Bio 2 Final Exam (add ch.55 and 56)

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Phylum Mollusca- Class Gastropoda

- 40,000 species, most marine40,000 species, most marine -Distinctive characteristic is the process of torsion Torsion - Visceral mass rotates 180 degrees, so that anus and mantle cavity are placed above the head -maybe for a balance advantage


- 95% of animals on planet are invertabrates - animals without backbones - most animals are marine invertebrates on earth

Phylum Mollusca- Class Bivalvia

- Clams, oysters, mussels, scallops -two parts to shell -suspension feeders -trap food on mucus which coats the gills -Mainly sessile, but can move by using foot

Phylum Platyhelminthes: Class Tubellaria- free-living marine

- Known as planarians - Carnivores/scavengers - No specialized organs for gas exchange and circulation - Eye spot for light detection - Head Flaps for smell detection

Phylum Mollusca- Class Polyplacophora - The Chitons

- Oval plates with 8 dorsal plates - Found on rocky areas along coast

Cambrian explosion

- all major animal body plans developed within a short period from 543-525 mya first animals with hard, mineralized skeletons

sponge filtration

- primary responsibility for good sun visibility associated with reef areas - estimated sponges can filter entire water column over reef in 1-2 days - critical for coral reefs

Phylum Annelida: Class Oligochaeta

-Earthworms eat soil and extract nutrients -Wanted by gardeners and farmers as they till the soil -50,000 earthworms/ acre in one British Farmland -Giant Australian earthworm can reach 9'

Phylum Annelida: Class Hirudinea: Blood suckers (Parasites)

-Either use a bladelike jaw to slice through flesh - Or use a digestive enzyme that eats a hole through flesh

Phylum Platyhelminthes

-Flatworms -20,000 species marine, fw and terr. -Some parasitic -Bilateral and triploblastic -Mesoderm contributes to complex organs and true muscle tissue -Gastrovascular cavity with one opening for mouth an anus = incomplete -Acoelomates - no coelom

The Radiata- Phylum Cnidaria

-Hydras, jellies, sea anemones, and corals -10,000 species, mostly marine -They have a central digestive compartment known as a gastrovascular cavity -Diploblastic - eco and endoderm -No true muscle tissue -specialized muscle cells derived from ecto- and endoderm -centered as a ring around base of bell -a single opening acts as both mouth and anus-carnivores

Phylum Arthropoda

-Jointed Appendages -Segmented Coelomates, Ecdysozoans -These repeated segments are known as metameres and specialized segments can form metameres and specialized segments can form distinct regions = tagmosisdistinct regions = tagmosi -1 million species (mostly insects) -2 out of every 3 organisms known are arthropods -Most successful of all animal phyla -Success due to modifying segments of body to adapt to different environments

Phylum Platyhelminthes: Class Cestoidea - Tapeworms

-Parasitic, usually acquired from eating uncooked meat contaminated with cysts -No digestive tract, absorbs food predigested by host -Proglottids = sex organs -Scolex = head

Phylum Nematoda - Roundworms

-Protostomes, pseudocoelom, ecdysozoans -Found in most aquatic habitats -Not segmented -Cuticle covering body is shed as it grows -Lack a circulatory system, nutrients transported through fluid found in the psuedocoelem

Phylum Rotifera - Rotifers

-Pseudocoelomates - cavity not completely lined by mesoderm -Mainly freshwater, 1800 species -A Complete digestive tract - Has a separate mouth and anus -Crown of cilia that draws water into mouth

Phylum Annelida- Class Hirudinea: Leeches

-Secretes an anesthetic, so no pain -Secretes an anticoagulant so blood keeps flowing -Suck 10x its own weight in one meal -Used to stimulate circulation in recently replaced fingers and toes

Phylum Annelida

-Segmented worms -Closed circulatory system - Uses hemoglobin to transport oxygen -Each segment has a pair of excretory tubes known as metanephridia - remove wastes -Hermaphrodites -Exchange sperm -Clitellum secretes mucous cocoon which encases the egg and sperm and is released off animal as embryo develops -Asexual reproduction occurs by fragmentation

Phylum Nematoda - Roundworms Con't

-Sexual Reproduction = Gonochoristic - SEPARATE SEXES - Internal fertilization -Important Decomposers of OM and nutrient recyclers; some are parasitic

Phylum Mollusca

-Snails, slugs, oysters, clams, octopuses and squids -150,000 species most marine, fw, and terr. -Most feed using a structure known as a radula for scraping up food -Hermaphrodites

Swim Bladder con't

-usually thing sticking out of mouth is its internal organs cuz the salomnic cavity (internal space) where all organs are housed is now filled with the swim bladder -the swim blader has no more pressure so gases expand and everything else goes out -if you released fish at that point it would bob out on the surface like a float cuz the swim bladder hasnt deflated -swim bladder takes awhile to deflate and inflate swim bladder through diffusive action -FWC (Florida fish and wildlife conservation) used to recommend was a hypodermic needle (essentially popping the swim bladder) -now we know causing this wound increases their infections rate and they are likely gonna die anyway -now, use a little hook that dissolves with a weight on it: you hook the fish with it and then the fish shoots to the bottom where the pressure increases, the organs are reabsorbed, and it has a better chance of survival

deuterostome (4 major animal divisions)

1. 8-cell stage is radial and indeterminate (cells are pluripotent) 2. enterocoelomates: coelom forms the bud of mesoderm, which come off the endoderm 3. blastopore (opening to archenteron) anus, mouth develops from second opening from blastoporeex: echinoderms and chordates

Coelon functions

1. cushions and protects internal organs 2. hydrostatic skeleton (used by soft-bodied animals for muscles to act upon) 3. enables internal organs to grow and move independently of outer body wall

Causes of animal diversification

1. ecological causes 2. geological causes 3. genetic causes(more than likely a mixture of all of these)

Stages of Early Embryonic development

1. flagellated sperm fertilizes non motile egg = zygote (2n) 2. zygote undergoes successive mitotic cell divisions = cleavage 3. leads to formation of multicellular hollow ball known as blastula 4. gastrulation: development of embryonic tissue (germ layers) 5. echo/endosperm produced

Evolutionary Biologists Beware! -It was not popular to support evolution -Creation by God alone was the accepted and widely supported reason for the diversity of life -Darwin waited __ years before he published his theory of evolution due to fear of public uproar


Phylum Arthropoda: Millipedes (Class Diplopoda):_ pairs of walking legs per segment


Shark Attacks: -70-100 per year globally (__-30 in Florida) -5-15 deaths


Shark Attacks: Should you should you be scared?: __ times as likely to get killed by a dog in U.S.


Extreme responses to Severe conditions Torpor -Body temps may drop to __- 36 degrees F


Phylum Arthropoda: Chelicerates: Chelicerae, pedipalps (sensory), and 4 pair of Chelicerae, pedipalps (sensory), and _ pair of walking legs


Monsanto- biggest biotech company -colorado potato beetle can pick leaves off plant overnight (biggest enemy) -__% of insecticides applied are for the beetle


Phylum Echinodermata: Class Echinoidea- -spines can move and aid in locomotion -no arms -has _ sharp teeth-like structures used to grind away at prey


only _% of all animals are vertebrates


Class Cephalaspidomorphi - Lamprey: Introduced to Great Lakes in 1800's -__% of fish attacked would die


The Primates Two major groups - Typically small -This animal is only _" long


Order Squamata - Lizards and snakes __% of reptiles


Extreme thermophiles ("heat lovers") - DOMAIN ___________ •Yellowstone Park hot springs; deep-sea hydrothermal vents. •Probably most closely related of all prokaryotes to eukaryotes.


Asexual Reproduction in Plants • Usually shoot or stem cuttings are used • __________ roots will develop from this region • Clones can also be produced from single leaves (African violets, Kalanchoe) or tubers- A potato can be cut up, each with an eye (a vegetative bud)


Emergence of Early Humans Incomplete fossil record - Fragments of jaws and teeth of hominids older than 1.5 mya only found in southeast _______


Vertebrates w/out a Backbone & Jaw ____________ - jawless fishes which also lack paired appendages


Modern examples of Natural Selection _________ Resistance- Resistant strains survive and reproduce


Modern Amphibians Order ______ • "tail-less ones"; frogs and toads


Five Derived Characters unique to Land Plants 1. ________ Meristems- Localized regions of cell division at the tips of shoots and roots- Allows elongation to access natural resources


Shoot System • _________Dominance- Presence of terminal bud prevents axillary buds from growing - If removed axillary buds grow new branch with a new terminal bud - Evolutionary adaptation to grow taller and access more light


Phylum Arthropoda: Chelicerates: Class __________ - scorpions, ticks, mites, spiders


Thermoregulation adaptations Increase evaporative cooling -Spreading saliva and urine on body surface -____


Factors that divide populations and contribute to Reproductive Isolation Prezygotic barriers (before fertilization) 2. _____________ isolation- Mating signals, courtship displays, communication recognition


Stramenopila Phaeophyta (Brown Algae) Seaweed adaptations to survive intertidal habitats: 2. _____________ - gel forming polysaccharides (algin) that give it a rubbery feel and cushions it and protects it from abrasion (also used for thickeners - puddings, etc.)


Spontaneous Generation vs. Biogenesis 1. S.G. = life emerging from inanimate material (abiotic to biotic) 2. _____________ = life arises from reproduction of preexisting life


Evidence for Evolution _______________- species on islands


Environment 2. ________: Influence of living things (other animals, plants, etc.)


Niche • Earthworm niche - _______ - food for birds, bait for anglers, consumes detritus, recycles nutrients, parasite hosts


_______ Coniferous Forest: The Taiga Northern/Boreal Coniferous Forest • Largest Terrestrial Biome Largest Terrestrial Biome • 12-28" precip annually - Over 9' in SE Alaska - Temperate rainforest • Long cold winters • Huge Annual Temp Changes - 90F in summer;-50F winter -Conifers dominate - spruce • Diverse mammals • Migratory birds Logging is a major concern


Darwin's Background -Influenced by a ________ while earning his theology degree and became interested in biology


Causes of Evolution: 1. Genetic Drift TWO TYPES: Population ____________: natural disasters may reduce the size of a population, unselectively changing the make-up of the population


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Merostomata - The Horseshoe Crab: First fossils from the early ____________ ~540mya


Vertebrates w/out a Backbone & Jaw Class ______________________ - Lampreys


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: Many have a specialized appendage called the _________, used for feeding and defense and manipulation of environment


Defense Mechanisms - Herbivores • __________ defense - Production of toxic compounds which kill insects - Production of toxins which make it distasteful or difficult to eat (onion = lachrymatory-factor synthase)


Phylum Arthropoda: Centipede (Class ______________)


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES 2.____________ - one partner benefits, the other is unaffected.Some Treponema (spirochetes) live between teeth & gums


In this type of relationship one organism benefits and the other is unaffected, such as a sharksucker and a shark.: _________________


Heat Exchange Pathways (1/4): ___________________: - Transfer of heat to an object in direct contact -Animal in pool of cold water -" sitting on a hot rock"


