bio 115- final exam

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describe the promoter of prokaryotes during transcription

-35 and -10 boxes, and the promoter is dna

what are three reasons why mutations occur

1) unrepaired mistakes in DNA synthesis during S phase 2) mistakes separating homologs or sister chromatids in meiosis. 3) exposure to DNA damaging chemicals

Codons are made up of ____ nucleotides each


How many RNA nucleotides bases specify an amino acid?


Put the following events of bacterial transcription in chronological order. 1. Sigma binds to the promoter region. 2. The double helix of DNA is unwound, breaking hydrogen bonds between complementary strands. 3. Sigma binds to RNA polymerase. 4. Sigma is released. 5. Transcription begins.

3. Sigma binds to RNA polymerase. 1. Sigma binds to the promoter region. 2. The double helix of DNA is unwound, breaking hydrogen bonds between complementary strands. 5. Transcription begins. 4. Sigma is released.

Choose the answer that places the following events of protein synthesis in the proper order. 1. An amino-acyl tRNA binds to the A site. 2. A peptide bond forms between the new amino acid and a methionine amino acid. 3. The ribosome moves so that the "empty" tRNA moves from the P site to the E site and the amino-acyl tRNA moves from the A site to the P site. 4. A small ribosomal subunit binds with mRNA, the tRNA for methionine (in the P site), and a large ribosomal subunit 5. tRNA in the E site disassociates from the complex.

4. A small ribosomal subunit binds with mRNA, the tRNA for methionine (in the P site), and a large ribosomal subunit 1. An amino-acyl tRNA binds to the A site. 2. A peptide bond forms between the new amino acid and a methionine amino acid. 3. The ribosome moves so that the "empty" tRNA moves from the P site to the E site and the amino-acyl tRNA moves from the A site to the P site. 5. tRNA in the E site disassociates from the complex.

Place the following steps in the correct order to explain how miRNA works in RNAi. Not all steps are shown. 1. The RISC protein complex binds the miRNA. 2. The newly transcribed RNA forms hairpins. 3. The precursor miRNA is partially processed and exported to the cytoplasm. 4. RNA polymerase transcribes the gene that encodes the precursor miRNA. 5. The RISC/miRNA complex blocks transcription of its target mRNA.

4. RNA polymerase transcribes the gene that encodes the precursor miRNA. 2. The newly transcribed RNA forms hairpins. 3. The precursor miRNA is partially processed and exported to the cytoplasm. 1. The RISC protein complex binds the miRNA. 5. The RISC/miRNA complex blocks transcription of its target mRNA.

Which is the coding strand? (what prime direction)


codons are written in ______'-_____'?


What is primary protein structure?

A sequence of amino acids

Which of the following IS a capability of natural selection?

Allows for the fittest individuals to produce more offspring.

How can one eukaryotic gene lead to the production of multiple different proteins?

Alternative Splicing

All of the following are necessary for natural selection to occur EXCEPT: A. There is differential reproductive success within populations, i.e. some individuals have more offspring than others. B. Characteristics acquired by individuals over the course of their lifetime, i.e. big muscles from weight lifting, are passed on to their offspring. C. Populations have the ability to produce more individuals than the environment can support. D. The fittest individuals leave the most offspring. E. Variation exists in populations (all individuals are NOT the same).

Characteristics acquired by individuals over the course of their lifetime, i.e. big muscles from weight lifting, are passed on to their offspring.

Which strand can we easily use to predict the mRNA sequence?

Coding strand but replace T's with U's

How does the presence of glucose in an E. coli's environment affect the transcription of the lac operon?

Increased glucose levels decrease the level of cAMP, leading to less frequent transcription.

What happens to RNA polymerase in a eukyarotic cell after it has completed transcription of a gene?

It is free to bind to another promoter and begin transcription.

Why does the presence of extinct forms and transitional features in the fossil record support evolution by natural selection?

It supports the hypothesis that species change over time.

The children of athletes tend to be much more athletic, on average, than other children because the physical characterics their parents built up over their lifetimes have been passed on to their children. This statements is more:


Human arms and bat wings have fairly similar skeletal structure. The corresponding bones in whale fins have very different shapes and proportions. However, genetic data suggests that humans, bats, and whales share a common ancestor. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for these data?

Natural selection in an aquatic environment resulted in significant changes to whale fin anatomy.

Does RNA processing occur in prokaryotes during transcription? If so list the types of processing


Fill in the blanks. Transcription is the creation of ______ from a(n) ______ template.


Death cap mushrooms contain a toxin called alpha-amanitin, a toxin that inhibits transcription. What would you predict to be the immediate outcome of adding alpha-amanitin to a cell?

Reduced production of one or more types of RNA

describe the promoter of eukaryotes during transcription

TATA box, promoter is dna

Which strand does RNA polymerase use to make RNA?

Template strand

If the lac repressor were altered so it could not release lactose once lactose was bound to it, then you would predict that

The repressor could not bind to DNA.

One frog species in Ecuador produces a toxin which causes paralysis in other animals. However, the production of this toxin costs frogs a great deal of energy. Which statement best explains the presence of this toxin in this frog species?

The toxin producing frogs are able to avoid predation more effectively and produce greater numbers of offspring than non-toxin producing frogs.

A codon sequence within an mRNA molecule has the following sequence: 5'- ACG -3'. What is the sequence of the anticodon of the tRNA that will bind this codon?


