Bio 100: Exam 2

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"Naked seeds", such as pine cones and other conifers. ex: conifer & pine tree

In the projected video showing the growth of bacteria, why did the bacteria grow up to the edge of the area with antibiotics, pause, then continue to grow across the area with antibiotics?

A few bacteria experienced random mutations in their DNA, which allowed some of them to grow even though antibiotics were present.

T cells

Cells created in the thymus that produce substances that attack infected cells in the body.

A requirement of cladistics is that a grouping must include ________.

a common ancestor and all its descendants

By what means do prokaryotes typically divide?

binary fission

The ___________________ defines a __________ as a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed with one another and produce fertile offspring.

biological species concept; species

NOT a plant

charophyte algae


conversion of one form of energy into another

The evolution of populations due to chance is

genetic drift

In North America, one species of garter snake lives primarily in the water, while another species lives primarily on land. Therefore, they rarely meet and mate. The type of evidence is ___________________.

habitat isolation

A _________ is a small circular molecule of DNA that reproduces independently of the larger bacterial chromosome.


A group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interact with one another is a ______.


A group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interact with one another is a ___________.


Habitat isolation?

populations live in different habitats and do not meet

habitat isolation

populations live in different habitats and do not meet


process in which one strain of bacteria is changed by a gene or genes from another strain of bacteria

A ______ is a viral genome that has inserted itself into the genome of its host.



protein coat surrounding a virus

What is radiometric dating?

The process of determining the age of a fossil from radioactive isotopes.

Groundhogs are closely related to marmots. Based on this information, how are they likely to be changing as the climate warms?

They are getting larger.

In the lab, Nachman examined dark mice from two different populations living hundreds of km apart. The mice looked nearly identical. Their dark color was caused by two different genes. What does this tell you? Select all that apply. -Dark fur color evolved independently on each lava flow. -There are at least two genes involved in creating dark mouse fur. -Two completely different mutations in two separate genes can generate the same phenotype. -Under very similar conditions, natural selection can favor very similar adaptations. -Dark color evolved only once in rock pocket mice.

-Dark fur color evolved independently on each lava flow. -There are at least two genes involved in creating dark mouse fur. -Two completely different mutations in two separate genes can generate the same phenotype. -Under very similar conditions, natural selection can favor very similar adaptations.


A flowering plant which forms seeds inside a protective chamber called an ovary. ex: pear tree & purple coneflower

binary fission

A form of asexual reproduction in which one cell divides to form two identical cells.

Assuming similar conditions, which of the following shorelines will likely be most protected from tidal flooding as climate change intensifies? -A shoreline without a coral reef. -A shoreline with a thriving coral reef. -A shoreline with a bleached coral reef. -A shoreline with a decaying coral reef

A shoreline with a thriving coral reef.

Which of the following is most likely to survive a changing climate? -A species in which all members are genetic clones. -A species with low genetic diversity. -A species with a large amount of genetic diversity. -A species with all genetically identical members.

A species with a large amount of genetic diversity.

immune system

A system (including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues) that protects the body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response


A tiny, nonliving particle that invades and then reproduces inside a living cell.

Which of the following places is likely to have the highest level of local extinction? -A prairie in Kansas. -A tropical forest in Guyana. -A temperate forest in Illinois. -A tundra in Canada.

A tropical forest in Guyana.


A virus that infects bacteria

Over time, bacteria have become increasingly resistant to antibiotics. Which of the following best explains this in terms of natural selection? -Some bacteria began to tolerate the antibiotics, and passed this ability to their offspring. -Antibiotics caused bacteria to reproduce more quickly than normal. -Antibiotics caused mutations in the bacteria that were exposed to the largest doses of antibiotics. -Bacteria that happen to have natural resistance to antibiotics survived and reproduced.

Bacteria that happen to have natural resistance to antibiotics survived and reproduced.

Based on this research, which of the following studies would likely be best to create better treatments for future C. difficile outbreaks? -An in-depth study of the lack of disinfection in hospitals. -An in-depth study of the underuse of antibiotics. -An in-depth study of genetically modified foods. -An in-depth study of the gut microbiome in humans.

