BIO 106 L Practical #1

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- Eukaryotic - Unicellular, colonial or multicellular. - nutrition by absorption, ingestion or photosynthesis.

Characteristics of Domain Eukarya

- prokaryotic - ALL unicellular - some extremophiles

Characteristics of domain Archaea

- Prokaryotic - unicellular (some colonial) - ALL absorb nutrients

Characteristics of domain Bacteria

Parabasalida and Trichonympha

Check the group or groups to which this organism belongs.

the separate evolution of similar features in different lineages.

Convergent evolution

Seed Plants: Gymnosperms: Phylum Gingkophyta: Gingko biloba

- dioecious - smells bad.

Cocci and Gram Positive

Give the shape and the Gram stain results.

Rotifer and corona

Give the structures in the red ovals and the kind of organism.

-LACK of lipopolysaccharides coating of cells walls. - stains dark purple

Gram Positive bacteria characteristic

-HAVE lipopolysaccharides coating of cells walls. - stains faint pinkish

Gram negative bacteria characteristic


Identify the life cycle


If both male and female gametes are identical in size and morphology, they are referred to as _____________?

gametophyte; sporophyte

In mosses, the dominant generation is the _______________________, and the short-lived generation is the __________________________.

Slime molds lack chitin in their cell walls.

In some ways, slime molds resemble fungi. However, how are slime molds unlike fungi?

to speed up the mutation rate.

In the antibiotic resistance lab, why did we use UV light?

1) blade 2) Stipe 3) holdfast

Label the parts

- causes malaria - ALL parasitic

Lineage Alveolata: Phylum Apicomplexa: Plasmodium Vivax


Slime Molds have plasmodium that gives rise to a fruiting structure for reproduction called____.


Some plants, like legumes, form a ____________________ relationship with bacteria that live inside their root nodules.


Sperm and egg have fused to form a diploid ___________ . This step in the moss lifecycle is similar to the sporic lifecycle of algae.


This organism is in phylum Euglenida (lineage Excavata). What is its primary locomotory structure?


The ________________________ is the dominant phase (or "generation") of ferns and seed plants? Note that spelling counts for this question.

Comprehending depth of focus

We viewed a slide of crossed threads to understand what function of the microscope?

0.5-10 micrometers

What are ordinary sizes for bacteria?


What are produced inside the cup-shaped structures?

- Shape - Colony morphology - stain reaction - size

What are some of the features biologists use to classify bacteria?


What are the locomotory structures for these organisms?

Sporangia filled with spores

What are the structures in this picture?

They constitute a peristome, which aids in spore dispersal.

What are the yellowish tooth-like structures and what do they aid in?

- wind pollination - vascular tissue - "naked seeds" enclosed in a cone

What characteristics describe conifers?

-Black- blue. ( meaning NO amylase present) - clear halo means amylase is converting starch into sugars.

What color does Iodine turn in the presence of starch? What does a clear halo mean?

once an image is in focus with one objective lens, it will be nearly in focus with all objective lenses.

What does parfocal mean?


What domain includes organisms that live in very hot places like the one pictured above?

- vascular tissue - flowers - fruit - seeds

What features are characteristics of angiosperms? Check any synapomorphies of angiosperms and any features that are synapomorphies of more inclusive clades.

means by which angiosperms spread seeds

What is a fruit?

An enzyme that breaks down starch into simple sugars

What is amylase, what is it used for?


What is the correct phylogenetic arrangement for these four types of eukaryotes: Excavata Alveolata Rhizaria Amoebozoa?

Converting atmospheric nitrogen into useable nitrogen.

What is the ecosystem function of the tiny organisms living within these roots?

to help it float on a pollination drop

What is the function of the 'ears' on this pollen grain?

to deter insects and pathogens

What is the function of the 'hole' labeled A?

Calcium carbonate

What is the main component of this organism's shell (such a shell is also called a "test")?


What is the name of these locomotory structures that all members of the phylum possess?


