BIO 102 - EXAM 4: CHAPTER 14-기출문제

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Red maple tree seeds are dispersed by the wind. This species of tree can be found in fields, woods, and even wetlands. This is an example of a _________distribution. a. Clumped b. Normal c. Uniform d. Random

d. Random

The evenly spaced distribution of stalks of corn planted in an agricultural field is considered a. A uniform distribution b. No distribution c. A clumped distribution d. A random distribution

a. A uniform distribution

This figure shows the birth and death rates over time for a population. The upper green line is the birth rate, the lower blue line is the death line, and time is represented on the x-axis. What term describes the time period between the two vertical blue dotted lines? This is a line graph with "Time" on the x-axis and "Relative Birth and Death Rates" on the y-axis. The birth rate is green and has the same y-value or a long period of time, the curves downward to meet the blue line. The blue line is the death rate is blue. It falls steeply to a low level, then continues at that level until it meets the green line far to the right. a. Demographic transition b. Carrying capacity c. Demographic momentum d. Projected population growth e. Logistic growth curve

a. Demographic transition

It is the year 2080, and almost every square mile of Earth is cultivated or paved over. Hunger and disease no longer exist, but most people work 60 hours per week just to ensure sufficient food and water. They have no time to walk in the woods, listen to music, or create the latest art. Which of the following is endangered in this scenario? a. Earth's cultural carrying capacity b. Earth's birth rate c. Earth's nutrient carrying

a. Earth's cultural carrying capacity

You have been hired to work for a moving company for the month of October. Your boss asks you to choose between two salary plans: A, where you are paid $ 1000 each day for the month; or B, where you are paid $0.01 for the first day, $0.02 for the second day, $0.04 for the third day, and so on with your pay doubling every day. Which plan should you choose? a. Plan B, because exponential growth leads to higher numbers over time b. Plan A, because your boss will respect you for choosing the higher salary c. Plan A, because exponential growth leads to higher numbers over time d. Plan B, because your boss will like you for choosing the lower salary. e. Plan A, because salaries as low as $0.01/day are insulting

a. Plan B, because you exponential growth leads to higher numbers over time.

All the bacteria of the species E. Coli that live inside a cow's intestine represent a(n) a. Population b. Ecosystem c. Community d. Demographic transition

a. Population

Which of the following experiments would not be considered an ecological study? a. The effect of a hormone on the rate of blood vessel formation b. The effect of housing development on a spotted salamander population in a vernal pool c. The effect of a red tide outbreak on sea birds in the area d. The effect of changing availability of acorns on a population on squirrels

a. The effect of a hormone on the rate of blood vessel formation

Which of the following is a statement about population density? a. There are many wolves in Yellowstone National Park b. Rabbits are no longer found in Yellowstone National Park c. Wolves live throughout California, including Yellowstone National Park d. Wolves dominate rabbits in Yellowstone National park e. Wolves and rabbits live near each other in Yellowstone National Park

a. There are many wolves in Yellowstone National Park

Here are two graphs showing population pyramids for India, on the left, and for the United States, on the right. The graphs show the size of the population in each age group. Based on these graphs, which of the following statements about these two countries is accurate? These are two horizontal bar graphs showing the number of males and females of differing ages in India and the United States, respectively. The x-axis for India ranges from 0 to 65 million and the y-axis runs from Age 0 to Age 100 or older in 5-year increments. The x-axis for the United States runs from 0 to 15 million, and the y-axis is the same as for India. The graph for India shows a pyramidal shape, with about 64 million men and 54 million aged 5 or younger, with the number steadily decreasing at older ages. The pyramid narrows from there, going up in age. The graph for the United States shows an almost straight line for ages through 40 years,with approximate values for men of 13 million or less, and for women of 10 million or less. At the age of 45, both bars become longer, reaching 12 million men and 13 million women 45 and 65. a. Younger people outnumber older people in India b. Older people outnumber younger people in India. c. Both countries have approximately the same number of older people. d. Younger people outnumber older people in the United States. e. Both countries have approximately the same proportion of people of reproductive age.

a. Younger people outnumber older people in India.

