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Of the three domain in Woese's classification system, which do most biologists recognize? A). Fungi, Monera, and Archae B). Monera, Archae, and Bacteria C). Archae, Bacteria and Eukarya D). Protista, Fungi, and Eukarya

C). Archae, Bacteria and Eukarya

Which statement is not true about vascular tissue in plants? A). In stems, the vascular tissue is found in the vascular bundles. B). In leaves, the vascular tissue is found in the leaf veins. C). Phloem cells are hollow and nonliving, and they form a continuous pipeline that transports sugars. D). In roots, the vascular tissue is found in the central vascular cylinder. E). Xylem cells are hollow and nonliving, and they form a continuous pipeline that transports water and minerals.

C). Phloem cells are hollow and nonliving, and they form a continuous pipeline that transports sugars.

Which of the following methods is used by plants when they are undergoing asexual reproduction? A). Development of rhizomes. B). Growth of suckers from the root base of specific types of trees. C). Production of stolons. D). All of the answer choices are methods of asexual reproduction in plants

C). Production of stolons.

The term "reducing atmosphere" for the early Earth means that the atmosphere: A). contained little or no free nitrogen. B). contained only two or three kinds of gases. C). contained little or no free oxygen. D). was much thinner around the surface of the Earth than now. E). contained little or no carbon dioxide.

C). contained little or no free oxygen

Darwin's opinion that living forms must be descended from extinct forms was based on ________ evidence. A). anatomical B). biogeographical C). fossil D). biochemical

C). fossil

In the alteration of generations life cycle of plants, gametes are produce by the: A). strobili. B). homospores. C). gametophyte. D). fruit. E). sporangia.

C). gametophyte.

Evolutionary change above the species level is referred to as ___________, whereas evolutionary changes below the species level is known as __________. A). punctuated; gradualistic B). microevolution; macroevolution C). macroevolution; microevolution D). convergent; divergent

C). macroevolution; microevolution

Which of these plant tissue types is composed of sieve-tube elements and companion cells, and transports organic nutrients made in the leaves? A). sclerenchyma B). collenchyma C). phloem D). xylem E). parenchyma

C). phloem

A derived trait shared only by angiosperms and gymnosperms is: A). vascular tissue. B). protection of the embryo. C). the production of seeds. D). fruit production.

C). the production of seeds.

What idea was most commonly held in the 18th century? A).genetic change through mutation B).changes in a species through adaptation to the environment C).evolution by natural selection over time D).the fixity of species

C).evolution by natural selection over time

What structure is a stem adaptation instead of a root adaptation? A).rhizomes B).tubers C).stolons D).corms E).All are stem adaptations


The scientific name of the giant swallowtail is Heraclides cresphontes. Therefore, A). it belongs to the genus Heraclides B). the specific epithet is cresphontes. C) it belongs to the species cresphontes. D). All of the choices are correct.

D). All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following mass extinction events is correct? A). At the end of the Cretaceous period over 90% of the species went extinct due to a bolide impacting the Earth's surface and causing a cloud of ash to reduce solar exposure for several weeks. B). At the end of the Ordovician period over 90% of the species went extinct due to a bolide impacting the Earth's surface and causing a cloud of ash to reduce solar exposure for several weeks. C). At the end of the Devonian period 70% of the terrestrial vertebrates went extinct when Gondwana drifted back towards the South Pole. D). During the Permian period over 90% of the species disappeared due to an excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

D). During the Permian period over 90% of the species disappeared due to an excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Which of the following groups of plants contain microphylls? A). Gymnosperms B). Angiosperms C). Bryophytes D). Lycophytes E). Pteridophytes

D). Lycophytes

Which of these typically occur in both angiosperms and gymnosperms? A). Pollen is carried by the wind for pollination. B). Seeds develop within a cone. C). Seeds develop within a flower. D). Pollen is carried by animal pollinators. E). Seeds are surrounded by a fruit at maturity.

D). Pollen is carried by animal pollinators.

