC - 931 BC, during the reign of David as king, in 1002 BC David unites North and South Israel, and the kingship lasts until Solomon's death in 931 BC 7. *Divided Monarchy* -931 - Solomon dies, the ten northern tribes of Israel rebelled in 932/931 BC to form the Northern Kingdom ruled by Jeroboam, and Rehoboam was king of the Southern Kingdom. Divided Monarchy 8. *Exile* -beginning in 722 BC when the Northern Kingdom falls to the Assyrians and in 586 BC when the Southern Kingdom falls to the Babylonians 9. *Post-Exilic Period* -King Cyrus of Persia defeats the Babylonians in 536 BC and wants the Israelites to come back and have their land back. Cyrus has them rebuild the temple and it is finished in 515 BC. Only the Southern Kingdom remains after the post-exilic period.

What 3 aspects doe the " Day of the Lord" encompass

1. Judgement of Unbelievers 2. Purification of Believers 3. Salvation of Believers

What are the 3 characteristics of the Poetic Books?

1. They record the thoughts of those wrestling with everyday issues and personal experiences 2. Show a lifestyle of dependence upon what God has done in the past and what He will do in the future 3. They were different from Ancient Near Eastern sayings because they lacked the character of the righteous standards of Israel's God

The prophets overall message can be boiled down to what three basic points?

1. You have broken the covenant;you had better repent! 2. No repentance? Then judgement! 3. Yet, there is hope beyond the judgement for a glorious, future restoration.

What did the prophets accuse Israel of?

1. idolatry 2. social injustice 3. religious ritualism

What is the most famous acrostic Psalms?



13th king of Judah (south), son of Ahaz, one of the GOOD KINGS, destroyed false idols, trusted God, kept the Law,

Psalms contains how many books?

5 books in 1


7th king of Israel (north) since Jeroboam. "Did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than anyone before him". Made a temple to/worshiped Baal


A leader of ancient Israel in the Books of Samuel in the Hebrew Bible. He is also known as a prophet. His status, as viewed by rabbinical literature, is that he was the last of the Hebrew Judges and the first of the major prophets who began to prophesy inside the Land of Israel. According to the text of the Books of Samuel, he also anointed the first two kings of the Kingdom of Israel: Saul and David.

Two of the Lord's messengers from awhile back?

Abraham ( Genesis 20:7) Moses (Exodus 3:1-4:17)


According to the Books of Samuel, a Jewish High Priest of Shiloh. Eli is the high priest of Shiloh, the last Israelite judge before the rule of the kings, therefore, the Shiloh tradition will become an old and lost tradition that when the prophet Jeremiah comes on the scene in the history of Yahweh's people, he will seek to renew and to bring back the way of the Shiloh tradition to the people of Israel because the kings have become wicked and defile the temple and tradition of Yahweh.

a1 An ____ is a poem in which each successive line of poetry starts with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet


Who was the burden bearing prophet from Tekoa who was a shepherd by trade, but called to be a prophet of doom for Yahweh?


What does the word Messiah mean?

Anointed One

What does one call assigning human characteristics to God?


The little horn of Daniel 8:9 refers to

Antichous IV Epiphanes of Greece

What kind of parallelism is it when the second line is opposite the first line?

Antithetic or Contrastive

A revolutionary type of writing which depicts symbolically the ultimate destruction of evil and triumph of good


This persian king allowed Nehimiah to return to the land of promice


Where and when Ezekiel was carried off into exile

Babylon in 597 B.C.

Daniel was a jewish youth of noble birth carried off to

Babylon in the first captivity under Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C.

Who is Jeremiah's faithful and blessed scribe?