What is the total magnification of an object using a 40x objective lens and looking through 10x ocular lenses?


What is the total magnification when looking through a CSUN compound microscope on the 40x objective?


What is this?

- Angiosperms have "true fruits" that are derived from the carpel. - two major groups of angiosperms are monocots and eudicots.

What of the following are true about angiosperms?


What phylum is responsible for red tide? Red tide is a major cause of death for a multitude of marine organisms. Its toxins can even cause death in humans, for example in humans who eat shell fish exposed to red tide. However, some species of this phylum form beneficial symbiotic relationships with marine corals, and can be bioluminescent.


What ploidy level is dominate in the life cycle of this organism?


What type of cell is this?

Double fertilization

What type of fertilization is represented here, characteristic of angiosperms?


What type of locomotion is exhibited by this organism?

Obligate pathogenesis (asexual reproduction)

What type of reproduction are certain rotifers (Bdelloidea) famous for?


Which antiseptic was most effective in killing off the bacteria on this petri dish?

Lipopolysaccharide coat

Which cellular structure is responsible for rejecting the Gram staining procedure, resulting in a Gram negative stain?


Which genus of ciliate is pictured here?

Hepticophyta (Liverworts) Land Plants (Embryophyta) Archaeplastida

Which groups does this organism belong to?

A) is gram positive B) is gram negative

Which is gram positive and which is gram negative?


Which is the sister lineage to Opisthokonta?


Which phylum has the lowest species richness?

ex: dinoflagellate - haploid dominant. - Parent cells(N) produce gametes by mitosis(N).

Zygotic Lifecycle

flower is missing either male or female part

imperfect flower

- cilia present for feeding/ locomotion - largest protist phylum - all hetertrophic - macronucleus (controls cell activity) - micronucleus (exchanged during sex)

Lineage Alveolata: Phylum Ciliata

- plasmodial slime molds - plasmodium (interconnected strands) - Plasmodium is a coenocyte (single cell with MANY nuclei, no walls).

Lineage Amoebozoa: Phylum Myxogastrida: PHYSARUM

Pseudopodia -- amoeboid movement. - heterotrophic-- phagocytosis.

Lineage Amoebozoa: Phylum Rhizopoda


Lineage Excavata : _______________ :: Lineage Amoebozoa : pseudopodia

ex's of: Trypanosoma Gambiense and African Sleeping Sickness.

Lineage Excavata: Phylum Kinetoplastids

- flagella Ex's of: Trichonympha and Trichomonas Vaginalis

Lineage Excavata: Phylum Parabasalida

- long thin rod (axopodia) - marine forms, radiolarians have porous skeletons.

Lineage Rhizaria: Phylum Actinopoda

- cells that secrete a porous, calcium carbonate test.

Lineage Rhizaria: Phylum Foraminifera

- photoautotrophs (light to make own energy)

Lineage Stramenopila: Phylum Bacillariophyta (Diatoms)

-water molds. - cell walls have cellulose - Oogonia (structures containing eggs)

Lineage Stramenopila: Phylum Oomycota: Achlya

Laminaria, Fucus, Sargassum.

Lineage Stramenopila: Phylum Phaeophyta: KELPS + BROWN ALGAE

1. androecium 2. gynoecium 3. corolla 4. calyx

4 whorls of flower


All (okay, almost all) evolutionary changes increase complexity.


All Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotes; their cells lack a membrane-bound nucleus and lack complex organelles such as mitochondria or chloroplasts. True or False.


All land plants have a type of life cycle characterized by an alternation of multicellular generations. Which generation(s) is(are) haploid?


Although historically called blue-green algae, Cyanobacteria are not eukaryotic, and many biologists restrict the word 'algae' to photosynthetic eukaryotes other than the Land Plants. True or False.

Organ that produces sperm



Archaea include organisms that are mesophiles, but also organisms we would call extremophiles. Name one sub-category of extremeophile that you read about in the lab manual.

organ that produces eggs



Bacteria of various sorts may acquire energy from various sources. An organism that feeds on inorganic chemicals (not other organisms) to run its metabolism is said to be ...