____________________: - Allow their internal environment to vary with the external influences


Gymnosperm Diversity, Continued-4 Phylum ______________ This phylum is the largest of the gymnosperm phyla Most species have woody cones, but a few have fleshy cones Most conifers are evergreens and can carry out photosynthesis all year round


Prokaryote Characteristics Genetic recombination via: _______________: direct transfer of genetic material (plasmids)


Heat Exchange Pathways (2/4):__________________: -Transfer of heat by the movement of air or a liquid past a surface -Breeze on an animals dry skin -Wind-chill factor -Circulating blood moves heat from body core to the cooler extremities


Prey Defense 5. Mechanical or Chemical defense __________ evolution occuring = animals from many different taxa have similar color patterns


Modern examples of Natural Selection _____________ - Delta, Omicron


Vertebrates w/out a Backbone & Jaw __________ - possess a skull covering the brain


Biodiversity Crisis Extinction is a natural phenomena, but its current rate is worrisome - 100x long-term extinction rate • Could be 1000-10000x - The amount of human-altered land is approaching 50% - THE SIXTH EXTINCTION - More damage to biosphere and extinction of species than the asteroid impact in _____________ 65 mya


Mass Extinctions 2. __________ (~ 65 mya) - Boundary between Mesozoic and Cenozoic Period - ½ of all marine species extinct - Dinosaurs extinct Asteroid Impact Hypothesis: - Thin layer of clay rich in iridiumiridium, found in abundance in meteorsmeteors, , separating the Mesozoic and d Cenozoic periods


Phylum Echinodermata: Class ___________ - Sea Lilies


Origin of Homo sapiens -Wise man -AKA ___-_________ - named after a valley in France where first fossils were found. - 100,000 years old


Prey Defense 4. _________ coloration ~ camo - Passive defense = no energy


The accumulation of differences between groups is called ______________


Causes of Evolution 4. Mutation - A change in an organism's ___ Rarely occurs and is not a big factor affecting microevolution


Osmosis __________ of water from a high concentration to a low concentration


Chromalveolata ______________ (dinoflagellates)- Abundant in phytoplankton - Armor of cellulose plates -Two flagella in perpendicular grooves which Two flagella in perpendicular grooves which cause a spinning mobility - Red tides and toxic blooms Pfiesteria - carnivorous on fish - Symbionts in coral


_________ ("two houses")- Species has staminate flowers and carpellate flowers on separate plants (date palms)


Phylum Arthropoda: Millipedes (Class ____________)


Types of selection __________ Selection - Favors phenotype of one extreme - Occurs during environmental change


Chordate Characteristics: 2. ______, Hollow Nerve cord


Learning Innate behaviors improve with performance Vervet Monkey 3 distinct calls and responses (2/3): ________ - look up


Niche • __________ niche


Phylum Echinodermata: Class ____________ - Sea Urchins, Sand dollar


___________: • Branch of biology • Study the relationships between organisms and their environment


________________ - all interacting organisms in an area and their abiotic influences


_________________: Animal which has an extremely low metabolic rate


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds ____ layers


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES _____________ - components of outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria (see below)e.g., salmonella.


Endotherm: Have a high metabolic rate -Generates enough heat to keep its body substantially warmer than the surrounding environment ________________ expensive: -Need to consume much more food than ectotherms -Disadvantage if food supplies are limited


Metabolism:_________ is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated


3 homeostasis mechanisms: (3/3): ______________ - how animals get rid of nitrogen - containing, metabolic wastes


Phylum Arthropoda: ___________ is hard and water proof -Supportive role and resist desication


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES _____________ - toxic proteins secreted by bacteria.e.g., botulism, cholera, traveler's diarrhea.


Extreme thermophiles ("heat lovers") - DOMAIN ARCHAEA •"_______________" - enzymes modified to avoid denaturation. -Optimal functioning at 60-80ºC(140-180º F); as high as 140ºC(285ºF).


Bi-Annual Shark Migration in South Fl. -____ - head south to keys


Class Holothuroidea - Sea Cucumbers - special defense: ________ tentacles


• ______= dull red or brown = rotten meat odor.


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: _______ was a key feature that allowed insects to diversify


The Earth's "thin" Crust 1. Plates "_____" on the mantle - mantle convection cells push them in various directions


Plant Response to Stress __________- Pneumatophores of mangroves- Oxygen deprivation stimulates production of ethylene which induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) of roots cells • Creates air tubes provides oxygen to submerged roots


Rhizaria _______________ (Forams) Marine, live in sand, on rocks, and plankton


General Primate Characteristics __________ looking eyes


Class Mammalia evolved in Triassic, 220 mya -> Speciation took place in Cenozoic Era ______ evidence shows that mammalian anatomy slowly evolved in various organisms


What can we do about it? Gas Prices are insane- ______ fuels release global warming gases and pollutants - Alternative forms of energy are cleaner and cheaper -Oil reserves will only last 30-50 more years


Causes of Evolution: 1. Genetic Drift b.________ Effect • small populations that colonize new areas • Colonizing individuals may not represent their original population


___ p2 (speech gene)- attached human chromosome 7 -may have improved brain function for language skills


4 Major threats to Biodiversity 1. Habitat Destruction - ______________ - Selected harvest causes a fragmented ecosystem that may reduce connections and gene flow through the system


Characteristics of Angiosperms -All angiosperms are classified in a single phylum, Anthophyta Angiosperms have two key adaptations Flowers ______


_________: -Originally classified as plants, but molecular evidence indicates they are closer relatives of animals


Five Derived Characters unique to Land Plants 5. Multicellular _____________- Gametes produced within multicellular organs known as gametangia- Lost in advanced seed plants- Female = archegonia (1 egg)- Male = antheridia (Many sperm)


Factors that divide populations and contribute to Reproductive Isolation -Prezygotic barriers (before fertilization) __________ isolation - if two different species successfully have sex - Sperm of one species may not survive internal environment of another species, gamete cell molecular recognition


Developing Seed -Prefertilization= Ovule 4. _____________ consists of nutritive material and egg


Five Derived Characters unique to Land Plants 3. Alternation of _________ - Also evolved in some algal groups (analogous), but not found in charophyceans - Alternation between multicellular haploid stage (Gametophyte) and a multicellular diploid stage (Sporophyte)


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION - ______ • Circular DNA concentrated in nucleoid region.


The Binomial A Two-Part Latinized Name for a Species Coryphaena hippurus Common Name = Dolphinfish, Mahi mahi 1st part = ______ 2nd part = species Homo sapiens


The Neanderthals - Named after region in _________ where fossils found -oldest fossils 200k yrs old


Tempo of Speciation ______________- New species arise gradually throughout a long time period A combination of both likely occurredduring evolutionary history


Reptiles - 7,000 Extant Species Three main species locally

Green Turtle, Loggerhead, and Leatherback

Cell Response -____-shock proteins maintain the integrity of proteins that would have been denatured by severe heat


Heat Exchange Pathways (1/4): Conduction •____ always conducted from a higher temperature to a lower one


Order Squamata - Lizards and snakes ____ detecting organs (infrared)


Non-Vascular Plants ___________ (Nonwoody - no lignin)


____________: -Hyphae of two fungal mating types may fuse and exchange their haploid nuclei -These genetically different nuclei may not fuse for some time and these individuals are referred to as heterokaryons


Fungi ___________- Acquire nutrition through absorption- Digests food outside its body Digests food outside its body by secreting powerful enzymes known as exoenzymes


Emergence of Early Humans Australopithecus - the first hominids -____ is believed to be derived from these hominids


General Primate Characteristics: Hands and feet for grasping - Opposable thumb = allows precise manipulation - All primates except ____ have a big toe widely separated from other digits


The first hominid fossil found to use tools: _____ ________

Homo habilis

Major Land Plant Divisions Nonvascular plants 2. Phylum Anthocerophytra (________)


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Merostomata - The __________ Crab


Japanese Honeybee Defense They hold it down and start the Honeybee _______


Causes of Evolution 3. Gene Flow Reduces differences between populations that accumulated because of natural selection or genetic drift. (__________)


___________ = bright colors = poor sense of smell


Darwin's Influences ________ = Gradualism- Major geologic changes due to slow, but continuous processes


-Faustino pacco grows potatoes with his family -make offerings of leaves for potatoes -practice the ancestors did -communication with mother earth -Andean farmers descendants from the ______, most sophisticated agricultural system -Spanish invaded in 16th century


Emergence of Early Humans ___________ fossil record


Major features of Human Evolution Brain Size - Homonoids - 400-450 cm^3 -Modern Humans 1300 cm^3 - ___________ in size with more advances species


marijuana: -1st discovered in _____ and china millions of years ago -was med treatment for dealing with pain before aspirin


Representative Non-Venomous Snakes Eastern _______ Snake (Drymarchon corais couperi) 60-90"


Modern examples of Natural Selection ____________ Resistance- Resistant individuals survive and reproduce Passing on beneficial gene to next generation


Thermoregulation adaptations -Adjust rate of heat exchange -_______________: -Hair, feathers, fat reduces flow of heat to surroundings -Most land mammals and birds react to cold by raising their fur or feathers to trap a thick layer of air raising their fur or feathers to trap a thick layer of air


-potato godsend for the _____ (tough to grow crops but procured in this place) -potatoes and cows milk was complete diet -very dependent on potato, population grew -irish only planted the lumper, 1 type of potato -dependent on 1 strain of potato -ship carried fungus in 1854 and the spore went across all of ireland and the potatoes turned to mush -3 yrs long, killed 1 mil ppl, 1 of every 8 ppl in ireland -cautionary tale of putting all ur eggs in 1 basket; monocultures -perable of importance of diversity


Koch's postulates: 4.____________ the same pathogen from the experimental host after the disease develops.


Osmoconformer -_____________ to their surroundings


Osmosis ___________ solution = no net movement of water


Why is horseshoe crab blood blue?