An in-depth study of the gut microbiome in humans.


An organism that causes disease

Which of the following statements supports the conclusion that the common ancestor of modern chimps and modern humans lived around 7 million years ago? -Stone tools have been found that date back about 7 million years. -Analysis of modern human and modern chimpanzee protein and DNA sequences suggests that their lineages diverged about 7 million years ago. -Scientists estimate that it would take about 7 million years for chimps to evolve into humans. -Scientists estimate that it takes about 2.5 million years for brains to double in volume, so it would take about 7 million years to go from 0.3 l (early hominid brain volume) to 1.5 l (modern human brain volume).

Analysis of modern human and modern chimpanzee protein and DNA sequences suggests that their lineages diverged about 7 million years ago.

Why is cholera much more prevalent in the developing world?

Contaminated water is more common in the developing world.

Habitat loss has driven the population of the Florida panther (Puma concolor cougar) to extremely low numbers. Which mechanism of microevolution is likely at play in this species?

Genetic drift: the bottleneck effect

Which of the following is Maloney most likely to recommend to private landowners in order to best protect sugar pines from mountain pine beetles? -Use pesticides. -Give them plenty of water. -Give them lots of fertilizer. -Remove the bark from the bottom half of the trees.

Give them plenty of water.

Remember that color is an inherited trait in beetles. Which of the following is an example of natural selection? -Green beetles migrate out of the population, and brown beetles migrate into the population. -A storm kills more green beetles than brown beetles by chance. -Green beetles leave more offspring than brown beetles because they are better at finding food. -Green beetles and brown beetles always leave the same number of offspring. -Green beetles migrate out of the population.

Green beetles leave more offspring than brown beetles because they are better at finding food.

Patients with advanced AIDS often die from infections that do little harm to healthy people. Why?

HIV infects and destroys the helper T cells of the immune system.

While working as a microbiologist, you discover a new species of Clostridium. Which of the following is true? -It is disease-causing. -It is harmless. -It is most likely harmless. -It is most likely disease causing.

It is most likely harmless.

Based on these data, during which range of months does "flu season" occur in a typical year?


Why is the enzyme lactase necessary to digest dairy products?

Lactase breaks down lactose into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the cells that line the small intestine.

Most people are lactose intolerant as adults, but nearly everyone produces sufficient lactase as an infant. However, in some cases, genetic mutations can occur that make an infant lactose intolerant. From an evolutionary perspective -- over thousands of years -- why would lactose intolerance in infants be very rare in the population?

Lactose intolerant infants could not digest breast milk and therefore usually died, never having the chance to pass the mutation on to their children.

A virus enters your system and successfully invades and infects a cell. At this point it is vulnerable to recognition or attack by _____.

T cells

Two populations of flowers do not produce offspring because one blooms during early spring and the other blooms during late spring.

Temporal isolation

Before the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, what was the prevailing public consensus regarding species evolution?

That species were permanent and unchanging

Which of the following is the best example of a species that is locally extinct? -The peregrine falcon, found throughout its range, though in lower numbers than expected. -The Caribbean monk seal, found nowhere in the world. -The red-breasted nuthatch, missing from part of its range. -The golden toad, found only in zoos.

The red-breasted nuthatch, missing from part of its range.

Louis and Mary Leakey found two different fossil hominid skulls at Olduvai. Which of the following statements about the skulls is true? -Both skulls belonged to the "the toolmaker" species that the Leakeys had been searching for. -The second skull represented a species more closely related to modern humans than the first skull's species. -The second skull was that of a species that could walk upright, and the first one was not. -The first skull they found was several million years older than the second skull.

The second skull represented a species more closely related to modern humans than the first skull's species.

How do lactase supplements help people who are lactose intolerant?

The supplements provide the enzyme that breaks down the lactose in dairy products.

Why did dark-colored rock pocket mice first appear in a population of light-colored rock pocket mice?

They have a genetic mutation that affects their fur color.

Lactose intolerance in infants is more common in the population today than it was a hundred years ago. Why?