Sporic Life Cycle

Both the diploid and the haploid phases are multicellular. What kind of life cycle does this alga have?

- flower parts in fours or fives. - leaf veins are branched


individual plants have flowers with either male or female sex organs (plants have different sexes)


(2N), two sets of chromosomes. A zygote and our body is a diploid.



Distantly related lineages that end up having similar traits to solve similar adaptive problems results in a(an) ___________.

They follow their environment's state of being wet or dry

Ferns are considered homeohydric because they can keep their internal environments moist. Mosses are considered poikilohydric because ______________________.

- Parents (2N) produce gametes (N) by meiosis - diploid dominant. - Ex: Diatoms.

Gametic Lifecycle characteristics and example:

gametes look the same, no differentiation into sperm and egg


(N), one set of chromosomes.


We will be testing the intermediate disturbance hypothesis by comparing species richness on undisturbed slides, slides that were recently wiped clean, and slides that were disturbed with a fork.

How would you accurately describe the "Mosses Experiment"?

Mentally integrating depth of focus using the fine focus knob.

How would you be able to appreciate an object's 3-dimensional structure when viewing it through your microscope?

No, because the mean +SE of treatment A overlaps with the mean -SE of treatment B.

In treatment A, the mean height of plants is 5 mm and the standard error is 1 mm. In treatment B, the mean height of plants is 6 mm and the standard error is 2 mm. Can we call the heights of the plants in different treatments "statistically different"?

diploid and haploid individuals look the same.


Bee and perhaps other insects

Match each flower with its pollinator group:


Match each flower with its pollinator group:


Match each flower with its pollinator group:

carrion fly

Match each flower with its pollinator group:


Match each flower with its pollinator group:


Match each flower with its pollinator group:

Encrusting coralline

Match each form group (morphology) within the phylum Rhodophyta with the specimens photographed.

Filamentous, branched

Match each form group (morphology) within the phylum Rhodophyta with the specimens photographed.

Jointed coralline

Match each form group (morphology) within the phylum Rhodophyta with the specimens photographed.

Microscopic fila

Match each form group (morphology) within the phylum Rhodophyta with the specimens photographed.

a) 2N B) 2N c) N d) N e) N f) N

Match each letter (structure) with its correct ploidy.

A) Flagellum B) Eyespot C) Contractile Vacuole D) paramylon granules E) Chloroplast

Match each letter with its correct structure:

a) sporophyte b) gametophyte c) rhizoids d) capsule e) spores f) seta

Match letter with structure

a) sporus b) frond (leaf) c) fiddlehead d) rhizome

Match letter with structure

Lineage Alveolata

Match the lineage (of the seven main lineages of eukaryotes) to the correct organism

Lineage Archaea

Match the lineage (of the seven main lineages of eukaryotes) to the correct organism

Lineage Excavata

Match the lineage (of the seven main lineages of eukaryotes) to the correct organism

Lineage Stramenopila

Match the lineage (of the seven main lineages of eukaryotes) to the correct organism

Lineage Alveolata

Match the organism to its lineage.

Lineage Amoebozoa

Match the organism to its lineage.

Lineage Excavata

Match the organism to its lineage.

Lineage Rhizaria

Match the organism to its lineage.

A) peristome B) capsule (sporangium) C) seta of sporophyte D) gametophyte

Match the parts labeled:

A) ocular B) objective C) nosepiece D) side clip E) fine focus

Match the parts to their names.

- flower parts in 3's - leaf veins are parallel.


individual plant has flowers with male and female sex organs on the same OR different flowers



Name the clade (+- a phylum) that this plant belongs to:


Name the clade at or near the phylum level.


Name the following female reproductive structure in the water mold Achlya

Musci and Eukarya

Name the group(s) to which this organism belongs.


Name the phylum

the tendency of a lineage to retain certain ancestral traits

Phylogenetic Conservatism

Mosquitos and humans

Plasmodium vivax proliferates in which of the following host(s)?