Which plant structure is NOT found in the lycophytes? A). microspores B). microphylls C). rhizome D). archegonia

D). archegonia

In a 1977 article in science, a botanist reported the strange case of the Tambalacoque tree (Calvaria major) of the Mauritius islands in the Indian Ocean. All of the threes appear to be hundreds of years old and date, as seedlings, to a time before the extinction of the Dodo Bird. The seeds of Calvaria are very hard & apparently needed to pass through the digestive tract of the Dodo Bird before they would germinate. Therefore, when there were no more Dodo birds, no more young Calvaria trees germinated. Luckily, foresters can artificially scarify the seeds and germinate new trees now that they know this. The relationship between the Dodo bird and the Tambalacoqque tree is an example of: A). vegetative propagation. B). micropropagation. C). genetic engineering. D). coevolution. E). spontaneous dispersal.

D). coevolution.

All of the following statements concerning the theory of continental drift are true EXCEPT: A). similar geological structures are found in areas where the continents touched. B). the unique distribution patterns of several fossils is explained by continental drift. C). the coastlines of several continents are mirror images. D). continental drift has ceased.

D). continental drift has ceased.

A typical leaf is composed of multiple layers of specialized cells. What is the correct order of layers starting on the upper surface of the leaf and progressing to the lower surface? A). epidermis - cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - epidermis - spongy mesophyll B). cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - spongy mesophyll- epidermis - cuticle C). palisade mesophyll - cuticle - epidermis - epidermis - spongy mesophyll - cuticle D). cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - epidermis - spongy mesophyll - cuticle

D). cuticle - epidermis - palisade mesophyll - epidermis - spongy mesophyll - cuticle

If you have picked a bouquet of anther-less flowers, you have picked? A). sporophytes retained within the body of microgametophytes. B). microgametophytes retained within the body of megagametophytes. C). sporophytes retained within the body of megagametophytes. D). female gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes. E). male gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes.

D). female gametophytes retained within the body of sporophytes.

A random alteration in the sequence of DNA nucleotides that provides a new variant allele is? A). polymorphism. B). disruption. C).gene frequency. D). gene mutation.

D). gene mutation.

When a moss spore lands on an appropriate site, it germinates into the first stage of the gametophyte called a(n)? A). archegonium. B). antheridium. C). thallus. D). protonema. E). rhizoid.

D). protonema.

The most common source of genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms is? A). duplication of chromosomes. B). duplication of genes. C). mutation. D). recombination of alleles through meiosis and fertilization.

D). recombination of alleles through meiosis and fertilization.

The Northern Copperhead is Agkistrodon contortrix, the Southern Copperhead is Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen, and the Cottonmouth is Agkistrodon piscivorous. Therefore, A). all are subspecies of Agkistrodon. B). they are three distinct species. C). they are all the same species. D). the copperheads are subspecies and the cottonmouth is a separate species.

D). the copperheads are subspecies and the cottonmouth is a separate species.

Which of the following features would not be found in the bryophytes? A).A life cycle that consists of an alternation of generations. B).A gametophyte that is dependent upon the sporophyte for support and nutrition. C).Production of flagellated sperm during reproduction. D).Using megaphylls to increase their photosynthetic ability.

D).Using megaphylls to increase their photosynthetic ability.

Male fireflies are recognized by females of their species by the pattern of their flashings, while male crickets are recognized by females of their species by their chirping. These are examples of _____. A). mechanical isolation B). habitat isolation C). temporal isolation D). behavioral isolation

D).behavioral isolation

To prepare a microscope slide of mitosis, where would one most likely find examples of cell division in a plant? A).at the center of a root, back from the tip B).in a tree trunk, near the center C).anywhere in the mesophyll of a leaf D).near the root tip

D).near the root tip

An insect destroying the _______ layer of tissues in a lead would lead to a decrease in the ability of gas exchange within the leaf. A).palisade mesophyll B).epidermis C).cuticle D).spongy mesophyll E).xylem

D).spongy mesophyll

Monocots protect their first true leaves by __________, whereas eudicots protect their first leaves by __________. A).providing a protective layer called sepals; surrounding them with endosperm. B).bending the coleorhiza as the shoot grows through the soil; a surrounding sheath called the coleoptile. C).bending their shoot as it grows through the soil; surrounding them with a protective sheath called the coleorhiza. D).surrounding them with a sheath called a coleoptile; bending the shoot as it grows through the soil.