It contains copper (copper-based)

Thermoregulation adaptations Increase evaporative cooling -Spreading saliva on body surfaces -_____________ and rodents


Sexual Reproduction -Fungi sexual reproduction occurs in two distinct phase _____________- Fusion of the haploid nuclei - This stage may not occur for hours, days, weeks, years or even centuries (heterokaryon) -Once fusion occurs a diploid zygote is formed and this is the only diploid stage in the fungus life cycle


Sharks - the exception - _________ remove some salt


Euglenozoa _____________ - A single, large mitochondrion which contains a A single, large mitochondrion which contains a large mass of DNA called a large mass of DNA called a Kinetoplast - Symbiotic Protists and some are pathogenic


Specific niches • Some species have a very specific niche • ________ ______ - Only lives in areas of Australia that have eucalyptus trees • Eat leaves off this tree • Cannot tolerate low temperatures

Koala bear

Most Fishes are Ectothermic: EXCEPTION: ________ Powerful Swimmers


Shark Structures: _______ line system -Row of microscopic organs sensitive to changes in water pressure


Plant Body Plans 3 Major Organs: 1. ________ - photosynthesis = food production


Homo erectus • The first hominid to migrate out of Africa • Upright man - 1.8mya - 200,000 years ago - Change in -Brain size = 1,100 cm3 - Social organization & communication skills were thought to be well developed -____ length increased making them taller


Learning Innate behaviors improve with performance Vervet Monkey 3 distinct calls and responses (1/3): __________ - climb tree


Specialized Lifestyles 3. ________- symbiotic relationship between algal cells and fungal hyphae (usually ascomycetes) - Most of its mass is attributed to the fungus - Fungus provides the algal cells with a suitable physical environment for growth and the fungus receives food from the algae


Body Plan of a Bird

Lightweight bones and feathers -hooks on feathers get dislodged, so preening is putting those hooks back in place for flyin

Alligators vs. Crocodiles • What's the difference? • Habitat - __________ organs - crocs secrete built up salts


Class Osteichthyes - Bony Fishes 3 main groups of fishes: (2/3): ____-_______ fishes - Coelacanth


Class Osteichthyes - Bony Fishes 3 main groups of fishes: (3/3): _______________


Darwin's Influences _____ = Uniformitarianism- Geologic processes occur at same rate throughout Earth's history


Vector • ____ Disease - Vector = ticks; Host(s) can be dogs, cats, cows, birds, squirrels, etc. - Caused by a bacteria


_______________ = describes patterns of changes in groups of related species over broad periods of geologic time.


Phylum Echinodermata:_____________ is the opening to the water vascular system


Excretory System - __________ tubules - insects and other arthropods • Removes nitrogenous wastes and conserves water


Homologous Structures -Forelimbs of ___________


The Rise of Mammals; Class Mammalia; 220 mya -> Cenozoic Era Mammalian Characteristics: ___________ glands - produce milk


Mammals continued Pouched (____________) - Australia - Embryo born at early stage of development


Do birds learn to fly? Learning vs. ______________: - A change in behavior due to developmental changes in neuromuscular system


Factors that divide populations and contribute to Reproductive Isolation Prezygotic barriers (before fertilization) 4. __________ isolation- Anatomically incompatible, floral anatomy targets species specific pollinators


Prey Defense 5. ___________ or Chemical defense - Toxins, synthesized or obtained from diet - Monarch butterflies eat milkweed plants as larvae


Shark Sizes: Largest ever was __________, got to be 60' long! (modern great whites only get to 24' max)


what type of shark is the movie Jaws based off of?


Developing Seed -Prefertilization= Ovule 2. ___________________- female reproductive structure; produces haploid megaspore via meiosis.


Developing Seed -Prefertilization= Ovule 3. _______________ - divides via mitosis to produce gametophyte


__________________: The sum of an organisms chemical reactions


Specialized Lifestyles 1. ______ - a group of fungi that grows rapidly and only reproduce asexually - Fungi w/ no known sexual stages are known as imperfect fungi


Evidence for Evolution __________ biology - DNA and proteins


Angiosperms Only 1 Phyla- Anthophyta (Flowering Plants) Two major groups (based on # of cotyledons= seed leaves) - ____________ = 1 cotyledonLillies, orchids, grasses


_____________ ("one house")- Staminate and carpellate flowers are located on the same individual plant (corn)


Mammals continued: Egg-layers (_____________) - Spiny anteaters - Duck-billed platypus


Major Land Plant Divisions Nonvascular plants 3. Phylum Bryophyta (___________)


Fixed Action Pattern (FAP) _______ drop out of sky when they detect ultrasonic waves


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES 1._____________ - partners have mutually beneficial effects.N2-fixing Rhizobium & root nodules of legumes (peas, beans, alfalfa)(top)Vertebrate gut bacteria, e.g., Escherischia coli


Specialized Lifestyles 4. _________________ - mutualistic associations of plant roots and fungi - Fungal hyphae increase the absorptive surface area of the plant root by accessing nutrients in soil that roots could not reach - Fungus gets organic nutrients synthesized by plant - Almost all vascular plants have mycorrhizae - Look for fruiting bodies at the base of trees


Vertebrates w/out a Backbone & Jaw Class _______ - Hagfish


_________ _____________ is the process that drives evolution - Certain phenotypic characteristics increase survivability - Individuals containing these characteristics will successfully reproduce and pass on these beneficial genes to future generations

Natural selection

______________ and homo sapiens height and brain size the same (were homo sapiens) -Neanderthals more robust -good hunters; gone but we (homo sapiens) remained -migrated to Europe when it got cold


Subphylum Vertebrata: Vertebrate Characteristics: 1. _______ Crest - a group of embryonic cells at the dorsal margin of the hollow, nerve cord


-farmers living on very small margins -if they didnt spray the chemicals they risk their livelihood -Monsanto (bigest biotech company) created method of killing colorado potato beetle that would reduce use of insecticides -created new potato (________ potato)


_________: • The functional role of the organism


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: _____________ wastes are excreted through thin sections of the exoskeleton


Three Variations on Alternation of Generations in Plants: 1. Sporophyte dependent on gametophyte (___________ Plants)


______ Shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum


The Primates • First thought to have evolved in ___ World and some species rafted to the New World • Separate speciation events


Phylum Arthropoda: Centipede (Class Chilopoda): ____ pair of walking legs per segment


Stramenopila _________ (Water Molds)- Cell walls made of cellulose Made up of hyphae (Analagous to Fungi hyphae) - Increase the surface area and therefore the Increase the absorptive ability


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: _____ Circulatory System


__________ of Bony Fishes A protective flap that covers four or five pairs of gills


Phylum Echinodermata: Class ____________ - Brittle Stars


_______________: • Earliest & simplest life forms • Biomass greater than all remaining living organisms put together .• Found wherever life exists & often where other life forms cannot exist. • Far more are beneficial or benign than harmful, e.g., symbionts, decomposers, nutrient recyclers.


The portabella mushroom belongs to this Phylum.: _________ _________________________

Phylum Basiodiomycota

Cephalopods are the only group of organisms within this Phylum with a closed circulatory system: ________ _______________

Phylum Mollusca

Defense Mechanisms - Herbivores • _________ barriers to herbivory- Thorns (roses) and spines (cacti)


____________: Conifers such as the Giant Sequoia and common pine trees


Keystone species • Example - ___________ - a seastar which fed on an abundant mussel in the rocky intertidal zone


This apicomplexan is the pathogenic protist which causes malaria: _____________


Sexual Reproduction -Fungi sexual reproduction occurs in two distinct phases 1. _________- Fusion of parents cytoplasm - Nuclei exchange takes place


UNIKONTA Slime Molds 1. ______________ Slime Molds-heterotrophic-feeding stage is called plasmodium - a "supercell" w/ a large mass of cytoplasm and many nuclei (2n)


Succession of life -____________ "ruled" for 1.5 b.y.- 3.5 - 2.0 bya (anaerobic atmosphere) -Photosynthetic prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) evolved 2.7 bya- Oxygen accumulation in atmosphere began - Steady increase until 2.1 bya, when oxygen accumulated rapidly - This sharp increase in OThis sharp increase in O22 doomed many doomed many prokaryotes due to Oprokaryotes due to O22 attack their chemical attack their chemical bonds


The Primates Two major groups ________________- Only found in parts of Africa and on the island of Madagascar


4. Origins of Heredity First hereditary material was ___- Also acted as a catalytic enzyme


Sharks - the exception - _________ Gland = specialized gland to remove salts


__________________: - Maintain a nearly constant internal environment over a range of external conditions =Requires energy (active process)


Phylogeny 1. _________ Dating- The sequence of events due to layering of The sequence of events due to layering of fossils


Isolating mechanisms keep speciation going Eventually newly formed species can no longer interbreed, and this is what keeps them distinct! -This is called ____________ Isolation!


___________: Common characteristic - Threadlike psuedopodia


Non-vascular Plants _________, anchor to substrate - Differ from true vascular roots Not involved in absorption Not composed of tissues A strand of single cells


Modified Shoots • Often mistaken for roots • __________ - Horizontal stems which grow underground (ginger)


_______________ (Red Algae) No flagellated stages in their life cycle Not all rhodophytes are red!- All contain the red pigment phycoerythrin Most abundant algae in tropical waters


Xylem transport 1. ____ Pressure = upward push of xylem sap- Causes guttation


Plant Body Plans 3 Major Organs: 3. _______ - support and water absorption


Plants & Charophyceans have four common traits: ____ shaped protein clusters in cell membrane- Produce cellulose used in cell wall -Produce cellulose used in cell wall


Mutualism 1. Termites 2. ___________ 3. Flowers and bees


Xylem transport -___ = fluid w/in vascular tissue


Plant Cell types 3. _____________- Thick celled walls and usually contain lignin- Dead at functional maturity -supportive - Occur in areas of the plant that have stopped growinga. Fibers (hemp) b. Sclereids (nutshells, seed coat)


Keystone species -____ ________ feed on sea urchins -Sea urchins feed on algae (Kelp)

Sea otters

Plant Pathogen Defense 1. _____ off and contain the area- Lignin deposited to form a local barrier


Plant Growth ___________ Growth - thickening of roots and stems (woody plants only = trees) due to lateral meristems


Prey Defense 2. ________________ = large grazing mammals protect their young


Flower _______ - usually green leaves that enclose the flower before it opens (bud).


_________ Selection • Selection process leading to sexual dimorphism - The males and females are strikingly different • due to coloration, size or specialized structures


Endothermic Insects _______________, by vibrating wings before take off warms up organism


Plant Body Plans Two Main Systems: 1. The Root System 2. The _______ System (Leaves and Stems)


Phylum Mollusca Con't

Similar body plans - Foot is used for movement - Visceral Mass contains most organs -Mantle - tissue lies over visceral mass and may secrete a shell -Mantle cavity - a water filled area which houses the gills

Phylum Arthropoda: Chelicerates: ___ pair of appendages


Phylum Echinodermata: Dueterostome: ____ movers


Learning Innate behaviors improve with performance Vervet Monkey 3 distinct calls and responses (3/3): _______ - look down


To survive you must acclimate example Red-sided Garter __________


The Honeybee Huddle ______ behavior - huddle together in groups to conserve heat and move between cooler edges and warm center to distribute heat throughout the hive


The Honeybee Huddle: _______ behavior - huddle together in groups to conserve heat and move between cooler edges and warm center to distribute heat throughout the hive


Phylum Pterophyta Ferns - most widespread and diverse - ____- clusters of sporangia Undersurface of fronds Contain haploid spores - Megaphylls = true leaves with foliage - Independent gametophyte stage


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: __________ appendages


Adaptation to Land5. ______ are packaged as pollen; adapted for delivery by wind or animals - water is not required(Except Nonvascular and seedless vascular plants)


Class Echinoidea - Sea Urchins, Sand dollar __________ can move and aid in locomotion


Shark Structures: _____ valve -Within the intestine; Increases surface area of a short digestive tract


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION • Chiefly unicellular 3 Basic forms: Cocci (Spherical) Bacilli (Rod-shaped) ________ (Helical)Used for identification purposes


Bi-Annual Shark Migration in South Fl. -_______ - head north to N.C.