If you hold to a literal view of the restored temple, which is true about Ezekiel's vision in chapter 40 (the plan for a new temple)

Blueprint of physical temple to be built in or around Jerusalem during the millenium

Date/Author of Chronicles

Chronicler. -Originally one book, split into two because couldn't fit onto one scroll. -geneologies... end of Saul (ends slightly later than Kings) -post exilic history: What do we do now? -539-533 BCE post exile period

a This type of parallelism (also known as antithetic) uses contrast, in that the thought of the 2nd line is contrasted with the 1st line:


Which foreign king is know as the Messiah of the Old Testament


Who is the Persian foreign king in Isaiah's prophecy?


king auhorised the rebuilding of the temple completed in 515BC


The message of Yahweh's sovereign power and ultimate triumph is clear throughout which Prophetic book?


who are the during the exile prophets ho miistered to the Jews in Babylon

Daniel Ezekiel

The King of Persia under which Daniel achieved considerable importance


dynasty that chronicles is most concerned with

Davidic dynasty

Deuteronomic, Deuteronomic HIstorian, Chronicler

Deuteronomic/Deuteronomic Historian: The author of Samuel-Kings -Perspective on history is generated on the history of Israel, looking through the lenses of Deuteronomy in evaluating the history of Israel. -Uses the three laws: the law of centralization, the law of kingship, and the law of prophets. -Ex: every king in the north and the south is evaluated on the law of centralization-specifically an emphasis on sacrificial worship. Chronicler: The author of Chronicles -wrote the genealogies and their relation to David going all the way back to Adam

Date/Author of Samuel-Kings

Deuteronomist/ Deuternomic Historian. -Originally one book, split into four because couldn't fit onto one scroll. -Exilic history: Why are we here? -Samuel: Follows life life of Samuel, rise/death of Saul, reign of David (Eli ---> exilic period) -Kings: 587-539 BCE (during the exile)

The future historical situation of God's people is communicated in prophetic visions. These visions are:

Dream/Vision/image Four beasts and Ram and Goat two beasts

(ON TEST) The writer of _______ makes the case that wisdom and obedience to God provides the meaning to life


(ON TEST) Which of the the wisdom books is an intellectual search for the meaning of life?


Which book presents a pessimistic view of life where all is vanity?


Who is the non writing prophet sent to King Ahab?


Who is the non-writing prophet who is most like Moses?


Daniels name means

Elohim is my judge

This book emphasizes the "new covenant" written on hearts instead of stone?


likely author of chronicles


Daniels life is characterized by:

Faith, Prayer, Courage, Consistency and lack of compromise

Stories in Daniel

Fiery Furnace Writing on wall Den of Lions


First king of the northern Israelite Kingdom of Israel after the revolt of the ten northern Israelite tribes against Rehoboam that put an end to the United Monarchy. Jeroboam reigned for 22 years.

Shekinah means

Glory of Yahweh

Song of Songs is an allegorical book where the view is a poem telling the relationship between whom?

God and Israel Christ and the Church

What does Ezekiel name mean?

God strengthens

When prophets brought a message it was brought by what?

God's covenant with His people

In Eziekiel's vision of the temple, he sees returning from the east

God's glory

One interpretation of the New Temple in Ezekiel is that is is symbolic of what?

God's presence and blessing with his people

Who was questioned Yahweh's use of the sinful nation of Babylon to punish His chosen nation of Israel, but in the end, had to embrace Yaweh's decisions?


Who was the post-exilic prophet who prophesied famine for building their own houses while leaving the house of Yahweh in ruins. But when the temple was built and the Messiah returned there would be feasting?


What did the prophets use for their message?

Hebrew poetry

Glorious restoration on the 2nd temple by the romans

Herods temple

Genre of Chronicles

Historical narrative. Prophetic/Theological History

Genre of Samuel-Kings

Historical narrative. Prophetic/Theological History

Who was a minor prophet who married an unfaithful women to exemplify Israel's spiritual adultery against Yahweh?


a A conscious exaggeration for the sake of effect is:


Although part of Daniel is written in Hebrew, a large portion (chs. 2-7) is written in

Imperial Aramaic

What kind of Psalm was used to ask God's wrath on enemies?