D).surrounding them with a sheath called a coleoptile; bending the shoot as it grows through the soil.

Evolution of plants was marked by which of the following events? A). flowers produced B). the development of vascular tissues to conduct water and solutes throughout the body of the plant C). seed production D). nourishment of a multicellular embryo within the body of the female plant E). All of the choices are correct.

E). All of the choices are correct.

A flower: A). is composed of whorls of modified leaves. B). may contain male and female reproductive parts. C). is the sexual reproductive organ. D). serves to attract animal pollinators. E). All of the choices characterize flowers.

E). All of the choices characterize flowers.

Which of the following features would disqualify a plant from being classified as as bryophyte? A). Gametophyte is the dominant stage of the life cycle. B). Ability to reproduce sexually and asexually. C). Presence of flagellated sperm. D). Nonvascular tissues. E). None of these features would disqualify a plant from being classified as a bryophyte.

E). None of these features would disqualify a plant from being classified as a bryophyte.

Most of Darwin's observations about changes in species over time and in different environments took place in and near? A). Africa. B). North America. C). Greenland. D). Asia. E). South America.

E). South America.

It is likely that the protocol was: A). a decomposer. B). heterotrophic. C). photoautotrophic. D). chemoautotrophic. E). either heterotrophic or chemoautotrophic.

E). either heterotrophic or chemoautotrophic.

A microspore develops into a(n)? A). megasporocyte. B). zygote. C). microsporocyte. D). male gametophyte. E). female gametophyte.

E). female gametophyte.

Which of the plant tissue types most closely ponds to the "typical" unspecialized plant cell? A). phloem B). collenchyma C). xylem D). sclerenchyma E). parenchyma

E). parenchyma

All of the following are examples of natural selection EXCEPT: A). the distribution of dark and light colored peppered moths in Britain. B). the reduction in beak length of scarlet honeycreepers when they changed food sources. C). two of these are not examples of natural selection. D). a rise in bacterial resistance to antibiotics. E). the 150 breeds of dogs developed from ancestral wolves.

E). the 150 breeds of dogs developed from ancestral wolves.

The organisms on the Galápagos Islands that were most important to the development of Darwin's theory of natural selection were: A). rabbits and hares. B). snails and fish. C). monkeys and armadillos. D). plants and fungi. E). tortoises and finches.

E). tortoises and finches.

________ proposed the clay may have served as the site of polymerization of monomers to produce both nucleic acids and proteins at the same time. A).Thomas Cech B).Aleksander Oparin C).Graham Cairns-Smith D).Sidney Fox E).Stanley Miller

Graham Carnis-Smith

Seeds require _____________ for germination to occur. A).oxygen for increased metabolism B).adequate water C).adequate warmth D).all of the above

-oxygen for increased metabolism -adequate water -adequate warmth

Which statement is not true about the epidermis of a plant? A). Guard cells are specialized epidermal cells found on root surfaces. B). Cork cells replace epidermal cells on older woody plants. C). The epidermis covers the entire body of a herbaceous plant. D). Root hairs increase the surface area of epidermal cells on roots. E). The epidermis is impervious to gas exchange.

A). Guard cells are specialized epidermal cells found on root surfaces.

Which of the following observation I snot part of natural selection as posed by Darwin? A). Individuals within a species exhibit variation. B). Individuals within a population differ in terms of reproductive success. C). Organisms become adapted to conditions as the environment changes. D). Organisms compete for available resources. E). All of these observations are part of natural selection as posed by Darwin.

