Bio 1201 final moroney

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A codon is GCA. What is the sequence of the corresponding anticodon?


Missense mutations change the first letter


Nonsense changes it to a stop codon


A cell has a diameter of 10 um. What is the distance in millimeters?

0.01 mm

Vinegar has a pH of about 5. What is the concentration of H+ of vinegar?

1 x 10^5 M

A red rose Rryy is crossed with a yellow rose rrYy. What fraction of the plants would have red flowers?

1/4 of them

The H+ concentration of the vinegar in the previous question is _____ times more acidic than pure water.


Most plants make sucrose, a 12 carbon sugar, from CO2 fixed during photosynthesis. How many CO2 molecules are needed to make one sucrose molecule?


18O and 16O are different isotopes of oxygen. What makes them different?

18O had two more neutrons then 16O

During aerobic respiration the Kreb's cycle provides the cell with _____ from one acetyl CoA molecule.

2 CO2, 1 ATP, 3 NADH, and 1 FADH2

What is the result when a diploid cell undergoes mitosis?

2 diploid cells

**Assume you have a mature mRNA about 600 nucleotides from start (AUG) to stop (UAA)** How many amino acids will be in the final protein this mRNA codes for?


Flower color in snapdragons is an example of incomplete dominance. If a red flowered plant is crossed with a white flowered plant, the F1 generation has pink flowers. If a pink flowered plant was crossed with a pink flowered plant, the progeny plants would be _____.

25% red, 50% pink, and 25% white

How many CO2 molecules are released by a single pyruvate molecule during aerobic respiration?


Which type of linkage connects the nucleotides in RNA?

3'-5' phosphodiester linkages

Dog intestinal cells have 78 chromosomes. How many chromosomes do dog sperm cells have?


Consider the DNA sequence: 5'-TAGCGGCATTAA-3'


You have a brother that has sickle cell anemia. Your parents are healthy and you are healthy. What is the chance that you are a carrier of the sickle cell trait?

66.7 chance

An atom having an atomic number of 7 and a mass of 15 would be expected to have _____.


Which of the following is an example of secondary protein structure?

A B-sheet occurs

Chemiosmosis drives _____ and occurs in ______.

ATP formation; the mitochondrion and the chloroplast

While at the store you buy some carrots. The cells in those carrots are _____.


If a white-eyed female is crossed with a red eyed male what is the phenotype of the progeny

All of the males and females will have pinkeye

How does an enzyme catalyze a reaction?

By lowering the activation energy of a reaction

The molecular formula of glucose C6H12O6. What would be the molecular formula of a polymer made by linking five glucose molecules together by dehydration reactions?


What type of photosynthesis is done by sugar cane?

C4-type photosynthesis

Erythrose, a 4 carbon sugar, has the following chemical formula


Plants that fix CO2 into C4 acids at night when stomates are open and carry out the Calvin Cycle during the day when stomates are closed are called _____.

CAM plants

In trying to determine whether DNA or protein is the genetic material, Hershey and Chase made use of which of the following facts?

DNA does not contain sulfur, whereas protein does and DNA contains phosphorus, but protein does not.

Links two pieces of DNA together

DNA ligase

The molecule that links together Okazaki fragments during DNA replication is..

DNA ligase

Removes the RNA primer and replaces with DNA

DNA polymerase I

what is the order of information flow during gene expression?


In the murder mystery you are reading the victim has been killed by his evil twin using carbon monoxide poisoning. Which part of aerobic respiration is inhibited by carbon monoxide?

Electron transport

The stage of the cell cycle that occurs immediately after cytokinesis is:

G1 phase

Which molecule will yield the most energy in aerobic respiration?


Which pathway or reaction is common in both aerobic respiration and alcohol fermentation?


If a heterozygous red-eyed female is crossed with a white-eyed male what is the phenotype of the progeny?

Half of the males will have red eyes and half will have white. Half of the females will have red and the other half will have white

You have a yeast strain that has a defect and the electron transport chain does not function. Under what conditions, if any, could the yeast grow?

It can grow by alcohol fermentation

You accidentally leave your favorite house/dorm plant in the dark over Thanksgiving vacation. To your surprise it is still alive when you return because _______.

It obtained energy from stored sugar and starch molecules produced before your vacation

A compound contains hydroxyl groups as its predominant functional group. Which of the following statements is true concerning this compound?

It should dissolve in water

You have a friend that recently lost 15 pounds. Where did the fat go?

It was released as CO2 and H2O

In his transformation experiments, Griffith observed that ____.