Prokaryotes were the first organisms to evolve (at least with forms that still survive). Fossils date back >3.5 billion years, and they were the only organisms on Earth for about 2 billion years thereafter.

1. rotate to 4x objective before removing slide. 2. reset condenser. 3. minimize light. 4. off switch. 5. unplug and wrap cord. 6. cover.

Putting your microscope away properly is something that every good biologist knows how to do. The correct steps for microscope storage are listed below.

1. genus is always capitalized 2. underlined or italicized 3. species names can never stand alone.

Rules in Biological Nomenclature:


Seed plants have separate male and female spores, and separate male and female gametophytes. True or false.

Haploid- Diploid

Sporic Lifecycle (Ulva sea lettuce)

character that is shared AND primitive (came first)



The Amoeba above uses the extended structures for feeding and locomotion, name them


The arrow is indicating what cellular organelle?

The pellicle

The coating of parallel bands of protein across this organism is called?

A synapomorphy

The color orange is shared among E, F and G. What is such a shared derived character state termed?

Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

The current classification system broadly defines three domains. What are they? (Do not include commas or other bits of punctuation, just names; do not include the word "domain", and make sure the names are the formal ones in Latin.)


The fusion of two gametes to form a zygote is called _______________.


The purple iodine stain on these granules is a positive test for...?


The shape of the bacteria is..

Standard deviation Sample size

The standard error is calculated as being equal to the ____ divided by the square root of the _____. The standard error is a measure of how much variation we expect from one sample mean to the next if the experiment were run a large number of times.


There is substantial evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts are remnants of once free-living bacteria that came to live in intimate contact with archaea; this is part of a theory termed the ______________ theory.

a complex thallose liverwort

This diagram represents the life cycle of:


This diagram shows an Amoeba engulfing its prey with its pseudopodia. This is called __________.

- This is a eukaryotic organism - This organism lives in water

This foram is in the phylum Foraminifera, and the lineage Rhizaria. Please select the answers below that are true.


This genus of green algae is highly colonial, with their body composed of a couple of kinds of cells.

To fix nitrogen

This is Anabeana, a genus of cyanobacteria. They have specialized cells called heterocysts (one indicated by the arrow). What is the function of the heterocysts?

a) pollen grains b) filament extension (connective) c) pollen sac (male sporangium)

This is a cross section. Match each letter with its structure.

- water exits - oxygen is allowed out - carbon dioxide is allowed in

This is an up close look at the thallus of Marchantia (a liverwort). What is(are) the function(s) of the pores pictured on the upper surface?

Gemmae cups, containing multicellular gamma inside produced by mitosis (for asexual reproduction).

This is the upper surface of a thallose liverwort. These cup shaped structures are ____________.

Sleeping sickness-- Trypanosoma

This organism causes what?


This structure is characteristic of Phylum Actinopoda. They are amoeboids with numerous projections that are useful in gathering food. What are the names of the long hair-like structures?

Chlamydomonas-- Microscopic Volvox-- microscopic Laminaria-- macroscopic Fucus-- macroscopic Euglena-- microscopic

This week's lab is on both microscopic and macroscopic algae. Select which of the following are macro versus micro. Chlamydomonas Volvox Laminaria Fucus Euglena


Thrive in methane producing places


To which of the seven main lineages of eukaryotes does this organism belong?

- We will be using E. coli in our experiment - Bacteria are ideal for experiments involving mutations and evolution because they have a fast generation time and it is easy to grow billions of cells in a small space.

Today we will be starting an experiment to follow the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Select all of the following statements that are true.

Anabaena and Oscillatoria (fix nitrogen)

Types of Cyanobacteria/ blue- green algae:

'Algae' is a paraphyletic group

Why might a biologist object to referring to 'Algae' as a group?


inhabit extreme salty habitats


inhabit extreme temperatures

each flower has both male and female sex organs

perfect flower

Angiosperm ovary

what is this a cross section of?

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