When a population of spotted salamanders in an area of vernal pools remains stable for many years and the population has stabilized because of resource limits, then a. carrying capacity has been reached b. density dependence is not involved c. density independence occurs d. predation has decreased

a. carrying capacity has been reached

Increased mortality in a population due to increased competition for water is the effect of a(n) a. density-dependent factor b. demographic transition c. increase in carrying capacity d. density-independent factor

a. density-dependent factor

Which of the following is a density-dependent factor? a. increase in rainfall b. decrease in temperature c. increase in waste production d. decrease in frequency of hurricanes

a. increase in rainfall

Which of the following is an approximate estimate of the carrying capacity of Earth based on net primary production(NPP) land-use data and ignoring the needs of other species? a. 10.9 billion acres b. 21 billion people c. 10.9 billion people d. 7.2 billion acres e. 7.2 billion people

b. 21 billion people

The logistic growth curve in this figure shows the change in numbers of Paramecium, a single-celled organism grown in a laboratory culture, over time. What does the dotted red line represent? This is a line graph, Time in days is on the x-axis, and number of individual Paramecium per milliliter is on the y-axis. The line rises gradually, then levels off and becomes flat at the point where it meets a dotted red line. a. Exponential growth b. Carrying capacity of the environment c. A J-shaped curve d. A "boom" cycle e. An S-shaped curve

b. Carrying capacity of the environment

Walking along a mile-long path in the woods, you notice stand of your favorite wildflower, the cardinal flower, three different times. You find each stand of cardinal flower, including many flowers in each stand, on a stream bank. This is an example of a ______________distribution. a. Uniform b. Clumped c. Normal d. Random

b. Clumped

One year, a population of white-tailed deer faced a severe shortage of food as a result of a drought. Which of the following would you expect to observe in this population during breeding season the following year? a. Decreases in both birth and death rates b. Decrease in birth rates, increase in death rates c. No change in the birth rate or the death rate d. Increase in birth rates, decrease in death rates e. Increase in both birth and death rates

b. Decrease in birth rates, increase in death rates

Which of the following is the best definition of the carrying capacity of trout that can live in a lake? a. The number of trout currently living in the lake b. The maximum number of trout that can live in the lake c. The number of trout per square foot that live in the lake d. The maximum number of trout that lived in the lake 10 years ago e. The number of trout projected to live in the lake in the year 2025

b. The maximum number of trout that can live in the lake

In general, which of the following statements about human population growth is true over the longer term? a. Birth and death rates change independently of each other. b. When death rates fall, birth rates also fall. c. When death rates rise, birth rates fall. d. When death rates fall, birth rates stabilize. e. When death rates fall, birth rates rise.

b. When death rates fall, birth rates also fall.

People who live in the United States make up about 5% of the population of Earth but how much global energy do they consume? a. 60% b. 5% c. 24% d. 16% e. 48%

c. 24%

Ranger Renee used the mark-recapture method to study a population of beetles in the forest. After marking and releasing 200 beetles on one day, she returns a week later to the same area. She catches a total of 300 beetles this time and observes that 150 of them are maked. Capture 2 marked/Capture 2 total = Total marked/ Total population Use the data and formula provided to determine her best estimate of the beetle population density. a. 200 b. 150 c. 400 d. 4000 e. 30000

c. 400

Jose is conducting research in the Pacific Islands. He observes that the inhabitants of Island X enthusiastically adopted modern birth control about 15 years ago and still use these methods today. Despite this, the population of X continues to increase. Using only the information provided, decided which of the following is the most likely reason for this increase. a. Population bust b. Slowdown in rate of climate change c. Demographic momentum d. Density-independent factors e. Population boom

c. Demographic momentum

What is the shape of the curve that describes exponential population growth? a. S-shaped b. Pyramid-shaped c. J-shaped d. Sawtooth e. Linear

c. J-shaped

Country A and Country B are about the same size in geographical area, and 40 years ago had about the same number of citizens. Since then, Country A passed through its demographic transition relatively quickly, whereas Country B has been in the midst of its transition for several decades. What can you infer about the size of the populations in these two countries in the present day? a. Birth rates remain high in both countries b. There are significantly more people in Country A than in Country B. c. There are significantly more people in Country B than in Country A. d. Population sizes are approximately equal in both countries. e. There are fewer people in both countries now than 40 years ago.

c. There are significantly more people in Country B than in Country A.