Evidence of prokaryotic life has been found in special "rocks" ________________ = Fossilized mats of prokaryotes


Stramenopila Phaeophyta (Brown Algae) Seaweed adaptations to survive intertidal habitats: 1. ___________ - holdfast - anchors the alga to a hard substrate during violent conditions


Class Crinoidea - Sea Lilies -____________ feeders, move arms to mouth


Subphylum Cephalochordata Lancelets - small, blade-like animals that live in marine, sandy bottoms ___________ feeders


________________: The study of biological diversity through evolution


3 homeostasis mechanisms: (1/3): _____________________ - how animals maintain internal temp. w/in a tolerable range


Non-Vascular Plants ____ bodies (1 - 3 cells thick)- Allows all cells to be close to water and dissolved minerals


Phylum Echinodermata: Dueterostome: ____ skin covers and endoskeleton w/ hard calcareous plates


Loss of Species Diversity (Richness) Endangered species = in danger of extinction throughout all or most of its range ___________ species = likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future 13% of all known bird species are threatened with extinction (1,183 species!) - In past 40 years migratory songbird populations In past 40 years migratory songbird populations have dropped by 50% Freshwater fish have been declining rapidly during historical times (loss of 20% of all sp.) -Lake Victoria in Africa lost 200 of its 300 species


The father of ethology: ___________


Ethology ____________ experiment-digger wasps use landmarks -particular arrangement of structures to find nest, rather than objects themselves


Adaptation to Land Water Transport 2. Vascular ______ 93% of all plants contain vascular tissue, which allow large more complex body designs


Extreme responses to Severe conditions _______ -A physiological state in which activity is low and metabolism decreases


Prokaryote Characteristics Genetic recombination via: _______________: plasmids transferred between bacteria via infection by bacteriophage viruses.


True or false: All Hox genes contain a homeobox


Euglenozoa Kinetoplastid ________________ Pathogenic, causes African Sleeping Sickness - Spread by the bite of the Tsete Fly


This protist causes African Sleeping Sickness.: _______________


Modified Shoots • _______ - swollen ends of rhizomes, specialized for food storage (potatoes) -Potato "eyes" are new lateral budsforming new shoots


Subphylum Urochordata: ____________


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: ___ pair of antennae


Plant Tissue Types 2. _________- Transport of materials throughout plant body- Xylem and Phloem found in strands known as vascular bundles in stem and in a vascular cylinder in roots


Thermoregulation adaptations -Adjust rate of heat exchange -Altering the amount of blood flowing between body core and skin ___________________= decrease in the diameter of superficial blood vessels - Reduces blood flow and heat transfer


Thermoregulation adaptations -Adjust rate of heat exchange -Altering the amount of blood flowing between body core and skin ______________ = increase in the diameter of superficial blood vessels - Results in elevated blood flow to skin - Usually warms the skin


Heat Exchange Pathways (1/4): Conduction •_____ is 50-100x more effective than air in conducting heat


Phylum Echinodermata: Dueterostome: _____ Vascular System


What's the largest fish in the sea? (_____ _______)- Rhyncodon typus

Whale shark

Why should we care? Edward__________ = Biophilia - connection to nature


Origin of Homo sapiens -____ man


Vascular tissue - Earliest vascular plants lacked seeds (such as in ferns) Two types of vascular tissue: 1. ______ - cells walls of dead cells act as pipes transporting water and minerals from roots


Specialized Lifestyles 2. ______ - unicellular fungi 2. Reproduce asexually by cell division or buddingReproduce asexually by cell division or budding 3. Some Some reproduce sexuallyreproduce sexually and are classified as and are classified as asco- or basidio- mycetesasco- or basidio- mycetes 4. Some are grouped as imperfect fungiSome are grouped as imperfect fungi 5. Used to raise bread (CO2 released)Used to raise bread (CO2 released) 6. Used to brew beer Used to brew beer 7. Some yeasts grow on our shower curtains (pink Some yeasts grow on our shower curtains (pink in color) in color) Rhodotorula


Optimal Foraging Theory In other words, how can the crow reduce the amount of work (cost) to open the shell (benefit)? Scientist (____) conducted experiment to figure this out: Work = Height * Number of Drops


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: Appendages on thorax and _________


Animals are much less susceptible to parasitic fungi than are plants The chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been implicated in the decline or extinction of about 200 species of ___________ worldwide


Waste Products -Most __________ convert ammonia to another form in order to store it and excrete it at another time


Innate Behavior Kittiwakes (Gulls) nest on cliff ledges-young have innate ___________ to cliff edges and stay


Many ruminants and termites rely on these organisms to break down cellulose for nutrition: ______________


Homeostasis: A budget - careful _____________ of gains and losses


Endothermic Insects -Many ____ and moths and other flying insects


Characteristics of Reptiles: Ectotherms; do not use metabolism to regulate body temperature; they regulate body temperature through ___________ adaptations


Mutualism Relationship when two organisms live in close association and both ________


Gnathostomes - jawed vertebrates: 1. Cartilaginous fishes -some sharks and spotted eel ray are ______ feeders (shoel-like nose) which is used to find buried prey -a chimera (means riddle) are a mix of things (diff morphologies), they dont have bony Material -great white sharks (best known of all the sharks)


-goosebumps is with fight or flight response -raising your hair makes you look _______ to scare predators (threatening stance) -its a vestigial trait in us (not functional in humans anymore)


Dominant species • Species that have the highest abundance or _________: - Sum of weight of all individuals in the population


Spinner Shark: Spin body as they swim vertically through school of bait ______ in all directions along the way


Mars, cold, dry red(rust) planet - Geologic formations (river beds and __________) - Polar ice caps


Causes of Evolution: 1. Genetic Drift Changes in the gene pool of a small population due to ______.


Plants evolved from their aquatic ancestors, known as ____________- belong to the Chlorophyta Clade


Class Cephalaspidomorphi - Lamprey: Introduced to Great Lakes in 1800's -Effective ________ control program


The Primates Prosimian -First primates to have evolved _______ vision


cephalization (only in bilateria)

concentration of sensory equipment anteriorly (the end animal is leading with)

A snake warming up on a hot road: ______________


Most Fishes are Ectothermic: Most are _____________ and have a very low metabolic rate


-1996, newleaf potato used in fast food -millions of ppl eating the genetically modified potatoes -weren't aware -wed been eating them for a few years -gene that codes for a protein -FDA said unless substantially diff, change nutrient profile, it doesn't need to be labeled -in late 1980s, issue of GMOS had intense opposition -ppl want to know what's going on in their bodies when eating GMOS -the bt potatoes offered farmers reduced costs, but doesn't benefit the _________ -since they dont know alot abt it, dont want it


potato is associated with ______


Advantages of Endothermy Also have mechanisms for ____________ their body in hot environments


Desert • Extremely low rainfall (<12"/yr) • Can be either hot or cold • Large ______ temp. changes


Extreme responses to Severe conditions -Torpor -Estivation ~ Summer Torpor -Torpor is typically triggered by seasonal changes in ___ length


Habitat Cacti = _______


Tropical rainforest soils = low nutrients due to lots of ___________



development of embryonic tissue (germ layers), which leads to formation of body parts

This group has two interlocking shells composed of silica: __________


Niche partitioning among warblers (small songbirds)

different types of warblers (ex. cape may warbler and bay-breasted warbler) can all live in the same tree but different parts of it

Chordate Characteristics: 3. Pharyngeal Slits -allows water entering mouth to exit without continuing through _____________ system


Order Squamata - Lizards and snakes Snakes = No __________, feel vibrations


endysozoa (protostome)

ecdysis: shedding of an old exoskeleton (aka molting)

Thermoregulation adaptations Cooling by evaporative heat loss -Sweating or bathing to make skin wet enhances ___________ cooling


Lamarckian Evolution Theory was flawed and ridiculed at the time - No ___________ that acquired characteristics (blacksmith bicep size) can be inherited


Cladistics - now accepted method of phylogenetic analysis Basic idea - members of a group/clade share a common ___________ history- More closely related to members within the group/clade than outside it


choanocyte (parts of sponge) responsible for sponge ability to _______ water -water naturally wants to go into sponge


Phylum Annelida: Asexual reproduction occurs by _______________


Phylum Annelida: Class Hirudinea: leeches live in ______________ areas


Phylum Rotifera - Rotifers live in a mainly __________ environment


-Common backyard marsupial- oppossum Possums are _____-eaters -have pre-hensile tail (can wrap it around branch and hang from there)


-we have __________ to raise hair (when cold or scared) -attracts air to skin (the hair raising) which traps warm layer against skin to reduce heat loss


Pollen and Production of Sperm A microspore develops into a pollen _____ that consists of a male gametophyte enclosed within the pollen wall


A bacterium with a large outer layer of peptidoglycan.: ____-________ ______________

gram-positive bacteria

Habitat Prarie dog = _____________


The Primates: Old World monkeys = also include ___________-dwellers


Homo habilis - ________ man


Phylum Annelida: Closed circulatory system - Uses __________ to transport oxygen


Adaptation to Land 4. Production of Secondary Compounds Unique compounds produced by plants - bitter tastes, strong odors or toxic effects which defend plant from ________- Alkaloids, terpenes, and tanins


All seed plants are ____________- Two different spores; each one produces a single type of gametophyte - Megasporangium = female - Microsporangium = male


Endotherm: Have a _____ metabolic rate


leads to formation of multicellular, which creates...

hollow ball known as blastula

Maintaining optimal internal conditions: ______________


Homo erectus The first __________ to migrate out of Africa


Protist Motility -Most are motile and utilize flagella or cilia Remember - Eukaryote and Prokaryote flagella are not ___________ structures- They have different structural make-ups


Heat Exchange Pathways (4/4): Evaporation Does not occur effectively in ______ environments -Reduces evaporation


The Radiata- Phylum Cnidaria (two main body types) 1. polyp

hydra, sea anemones and corals -sessile, cylindrical, use tentacles to capture passing food

To survive you must acclimate -Birds and mammals also adjust the amount of ___________ in response to changes in temperatures


Lamarck's theory of evolution (1809) He studied ______________ fossils- Noticed lines of descent


Echinoderms, urochordates, and cephalochordates are all __________________


Keystone species • Example - With this seastar their were 15-20 species of _____________ in this habitat


Most ________, fishes, amphibians, and reptiles are ectotherms


Order Squamata - Lizards and snakes Specialized _____ to swallow larger prey (not connected to skull)


Loss of Genetic Diversity -The increasing decline in species richness, and local, as well as global extinctions, has a dramatic effect on genetic variation -Reduced genetic variation can leave reduced populations at risk of extinction -Reduces the built-in genetic adaptations of particular populations due to their _____ conditions


What is a gene pool? Total aggregate of genes in a population at any one time. - Consists of all alleles at all gene ____ in all individuals of the population


Phylum Annelida: Class Polychaeta: These may have a sensory function, _________ or feeding


Phylum Echinodermata: Dueterostome: Water Vascular System: -Network of hydraulic canals -Branch into extensions called tube feet -used for _____________, feeding and gas exchange


Advantages of Endothermy Allow animals to perform vigorous activity for_________ periods of time


Osmoregulators Must take in water to offset osmotic _____ if it lives in a hypertonic environment


Key Characteristics of Amphibians Diverse social and _______ behavior (frog calls)