Today there are alternatives to breast milk, such as lactose-free formula and soy milk, so lactose intolerant infants can survive.

helpful bacteria

Type of bacteria that we intentionally use. ex: probiotics, nitrogen fixers, decomposers

You are a doctor. A patient presents with diarrhea and tests positive for C. difficile. Which of the following is true? -Your patient must have recently been on antibiotics. -Your patient has not taken antibiotics in at least three years. -Your patient may or may not have recently taken antibiotics. -Your patient must have recently been on at least two different kinds of antibiotics.

Your patient may or may not have recently taken antibiotics.

Which of the following can be found in bacteria but not viruses?

a cell membrane

Mutations are always __________.

a change in an individual's DNA

Nonvascular plant

a low-growing plant that lacks true vascular tissue ex: bryophyte & moss

Which of the following anatomical features of the 3.2-million-year-old Australopithecus fossil known as "Lucy" suggest she was a bipedal hominid? -a hairless face -a large brain -the absence of a prehensile tail -a much shorter hip bone that is broader from front to back and wraps around the side

a much shorter hip bone that is broader from front to back and wraps around the side

Which of the following pathogens causes mad cow disease?

a prion

bottleneck effect

a reduction in the genetic diversity of a population caused by a reduction in its size

In the immune response, the end goal is to disable or kill pathogens that invade the body. But first, antibody proteins or proteins in immune cell membranes must recognize and bind to invaders. This is a challenge, given the vast diversity of pathogensthat can infect us. To meet this challenge, immune proteins _____.

are diverse: each immune protein can bind to only one or a few pathogens, but immune proteins are tremendously diverse, so the system is likely to possess a "match" to nearly any pathogen

When should a lactase supplement be taken in order to be most effective, and why?

at the same time the dairy product is consumed, so that the lactase will be in contact with the lactose

external system

attempts to prevent entry of pathogens

A _______ is a virus that specifically infects bacteria.


A _____________ is a virus that specifically infects bacteria.


When a B cell binds to a virus or other pathogen, it ______.

becomes activated, divides rapidly, and thereby mounts a specialized response against the pathogen.

Female fireflies choose mates based on the specific flash pattern displayed by males flying nearby. This is an example of ________.

behavioral isolation

In the Galapagos Islands, birds called blue-footed boobies will mate only after a specific "dance" is performed where a potential mate displays bright blue feet. The type of evidence is ______________________.

behavioral isolation

Male fireflies signal to females of the same species by blinking their tail lights at a particular rhythm. Females only respond to signals sent by males of their species. The type of evidence is _______________________.

behavioral isolation

Most bacteria (and many other single-celled organisms) reproduce via ____________, the process of dividing a cell in half, yielding two genetically identical offspring cells.

binary fission

Fossils of some species of reptile are found only in West Africa and Brazil, even though these locations are currently separated by thousands of miles of Atlantic ocean. The type of evidence is ________.


Most of the animals found on the island of Madagascar are found nowhere else, indicating they evolved from ancestral populations after Madagascar was isolated from other continents. The type of evidence is _________.


Comparision of DNA sequences among single-celled organisms suggests that eukaryotes are more closely related to archaea than bacteria. The type of evidence is ______.


The amino acid sequence of human hemoglobin is more similar to the sequence of hemoglobin from dogs than it is to the sequence from fish. The type of evidence is _________.


The _______ defines a ________ as a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed with one another and produce fertile offspring.

biological species concept; species

A sudden volcanic eruption kills many members of a population of elk. By chance, the individuals that remain do not have the same mix of genes as the original population. The mechanism of evolution is ________________.

bottleneck effect

Although millions of prairie chickens once roamed the Midwest, their numbers dwindled to only 50 individuals in the 1990s. These few individuals have since produced a larger population. The genetic variation among the current population is quite low. The mechanism of evolution is ________________.

bottleneck effect

How do scientists know that the hominid called "Ardi" is about 4.4 million years old?

by using radiometric dating techniques on the volcanic deposits found above and below the layer containing Ardi

In the video, what does the UK's Chief Medical Officer suggest for promoting the development of new antibiotics?

encouraging big pharmaceutical companies to start investing again in new drug research and development

Gametic isolation?

