BIO 183 Final Review

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A nonsense mutation

A nucleotide mutation that converts a regular codon (coding for an amino acid) into a STOP codon is called

The amino acid sequence of polypeptide would often be wrong

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are extremely specific enzymes. Without this high level of specificity

Receptor-associated, intracellular protein complexes composed of 3 subunits

Description G-protein-coupled receptors

Okazake fragments

During DNA replication, the discontinuous DNA pieces that form on the lagging strand only are known as

G1,S, and G2 only

During a typical cell cycle, the interphase is composed of what phases

The cytoplasm

During cellular respiration, glycolysis takes place in

A site of 40S subunit

During the initiation of translation in eukaryotes, the first tRNA is brought into which site of which ribosomal subunit

Lowering the activation energy necessary to start the reaction

Enzymes catalyze chemical reactions by

Hypertonic environment

If you wanted to describe the solute concentration in the intracellular vs extracelluar environment of a human skin cell placed in sea water, you could say that the skin cell is placed in a


Molecules that are mirror images of each other


Organisms that generate their own food by converting inorganic molecules into organic ones are called

Active transport requires energy while passive transport does not

The main difference between active and passive transport across a cell membrane is

Active transport requires energy while passive transport does not AND active transport involves the movement of molecules against their concentration gradient

The main difference between active and passive transport across a cell membrane is


The main products of the citric acid/Krebs cycle

feedback inhibition

The mechanism through which the final product of an enzymatic pathway acts as an inhibitor of the first step in the same pathway is called

Tumor suppressor gene

The p53 gene, which encodes for the P53 protein is known as a


The pattern of inheritance illustrated by the various blood types is an example of

A double membrane of phospholipids arranged in a fluid-mosaic of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates

The plasma membrane is best described as


The process of bringing the intracellular voltage of a resting neuron to a more positive value is called


The protein complexes that hold sister chromatids at their center


The protein structures that help proteins fold properly after they come out of ribosomes are known as

ATP synthase

The proton-motive force generated during oxidative phosphorylation is used to drive the activation of which of the following

Adenine and guanine

The purines found in DNA and RNA are

to allow the attachment of ribosomes

The purpose of the 5' cap on eukaryotic mRNA is

At the transcriptional level, translational level, and the post-translational level

The regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes and prokaryotes may take place at which of the following levels

Gap junctions

The small intercellular connections made of the protein connexin that allow the passage of small molecules such as Ca++ and ATP between adjacent animal cells are known as

Calcium storage, detoxification, and steroid synthesis

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved primarily in which of the following


The structures on sister chromatids where microtubules attach


The sum of all intracellular reactions involved in the building up of macromolecules is called

Binary fission

The type of cellular division observed in bacteria is known as


How many covalent bonds can a carbon atom form


How many major checkpoints would you expect to see in a typical eukaryotic cell cycle


How many neutrons does elemental hydrogen (H) contain?


Hypothetically, an enzyme that was allosterically activated can still be inactivated by a competitive inhibitor


DNA follows a pattern of replication known as

Do a test cross

Two F1 generation offsprings of a monohybrid cross have similar phenotypes. In order to determine whether these 2 organisms are homozygous dominant or heterozygous, one may attempt to

G1 phase

Typically, in a healthy cell, the longest phase of the cell cycle is the

Protiens and Nucleic acids

Urea is one of the first (if not THE first) organic compounds to be synthesized in a dish. Our cells produce urea to get rid of nitrogenous wastes. Based on your knowledge of macromolecules, you would expect nitrogenous waste to come from the metabolism of


(T/F) An uncharged species of nitrogen has a mass of 15 AMUs (or daltons) would be called a nitrogen ion


(T/F) DNA and RNA nucleotides have a sugar component


(T/F) Mitochondria contain DNA

Water would move in the cell by osmosis

A hypotheitcal cell whose plasma membrane is made of a phospholipid bilayer only (no channels or anything of the sort) is placed in a solution of 100mM NaCl. The inrracellular NaCl concentration is 200mM. What would you expect to observe?


Based on body size only, you would expect a mouse


Calcium is an important intracellular messenger

endocrine signalling

Cortisol is a signaling molecule released in the blood stream by adrenal glands. Its effect on the brain are an example of which of the following

Cell cycle regulation

Cyclin-dependent kinases are required for which of the following processes


Cyclin-dependent kinases can be activated or deactivated through phosphorylation


In cellular respiration, which of the following are products of glycolysis

Pyruvate, ATP, and NADH

In cellular respiration, which of the following are products of glycolysis

Passive diffusion

In fish, O2 is absorbed from the water, through the gills, and into the bloodstream. This is an example of


In plant cells, most of the ATP to be used by the cell is produced in the...

Voltage gated channels and Sodium/Potassium pumps

In the axon of a multipolar neuron, you would expect to find

Ligand gated channels and Sodium/Potassium pumps

In the dendrites and cell body of a multi-polar neuron, you would expect to find

There is no way to tell from the information given, and this type of information can't be guessed

In the karyotype of a celery cell, you would expect to see


Intracellular receptors that affect gene expression (as is the case for steroid receptros, for instance) typically have faster effects than transmembrane receptors such as GPCRs or RTKs


Isomers that differ in spatial arrangement of atoms, rather than order of atomic connectivity ex) glucose and galactose


Proteins are broken down into amino acids during a process known as


Some plant cells have the ability to communicate with each other via hormones

Intracellular receptors

Steroid hormones such as testosterone and estrogen are derived from cholesterol, and are known to bind to

Signal amplification and speed

The advantage of using Ca^2+, cAMP, or a pyramid-shaped cascade of events downstream of membrane-bounds receptors is

-5 to -100 millivolts

The average intracellular voltage of most cells varies between which two values?