3 major classes of cnidarians: Scyphozoa

medusa stage dominant

Phylum Echinodermata: Class Ophiuroidea - Brittle Stars -Lack tube feet for __________, move w/ snakelike undulations of arms


Phylum Arthropoda: Success due to ______________ segments of body to adapt to different environments


Key Characteristics of Amphibians Lay eggs in ______ environment


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: ________ marine


Bony Fishes: Swim Bladder Allows the fish to remain __________ and conserve energy


Phylum Rotifera - Rotifers have a separate _______ and anus


General Primate Characteristics Flat ______ on the ends of the digits


The mesozic era was the age of gymnosperms -Gymnosperm - "______ seed"


4 potential agents which drive microevolution (Things that cause populations to evolve) 2)_________ selection


Darwin's Background -took a volunteer position as a _________ on a research expedition around the world


Why should we care? Evolution and Natural Selection forces us to realize that we are part of _______ and rely on it for everything we do


Reptiles - 7,000 Extant Species Sea Turtles____ off our coast • Starts March ends in August


shell is absent (_________)


Sharks, Cont: Regulate buoyancy = large amount of ____ in their huge liver - still negatively buoyant


Pouched (Marisupials) -if a mother with babies, the babies may be still alive in the pouch -marsupials give birth at a very young age (before they complete development) -__________ and forelimbs are very developed at a young age of development cuz they smell their way to the mother's nipple -can stay with their moms for many years


Koch's postulates: 1.Find the same _________ in all diseased individuals examined


Fungi Some parasitic fungi are __________- (80 % of all plant diseases)


Shark Reproduction -Internal fertilization -Viviparous -The young develop within the uterus and are nourished by the mother's __________


Whale shark- Rhyncodon typus: -feeds on smallest creatures in the sea (______________) -mexico- head there during winter months


DOMAIN ARCHEA •Largest known ___________ - possible biotechnology uses. •Applications - salt intrusion into soils makes agriculture difficult or impossible.- Possible use of halophile genetics for improving salt-tolerance of crops.


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION - • Circular _________ - small DNA rings with few genes -contain genes for antibiotic resistance and metabolism of rare molecules -Not responsible for essential cellular functions -Reproduce independently


Thermoregulation adaptations Behavioral Responses -Used by both endo and ectotherms -Changes in __________ or moving in the environment to find more optimal conditions


Thermoregulation adaptations Behavioral Responses -Used by both endo and ectotherms Changes in _________ or moving in the environment to find more optimal conditions


NewLeaf Potato -genetically engineered (took gene from diff species) -used gene from common soil that kills _______ beetle using protein (bt, bacillus...) -not harmful to humans -beetle eats leaf, gets protein, it disrupts its digestive system and kills it -coud diminish spraying, they genereated their own pesticide


Dominant species Why do species become dominant? 2. Species has a greater success of avoiding ___________


Ecological Defense - Herbivores Recruitment of ____________


Ecological causes (animal diversification)

preditor/ prey relationships (natural selection), developed new adaptations

-immigrate to US (Mexican Americans) was very important -jazz world soaked in cannabis -cannabis proposed time stopping and exploring ______ moment -African Americans cannabis common with them -1960's use of marijuana soared -entire generation embraced it despite being illegal for several years


Community Interactions • Many predators have special adaptations for catching _____ -Beneficial Predators


Three-Spined Stickleback FAP Innate aggressive behavior triggered by ___ underside of other males


What is a flower? It is the _____________ structure of an angiosperm


These parasites decimated the Great Lakes trout fishery when they invaded: ___ ___________

sea lampreys

Most fungi have hyphae divided into cells by _____, with pores allowing cell-to-cell movement of organelles


Major features of Human Evolution Jaw Shape - Homonoids had longer jaws = prognathic jaws • Jaws became _________ as species advanced


Rhizaria Radiolarians Slender psuedopods called axopodia which radiate from their body cavities - Reinforced by microtubules Most are planktonic Skeletons made of fused ________ plates


Vertebrates w/out a Backbone & Jaw: Class Myxini - Hagfish Produce ______ -Wards off other scavengers -Defense -Can produce several liters if attacked - smothers gills of predator


-spiny anteater can detect electrical currents using their ______ -theres a venomous mammal (duck-billed platypus hind claws have venom in them)


General Primate Characteristics Larger brains - Allow more complex ______ behavior


Excretory System • Terrestrial and marine adapted for maximum water conservation • Freshwater adapted for maximum _________ conservation


The earliest prokaryotic fossils: ________________


To survive you must acclimate Acclimatization: -a physiological adjustment by an animal to a new range of environmental _______________ over a period of days or weeks


Advantages of Endothermy -Allow animals to survive in __________ habitats, where temperature fluctuations are routine, when compared to aquatic habitats -Below freezing habitats , endotherms can live


what environments do phylum mollusca live in?: freshwater, marine, and ____________


Lobe-finned fishes are ancestral fish that led to evolution of ___________


The coelom; psuedocoelomated (4 major animal divisions)

the body cavity is present, but it is not completely lined by the mesoderm (phylum Rotifera and phylum Nematoda)

what is the most common sea turtle in Florida?

the loggerhead

-alligator has __________, less narrow snout


Endothermic Insects -Countercurrent heat exchanger to keep heat in _______


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Body has 3 main regions: (2/3): _______: 3 pair of walking legs attach here -1-2 pairs of wings extend from exoskeleton in this region


-Neanderthals able to make and use tools (stone tools) -tools for slaughtering animals or sharpening spears


Colonization of the Land Massesoccurred ~ 500 mya


Coming Soon! Tearless Onions!• The benefits of GMO's• Now that we know the pathway and chemicals involved, we just need to splice out that irritant gene. Finally! I am so happy I may cry


Coontie our only Florida native cycad


Desert -at night, temp drops to 30-40's (radiational cooling) -day 90-100 degrees -no water or clouds, heat rises into space and gets cold since losing the heat -deserts are harsh places to live


Lungfishes are specialized fish that can breathe air


Major Features of Human Evolution: Family Structure -most parental care -relates directly to brain size -not just mom or dad caring for kid, have individuals that work together to care for a bunch of ppl


Plant Response to Stress Tropical Regions have Wet/Dry Seasons induce leaf loss


Zombie Apocalypse Ophiocordyceps unilateralis


acid rain can directly impact amphibians


tetrapod is a 4-limbed terrestrial vertebrae


Urea -Mammals, most adult amphibians, marine fishes and turtles excrete _____


Factors that divide populations and contribute to Reproductive Isolation Postzygotic barriers (after zygote has formed) 1. Reduced hybrid _____________- Typically aborted during development


Thermoregulation adaptations -Adjust rate of heat exchange -Insulation: Hair loses its insulating power when ___ , so marine mammals depend on a very thick layer of fat called blubber


Optimal Foraging Theory Crows in British Columbia, Canada feed on mollusks called _______ - Break shell by flying to a particular height and Break shell by flying to a particular height and dropping onto rocks


what is torsion?

when visceral mass rotates 180 degrees, so that anus and mantle cavity are placed above the head

Cottonmouth behavior The flash of white contrasts with the snake's dark body colors to create a startling display. "Exposing the _____ of the mouth serves as a warning signal to potential predators."


Incomplete Fossil Record 1. Small fraction of fossils discovered 2. Favors species that existed for long periods and were abundant, ___________ and had hard parts


It provides the heat to an endothermic insect: _____ __________

wing muscles

Are Phylum Platyhelminthes tripoblastic and bilateral?


Lophotrochozoa (protostome)

- some phyla hace trochopore larva stage - some phyla have a lophophore, which is a horseshoe shaped crown of ciliated tentacles used for feeding

Phylum Mollusca- Class Cephalopoda

-Squids and octopus -Beaklike jaws to bite prey -Shell is reduced and maybe internal (squid) or absent (octopus) -includes the Giant Squid - up to 17m long

Phylum Annelida: Class Polychaeta

-Usually have appendages known as parapodia extending off body. -Parapodia may have bristles called setae Most Marine -These may have a sensory function, locomotion or feeding

Sea Lice

-are the larvae of Thimble Jellies below -they release their nematocysts when they come in contact with your body -vinegar eases the stings -urine does not help -only vinegar (the acidity of it neutralizes the nematocysts) works against jellie stings -every lifeguard has vinegar -take benadryl for inflammation -use a heat source (will denature the venom in your skin, cold makes it worse)

Radiata- Phylum Ctenophora

-diploblastic and radial symmetry -eight rows of comblike plates composed of fused cilia- ctenes -pair of long retractable tentacles -colloblasts= adhesive structures used for food capture

Hoatzin - living wing-clawed bird

-found in South America along amazon river -has claws on its wings only in juvenile stages -when it thinks its ready to fly it does so -end up in the amazon river, and get swept away; use claws to grab onto mangroves -little claws drop off when they mature -closely related to the reptiles

Archaeopteryx, a Jurassic bird-reptile

-inside the mouth is teeth (reptilian trait) -has claws on the wings itself -has vertebral tail (reptilian trait) -thought to be a ground dweller -could jump off cliffs and glide down -could flap wings but couldn't sustain flight -not a big bird

characteristics of cottonmouth (venomous) snakes (water moccasin snakes)

-pointy snout -heat sensing pit -Elliptical pupil -very broad head, skinny neck

characteristics of watersnakes (non-venomous)

-round snout -round pupil -head is triangular, but not as broad

Phylum Cnidaria

-tentacles utilize specialized cells for feeding and defense = cnidocytes -contain capsule-like organelles = cnidae -some are stinging cells known as nematocysts

what is horseshoe crab blue blood used for?

-used in medical research (amazing immune system; protects against disease in water) -bacteria killed by horseshoe crab blood -trying to decontaminate medical equipment (sterilize it) with horseshoe crab blood -take a third of the horseshoe crab's blood and release them into the water so we dont kill off the population (we dont kill them and take their blood)

Characteristics of animals

1. heterotrophic eukaryotes (can't make own food) 2. animal cells lack cell walls- Body held together by structural proteins (collagen) 3. Nervous and Muscle Tissue 4. Sexual Reproduction w/ similar embryonic development 5. Hox Genes

3 major classes of cnidarians

1. hydrozoa 2. scyphozoa 3. anthozoans

Protosome (4 major animal divisions)

1. in 8-cell stage spiral and determinate (rotation of top four top cells) 2. ceolom schizocoeloms: coelom forms separate solid masses of mesoderm 3. blastopore (opening to archenteron) becomes mouthex: mollusks, annelids, arthropods

The Radiata- Phylum Cnidaria (two main body types)

1. polyp 2. medusa

Human Kidney - ~99% of water is reabsorbed as well - Only ____ L of filtrate remains as urine after this reabsorption process


Optimal Foraging Theory Observations showed that the average height crows dropped whelks was ____ m Amazing!


Reptiles - 7,000 Extant Species Order Testudines - Turtles Eggs take __-55 days to incubate


Shark Attacks: Should you should you be scared?: __ times more likely to die from a lightning strike in Fl.