female and male gametes fail to unite in fertilization

Remains of a 365 million year old organism named Ichthyostega include features that suggest it spent time both in water and on land, indicating that it was a transitional species between fish and land-dwelling amphibians. The type of evidence is _______.

fossil record

The oldest known and most primitive bird is the 150-million-year old Archaeopteryx. Its remains display feathered wings, but its skeleton is otherwise similar to the two-legged dinosaurs that lived at that time. The type of evidence is ______.

fossil record

Tristan da Cunha is a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean. In 1814, 15 people formed a colony there, one of whom carried a rare gene for blindness. The frequency of this gene is now 10 times higher on the island than on the mainland from which the settlers arrived. The mechanism of evolution is ______________.

founder effect

Within the open ocean, many species of sea slug release gametes simultaneously, but eggs of each species cannot be fertilized by sperm of a different species. The type of evidence is _______________________.

gametic incompatibility

As habitats change, populations of northern pine trees that were once separated can now exchange pollen. This exchange of genes between populations is allowing the previously isolated gene pools to mix. The mechanism of evolution is ____________.

gene flow

Insecticide resistance among mosquitos is spreading around the world after mutations that originate in one population are spread to other populations through matings. The mechanism of evolution is _______________.

gene flow

In a population with brown and green alleles for color, genetic drift

has more effect on the evolution of a small population.

Although some closely related (but separate) species of salamander can mate with each other to produce offspring, the offspring fail to develop normally and cannot reproduce. The type of evidence is ________________.

hybrid weakness

The _________ system is a collection of cells and organs that protect an organism's body from agents that can cause disease.


In which country would you most likely find a higher incidence of lactase persistence?

in a Scandinavian country where people historically raised dairy cattle and made cheese

Which of the following is still necessary to eradicate cholera?

intergovernmental cooperation

A degenerative brain disorder transmitted by cannibalism is called ________.


Which of the following traits can be used to differentiate humans from our closest living primate relatives? -large brain size -bipedality (the ability to walk exclusively on two legs) -extensive tool use -grasping hands

large brain size, bipedality (the ability to walk exclusively on two legs), extensive tool use

The ______ is a viral life cycle in which the virus inserts its genome into the genome of its host, where it may remain dormant for long periods.

lysogenic cycle

The _____________ is a viral life cycle in which the virus inserts its genome into the genome of its host, where it may remain dormant for long periods.

lysogenic cycle

The _____ is a viral life cycle that results in bursting of the host cell.

lytic cycle

The ___________ is a viral life cycle that results in bursting of the host cell.

lytic cycle

Temporal isolation?

mating or fertilization occurs at different seasons or times of day

Certain species of plants require hummingbirds to transfer pollen from the male parts of one flower to the female parts of another flower. The shape of the plant flower is compatible only with the one species of hummingbird that transfers its pollen. The type of evidence is ___________________.

mechanical incompatibility

Some closely related species of snails cannot mate because their shells spiral in opposite directions, making it impossible for their reproductive organs to be aligned. The type of evidence is _________________.

mechanical incompatibility

mechanical incompatibility

members of different species often cannot mate because their anatomies are incompatible

How do vaccines convey long-term immunity to some pathogens?

memory cells

Some viral diseases are dangerous only when a person is infected for the first time; subsequent infections produce only mild symptoms or go entirely unnoticed. This pattern can be explained by the action of _____.

memory cells that trigger a secondary immune response

A ___________ is an agent in the environment that has the potential to cause disease.


Seedless vascular plant

plant that does not produce seeds ex: fern

A _________ is a viral genome that has inserted itself into the genome of its host.


complement system

proteins in the blood that help antibodies kill their target

You are a doctor working in Cambodia. A patient presents with cholera. Which of the following would likely be best for you to do first?


A ________ is anything that prevents successful interbreeding between species.

reproductive barrier

A ______________ is anything that prevents successful interbreeding between species.

reproductive barrier

Which of these sub-cellular structures is found in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes?