-70mV inside the cell

The average resting membrane potential of neurons is around


The bond formed between nucleotides in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA and mRNA

peptide bond

The bond that connects the carboxyl end of an amino acid with the amino end of another one is callled

Covalent bonds

The bonds that hold hydrogen and oxygen within a water molecule are called

hydrogen bonds

The bonds that link he 2 DNA strands to each other


The cloverleaf-shaped molecule that carries an anticodon at one end and an amino acid at the other is called

Cleavage furrow

The constriction that forms at the end of telophase to separate daughter cells at the end of mitosis in animal cells is known as the

Actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules

The cytoskeleton is composed of (in order, from small to large size)


The fermentation process that leads to the production of ethanol is most likely to take place in

Microbodies (peroxisomes) and lysosomes

The hydrolysis of macromolecules and organelles that are no longer needed in the cells is most likely to take place in what organelles?

1000 as acidic as distilled water

Tomato juice has a pH around 4.0, and distilled water has a pH around 7.0. This means that tomato juice is

Liquid State

Water has its highest density when it is in its

The membrane allows the movement of these ions olny through specific channels and pumps

What best describes the movement of small polar ions such as Na^+, Cl^-, K^+, and Ca^2+ across a regular cell membrane

Presence of double bonds in the fatty acyl chains

What factor contributes significantly to increasing cell membrane fluidity at room temperature

d. All of these statements are true

What of the following is true about telomerase a. Telomerase extends the 3' end of DNA strands by a few nucleotides b. Telomerase activity decreases over time c. Telomerase contains its own template of repetitive nuclotide sequence d. All of these statements are trye


What polysaccharide are you most likely to find in the exoskeleton of a locust (grasshopper)?


What type of enzyme is usually associated with the transfer of phosphate groups from high-energy, phosphate donating molecules to specific substrates

2 ATPs and lactic acid

When anaerobic metabolism (fermentation) takes place in mammalian muscle cells what is produced?

B oxidation

When carbohydrates are not available for cellular respiration, cells can still obtain energy from lipids through a process known as


When placed in water, phospholipids tend to spontaneously arrange themselves in spherical structures known as


When the G-protein of a GPCR is activated, it converts a GDP into a GTP

delta G>0, and the reaction requires the addition of free energy

Which of the following best describes an endergonic reaction?

A proteasome is protein complex whose purpose is to hydrolyse ubiquinated proteins

Which of the following best describes proteasomes

Photosynthesis works best in the red and blue ranges of the visible spectrum

Which of the following best explains the process of photosynthesis

Gap junctions

Which of the following cell connections allow the movement of small ions such as calcium from one cell to another?


Which of the following is a disaccharide a. Maltose b. Galactose c. Glycogen d. Starch e. Fructose

Both answers b and d are correct

Which of the following is accurate regarding the disaccharide lactose? a. Lactose is a protein, not a disaccharide b. Lactose is composed of galactose and glucose c. Lactose is composed of galactose and fructose d. Llactose is a sugar found in milk and some of its derivatives e. both answers b and d are correct

Nucleosomes are found only in prokaryotes

Which of the following is false about nucleosomes a. Nucleosomes contain 2 loops of DNA b. A neucleosome contains a total of 9 histones c. Nucleosomes contribute greatly to DNA compaction d. Nucleosomes may be found in euchromatin or heterochromatin e. nucleosomes are found only in prokaryotes

beta-pleated sheets

Which of the following is not a common DNA binding motif

Pollen production in flowers

Which of the following is not a reason for mitotic cell division

They often bind DNA in the area of the TATA box, they tend to bind DNA in the major grooves, they often form complexes made of several subunits

Which of the following is true about transcription factors in eukaryotes

Extranuclear inheritance refers mainly to mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA

Which of the following is true reguarding extranuclear inheritance?


Which of the following is/are a monosaccharide? a. Fructose b. Sucrose c. Lactose d. Cellulose e. Both b and c are monosaccharides


Which of the following molecules most closely resemble ATP?


Which of the following structures allows cells to "read" the extracellular matrix and be influenced by it?

Neither lysosomes or golgi apparatus are found in prokaryotes

Which of the following structures would least likely be found as part of a bacterium? a. lysosome b. cell membrane c. golgi apparatus d. ribosomes e. neither lysosomes or golgi apparatus

e. all answers are correct

Which statement about ATP is correct a. ATP serves as an energy "currency"inside the cell b. The reaction of ATP --> ADP + P is coupled to endergonic reactions c. The reaction of ATP --> ADP + P is an exergonic reaction d. The main source of ATP production for an entire plant cell is its mitochondria e. all answers are correct


a minute cylindrical organelle near the nucleus in animal cells, occurring in pairs and involved in the development of spindle fibers in cell division

allosteric inhibition

the mechanism for inhibiting enzyme action in which a regulatory molecule binds to a second site (not the active site) and initiates a conformation change in the active site, preventing binding with the substrate

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