Mixing a heat-killed pathogenic strain of bacteria with a living nonpathogenic strain can convert some of the living cells into the pathogenic form.

Which molecule is the most oxidized?

N with 3 lines connecting to another N

Which of the following molecules directly donates electrons to the mitochondrial electron transport chain?


A father has blood type AB and a mother has a blood type B. Which blood type is NOT POSSIBLE among their children?


Describe a hydroxyl group

O single bonded to an H

Which organism produces O2?

Only photosynthetic organisms produce O2

What protein listed below bind chlorophyll?

Photosystem I

Which of the following is a protein function?

Proteins transport molecules across membranes, proteins move vesicles along microtubules, microtubules are made of proteins, and some hormones are proteins

Which enzyme is responsible for making the RNA strand during transcription?

RNA polymerase

Which of the following is a difference between RNA and DNA?

RNA uses the base uracil, which DNA uses the base thymidine

Which runner has the best chance of winning the race?

Runner C has normal blood glucose levels and his muscles are well oxygenated

At this moment, which runner is probably using glucose at the fastest rate?

Runner D has normal blood glucose levels and his muscles are anaerobic

Referring again to the runners above, which runners had to stop?

Runners A and B (Runner A has depleted his blood glucose and his muscles are well oxygenated/Runner B has depleted his blood glucose and his muscles are anaerobic)

Compare the processes of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in humans. Which process takes longer?

Spermatogenesis takes about the same time as oogenesis

In the scientific method what step comes immediately after you formulate your hypothesis?

Testing the hypothesis

Which of the following is an example of a hydrogen bond?

The bond between the H of one water molecule and the O of another water molecule

The gene for black or grey body color in fruit flies (b) has a recombination rate of 17% with the gene for vestigial wings (vg). The gene for black or grey body color in fruit flies has a recombination rate of 9% with the gene for red or cinnabar eyes (cn). Which statement below is true?

The gene b is closer to the gene cn than the gene vg

A couple has a son who is colorblind. Neither parent is color blind. Which parent or parents has/have the color blind trait.

The mother has the trait, the father does not

In class I did a demonstration of the following reaction: 2H2O2 --> 2H2O + O2. This reaction did not occur until the catalase was added. What did the catalase do?

The reaction is always exergonic but catalase lowered the activation energy

Which of the following is TRUE of both starch and cellulose?

They are both polymers of glucose

**Assume that you have given a bacteria cell radioactive thymidine so that the DNA in the cell was completely labeled. Also assume that no other component of the cell is labeled. Now you take away the radioactive thymidine and allow the cells to divide. Remember the DNA is still radioactive.** After two rounds of cell division there are four cells. How many of these cells will be radioactive?

Two will be radioactive

Consider the DNA sequence: 5'-CCTGTGAA-3' This is the template strand. What mRNA would be produced from this sequence?


How do water molecules interact with large molecules like a protein?

Water can form hydrogen bonds with the protein

In a test cross, a pea plant with yellow round peas of uncertain heritage was crossed with a plant that had green wrinkled peas. One half of the resulting plants had yellow wrinkled peas and one half had yellow round peas. What was the genotype of the parent that had yellow round peas?


Another person has found out that both his father and mother are carriers of the cystic fibrosis trait. This person does not have cystic fibrosis. What is the chance that he is a carrier of the trait?

a 25% chance

What are the features of a typical mRNA found in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell?

a 5' cap, 5' to 3' untranslated regions (UTRs), a poly-adenine tail, and an intron

If one parent is heterozygous for Huntington's disease and the other is homozygous normal, which is the chance that a child of theirs will have Huntington's disease?

a 50% chance

You have recently found out that your father is a carrier of the cystic fibrosis trait and your mother is homozygous normal. You do not have cystic fibrosis. What is the chance that you are a carrier of the trait?

a 50% chance

Describe a carboxylic acid

a C with a double bonded O and a single bonded O

An unfavorable reaction that occurs along with the cleavage at ATP to ADP and Pi is an example of ______.

a coupled reaction

A human cell contains 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome. What is this cell?

a sperm cell

If a plant with green round peas (yyRr) is crossed with a plant with yellow round peas (YyRr) what percentage of the pea plant will have wrinkled peas?

about 25%

What fraction of the pea plants in question will have green round peas?

about 3/8

What percentage of pea plants in question will have yellow peas?

about 50%

All of the following are functions of the Kreb's Cycle EXCEPT ______.