As climate change continues, species in which of the following marine ecosystems are likely to benefit the most? -coral reefs -kelp forests -mangroves -rocky areas near shore

rocky areas near shore

The biology department of your college decides to employ Maloney's strategy to help a local coniferous species. Which of the following will students need to collect? -needles -seeds -roots -male and female cones


Researchers discovered that female gray tree frogs prefer to mate with males who sound the longest mating calls. The mechanism of evolution is _____________.

sexual selection

Antibodies are _____.

specialized proteins that attach to pathogens and disable them or mark them for destruction by immune cells

The process that gives rise to new species is called ______.


The process that gives rise to new species is called __________.


gametic incompatibility

sperm from one species cannot fertilize eggs of another species

An invasive species is a species that ________.

spreads rapidly outside its native range and causes damage

When speaking of the anatomy of a virus, we can say that ________.

the genome is surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid, which may or may not be surrounded by an envelope

There are many organs and glands of the endocrine system, but which one is the master controller?

the hypothalamus

Following an injury to your hand, the injured area appears red and swollen. It feels painful and warm to the touch. What is the cause of these symptoms?

the inflammatory response


the viral DNA that is embedded in the host cell's DNA

Binary fission produces __________.

two genetically identical bacterial cells

Which medication prevents viral infections by priming the immune system against a specific virus?


Although generally not considered to be alive, a _____ is studied alongside other microbes such as bacteria.


Although generally not considered to be alive, a _________ is studied alongside other microbes such as bacteria.


The process of __________ involves the transfer of DNA from one bacterium to another by a virus.


he process of ___________ occurs when a bacterium internalized bits of DNA from its environment.


The earliest hominin to use fire was __________.

Homo erectus

What does Dr. Carroll mean when he says, "while mutation is random, natural selection is not"? Select all that apply. -Natural selection favors some mutations. -Natural selection acts on traits. -Mutations are caused by selective pressure dependent on environmental conditions. -Mutations for advantageous traits are more likely to be passed on to the next generation.

-Natural selection favors some mutations. -Natural selection acts on traits. -Mutations for advantageous traits are more likely to be passed on to the next generation.

Which three statements may correctly explain why the population size increases after time point C? -The population increase just after time point C indicates that antibiotic use was discontinued. -The few drug-resistant bacteria in the population reproduced, quickly leading to a large drug- resistant population. -Between time points C and D, drug-resistant bacteria were reproducing faster than non-drug resistant bacteria were dying. -Bacteria that acquired a mutation that conferred drug- resistance had a growth advantage over non-resistant bacteria. -Because the population grew more rapidly after time point C, the bacteria must have acquired a second drug- resistance mutation.

-The few drug-resistant bacteria in the population reproduced, quickly leading to a large drug- resistant population. -Between time points C and D, drug-resistant bacteria were reproducing faster than non-drug resistant bacteria were dying. -Bacteria that acquired a mutation that conferred drug- resistance had a growth advantage over non-resistant bacteria.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding human evolution? Select all that apply. -Once bipedality, tool use, and larger brains evolved in humans, humans stopped evolving. -The fossil record contains creatures with features that are intermediate between those of modern humans and quadrupedal apes. -In the latest phase of human evolution, there has been a greater reliance on culture. -The first humans evolved in Africa.

-The fossil record contains creatures with features that are intermediate between those of modern humans and quadrupedal apes. -In the latest phase of human evolution, there has been a greater reliance on culture. -The first humans evolved in Africa.

Use the graph to choose the three true statements. (about the flu & flu season)

-The timing of next year's flu season will be relatively predictable. -Summer and early fall typically have lower flu mortality than other times of the year -This graph is consistent with an unusually highly contagious strain of influenza circulating in 2009.

Which of the following conditions are required for evolution to occur? Select all that apply. -Most offspring must survive. -There must be equal reproductive success among individuals in a population. -Resources must increase at the same rate that the population grows. -Traits must be heritable. -Individuals within a population must vary in their ability to compete for resources. -Resources in the environment must be limited.

-Traits must be heritable. -Individuals within a population must vary in their ability to compete for resources. -Resources in the environment must be limited.

______________ describes a set of defenses that is customized to each infectious agent, providing a stronger response when an agent has been encountered before.

Adaptive immunity

Why should we not view lactose intolerance as a disease in adult humans?

