Bio 102 practice

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True or false: Levels of ultraviolet light influence both folate and vitamin D production in humans.

A = True

Which of the following describes natural selection?

A) A population of a mammal species varies in the length of their legs; water levels rise and the habitat becomes swampy; the individuals with shorter legs are better able to swim to food; the population evolves to become shorter-legged.

Which of the following hypotheses is testable using scientific methods?

A) Bees can see ultraviolet light that humans can't.

If you wanted to see natural selection working in a population of mosquitoes in response to pesticide, how much pesticide should you use?

A) Enough to kill most but not all the mosquitoes.

Drug resistance to anti-HIV drugs is a serious problem. Which of the following facts about HIV is the most direct reason why drug resistance appears so rapidly?

A) It has a high rate of mutation.

Which specific defense mechanism protects against foreign organisms that have managed to infect body cells by destroying these cells?

A) T cell-mediated immune system

In a population, which individuals are most likely to survive and reproduce?

A) The individuals who are best adapted to the environment.

What does it mean to say that experimental results are peer reviewed?

A) The results are analyzed by other scientists before they are published.

Many bacteria carry plasmids containing bacterial genes that are easily and rapidly spread through an entire bacterial colony. Why are plasmids of particular concern to humans?

A) They carry genes for antibiotic resistance.

A scientific theory is

A) an explanation supported by a very large amount of experimental evidence.

A statistically significant result is one that

A) is unlikely due to chance.

A primary source for new, unique genes in a population is

A) mutation.

Which of the following describes a genetic mutation

A. A "T" is accidently substituted for an "A" when DNA replicates

It is difficult to make a vaccine for HIV for a number of reasons. Which of the following is NOT a reason:

A. Combination therapies work better than single-drug therapies

Proteins are made in normal cells by:

A. DNA giving a code to RNA, RNA brings the code to the ribosome and translates it by making a protein

Which one of the following is true about the graph to the right: (Figure 5)

A. Most people in the control group in experiment 1 had cold symptoms for 8 days but in experiment 2, some people had symptoms for 10 and some for 6 days.

The cell pictured to the right is a (Figure 7)

A. Prokaryote because it does not have a membrane-bound nucleus

The graph to the left is from a study in Japan during which the MMR vaccine was replaced with three separate vaccines (by 1993). The vaccination rate (of the combined MMR) and the cumulative incidence of autism in Japan is plotted in the graph. Which of the following best describes the information in the graph: (Figure 2)

A. The use of separate vaccines had no impact on the rate of autism

The graph on the right includes allele frequency data for several populations of humans. The relative darkness/shading of the bars is an indication of the tone of the skin for people in the populations. The graph provides some evidence that: (Figure 4)

A: Skin color does not correlate with genetic differences among populations

What is the evolutionary origin of light skin in humans?

B) Light skin evolved several times in response to low ultraviolet light levels.

In 2005, a strain of extremely drug-resistant bacteria was isolated from a man in New York City. Public health officials braced themselves for many more cases, but they never appeared. What is the most likely explanation

B) The strain may have been less fit in other ways and thus not successful in the population.

An antibiotic kills 99.9% of a bacterial population. What will be the result of the continued application of this antibiotic?

B) Through time, the antibiotic will become less effective at killing the bacteria.

Bias in an experiment can occur when

B) a technician knows which samples are from the control group.

HIV causes disease in people because it

B) destroys helper T cells.

A trait that confers ________ in one environment might make an organism less able to survive and reproduce in another environment.

B) fitness

Evolution that occurs as a result of chance events is called

B) genetic drift.

Both B cells and T cells make up the third line of defense against pathogens but do so in different ways. B cells

B) make and secrete antibodies.

On Long Island, New York, there's a population of wall lizards that originated from a group in Italy. Several had been imported to be sold as pets many decades ago, and some escaped and started a new population in this suburban area. This is an example of

B) the founder effect.

True or false: Natural selection occurs so an organism can become perfectly adapted to its environment.


True or false: The goal of natural selection is to make extreme traits more common.


Which of the following variations could be subject to natural selection?

C) A hyena is born with a spotted fur pattern that allows it to hide in the grass better than its littermates.

An individual receives a flu vaccine and is well protected for the current flu season. The following flu season, the individual fails to get another flu vaccine and comes down with the flu. What is the most likely explanation for vaccine ineffectiveness in the subsequent flu season?

C) The flu virus mutated, leading to a new strain of virus that could escape detection by the immune system.

Which of the following is the most direct (or first) result of natural selection on a population?

C) The frequency of some alleles changes in the population.

Cells that directly kill antigens are called

C) cytotoxic T cells

Which of the following has contributed to widespread antibiotic resistance?

C) farmers using an abundance of antibiotics to treat feedlot animals

The most trustworthy source of scientific information is

C) peer-reviewed research publications.

The Sabin vaccine is a liquid containing weakened polio viruses. Vaccinated individuals become protected against polio because the weakened viruses

C) promote production of antibodies.

________ cells of the immune system will help the body respond more quickly if the infectious agent is encountered again.

D) Memory

A city was intensively sprayed with DDT to control houseflies. The number of houseflies was immediately greatly reduced. Each year thereafter, the city was sprayed again, but the flies gradually increased in numbers until 10 years later, when they were almost as abundant as they were when the control program began. Which of the following most likely explains this?

D) The DDT killed most flies. The few that were already naturally resistant survived and passed this resistance on to their offspring.

How would you describe the gene changes shown in this figure? (figure 1)

D) The frequency of the fast enzyme allele has increased.

Which of the following statements about viruses is correct?

D) The genes of a virus code for proteins necessary to make more viruses.

Which of the following steps in the theory of natural selection do humans impact the most to bring about artificial selection?

D) There is differential survival and reproduction among individuals in a population.

What is an allele?

D) a particular version of a gene

Which of the following is the best interpretation of the graph to the left: (Figure 3)

High UV and low UV exposure may result in health problems

Many lines of evidence suggest that human populations aren't distinct races. What keeps us so similar even though adaptations to local conditions have occurred?

Members of different populations mate with each other.

Data from an experiment showing the change in tick load among oxen with an without oxpeckers is shown in the graph to the left. Which of the following is true about these data: (Figure 6)

There is high variation in tick loads in treatments with and without ox peckers

Your friend was diagnosed with strep throat 2 months ago. She was treated with antibiotics for 10 days, but 2 weeks after treatment, the symptoms returned. She was given a different antibiotic and her symptoms improved again, initially, but then got worse. What is happening?

Your friend was originally infected with some bacteria that were resistant to these two antibiotics and the bacteria multiplied.

Two unrelated individuals with the same color skin

would be no more likely to have similar alleles for any gene than any two individuals chosen randomly.

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