Initially king of the United Monarchy of Israel but after the ten northern tribes of Israel rebelled in 932/931 BC to form the independent Kingdom of Israel he was king of the Kingdom of Judah, or southern kingdom. He was a son of Solomon and a grandson of David.

a1 What literary device is used when the writer says the exact opposite of what he really means:


Which book was a woe oracle written against the foreign enemies of Israel and the unfaithful elements within Israel?


Contemporaries with Ezekiel:

Jeremiah and Daniel

Which book was the story of a man who loses everything and wrestles with why the righteous suffer?


___ Teaches us that in situations where life is inexplicable to us as mere humans, we are forced to rely on faith in the creator.


What chapter in Job is the "Jewel" that focuses on the wisdom of God?

Job 28

Which minor prophet seized the opportunity to compare the coming "Day of the Lord" with a locust plague?


(Reading) What are the parallels between Jesus and John the Baptist...and Elijah and Elisha?

John the Baptist = Elijah Jesus = Elisha. Matthew presents John as the fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy that Elijah would come again, presents Jesus as the new Elisha. 1) Elijah had distinctive styles of dress that made him instantly recognizable, and the description of John's clothes recalled the memory of Elijah 2) Both Elijah and John the Baptist faced hostile political power throughout their lives 3) Both Elijah and John the Baptist anointed their successors in the Jordan River -Elisha had accompanied Elijah to the river, asked a double portion of the spirit of Elijah rest on him -John baptized Jesus, saw the heavens open and the Spirit of God descend on him 4) Elijah as forerunner to Elisha, John as forerunner to Jesus 5) Heavy amounts of miracles in Elisha narrative

Who was a dove sent out from a boat on the waters, sent to a great city, caught in a great storm, swallowed by a great fish , to witness a great repentance?



Josiah and Hezekiah


King of Israel for 7 days. 1 Kings 16. Example of how determined the Deuteronomist was at looking at all of the examples of the kings as related to the Deuteronomic Laws

What is the book that Jeremiah wrote to remember the city of Jerusalem?


Who was a post-exilic messenger of Yahweh who prophesied the coming of the Messiah and was a prophet like Elijah


Which king of Judah was likely responsible for the death of Isaiah?


What kind of Psalm talked about looking forward to the ministry of Christ


Who was the prophet from Moresheth-Gath made it clear that for Israel to be like Yahweh, she must"do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly"?


Which person is the paradigm of the prophets according to Deuteronomy?


What Hebrew word means "to call or "prophet" ?


After 100 year, Ninevah had forgotten her repetance, Who confronted Israel by condemning Ninevah


Theological concerns in the minds of the authors of these historical books

Now that Israel is out of the exile, unsure of what they are supposed to do now in order to follow God and how to they learn from the past in order to not repeat it and follow God - told to build second temple

Who was a servant of Yahweh condemned the descendants of Esau for opposing his brother Israel?


What is the dominant structure of the Poetic books? What are the three types?

Parallelism 1) Terseness 2) high degree of structure 3) figurative imagery

What is represented in each vision of ch 8 Ram Goat Large horn Four notable horns Little horn

Persia Greece Alexander the great four greek generals Antiochus IV Epiphanes

What kind of Psalm was used when traveling to celebrate Jewish festivals


Written by an exile carried into babylon before the final assault on Jerusalem, what literary tools does Eziekiel use to dramatize God's message to his exiled prophets

Prophecies signs symbols parables


Prophet in Israel during reign of Ahab


Prophet in Israel during reigns of Joram, Jehu, Jehohaz, and Jehoash, disciple of Elijah. Accepted as annointed leader of prophets after Elijah taken into heaven.

DAniel ministered for the full duration of the babylonian captivity as a ____ and ___ ___, and he continued after babylon was overcome by the ____ and the _____ in 539 B.C.

Prophet, government official Medes, Persians

(ON TEST) Which of the wisdom books presents the rational, ordered norms of life?


a1 list four wisdom books:

Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs

What is the purpose of the Wisdom books?

Provide guidance for moral behavior and everyday living

What is translated as preacher or teacher?