Adult humans did not consume dairy products until fairly recently in our evolutionary history.

Which of the following are examples of macroevolution? -Mass extinctions that wipe 50% or more of living species -The evolution of novel biological features -The creation of new species -All of the above are examples of macroevolution

All of the above are examples of macroevolution.

Which of the following do not get infected by viruses? -Plants -Bacteria -Animals -Animals, plants and bacteria can all be infected by viruses.

Animals, plants and bacteria can all be infected by viruses.

Which of the following correctly describes what the video referred to as a "microbial cure"?

Antibiotics are used to kill all of the infectious bacteria in a person.

What did scientists learn from other fossils found in the same sediment layer as Ardi?

Ardi lived in a woodland habitat

Which of the following is true regarding cholera and COVID-19?

At the time of this article, both are in a state of pandemic.

Which time point on the graph shows when the antibiotic was first added?


Which of the following best defines microevolution?

Changes in genes within a population over time


Cell eating

_________- defenses are always at the ready and are the same whether a particular infectious agent has been encountered before or not.


Which period of infection represents the immune system or pharmaceutical intervention working at its peak performance?

D period (right half of peak/center of bell curve)

A C. difficile outbreak occurs in a nursing home. Which of the following would likely be best to stop the outbreak? -Prescribe antibiotics for all patients and employees. -Require hand-washing with an antibacterial soap when entering and leaving a room. -Wash all the bedding in bleach. -Disinfect all areas for spores.

Disinfect all areas for spores.

Which of the following examples uses the biological species concept to describe different species? -Researchers use fossil evidence to define different dinosaur species. -Female horses and male donkeys are able to mate, but their offspring (mules) are infertile. -Two populations of birds mate and produce offspring that subsequently mate with one another and produce offspring. -Researchers use DNA sequence data to conclude that two populations of bacteria are different species.

Female horses and male donkeys are able to mate, but their offspring (mules) are infertile.

Which of the following examples uses the biological species concept to describe different species? -Two populations of birds mate and produce offspring that subsequently mate with one another and produce offspring. -Female horses and male donkeys are able to mate, but their offspring (mules) are infertile. -Researchers use DNA sequence data to conclude that two populations of bacteria are different species. -Researchers use fossil evidence to define different dinosaur species.

Female horses and male donkeys are able to mate, but their offspring (mules) are infertile.

behavioral isolation

Form of reproductive isolation in which two populations have differences in courtship rituals or other types of behavior that prevent them from interbreeding

Many populations of clams release their sperm and eggs into the same region of a lake, but only the sperm and eggs from the same species successfully unite to form zygotes.

Gametic isolation

Color is an inherited trait in beetles. If brown beetles move into a population from a nearby island, which of the following statements is correct? -Gene flow causes the frequency of the brown allele to increase.This is an example of genetic drift. -Natural selection causes the frequency of the brown allele to increase. -Gene flow causes the frequency of the green allele to increase. -Natural selection causes the frequency of the green allele to increase.

Gene flow causes the frequency of the brown allele to increase.

Two populations of lobsters do not mate because one population lives in the Atlantic Ocean and the other lives in the Pacific Ocean.

Habitat isolation

When dark-colored fur gives mice a 1% competitive advantage and 1% of the population begins with dark fur, in about 1000 years, 95% of the population will have dark fur. Which of the following statements is true? -If dark-colored mice had a competitive advantage of 5%, it would take longer for 95% of the population to have black fur. -If dark-colored mice had a competitive advantage of 10%, it would take longer for 95% of the population to have black fur. -If dark-colored rock pocket mice had a competitive advantage of 0.1%, it would take longer for 95% of the population to have dark fur. -Dark-colored rock pocket mice, in this population, have fewer offspring than light-colored rock pocket mice.

If dark-colored rock pocket mice had a competitive advantage of 0.1%, it would take longer for 95% of the population to have dark fur.

How might global warming result in most grizzly bears having fur that is less dense in the future?

In any population of bears, some individuals have thick fur, some have thin fur, and some are in between. As temperatures increase with the passage of time, the survival of bears with thin fur will increase, and the number of bears in the population with thick fur will decrease.