As the Industrial Revolution took place, there was a decrease in infant mortality, resulting in a. A stabilization of the population growth rate b. A decrease in the population growth rate c. Boom and bust cycles of the population growth rate d. An increase in the population growth rate

d. An increase in the population growth rate

Which of the following is a population unaffected by density-dependent factors? a. Yeast that ferment grape juice into wine b. Norway lemmings c. Elk in Yellowstone National Park in the 1970s d. Bacteria kept in a culture that has its nutrients constantly replenished

d. Bacteria kept in a culture that has its constantly replensihed

Which of the following occurs when a population approaches its carrying capacity? a. Birth rate rises, death rate falls b. Birth and death rates become zero c. Birth rate falls, death rate rises d. Birth rates and death rate are nearly equal e. Birth and death rates fall

d. Birth rates and death rates are nearly equal

What is the name given to periods of rapid population growth followed by steep declines in population numbers? a. Renewable and nonrenewable b. Density-dependent and density-independent c. Exponential d. Boom and bust e. Population cycle

d. Boom and bust

According to archeologists, the population of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) declined dramatically from about 7,000 inhabitants to fewer than 700 people several centuries ago. Which of the following is thought to have produced this result? a. Density-independent factors b. Climate change c. Increased use of birth control d. Rising death rates e. Deforestation

d. Deforestation

Which of the following two factors are usually present in population that are successful at reducing their birth rates? a. Lower per capita income and higher female literacy b. No consistent relationship among these two factors c. Higher per capita income and lower female literacy d. Higher per capita income and higher female literacy e. Lower per capita income and lower female literacy

d. Higher per capita income and higher female literacy

Dr. I. M. Smart has determined that the world population will have enough clean water for many years to come. He proved this by dividing the number of gallons of clean water now available by 10.9 billion, the highest-growth population estimate. Ms.I.M.Smarter, a student, says that Dr. Smart is incorrect. What is the basis for her objection? a. An increase in population means better water quality overall. b. The present world population is very high. c. Clean water is a density-dependent resource. d. Increased population means more water pollution e. Increased population means less water pollution

d. Increased population means more water pollution

Some experts believe that Earth is approaching its carrying capacity for humans. Which of the following facts can be cited as supporting this viewpoint? a. Human use one-half of the total land net primary production b. Coal and gas are examples of nonrenewable resources c. Birth rates generally are declining worldwide d. Members of some countries consume many more calories than they require. e. Estimates project the world population to reach half of Earth's carrying capacity

d. Members of some countries consume many more calories than they require.

You have always loved spiders and plan to study them as a biology project. You want to determine how many spiders live in your apartment building in Brooklyn, New York. You tell your assistant to begin by doing which of the following? a. Ask the building's tenants where spiders have been seen. b. Catch spiders and put them into a jar to study. c. Go to City Hall to find historical records of spider infestations. d. Hid in the building hallways to count passing spiders e. Catch spiders, mark them with a white dot, then release them.

e. Catch spiders, mark them with a white dot, then release them.

The figure shows the birth and death rates over time for a population. The upper green line is the birth rate, the lower blue line is the death rate, and time is represented on the x-axis. What term describes the time period between the two vertical blue dotted lines? This is a line graph with "Time" on the x-axis and"Relative Birth and Death Rates" on the y-axis. The birth rate is green and has the same y-value or a long period of time, then curves downward to meet the blue line. The blue line is the death rate is blue. It falls steeply to a low level, then continues at that level until it meets the green line far to the right. a. Projected population growth b. Demographic momentum c. Logistic growth curve d. Carrying capacity e. Demographic transition

e. Demographic transition

The accompanying bar graph shows the relationship between the growth rate of a population and the number of years required for the population to double in size. About how many years would be required for a population with a growth rate of 3% to double in size? This is a bar graph with annual population growth rates on the x-axis and number of years until the population doubles on the y-axis. Five bars are shown, each with the number of years required for doubling written at the top. The numbers, left to right, are: for a population with a growth rate of 0.5%, 139 years, for a population with a growth rate of 1.0%, 70 years, for a population with a growth rate of 1.5%, 47 years, for a population with a growth rate of 2.0%, 35 years, and for a population with a growth rate of 2.5%, 28 years. a. 28 years b. 41 years c. More than 139 years d. 70 years e. Fewer than 28 years

e. Fewer than 28 years

Young plants whose seeds are dispersed during a windy storm grow on the forest floor in what type of distribution? a. Clumped b. Uniform c. Dispersed d. Exponential e. Random

e. Random

The organization of a typical suburb, where each house has its own driveway, front yard, and back yard, is an example of what type of distribution? a. Dispersed b. Clumped c. Non-random d. Random e. Uniform

e. Uniform

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