What questions are in the minds of the audiences of these books?

Samuel-Kings: Why are we here? Why are we in exile? Does God want a monarchy for Israel? Chronicles: What do we do now? How do we relate to the past?

(Reading) What is the text critical issue surrounding the books of Samuel?

Scholars have long suspected that the Masoretic Text of Samuel, though comparatively intact, is nevertheless among the least well-transmitted books of the Bible. At many places there are significant divergences from the Hebrew text that was used by the translators of the Septuagint, and when the writer of Chronicles quotes Samuel, he also often appears to follow a text of Samuel different from the Masoretic Text. With the discovery of the Qumran manuscripts and fragments, this debate was largely settled.

Built by Davids Son; destroyed by nebuchadnezzar

Solomons temple


Son of David. 2 Samuel 12:25- *third king of the United Monarchy*, and the final king before the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah split. Following the split his patrilineal descendants ruled over Judah alone. Solomon as the builder of the First Temple in Jerusalem, and portrays him as great in wisdom, wealth, and power, but ultimately as a king whose sin, including idolatry and turning away from Yahweh, leads to the kingdom being torn in two during the reign of his son Rehoboam.

Occurs some 90 times in Ezekiel and, while the title here is applied to the prophet himself, it was used for jesus to refer to himself

Son of man

Which poetic book has the Latin Title Canticles?

Song of Songs

(ON TEST) Which of the Wisdom books celebrates the many aspects of true love?

Song of songs

In Daniel, the theme of God's ____ _____ in the affairs of world history clearly emerges providing comfort to the future church, as well as to the Jews whose nation was destroyed by the Babylonians

Sovereign control

What is it called when Israel combined the religions of Baal and Yahweh?


What kind of parallelism is it when the second line repeats the idea of the first line?


a This type of parallelism involves a close similarity between lines using words with similar meanings. That is, the 2nd line repeats much the same idea as the 1st line, using similar terminology:


What kind of parallelism is it when the second line finishes the thought of the first line?


a This type of parallelism (also known as developmental) has the 2nd line develop further the idea of the 1st line:


What kind of Psalm gives praise to God?


Because Daniel gives a good summary of the prophetic history is was given a special nickname, what was it?

The Apocalypse of the Old Testament

Wisdom books were founded on what?

The Torah

The section of hope at the heart of Jeremiah's message is called what?

The book of Consolation

What was Jeremiah's nick name?

The weeping prophet

(Reading) Was there a single author to Kings?

There is debate over whether there was a single author, or multiple authors, but as Longman points out, approaches to Kings that view it as the product of a single author at least have the fortuitous result of focusing attention on the final form of the text, rather than on the insoluble problems involved in its compositional history.

How Ezekiel is like Jeremiah

They were both priests they both go wifeless as a sign both called to be prophets

Elijah and Elisha prophesied during the divied kingdom and before the exile of 70 years in Babylon


What phrase in the book of Ecclesiastes means the earthly life judged from a heavenly perspective?

Under the Sun

(Like, Unlike) the book of Proverbs, the purpose of the song of songs give good, practical, wise advice about marriage.


Visions that depict the future restoration of Israel

Valley of dry bones fallen city and specifications for restoration

Nehimiah is closely associated withe the ministry of his contemporary, Ezra. What is the difference in their ministries

Where ezra dealt with the religious restoration of Judah. Nehimiah is primarily concerned with judahs political and geographical needs.

Psalms contains some ________, but not all of it is a ___________ book


What is the meaning of Isiah's name and the theme throughout his book?

Yahweh is salvation

What was the final words of Ezekiel's prophecy?

Yahweh is there

Who was a minor prophet who encouraged those who returned from the captivity that Yahweh remembers and desires that his temple be completed for someday the glory of the Messiah would inhabit it?