In bacteria, the direct transfer of DNA between two cells that are temporarily joined.

Which of the following is true? -Lengthy droughts lead to an increase in mountain pine beetles. -Heavy floods lead to an increase in mountain pine beetles. -Lengthy droughts lead to a decrease in mountain pine beetles. -Weather has no impact on mountain pine beetle populations.

Lengthy droughts lead to an increase in mountain pine beetles

The birds-of-paradise are a group of brightly colored birds living mostly in New Guinea that have elaborate and elongated feathers. Behavioral isolation prevents different birds-of-paradise species from mating and reproducing. Which of the following describes a behavioral isolation reproductive barrier? -Males and females of one species are only active at night, while other species are only active during the day. -Males of one species perform orchestrated dances and sing songs that only attract females of the same species. -Males of one species have shorter legs that only allow them to physically mate with females of the same species. -Males and females of one species live on one side of the island and never venture to the other side where other species live.

Males of one species perform orchestrated dances and sing songs that only attract females of the same species.

The birds-of-paradise are a group of brightly colored birds living mostly in New Guinea that have elaborate and elongated feathers. Behavioral isolation prevents different birds-of-paradise species from mating and reproducing. Which of the following describes a behavioral isolation reproductive barrier? -Males and females of one species live on one side of the island and never venture to the other side where other species live. -Males and females of one species are only active at night, while other species are only active during the day. -Males of one species have shorter legs that only allow them to physically mate with females of the same species. -Males of one species perform orchestrated dances and sing songs that only attract females of the same species.

Males of one species perform orchestrated dances and sing songs that only attract females of the same species.

A male snail and a female snail from different species attempt to mate, but the orientation of their different types of shells prevents mating from occurring.

Mechanical isolation

Which of the following is evidence for evolution in action? -The different domesticated breeds of dogs customized for our needs -Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics over time -Mosquitoes becoming resistant to pesticides -All are evidence for evolution

Mosquitoes becoming resistant to pesticides. The different domesticated breeds of dogs customized for our needs. Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics over time. All are evidence for evolution!!!

A particular antibiotic kills 99% of a bacterial population. What will be the result of the continued application of this antibiotic?

Over time, the antibiotic will become less effective at killing the bacteria.

__________ describes the process of engulfing and destroying a foreign particle.


In the RNA virus (such as the one illustrated in the tutorial), what is the role of reverse transcriptase?

Reverse transcriptase copies RNA to make DNA.

harmful bacteria

Salmonella, pathogens, MRSA, E. coli

The introduction of smallpox to the Americas by Europeans in the colonial era devastated populations of Native Americans. However, now very few people are vaccinated against the smallpox virus. Why?

Smallpox virus has been eliminated from the earth by vaccination of most of the people alive today.

According to this phylogenetic tree, which bear is most closely related to the American black bear?

The Asiatic black bear

In the example given in the tutorial, how did new viral particles exit the cell?

The RNA and proteins are assembled inside the host cell. These new viruses then bud off.

Although most biologists do not consider viruses to be alive, viruses do share some characteristics with living things. Which of the following is the requirement for life that viruses lack? -Having genetic material -The ability to move -Having highly ordered structure -The ability to reproduce on their own

The ability to reproduce on their own.

You are prescribed antibiotics for strep throat. Which of the following is true? -The drug will kill many kinds of bacteria. -The drug will only kill strep bacteria. -The drug will allow only the good bacteria and viruses to survive. -The drug will kill many kinds of viruses.

The drug will kill many kinds of bacteria.

Which eukaryotic structures are thought to have been the result of extensive inward folding of the plasma membrane of an ancestral prokaryotic cell?

The endoplasmic reticulum

Allopatric speciation

The formation of new species in populations that are geographically isolated from one another.

Sympatric speciation

The formation of new species in populations that live in the same geographic area.

Why is combination drug therapy for HIV/AIDS less likely to lead to resistance than single drug therapy?

The likelihood of one virus spontaneously mutating to be resistant to several different drugs at the same time is extremely small.

What is the concern about using antibacterial and antimicrobial soaps?

The use of any chemical that kills bacteria can eventually lead to resistance to that chemical in the population of bacteria.