adding electrons and protons to oxygen to form water

Occurs in anaerobic yeast cells but not aerobic yeast cells

alcoholic fermentation

Describe an amino group

an N with 2 single bonded Hs

K+ concentration is higher inside than outside a cell and is transported into the cell by the Na+-K+ ATPase. K+ transport into a cell is best described as _____.

an example of active transport

Cellulose does not readily react with O2 forming CO2 and H2O at room temperature because _____.

at room temp. the activation energy barrier for this reaction cannot be surmounted

Atoms that have a full outer electron shell tend to:

be stable and nonreactive

**Assume that you have given a bacteria cell radioactive thymidine so that the DNA in the cell was completely labeled. Also assume that no other component of the cell is labeled. Now you take away the radioactive thymidine and allow the cells to divide. Remember the DNA is still radioactive.** After one cell division which cell (s) is/are radioactive?

both cells will be radioactive

Which is an example of a carbohydrate?


This is the location of the Calvin Cycle

chloroplast stroma

This molecule is a nucleotide

complicated structure

A wife has type "A" blood and the husband has type "B" blood. Their child is type "O". What do you know about the genotypes of the parents?

crossover must have occurred for this to happen

Most RNA processing in a eukaryotic cell takes place in the _____.


Which of the following solutions has the greatest concentration of hydrogen ions (H+)?

gastric juice at pH 2

Which organism below is capable to aerobic respiration?

grass, yeast cells, oak trees, and mice

A child with Down's syndrome has _____

has an extra chromosome 21

Oxygen and sulfur atoms ______.

have different numbers of protons

Integral proteins would be expected to:

have hydrophobic regions

Separates the 2 DNA strands to unwind them


This molecule is a simple sugar

hexagon, OH, O, CH2OH, and HO

Chromosomes that carry the same assembly of genes controlling the same traits are best described as _____.

homologous chromosomes

If a person has two identical alleles, he/she is _____ for that gene.


This location becomes very acidic in the light

inside of the thylakoid

During vigorous exercise, anaerobic muscle cells produce ____ and gain ____.

lactase; ATP

This molecule is a fatty acid

long chain of C with H and O

Membranes prevent the movement of Na+ and charged solutes in cells because ______.

membranes contain phospholipids

The position of mitosis where the chromosomes are lined up at the center of the dividing cell is ______.


The mitotic spindle is composed of:


This organelle contains DNA


This organelle contains the enzymes for aerobic respiration


This organelles contains membranes

mitochondria, lysosomes, and golgi apparatus

This process consumes O2, converting it to H2O

mitochondrial electron transport

This process takes place on the inner membrane of the mitochondria

mitochondrial electron transport

When you sprain your ankle there is damage to ligaments and blood vessels. What type of cell division is occurring during the healing process?


Which of the following elements has the same number of valence electrons as phosphorus?


A woman is a carrier of the color blind trait and her husband has normal color vision. What percentage of the children will be color blind?

none of the girls will be color blind but one half of the boys will be color blind

Which type of bond is formed by an equal sharing of electrons between atoms?

nonpolar covalent bond

In biological molecules, carbon atoms tend to form ______.

nonpolar covalent bonds

Which organelle prevents small charged molecules like Na+ from rapidly entering the cell?

plasma membrane

Which of the groups of organic molecules below would be expected to contain sulfur?


In the reaction: pyruvate + NAD+ --> acetyl-CoA + CO2 + NADH + H+, which of the reactants has been oxidized?

pyruvate has been oxidized

Chlorophyll molecules mostly absorb the _____ wavelengths of visible light.

red and blue

Ribosomes are found with ______ where they are involved with _______.

rough ER, protein biosynthesis

_____ is probably the most abundant enzyme on the planet.


What type of RNA has codons?


Microtubules and microfilaments are components of _________.

the cytoskeleton

Referring to the previous question, none of the child's grandparents is color blind. Which grandparent must be a carrier of the color blind allele?

the maternal grandmother

In which structure below do all of the atoms have reasonable numbers of chemical bonds?

the structure with N in the middle and 3 Hs surrounding it

Oxygen has an atomic mass of 16. Therefore, ______

the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in oxygen must be 16

This is the location of the chloroplast electron transport chain

thylakoid membrane

The concentration of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere is approximately 21% and this concentration is maintained by the breakdown of _____ in photosynthesis.


**Assume you have a mature mRNA about 600 nucleotides from start (AUG) to stop (UAA)** Can you predict the exact amino acid sequence that the mRNA codes for?


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