Who prophesied during the time of Josiah's reign promising that Yahweh would protect. He came from the kingly line of Hezekiah?


built by the returning remnant; descecrated by antiochus Epiphanes

Zerubbaals temple

Who led a return of the Jews to Jerusalem in the first year of cyrus, King of Persia?


thr prophecy of cyrus the "Messiah" in Isiah 44:28-45:4 ser in motion three major expeditions:

Zurubbabek in 538 Nehimiah in 444 Ezra in 458 BC

What does each book of the Psalms end with?

a doxology

What is a doxology?

a hymn of praise to God

What is it called when truth is shown through a memorable story or word picture?

a parable

Daniel is one of the few well known biblical characters...

about whom nothing negative is written

an extended metaphor, a story in which people, things and happenings have a hidden or symbolic meaning.


Ezekiel is concerned about the judgement upon the nation of israel, but

also cares about the judgement upon the nations surrounding israel

pre-exilic prophets that prophesied to Israel

amos hosea

Ecclesiastes contains many _________

anti proverbs

a2 "For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." is an example of ____ parallelism.


why are the kings of israel ommited in chronicles but several kings of judah are highlighted?

because of their rejection of temple worship at jerusalem. Prominence given to Judahs temple restoration.

Prophets function

call people to radical obedience and depence upon God

the content to the prophetic messages were shaped by God's ______ with his people and by the particular ___________ of the individual

covenant historical circumstances

Nehimiah was a

cupbearer, eunich

Daniel devoted himself to God by

decision not to eat kings food refusal to pray to king

In Ezekiel, the certainty of divine judgement is symbolized by the

departure of God's glory from the temple

what happended in 586 BC

destruction of temple

Ezekiel probably received his first call in the 30th year of his life while tending his

father-in-law's flocks in the wilderness

a1 explain the difference between simile, metaphor, and indirect analogy:

for example, if the writer wants to make an analogy between the Lords wrath and a storm. A simile would say, "The wrath of the Lord is like a storm." A metaphor would express the analogy by saying, "The wrath of the Lord is a storm." Indirect analogy skips the identification of analogy and states, "the storm of the Lord will burst in wrath, a driving wind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.

To what does the image on chapter two and the four beasts in chapter 7 refer?

four successive gentile empires under which God;s people would live

In Ezekiel, present judgement will be followed by

future glory

What does Icabod's name mean?

glory has departed

terms used by Yahweh that allude to the greatest prohpet of all

go send speak i will be with you

Post-exilic prophets who ministered to the remaining remnant

haggai zachariah malachi

which post exilic urged the rebuilding of the temple under zurrubabaal

haggai and zechariah

terms used by the prohphet

hear thus says the Lord

the prophetic books are largely written in the style of __________ poetry


a2 "Roaring lions tearing their prey, open their mouths wide against me." is an example of a(n) ____

indirect analogy

Major prophets

isaiah jeremiah ezekiel daniel

pre-exilic prophets who prophesied to the city of nineveh

jonah nahum

the only difference between major and minor prophets is...

length or their writing

Proverbs contain generalizations about what 2 things?

life and skills for living

Descirbe the true prophets in the OT

loyal servants of God and convinced foes of idolatarry. They risked their lives to confront wicked kings of their sins and God's coming judgment. They would pled for sinners to return to God

Which is longer major or minor prophets?

major prophets

Why was the covenat established

make Israel a holy nation that worshipped the 1 and true God

(ON TEST) The Song of Songs (Solomon) is a love song abounding in _____ and ______ _______

metaphors, oriental imagry

Greatest prophet


Three temples were actuallt built in Jerusalem across a period of about a thousand years. all three were built on the same hill. what hill?

mt moriah

Do bible prophet predict the future

no primarly

The central message

of Gods power and ultimate triumph is clear throughout the book of Daniel


one of the kings of Judah (south), renewed the covenant, instituted major reforms, compiled important Hebrew scriptures during Deuteronomic reform, one of the GOOD KINGS

houw could the history of israel be characterized

persistent rebellion agaisnt God

a1 Explain the difference between personification, anthropomorphism and zoomorphism:

personification: involves attributing human features/characteristics to non human things. Anthropomorphism: the representation of God with human features or characteristics. Zoomorphism: Nonhuman images for God used

(ON TEST) The Wisdom books present a _____ theology for living day to day Godly life in a complicated world.