The Primates Two major groups: 1. Prosimians 2. Anthropoids - Monkeys, apes and humans • Evolved more than __ millions years ago


Marijuana: -in natural world, 6-9 months seed to harvest -live entire life cycle in __ days now -nutrients, water, and light in specific amounts to get 90 day result -air circulation and ventilation fans moving hot air out of room -have full-time electronic nanny watching the plants all the time -plants right on the edge over time -stronger high and bigger bud (want)


DOMAIN _______ Distinguishing features -No peptidoglycan in cell walls -Distinctive ribosomes -Growth not inhibited by antibiotics


DOMAIN ___________: Extreme halophiles ("salt lovers") •Tolerant of or require concentrated salt environment; Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake. •Maintenance of high osmotic concentrations via sugars, alcohols, amino acids, K+. •Enzymes have high salt tolerance; may be inactivated in absence of salt.


Niche • Earthworm niche - ________ - soil particle size, soil moisture, pH, temp.


Phylogeny 2. ___________ Dating - Radiometric dating = measures radioactive Radiometric dating = measures radioactive isotopes (fixed rate of decay) and back isotopes (fixed rate of decay) and back calculates date


Protist Nutrition 2. ____________ (fungus-like)


____________: Inherited characteristics that result in a species being better suited for survival in its environment


Angiosperm Importance to Humans: ______________ is based almost entirely on angiosperms!


Prey Defense 3. ________ _______= warn others and may attack predator - Used in birds most often

Alarm calls

Wallace forced Darwin to publish! __________ Wallace sent Darwin a manuscript to review - It essentially was the same idea Darwin came up


UNIKONTA _________- Lobe shaped cellular extensions used for feeding and locomotion - Extensions are created by a process of cytoplasmic streaming


The Rise of Amphibians Class Amphibia Carboniferous period (360-290 mya); near end of the Paleozoic era = Age of ____________


Outgroup Analysis An outgroup is usually a taxon that represents the ancestral condition (plesiomorphy) - _____________ (lancelet) is often the outgroup for vertebrates because it is a chordate (plesiomorphy) without vertebrae


Some oddities: Goblin shark- 200-1300m Extended Snout contains organs called __________ of Lorenzini - detect electrical currents, probably uses for finding prey


-genetic modification of plants -take genes from one distant species and putting it into another for potatoes -_____ mountains south America and Pessac Peru is potato originator -developed agriculture creativity to make enough potatoes William Roca -diff colors and shapes, potato tubers, strange looking potatoes -Andes first domesticated potato plant about 8 million years ago


Evolutionary Advancement: The FRUIT Ovules are protected inside an ovary ___________ = "container seed"


Modern Amphibians Order ______ • "leg-less ones" Caecilians-Wormlike bodies -have shiny skin cuz amphibians have very porous skin


Asexual Reproduction in Plants • Aka Vegetative reproduction • Most common mode is fragmentation(cacti, stolon of strawberries) • ____________= asexual reproduction of seeds- Occurs in dandelions- Diploid cell in ovule gives rise to embryo • Matures into seed which is then wind dispersed• Agriculture creates clones from plant fragments called cuttings


___________________: Red & Green Algae, Charophyceans & Land Plants


Phylum Echinodermata: Class Echinoidea - Sea Urchins, Sand dollar Specialized feeding structure for scraping algae known as ___________ lantern


Phylum ________________ Marine, freshwater, terrestrial Diverse, unicellular yeasts to elaborate cup fungi (morels)


Phylum Echinodermata: Class ________________ = Sea Stars


Emergence of Early Humans ____________________ - the first hominids


Plant Responses to Stimuli • What causes this differential growth? • Hormones known as auxins (to increase) synthesized at apical meristem- ______ acts as an inhibitor, preventing the growth of axillary buds (apical dominance) • Auxins are used commercially in the vegetative propagation of plants by cuttings- Application results in the formation of adventitious roots


Stramenopila ___________ (Diatoms) Unique Glasslike walls made of silica - Two parts that overlap (frustules)Asexual reproduction leads to splitting of the two halves and each new cell reforming one half Found both in freshwater and marine areas - Important C sink


Phylum ___________ Important decomposers of wood and other plant material Involved in mutualistic mycorrhizae, parasites and saprobes Typically have a long lived dikaryotic mycelium


Fixed Action Pattern (FAP) _____ can detect moths 3m, Moths can detect bats 30m Try this at home: Jiggle your keys near moths In bat areas


Darwin's Background Voyage of the _________ (1831-1836)- Experience that changed Darwin's Life


• ____ = sweet fragrances= UV reflections


_________ = white /dull flowers = strong yeasty, spicy or fruity odors.


Nature vs. Nurture _________ is due to both genetics (nature) and environmental influences (nurture)


____________ is what an animal does and how it does it


Major features of Human Evolution _________ Posture - Homonoids walked on all fours - Hominids were first to be upright and bipedal


Homo erectus • The first hominid to migrate out of Africa • Upright man - 1.8mya - 200,000 years ago - Change in -_____ size = 1,100 cm3


Representative Non-venomous Snake ______ Water Snake (Nerodia taxispilota) -Bear live young


Modified Shoots • ______ - vertical underground shoots, a conical stem surrounded by numerous scale-like leaves (onions)


Shark Attacks: Most dangerous species = Great white, Tiger and ____ Shark


Thermoregulation adaptations Increase evaporative cooling -_______________ can increase mucus secretions on surface of their body


Thermoregulation adaptations Increase evaporative cooling _____________ can increase mucus secretions on surface of their body


Whale shark- Rhyncodon typus: Feeds on Plankton, Warm Water Pelagic Areas, Small Liver = Gulp Air for __________


________/Moths = sweet fragrances


Secondary Plant Growth • A Second Lateral Meristem will add layers of vascular tissue - Vascular __________ produces xylem tissue (wood) to its interior and phloem to its exterior- Wood consists of mainly tracheids and fiber cells or vessel elements (angiosperms). • Heartwood - centrally located primary function is support • Sapwood - peripheral and primary function is transport, ie. primary xylem


Fossilized eukaryotes = 2.1 bya- Unicellular forms evolved and gave rise to Unicellular forms evolved and gave rise to protists protists - Multicellular forms also evolved Multicellular forms also evolved •• Earliest multicellular fossils = 1.2 bya -Animal diversity explodes during early Paleozoic (543 mya) = __________ explosion


Phylum Arthropoda: Centipede (Class Chilopoda): __________ with poison claws on the anterior segment


Flower -__________ -female; consist of ovary, stalk-like style with pollen-receiving stigma at tip


UNIKONTA Slime Molds 2. __________ Slime Molds - heterotrophic - feeding stage consists of a mass of solitary cells that function independently (n)


Subphylum Vertebrata: Vertebrate Characteristics: 2. _____________ -Concentration of sensory and neural equipment in the head


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Arachnida - scorpions, ticks, mites, spiders: ____________- the fused head and thorax of spiders and other chelicerate arthropods.


EVOLUTION Two main ideas to his theory 1. Use and Disuse 2. Inheritance of Acquired ________________


He authored "The Origin of Species by Natural Selection": ________ ______

Charles Darwin

Phylum Arthropoda: ____________ - a group of arthropods named for clawlike feeding appendages called chelicerae


PROKARYOTE METABOLISM & NUTRITION Great diversity of metabolic pathways for obtaining energy 2) _______________ Energy source: inorganic molecules (e.g., H2S, H2, NH3, Fe+2) -Nutrient/carbon source: CO2 -Examples: nitrogen-fixing bacteria, (deep-sea vents) sulfide bacteria


PROKARYOTE METABOLISM & NUTRITION 4) _____________*Most bacteria*Energy source: organic molecules, e.g., glucose -Nutrient/carbon source: organic molecules, e.g., glucose -Examples: gut bacteria (Also fungi, protists, animals)


_____________ (Green Algae) Named for their Green Chloroplasts Closely related to modern plants Involved in the symbiotic relationship of lichens multicellular Halimeda -colonial volvox


Gnathostomes - jawed vertebrates: Existing Jawed Fishes: Cartilaginous fishes (______________) -Skates, sharks, chimaeras


_________________ Unicellular protists with alveoli - Flattened vessicles stacked below plasma membrane - Includes the Dinoflagellata, Apicomplexa,Ciliophora


Phylum _____________ Mainly Aquatic Saprobic, parasitic All fungi used to be characterized by the absence of flagellated cells until recently Most ancestral of the fungi Believed to be evolved from protists that had flagella


Chromalveolata _______________ Use their cilia for movement and feeding Most live as solitary cells in freshwater areas Have two types of nuclei- One large macronucleus (asexual) and many micronuclei (necessary for sexual reproduction) -Paramecium


Birds and mammals are thought to have evolved from this class of organisms.: _____ ________

Class Reptilia

Genetic Variation Between Populations Geographical variation -differences in gene pools between populations _____ = graded change in some trait along a geographical axis.


Phylum Annelida: ___________ secretes mucous cocoon which encases the egg and sperm and is released off animal as embryo develops


Subphylum Vertebrata: Vertebrate Characteristics: 3. _______ Circulatory System


Tetrapods Probably Arose from Lobe-finned Fishes ____________ - only one extant genus of lobe-finned fishes


This ancestral fish species was thought to be extinct until the early 1900's: ______________


_____________ fungi lack septa and have a continuous cytoplasmic mass with hundreds or thousands of nuclei


ANGIOSPERMS and POLLINATION __________ between pollinators and flowers- ONE SPECIES HAS A DIRECT EFFECT ON ANOTHER CLOSELY DEPENDENT SPECIES -Usually relationship is so close one cannot survive without the other


Plant Cell types 2. __________- Thick celled walls primarily used in support- Grouped in strands (celery)- No lignin = does not limit growth


Phylum Arthropoda: _________ made of chitin which is shed as it grows (ecdysis)


Darwin's Influences _______ - developed the field of Paleontology - Study of fossils


Gymnosperm Diversity Phylum _______________: Individuals have large cones and palmlike leaves Unlike most seed plants, cycads have flagellated sperm These thrived during the Mesozoic, but most of the few surviving species are endangered Staminate (male) Ovulate (female)


Prokaryote Characteristics • Small cell size: chiefly 1-5 um; Eukaryotes (10-100 um) • ____ not segregated in membrane-bound nucleus. • Few with internal membrane system; no complex organelles.----Smaller ribosomes than eukaryotes with different rRNA -Antibiotics target these prokaryote ribosomes and prevent protein synthesis and do not harm eukaryotic cells


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: The Decapods (Order __________)


Community ecology - ___________ in a rotting log - Benthic community in Lake Superior - Tree community in Yellowstone National Park


Stramenopila ___________- Caused Irish potato famine - Saprophytic - Cottony masses Parasitic- Terrestrial on plants - Aquatic


Human evolution - ____________ showed diets of • Nuts and seeds • Soft fruits and insects • Scavenger of carcasses


The Rise of Mammals; Class Mammalia; 220 mya -> Cenozoic Era Mammalian Characteristics: Specialized ___________ - Chewing of food - Different types of teeth


Plant Tissue Types 1. _______ (Epidermis) - Single layer of compact cells, protection -Cuticle - waxy coating secreted by this tissue


Tropical rainforest soils = low nutrients due to lots of detritivores • Organisms that feed on detritus (Fungi, Bacteria, polychaetes, insects) • ______ - small pieces of OM (fallen leaves, feces, body parts) • Break down OM into IO nutrients -• Important recyclers of nutrients back into the environment


Types of selection ____________ Selection- Selection acts to eliminate an intermediate phenotype during varied environmental conditions (Galapagos finches)


Shark Attacks: Should you should you be scared?: _________ the chance of getting killed by a gator in Fl.