Does RNA processing occur in eukaryotes during transcription? If so list the types of processing

Yes, 5' cap, poly A tail, splice out introns

You want to engineer a bacterium to produce the gene product of a eukaryotic gene. What must you include in addition to the coding exons of the genes?

a bacterial promoter sequence

During translation, peptide chain elongation to produce a single protein continues until _________?

a stop codon in the A-site binds a release factor.

Select all that apply. Imagine you discover a mutation in a eukaryotic gene that leads to loss of function of the protein that it encodes. You determine the mutant gene's nucleotide sequence from start site for transcription to the termination point of transcription and find no differences between the mutant gene and the normal gene. Where on the DNA could the mutation be?

an enhancer a promoter-proximal element

Select all that apply: Which of the following lead to chromatin condensation?

an enzyme adds methyl groups to DNA An enzyme removes acetyl groups on histones

Histone deacetylases are enzymes that remove acetyl groups from histones. You treat cells with a drug that inhibits histone deacetylases. This drug treatment leads to...

an increase in gene expression

pro or eu: Translation occurs in the cytoplasm.


what give nucleic acids a reading frame?


Which of the following best describes the relationship between a newly synthesized RNA molecule and the DNA template strand?


where does transcription occur in prokaryotes


Eukaryotic genomes have gene sequences that can code for more than one polypeptide sequence because _____.

different exons can be cut out of the pre-mRNA

synthesis of mRNA


The driving force behind natural selection is:


all the chemical tags covering DNA and histones in a cell or organism


lipid bond


pro or eu: Transcription occurs in the nucleus.


True or False? If both glucose and lactose are found in the environment of a E. coli cell, lactose only will be used in the bacterium's metabolism.


the addition or deletion of nucleotides in any number other than multiples of 3

frameshift mutation

The [ ] is/are arranged sequentially after the promoter.

genes of an operon

all of the genetic information in the DNA of a cell or organism


transcription and translation link ________ to __________

genotype, phenotype

carbohydrate bond


operon NOT transcribed, or HIGH/LOW? lactose present and glucose absent

high rate

A(n) [ ] is a specific small molecule that binds to a bacterial repressor protein and changes its shape so that it cannot bind to an operator, thus switching an operon on.


begins transcription in a specific place and direction on the DNA template strand


During RNA processing a(n) ___________ is added to the 3' end of the RNA.

long string of adenine nucleotides

operon NOT transcribed, or HIGH/LOW? lactose and glucose present

low rate

Codes for a protein.


In eukaryotic cells, RNA processing converts the RNA transcript into ______.


messenger rna


If homologs fail to separate in meiosis I, then the resulting daughter cells have too _____ or too _____ chromosomes.

many, few

a change in nucleotide sequence that changes the amino acid specified by a codon

missense mutation

Mistakes in meiosis that lead to abnormal chromosome numbers


a change in nucleotide sequence that results in an early stop codon

nonsense mutation

operon NOT transcribed, or HIGH/LOW? lactose absent

not transcribed

where does transcription occur in eukaryotes


Chromosomal mutations either change the _______ or ________ of chromosomes

number, structure

Regulatory proteins often bind to the [ ] to control expression of the operon.


A(n) [ ] is a stretch of DNA consisting of an operator, a promoter, and genes for a related set of proteins, usually making up an entire metabolic pathway.


protein bond


RNA polymerase is the enzyme that synthesizes RNA. It catalyzes the formation of _______ bonds.


nucleic acid bond


Which of the following levels of control allow for a rapid response?

post translational control

type of control? A protein needs to have a phosphate group added to its structure before it can perform its function.


pro or eu: The promoter for a gene contains a -10 and -35 box.


A(n) [ ] is a specific nucleotide sequence in DNA that binds RNA polymerase, positioning it to start transcribing RNA at the appropriate place.


What determines the start site and direction of transcription?


a site in DNA that recruits RNA polymerase


all the proteins expressed in a cell or an organism


Along with proteins, makes up a ribosome.


A(n) [ ] is a protein that inhibits gene transcription. In bacteria, this protein binds to the DNA in or near the promoter.


enzyme that makes rna

rna polymerase

The similarity of the limb bone structure of humans, bats, whales, birds and horses is due to them

sharing a common ancestor

What protein(s) associate with the promoter of prokaryotes during transcription?


a change in nucleotide sequence that does not change the amino acid specified by a codon

silent mutation

Nondisjunction can also occur in meiosis II if _________ ________ fail to separate.

sister chromatids

Is a carrier for amino acids. Harbors an anticodon.


ends transcription (mRNA synthesis)


Which of these are required in order for natural selection to occur? (multiple answers can be selected)

that some individuals leave more offspring than others heritable variation

process that makes RNA


What protein(s) associate with the promoter of eukaryotes during transcription?

transcription factors

type of control? RNA polymerase needs additional proteins to tightly bind a gene's promoter.


all the mRNA molecules expressed in a cell or organism


process that makes proteins


type of control? mRNA is quickly degraded by an enzyme in the cell's cytoplasm before a protein can be made.


True or False? A missense mutation is one where a single nucleotide of DNA differs, leading to the change of a single amino acid.


True or False? The lac operon in E. coli utilizes both positive and negative control of gene expression.


True or False? Transcription and translation happen almost simultaneously in prokaryotes.


The genetic code is... select all that apply

unambiguous redundant universal conservative

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