The prophecies from the Old Testament literature mostly deal with what?

present times

What is the basic theme of Ezra


What kind of Psalm show the reign on earth and in heaven?


Another theme in Daniel, of which Daniel is the ultimate example

separation to God

Psalms are not just poems they are meant to be __________

set to music in the temple hymnbook for stringed instruments

a2 "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." is an example of a(n) ____


a1 An Anthropomorphism can also be a:

simile, metaphor or indirect analogy

The events of Ezekiel's prophetic ministry are a foreshadow of Jesus Christ

spirit of the lord fell upon them vision of the Lord God as the divine Shepard Restored sanctuary (tabernacle) in the midst of a regathered people

Ezekiel's name means

strengthened by God

Characteristics of "apocalyptic" writing

symbolism visions allegories parables symbolic actions

a2 "The One enthroned in heaven laughs, the LORD scoffs at them." is an example of ____ parallelism.


a2 "He will not let your foot slip, he who watches over you will not slumber." is an example of ____ parallelism.


major unifying theme of 1 & 2 chronicles?

temple of Jerusalem

a Old Testament poetry is characterized by:

terseness, a high degree of structure and figurative imagry.

Which covenants did the did Jeremiah blame Judah for overemphasizing?

the Davidic covenant over the Mosaic covenant

The little horn in Daniel 7:8 is

the antichrist

the four sections of Ezekiel

the call and commission of Ezekiel judgement on Judah Judgment on Gentiles restoration of israel

(ON TEST) How can wisdom be defined?

the combination of knowledge and character that allows us to live in the real world in a right and godly manner.

a Parallelism is:

the dominant structural element of OT poetry.

Chronicles presents the history of the jews form...

the post exilic standpoint of those who have returned from captivity

Ezekiel's prophetic ministry shows a priestly emphasis in his concern with

the temple, priesthood, sacrifices, and shekinah

Minor prohphets are also called

the twelve

(ON TEST) If the wisdom books are not a collection of universal promises, what exactly are they:

they are a collection of valuable insights into Godly living, which, if taken to heart, will develop godly character, a character that will make wise choices in the rough and tumble marketplace of life.

(ON TEST) The imperatives of the wisdom literature-listen, look, think, reflect-combine to focus on the overarching purpose of these books. What is this purpose?

to develop character in the reader

there are two exoduses described by Ezra:

to rebuild the temple rebuild the spiritual condition of the people

1 and 2 chronicles cover the same period of jewish history described in 2 Samuel through 2 kings, though from a different perspective.


2 chronicles begins with the reign of Solomon with the primay concern being on the construction and dedication of solomons temple.


As in Chronicles therr is a strong priestly emphasis, and Ezra was a direct priestly descendant of Aaron


Chronicles was written from a priestly perspective to a returning remnant who were rebuilding jerusalems walls and temples


Ezra continued the narriative of 2 chronicles by showing how God fufills his promice to return to the Land after 70 years


Prominent in nehimiah is the concept of Gods covenant with his people


the restoration of the temple and people requires a reassertion of thr distinctive identity of israel and her faith, together with a seperation from other peoples and pagan beliefs


while jesus became the true temple of God, the temple of the present age is found in the heart and body of the believer untill jesus returns.


Daniel displayed such an

uncompromising spirit that spectacular opportunities were opened for God to display his power

(ON TEST) The many proverbs in the book of proverbs are not _____ (things that are not always true)


The opening three verses name Ezekiel the son of Buzi as recieving

visions of God. The book is the result of Ezekiel's encounters with God.

Nehimiah was specifically commissioned to rebuild:


prophets that recorded their messages

writing prophets

Daniel is the

"Apocalypse of the old testament" presents a surprising comprehensive sweep of prophetic history

What does Daniel's name mean?

"Elohim is my Judge"

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