Bible semester 2 final review

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How many Beatitudes are there in the Sermon on the Mount?


How was the tomb sealed?

A giant stone

What did they find at the tomb

An empty tomb and an angel

How is the truth of God's word described?

As something holy and valuable

When did Nicodemus come to Jesus to question him?

At night

What does the Lord mean when he says, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect"?

Be a mature Christian

According to verse 8, how do believers know that the son has been sent by the father?

Because the words he said which God had given him

What two things from nature did Jesus use to teach that we shouldn't worry about life's necessities?

Birds and wildflowers

What effects of demon possession were evident in the man that Christ healed?

Blind and mute

What illustration did the lord use to stress the powerlessness of worry?

Cannot add a cubit to your height

How can we recognize false teaching?

Comparing the teaching of scripture s

What effect did Jesus say his coming had on the laws of God?

Complete the law

What is the summary of the law and the prophets Jesus presented concerning our relationship with other people?

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you

What two animals are used to describe the worthless character of those who refuse the truth of God's word?

Dogs and swine

How many go through the narrow gate?


What was the rich man wearing that showed his wealth?

Fine clothes

According to John 17:4-5, why was Christ seeking to be glorified with the Father?

Finished the work God has given him

What kind of foundation is compared to ignoring the commands of God?

Foundation of sand

What kind of foundation is compared to obeying God's commands?

Foundation of stone

Where did the Lord appear to his disciples?

Galilee, Jerusalem

What was the rich man's 2nd request?

Go to father's house and warn brothers about hell

According to the dictionary, what does the word beatitude mean?


Why could Jesus speak so confidently of spiritual things?

He was from heaven and eye witness of truth

What are the things a person is not to swear by?

Heaven, earth, Jerusalem, and your head

What type of treasure should a believer store up for himself?

Heavenly treasure

A person who insults someone by calling him a fool is in danger of what?

Hell fire

What important truth can we learn from what Jesus prayed in John 17?

How Christians are to be separated from the world

What does Jesus call a person who condemns someone else for doing the same thing that he himself practices?


What makes a person a hypocrite when he prays, fasts, or gives?

If he does it for the praise of others

What are to reasons a person is to love his enemies?

It is consistent with God's character, and reward is shown when we treat our enemies with love

Why is John 17:20 a particular blessing to believers today?

Jesus prayed for all future believers

Who claimed the body of Jesus from Pilate?

Joseph of Arimethia

What two parts of the Hebrew alphabet are referred to by the Lord in this passage?

Jot, tittle

What blessing is based on the fact that the Son has committed believers to the father?


Who was "the son of perdition"?

Judas Iscariot

How does Jesus use the parent-child relationship to illustrate God's willingness to answer prayer?

Just as a father gives good gifts to his children, just as God wants to bless us

What was the poor man's name?


Who did the rich man see far away in paradise?


What are the 4 things a person is to do for his enemies?

Love, pray, bless, and do good for them

How many choose the wide gate?


What two women were the first to visit the tomb?

Mary Magdeline and Mary the wife of Cleopas

What kind of teacher did Jesus say Nicodemus was?

Master of Israel

What example of everyday life did Jesus use to teach that a person cannot serve both God and material wealth?

Masters and slave relationship

Why did Nicodemus believe that Jesus was "from God"?


Why wouldn't Abraham do what the rich man requested?

Moses and the prophets were witnesses to the brothers

What Old Testament incident did Jesus use to illustrate his crucifixion?

Moses holding up a serpent statue in the wilderness

What two Old Testament commandments did Christ identity in this passage?

Murder, adultery

What action is necessary to avoid being condemned?

New birth and salvation

What does the scripture mean when it says, "take no thought for your life"?

Not to worry about these things

What reward is given to someone who gives to charity or fasts in a way that draws attention to himself?

People's admiration

What do the first 4 Beatitudes describe?

Personal relationship with God

Whose righteousness must be exceeded in order to enter the kingdom of heaven?


What did Nicodemus think Jesus meant by being born again?

Physical birth

What kind of fasting is blessed by God?


What kind of giving is blessed by God?


What did the priests do to make sure no one stole the body?

Put guards in front of the tomb

What's always necessary before you worship the Lord?

Reconcile with other believers

What do the second 4 Beatitudes describe?

Relationship with other people

What is vein repetition in prayer?

Repeating stuff about yourself

What happened to the rich man when he died? What happened to the beggar?

Rich man went to hell and the beggar went to heaven

Who is the "evil one"?


To what two things is a Christian compared?

Salt and light

What member of the body is like a right heart?

Single eye

Why shouldn't a person who's been physically abused try to get even?

Spiritual impact

What commission did he give them before he ascended?

Spread the gospel to all nations

What two items does Jesus use to emphasize that God won't give what is harmful or worthless in answer to our prayers?

Stone and a serpent

Why is it wrong for a Christian to take an oath to prove he's honest?

Suggest that you are not normally honest

Where did the Pharisees love to pray?

Synagogue or temple

What message was given to the women?

Tell disciples to meet him on the mountain

To whom did Jesus appear first?

The Mary's

What often happens to earthly treasures?

The get destroyed or lost

Where was the body of Jesus buried?

The tomb

What force of the physical world did Jesus use as an illustration?

The wind

How did the priests attempt to cover up what happened?

They bribed the soldiers

What mistake did the people in Matthew 7:21-23 make?

They thought that their profession of faith was enough to ensure their salvation

What caused the rich man's torment in hell?

Thirst and fire

Why did the women visit the tomb?

To anoint Jesus's body

What should we learn from the two illustrations Jesus used to describe the Christian?

To be Christ like and to influence others

What's the relationship of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Old Testament?

To complete the law of God

When a Christian worries about the necessities of life, what sort of person is he acting like?

Unsaved people

Why couldn't Abraham send help to the rich man?

Vast expanse between paradise and hell

What is the condition the Lord puts on the forgiveness that he is willing to grant us?

We have to forgive people

Why is it unwise to be critical of others?

We will be judged the same way we judge others

What animal is used to describe the character of false teachers?


Name one means of sanctification mentioned in John 17.

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