Plant Response to Stress __________- Guard Cells close stomata, reducing transpiration - Reduced growth of young leaves ( Surface Area) - Shallow roots stop growing (drier soil), but deeper roots continue to grow (access more water) - Leaf Loss


Five Derived Characters unique to Land Plants 2. ______________- 2. Multicellular, dependent embryos - Embryos develop from diploid zygotes and are retained within the parent tissues - Specialized placental transfer cells to enhance transfer of nutrients from parent (analogous to placenta)


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES Critical components of biogeochemical cycles - recycling of elementsEspecially N and S -___________ - allow bacteria to survive harsh environmental conditions •One copy of a replicated chromosome becomes surrounded by a resistant wall (middle). •High temperature & pressure are required to kill endospores. •Rehydration is possible after many, many years- A bacterial endospore 250 myo was found trapped in a salt formation in New Mexico and revived


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds ____________; high rate of metabolism to support energetic requirements of flight


UNIKONTA _____________- Many parasitic- Humans are host to six species, but , only one, histolytica is parasitic • Amoebic dysentery, ie. "Montazuma's Revenge" -- Treated with metronidazole


______________: • Anything that affects an organism during its lifetime


Origin of Homo sapiens -Wise man -Oldest Homo sapien fossils to date 195,000 yrs old from _______


Angiosperms Only 1 Phyla- Anthophyta (Flowering Plants) Two major groups (based on # of cotyledons= seed leaves) -__________= 2 cotyledonsPeas, sunflowers, oaks


____________ evolved from symbiotic prokaryote communities living in larger prokaryotic cells - endosymbiotic theory


-potato changed course of _________ history -population small cuz of famines -further north, harder to grow wheat -Mediterranean able to grow wheat -potato did well in north, wet areas, and poor soil -1 individual can grow so much food, need fewer ppl in fields -remade old world -northern Europe in Ireland, potato thrived


Salinity Tolerance -______________ - Animals can survive large fluctuations in salinity - Few marine animals belong to this category • Estuarine Organisms


Mammals continued Placental Mammals (______________) - Longer pregnancy - Complete embryonic development in uterus • While joined to placenta


Heat Exchange Pathways (4/4):__________________: Removal of heat from the surface of a liquid that is losing some of its molecules as a gas


____________ = changes in allele frequencies over time


genetic causes (animal diversification)

Evolution of the Hox genes: led to variation in body forms

Endothermic Insects - ______________ produces lots of energy (heat) by using their powerful flight muscles


What is a species? • Latin meaning "kind" or "appearance" • Species are identified and separated based originally by morphology (appearance), but also by: - __________, biochemistry, behavior, and genetics


Diplomonad ________- parasite that causes cramps and severe diarrhea - Drink water contaminated with human feces - Beaver Fever


Phylum _______________: Like the cycads, this group also has flagellated sperm It has a high tolerance to air pollution and is a popular ornamental tree The only extant species in this phyla


Representative Lizard- Legless Eastern _____ Lizard (Ophisaurus ventralis) Body- 18-40"


Phylum ____________ Primarily involved in Mycorrhizal Relationships- Distinct type of endomycorrhizae • Arbuscular mycorrhizae Hyphae branch into complex structures known as arbuscles -90% of plants


Fossil record extinctions Fossil record indicates long periods of stability (_____________) and then brief intervals of high species turnover (Punctuated Equilibrium)


Plant Tissue Types 3. _________- all other tissue -Pith is internal to vascular and cortex is external to vascular -consists of a variety of cell types and has multiple functions


UNIKONTA ______________ - ubiquitous - Consume bacteria and other protists


Evidence for Evolution ____________ = similar characteristics from a common ancestor


4 Major threats to Biodiversity 1. _______ Destruction - Coral Reefs (50% lost in next 30 years) - Ship Groundings - Benthic Trawling Fishing - Diver Damage - Bleaching (warming)


Factors that divide populations and contribute to Reproductive Isolation Prezygotic barriers (before fertilization) 1. __________ isolation • Similar snake species live in same area, but one primarily terrestrial and other is aquatic


__________: • The part of the ecosystem occupied by an organism • ~locality


Learning ____________- Simple type of learning that involves loss of responsiveness • ie. background noise


The Rise of Mammals; Class Mammalia; 220 mya -> Cenozoic Era Mammalian Characteristics: 1. ____- warmth


Extreme responses to Severe conditions Torpor -_________________ is a long term torpor in response to cold and limited food resources


Thermoregulation adaptations Behavioral Responses -Extreme: ____________, migration


Thermoregulation adaptations Behavioral Responses -Used by both endo and ectotherms -Changes in posture or moving in the environment to find more optimal conditions -Extreme: ________________, migration


Carolus Linnaeus = Taxonomy Linnaen System of classification: 1. Binomial Nomenclature 2. ___________ Classification


Keystone species Lower abundance of sea otters = ________ abundance of sea urchins


____________ - living wing-clawed bird


Phylum Echinodermata: Class _____________ - Sea Cucumbers - special defense


________________: The ability of animals to regulate their internal environment


Developing Seed -Prefertilization= Ovule 1. ___________________ - protective layers of parent sporophyte.


Community ecology • __________ populations of species in a particular area


Parasitism 2. __________ - Lives internally (worms, bacteria)


The Rise of Reptiles New Adaptations -Tough, dry, scaly skin - reduces water loss -________ fertilization


4 Major threats to Biodiversity 2. ___________ Species - Exotic, Non-native, Invasive • Fire Ants, Maleluca, Australian Pine, Tilapia, European Starlings • Out compete native species • Prey upon many native species without adaptations to prevent this type of predation - Ballast introductions, Intentional Aquaria Release, Natural Currents


EVOLUTION: Darwin was not the first to propose evolution ___________'s theory of evolution (1809)


Subphylum Cephalochordata _________ - small, blade-like animals that live in marine, sandy bottoms


Class Mammalia evolved in Triassic, 220 mya -> Speciation took place in Cenozoic Era ______________ believed to have evolved from reptiles before the birds


______________ - produce methane by oxidizing CO2 •Obligate anaerobes found in swamps, marshes, animal guts (including humans). •Methanogens in ruminant (e.g., cows) & termite guts help digest cellulose. -Used in sewage treatment. -Major Source of greenhouse gas (methane).


________________ = describes details of how populations of organisms change from generation to generation


Pollen _______________- male reproductive structure; produces haploid microspores via meiosis.


Pollen ______________ - develop into haploid gametophytes.


Origin of Homo sapiens Replacement Hypothesis - Homo sapiens evolved from Homo erectus in Africa and second human migration occurred ~ 100,000 years ago - They replaced all other Homo species in the world - Oldest fossil of Homo sapiens outside Africa 115,000 yrs old from ______ ____

Middle East

Monarch Butterfly Larval Plant =____________ Monarchs cannot survive without this host plant


1. Inorganic to Organic Stanley ______ and Harold Ulrey (1953)- Experimental test simulating primitive earth Experimental test simulating primitive earth atmosphere atmosphere - Organic compounds were created!


Protection through ___________ • One nontoxic species may evolve into a copycat of another toxic or dangerous species to increase survival


Euglenozoa Includes euglenoids and kinetoplastids Euglenoids: - ___________ - combine photosynthesis w/ heterotrophy (photoheterotroph) - anterior pocket from which 1-2 flagella emerge


2. Polymerization Organic ____________ solution poured onto hot clay, sand or rock - Water vaporization occurred and monomers bonded and formed polymers, including polypeptides • Could have happened as raindrops or waves splashed onto hot lava • Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents


-Mcdonalds getting calls/letters asking if they are using GMO potatoes -Mcdonalds stopped using monsanto's popatoes -2001, stopped selling ________ potato


Alligators vs. Crocodiles • What's the difference? • _________ - Snout - Teeth


Common Backyard Marsupial ________________


Behavioral Ecology Foraging Behavior ___________ Foraging Theory-compromise between feeding costs and benefits


Modern day humans belong to this Order. _________ _________

Order Primata

This order of reptiles lack ears and can be scared off with a stomp rather than a scream.: _____ _______________

Order Squamata

3 homeostasis mechanisms: (2/3): _____________________ - how animals regulate solute


____________________: -Management of water (osmosis) and solute composition


Class _______________ - Bony Fishes


Gnathostomes - jawed vertebrates: Existing Jawed Fishes: Bony fishes (______________) -Most numerous and diverse


choanocyte (parts of sponge) _____- where water filters in -____ traps food particles from water column


Evolutionary Advancement: The FRUIT ______ develops into a fruit which aids in dispersal of seeds by insects, birds, mammals and other animals


4 Major threats to Biodiversity 3. _____________- Human Harvest greater than the ability of nature to reproduce and sustain itself - Populations crash and our focus shifts to the next species - Bluefin Tuna used to be a used for catfood, but now in high demand and high price • Used to be able to reach 15' and 1500 lbs • But soon the big ones will be gone


Shark Reproduction: Internal fertilization -_________ -Lay eggs in a case that hatch outside mother's body -oviparity


Shark Reproduction: -_____________ -Retain fertilized eggs in the oviduct; nourished by egg yolk; are born after hatching in the uterus


Developing Seed -Prefertilization= Ovule ______ - unfertilized reproductive structure


Euglenozoa Includes euglenoids and kinetoplastids Euglenoids: - __________, a unique storage polysaccharide molecule


Parasitism One organism benefits the other is harmed -_________ - An organism that lives in or on another organism (host) , which it feeds off of • Mistletoe


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES 3. __________ - one partner benefits, the other (host) suffers.-Many are considered to be pathogenic = disease causing -Pathogenic prokaryotes cause almost half of all human diseases -e.g., tuberculosis, cholera, anthrax , diphtheria, rabies, bacterial dysentery, botulism, tetanus, plague.


Cell Types of Ground Tissue 1. ____________ Cells - Metabolic functions, synthesis and storage of nutrients • Photosynthesis occurs at chloroplasts found within parenchyma cells • Fruit - mature ovary- Usually the least specialized • Exception = Phloem cells- All cells initially start as parenchyma and then specialize • analagous to stem cells • Can generate a whole plant from one cell


Phylum Echinodermata: Dueterostome: Water Vascular System: -Network of hydraulic canals -Branch into extensions called tube feet -used for locomotion, feeding and gas exchange ___________ symmetry -Five identical sections


Flower _________ - colorful leaves that aid in attracting pollinators.