A). Individuals within a species exhibit variation

In the case of the peppered moths in England, when Kettlewell set up cameras to document that more white or black moths were eaten by birds on clean or sooty trees, he was verifying which factor involved in evolution by natural selection? A). Some individuals are better adapted to a particular environment than other individuals. B). The organisms vary in traits and that these traits may be acquired during a lifetime. C). More young are born than can survive, so there will always be competition. D). The variation is inherited.

A). Some individuals are better adapted to a particular environment than other individuals.

____________ is when one species splits into two species or when one species transforms into another over time. A). Speciation B). Convergent evolution C). The founder effect D). Reproductive isolation E). Both reproductive isolation and speciation are correct.

A). Speciation

Which statement is NOT true about the Founder Effect? A). The Founder Effect occurs when a population is subjected to near extinction and then recovers so that only a few alleles are left in survivors. B). It produces a high frequency of some rare alleles in a small isolated population. C). Founding members contain a tiny fraction of the alleles found in the original population. D). It is a form of genetic drift.

A). The Founder Effect occurs when a population is subjected to near extinction and then recovers so that only a few alleles are left in survivors.

Which of the following is not involved in natural selection? A). There are inheritable variations in populations. B). The desired traits are chosen by a breeder. C). There is always competition for resources. D). Organisms differ in reproductive success.

A). There are inheritable variations in populations.

Linnaeus developed his classification system for organisms according to: A). a theory of special creation and fixity of species. B). Darwin's theory of evolution. C). Lamarck's theory of evolution. D). a theory of descent by modification.

A). a theory of special creation and fixity of species.

A fifteen-foot tree growing in a fence row is used as a fence post, to which barbed wire is stapled at a height of five feet. Years later, the tree is thirty-feet high. The fence is: A). approximately five feet up since a tree grows longer at the tips of its stem, branches and roots. B). twenty feet up, still ten feet from the top of the tree. C). fifteen feet up because the tree doubled in height. D). twenty feet up because it added fifteen feet to the original five-foot height. E). split because the trunk grew up but the bottom stayed at ground level.

A). approximately five feet up since a tree grows longer at the tips of its stem, branches and roots.

Which of these plant tissue types is composed of cells with primary walls thickened at the corners that provide support for immature parts of the cell body? A). collenchyma B). phloem C). parenchyma D). xylem E). sclerenchyma

A). collenchyma

Which of the following observations were made during Darwin's journey aboard the Beagle that led him to believe in evolution? A). geological formations and species variations B). artificial selection and species variation C). geological formation and the fixation of species D). All of the above are correct

A). geological formations and species variations

The recessive allele for Sickle Cell Anemia ia more prevalent in regions of Africa where malaria is prevalent, that is in regions where there is no malaria. This is due to a: A). heterozygous advantage. B). bottleneck effect. C). frequency dependent selection. D). Founder Effect.

A). heterozygous advantage.

A population must have _____ for natural selection to occur. A). inheritable variation B). a stable environment C). abundant resources D). many individuals

A). inheritable variation

During the spring and fall each year thousands of maple trees are tapped for their fluids in order to make "real" maple syrup. If you were to tap into a maple tree to extract the syrup (sucrose) which tissue layer do you want to tap into? A). phloem B). epidermis C). xylem D). ground tissue E). periderm

A). phloem

All the members of a single species that occupy a particular area at the same time are known as a? A). population. B). gene pool. C). sub-population. D). subspecies. E). group.

A). population.

Which of the following examples will help maintain diversity within a population? A).natural selection B).lack of mutations within the population C).random mating D).absence of migration

A).natural selection

Whittaker's classification included kingdom Monera, which included all prokaryotes. Why is this classification obsolete? A). This kingdom now includes more organisms, so the name has been changed. B). Based on molecular data, Monera has been divided into the two distinct domains, Archaea and Bacteria. C). Based on fossil evidence, this group has been divided into three newly named kingdoms. D). The prokaryotes, which were included in this kingdom, are now included in Protista.