Which statement about the genome of the virus is FALSE? -The genome could be made of single-stranded DNA. -The genome could be made of single-stranded RNA. -The genome could be made of double-stranded RNA. -The genome could be made of double-stranded DNA. -The viral genome includes neither DNA nor RNA.

The viral genome includes neither DNA nor RNA.

Of the events listed below, which one occurs last? -The capsid is removed. -The genome enters the host cell. -The virus replicates. -The host cell and the virus fuse.

The virus replicates.

Which of the following statements about viruses is false ?

The widespread use of antibiotics has led to resistant strains of viruses.

Why do dark-colored rock pocket mice on dark lava flows have white bellies?

There is no selection for dark bellies by visual predators.

You are a herpetologist studying how milk snakes in Minnesota respond to climate change. Which of the following would be a morphological change? -Their population is increasing its range. -They are eating less. -They are increasing in average length. -They are emerging earlier in the spring.

They are increasing in average length.

Suppose you were in charge of sending an unmanned space probe to a new planet in search of life. The probe would be able to collect and test samples and make observations, but the planet is too far away for the probe to be able to bring samples back to Earth. The probe is small and would only be able to run a few tests, so you want to pick a test for evidence of life that is broad enough to incorporate all forms of life as we know it. Which one of the following tests would be the best to use in this situation? -a test for the presence of large organisms capable of movement -a test for the presence of soil suitable for growing plants -a test for the presence of cells that contain DNA -a test for the presence of things that change size quickly, since it would be an indication of growth and development

a test for the presence of cells that contain DNA

lytic cycle

a viral reproductive cycle in which copies of a virus are made within a host cell, which then bursts open, releasing new viruses

Homeostasis is a living organism's

ability to maintain constant internal conditions even when environmental conditions change.

What is the condition in which the body's immune system overreacts to an otherwise harmless foreign particle?


The urinary tract represents a portal of entry for E.coli, a normal inhabitant of the GI tract. Introduction of this opportunistic pathogen and its subsequent colonization is known as __________.

an infection

The protein coat that surrounds the nucleic acid of a virus is called a ______.


he protein coat that surrounds the nucleic acid of a virus is called a _________.


founder effect

change in allele frequencies as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a population

sexual selction

change in the frequency of a trait based on competition for a mate

The skulls of humans and other primates have the same basic layout of bones, even though the heads are drastically different sizes and shapes. The type of evidence is _________.

comparative anatomy

The __________ system is a set of proteins that circulate in the blood, stimulating other defenses to help destroy an invader.


The process of _________ involves the building of a physical bridge between two bacteria. DNA then moves across this bridge from a donor cell to a recipient cell.


Which of the following is not a characteristic of living things?

creating energy

gene flow

movement of alleles from one population to another

What is the original source of variation that natural selection can act upon?


Viruses are

not alive because they are not made of cells and require a host cell for reproduction.

hybrid weakness

offspring of two species may be unfit, or they may be sterile

In the Grand Canyon, fossils in rock layers at the bottom of the canyon are __________ than those in layers closer to the top.


Mechanical isolation?

structural differences prevent fertilization

Due to differences in mating times, two sub-populations of frogs form into separate species, even though they occupy the same pond. This overall process is known as ____________.

sympatric speciation

A patient enters your office, feeling achy and tired. Subsequent evaluation reveals a temperature of 39.9 oC. The achy and tired feeling represents a _____ of infection, and that temperature represents a _____ of infection.

symptom; sign

Which of the following contributes the LEAST to the problem of antibiotic resistance?

taking the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor

Adaptive immunity

the ability to recognize and remember specific antigens and mount an attack on them

Some researchers have proposed that the human population was reduced to fewer than 10,000 individuals as a result of a catastrophic event that occurred about 50,000 years ago, and that all modern humans are descendants of this small population. If this proposal is true, it would be an example of __________.

the bottleneck effect

Assuming COVID-19 is like cholera, which of the following will be the largest factor motivating those in charge to get it under control?

the economy

If color is an inherited trait in beetles, and birds are more likely to eat brown beetles than green beetles,

the frequency of the green allele will increase

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