B). Based on molecular data, Monera has been divided into the two distinct domains, Archaea and Bacteria.

Which of the following major divisions of geologic time is mismatched with the organism that flourished during that the period? A). Cenozoic Era—Age of Homo sapiens B). Cambrian Period—Age of Fish C). Mesozoic Era—Age of Reptiles D). Carboniferous Period—Age of Amphibians

B). Cambrian Period—Age of Fish

Of those listed, which level of classification is the most specific? A). Domain B). Family C). Phylum D). Class E). Kingdom

B). Family

The biological species concept relies mainly on ____________ to define a species. A). reproductive isolation B). morphological differences C). comparative biochemical analysis D). the presence of analogous traits

B). morphological differences

Vascular tissue that transports organic nutrients and sugars from the leaves to the roots: A). xylem. B). phloem. C). periderm. D). sclerenchyma. E). cambium.

B). phloem.

Which of these plant tissue types is composed of hollow nonliving tracheids and vessel elements that transport water & nutrient minerals from the root to the leaves? A). sclerenchyma B). xylem C). parenchyma D). phloem E). collenchyma

B). xylem

What statement is NOT correct about the arrangement of tissues in the eudicot root? A).The epidermis of the root has no cuticle on its outer surface, unlike other epidermal tissues. B).The star-shaped phloem is located in the center of the vascular cylinder, with xylem arranged between the arms of phloem. C).The Casparian strip is a waxy lining on four sides of the cells of the endodermis, which forces water into the endodermal cells. D).The specialized root tissues are seen at the zone of maturation. E).The pericycle is the outer layer of cells in the vascular cylinder, with the ability to form secondary or branch roots.

B).The star-shaped phloem is located in the center of the vascular cylinder, with xylem arranged between the arms of phloem.

Flagellated sperm and a sporophyte that is dependent on the gametophyte are characteristics of: A).moss. B).liverworts and mosses. C).gymnosperm. D).liverworts. E).angiosperm.

B).liverworts and mosses.

What condition is not necessary to maintain the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium? A).no selection B).mutation C).large gene pool D).random mating E).no migration


What features are necessary to classify a plant as a monocot? A).The plant will contain one cotyledon, have vascular bundles in a distinct ring and the flowers will be in multiples of threes. B).The plant will contain one cotyledon, have parallel veins in the leaves and the flowers will be in multiples of fours or fives. C).The plant will contain two cotyledons, have parallel veins in the leaves and the flowers will be in multiples of threes. D).The plant will contain one cotyledon, have parallel veins in the leaves and the flowers will be in multiples of threes. E).The plant will contain one cotyledon, have a netted vein pattern in the leaves and the flowers will be in multiples of threes.

B).the plant will contain one cotyledon, have parallel veins in the leaves, & flowers will be in multiples of 3

TRUE OR FALSE: Organisms today are living in the Pleistocene epoch of the Cenozoic era.


TRUE OR FALSE: Plate tectonics explain that the amount of Earth being formed is much greater than the amount of the Earth's crust being destroyed in subduction zones.


TRUE OR FALSE: The principle of parsimony states that a cladogram produces the best hypothesis about relationships of organisms when the maximum number of assumptions are considered.


TRUE OR FALSE: Eels are as closely related to lizards as they are to snakes.


TRUE OR FALSE: Monocot roots have centrally located ground tissue called pith, surrounded by a ring of xylem and phloem bundles.


TRUE OR FALSE: The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle could be thought of as a taxonomist since he identified and grouped organisms.


TRUE OR FALSE: The lack of oxygen in the ancient Earth's atmosphere was beneficial because oxygen combines with organic molecules to prevent them from forming polymers.


TRUE OR FALSE: Vascular tissue extends through the roots, stems, and leaves of the entire plant.


TRUE OR FALSE: Wegener first presented the idea of continental drift in 1920 and this theory was confirmed in 1960.


What component of the flowering plant is considered the female portion of the plant? A).carpel B).style C).corolla D).stamen


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