The organisms in this Genus are carnivorous dinoflagellates that cause fish kills: ____________


Stramenopila ___________ (Brown Algae) Largest and most complex algae Multicellular and most are marine Typically live in temperate environments Consist of what we know as "Seaweeds" Alternation of generations


Chordate Characteristics: 3. _________ Slits


Vascular tissue - Earliest vascular plants lacked seeds (such as in ferns) Two types of vascular tissue: 2. ________ - living tissue that transports nutrients and organic products from leaves to the rest of the plant


PROKARYOTE METABOLISM & NUTRITION Great diversity of metabolic pathways for obtaining energy 1) ______________ -Energy source: light -Nutrient/carbon source: CO2 Examples: Cyanobacteria (also diatoms, green algae, plants)


PROKARYOTE METABOLISM & NUTRITION 3) _______________ -Energy source: light -Nutrient/carbon source: organic molecules e.g., fatty acids, sugars, alcohols -Examples: purple nonsulfur bacteria


Protist Nutrition 3. ________________ (plant-like) = Algae


Plants & Charophyceans have four common traits 4. __________ formation a. Precursor to cell wall - includes vesicles and cytoskelen


Systematics 2. __________- The evolutionary history of a species


This explains how fossils of identical species have been found on continents separated by large oceans, such as Africa and North America: ______ __________________

Plate Tectonics

________ used for dispersal of sperm


Pollen and Production of Sperm ____________ is the transfer of pollen to the part of a seed plant containing the ovules


Pollen and Production of Sperm ________________ is the transfer of pollen to the part of a seed plant containing the ovules


EVOLUTION = Change _____________ = a localized group of individuals belonging to the same species


Community Interactions _____________: - When one organism captures, kills and eats another organism


Community Interactions - ____ = organism killed - Predator = killer


Plant Growth _________ Growth - the elongation of a plant due to apical meristems located at the tips of roots and shoots -only type of growth in herbaceous plants = herbs including many flowering plants


Eukaryotes No More Kingdom ___________!- Used to place any eukaryote that was not a fungus, plant or animal in this Kingdom (amoebas - Kelps) - Currently 6-7 Proposed New Kingdoms


Protist Nutrition Most nutritionally diverse eukaryotes*Reminder*Autotroph obtains carbon from ?Heterotroph obtains carbon from ? Ecological categories 1. Ingestive (animal-like) = __________- Many unicellular


Rhizaria Foraminifera (Forams) Porous shell, made of organic material hardened w/ calcium carbonate -___________ extend through pores


UNIKONTA Slime Molds Decomposers of leaf litter and organic refuse Use ____________ for movement and feeding


Phylum __________ Whisk ferns-Lack true leaves and roots -Anchored to substrate by a rhizome Modified horizontal stem w/ branching rhizoids


Phylum ____________ Horsetails -Found in marshes and along streams -Rhizome, true roots and small leaves -Stems are penetrated w/ large air canals which allow movement of oxygen into roots and rhizomes, which typically grow in low oxygen soils


The Tempo of Speciation ____________ Equilibrium- Species diverge during relatively short periods of rapid (several thousands of years) change (in response to big environmental changes) A combination of both likely occurredduring evolutionary history


Representative Non-Venomous Snakes Southern Black ______ (Coluber constrictor priapus) 36-70"


Heat Exchange Pathways (3/4):__________________: -Emission of electromagnetic waves -Transfer of heat between objects not in direct contact -Animal absorbing heat from sun


Sharks, Cont: Most sharks need to keep swimming to breathe - ___ Ventilators


Subphylum Cephalochordata Lancelets - small, blade-like animals that live in marine, sandy bottoms -____ Globally, but found in high densities in Tampa Bay, Florida


Class Osteichthyes - Bony Fishes 3 main groups of fishes: (1/3): ___-_______ fishes - most families belong to this group


He was the first scientist to show the connection between a specific bacteria and a disease: ___________ _____

Robert Koch

Types of selection ___________ Selection- Selection acts to eliminate extremes at both ends of a range of phenotypes (human births 6-8 lbs)


Flower -____________ -male; consist of a stalk (filament) and terminal pollen-producing anther.


Plant Body Plans 3 Major Organs: 2.__________ - support and storage, some photosyn.


Modified Shoots • Often mistaken for roots • _________- horizontal stems near surface which allow quick asexual colonization of an area (strawberries)


Adaptation to Land Water Conservation - Within epidermis ________ Pores involved in gas exchange and evaporation of water - Can be opened or closed to control water content


Homo habilis - handy man - ______ tools found with skeletons - Larger brains 600-750cm3


_____________ Numerous, hair-like projections on the flagella Include Oomycota, Bacillariophyta, Chrysophyta, Phaeophyta Only flagellated stages are the reproductive cells


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES _____________ - close physical interrelationship between two different organisms


Phylum Porifera, The parazoans (invertebrates)

THE SPONGES- 9,000 species (mostly marine) - no true tissues (no nerve or muscle tissue) - cells relatively unspecialized- sessile (don't move) - hermaphrodites (both reproductive organs) - asexual and sexual reproduction - suspension (filter) feeders: water pump with a filter

Chordate Characteristics: 4. Muscular, Postanal _____


Systematics 1. ____________- Naming and classification of species


What divides populations? -___________ activity, such as mountains forming


Factors that divide populations and contribute to Reproductive Isolation Prezygotic barriers (before fertilization) 3. _____________ isolation- Two closely related species breed during different times of the day, different seasons, or different years


Reptiles - 7,000 Extant Species Order ___________ - Turtles


Prokaryote Characteristics Genetic recombination via: ______________: uptake of nucleic acids from extracellular environment.


Plant Biotechnology • Refers to use of genetically modified (GM) organisms in agriculture -• _________ organisms = GM to express a foreign gene from another species -• Allow agriculture industry to increase production - How? Any thoughts?- Genes from bacteria control insect pests • (reduces chemical insecticide use)- Resistance to herbicides = only affects weeds- Disease resistance- Increase nutritional value of foods (rice w/daffodil genes) = Vitamin A


Phloem transport -_______________ = transport of food throughout the plant(prominent solute in phloem sap is sugar)


Cellular Transport in Plants:Lateral Transport _____________ route - substances move out of one cell, across cell wall and into another cell (repeated plasma membrane crossings


Xylem transport 2. ____________ (guard cells control stomata) -Primary mechanism of xylem transport -The loss of water from the stomata causes pressure differences • Cohesion and Adhesion properties of water


Parabasala Distinctive Feature is an undulating membrane which assist mobility by flagella Includes _____________ - pathogen in human reproductive systems (STD)


Ecosystem Energy Transfer • __________ level - each time an organism is eaten, its energy is transferred through the ecosystem Lose ~90% of energy from one trophic level to next


_________ Rainforest High diversity • High temps (80 F) • High Rainfall- 84 - 400"/yr84 - 400"/yr • Dense vegetation • Insects • Low nutrient soil • Clear-cutting for lumber and agriculture


The ______- treeless biome • 20% of Earth's landmass • Alpine tundra at Mt elev. • 8-24" precip8-24" precip • Mostly herbaceous veg. - Due to permafrost layer - Limits tree root growth - Drunken fores • Mosses, lichens, wildflowers, berries • Diverse mammals • Migratory birds Oil drilling and mining is a major concern


Homo erectus -__________ man - 1.8mya - 200,000 years ago


_____: -A substance produced in the liver that combines ammonia with carbon dioxide


Modern Amphibians Order _________ • "Tailed ones"; salamanders -slow moving aquatic vertebrates


why are leeches sometimes used in medicine?

Used to stimulate circulation in recently replaced fingers and toes

________: • A parasitic organism that can transfer disease from one organism to another


Reproduction _________ Propagation= asexual reproduction Kalanchoe -exotic from Madagascar


Bony Fishes: Swim Bladder _________ allows release of deep water fish species


Excretory System - ___________ Kidneys • Contain dense bed of capillaries in close association with tubules


Homologous Structures _________ Organs - structures with no function, historical remnants of ancestors


Dinoflagellates: Pfiesteria and _______________


Phylum ____________ -Mostly Terrestrial, live in soil or on decaying organic matter -Involved in Mycorrhizae- Mutualistc associations with plant roots, mainly ectomycorrhizae


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Body has 3 main regions: (3/3): ___________: Contains internal organs


Environment 1. _______: Nonliving influences (temp., weather)


Community Ecology • The relative _____________ of communities can differ as well - Some species may be common and others may be rare


Class Osteichthyes - Bony Fishes Most specious and ___________ of all vertebrate groups - ~25,000 species -Atlantic 600 reef species Pacific 2000 reef species


Keystone species • Typically not the most __________ species


Endotherm Also they do not sustain high temperatures all the time - Sometimes only when ______


Lamarckian Evolution Primary outcome was _____________ to the environment


Biomes -Contain communities of organisms that are __________ to specific climatic conditions


Subphylum Urochordata: Turnicates -Only the pharyngeal slits are seen in the ______


Phylogeny Evolutionary history of a species must begin with the fossil record To accurately track a species history in fossil record we must know ____ of fossils


Temperate Deciduous Forest • Spring Flowers • Leaf-eating insects • Insect-eating birds -Majority has been converted to _________


Alternation of Generations First observed in Green _____ Alternating between multicellular haploid forms and multicellular diploid forms Diploid individual (2n) is the Sporophyte (produces spores) Haploid individual (n) is the Gametophyte ( produces gametes)


-if you only see upper jaw teeth- thats an ___________


3 major classes of cnidarians: Hydrozoa

alternate between polyp and medusa forms (Portuguese Man of War)

Waste Products Nitrogenous waste is typically in the form of ___________, which is a highly toxic molecule


The Rise of Reptiles New Adaptations -Production of ________ eggs; shell retains water can withstand dry air


This structure found in both reptiles and birds allowed organisms to reduce their reliance on water and penetrate new terrestrial habitats.: __________ ___

amniotic egg

choanocyte (parts of sponge) -collar has mucus/adhesive polysaccharide that grabs onto water particles -___________ is how food absorbed; go from one choanocyte to the next, getting the food they picked up and digests it (sponge can now build more of itself)


The Rise of Reptiles Class Reptilia derived from ____________


Protistan Diversity Major Clades Diplomonadida and Parabasala - Most live in ____________ environments - No plastids (plant organelles, which include chloroplasts)


A structure which is similar in two unrelated species.: ___________


Evidence for Evolution Comparative ________-similar structures


Outgroup Analysis Determines which characteristics in a given group of taxa are ______________or or derived


Analogy/Homoplas imilar structures that serve similar function but do not indicate common ___________- e.g., bird wing vs. butterfly wing


Adaptation to Land 3. Specialized Structures & Functions a. True leaves could develop as centers of photosynthesis b. Stems support leaves c. Roots developed to obtain water and ______ the plant(Except nonvascular plants)


Marijuana -arin lichmen seeing how mice remember and forget -experimenter guides them to platform -normal mouse realizes platform gone -mouse with the __________ receptors blocked keep looking for the platform cuz they cant unlearn it -swim in little pool and try to find platform -removes platform


ANGIOSPERM Life Cycle -the food is a triploid tissue (3n) known as the endosperm which is unique to _____________ -After one sperm nucleus fuses w/ the egg, the other sperm fuses with 2 female haploid nuclei (polar nuclei) forming the endosperm (nutritive tissue of seed)


Gymnosperm Diversity _______________ now dominate most terrestrial ecosystems, though gymnosperms remain an important part of Earth's flora -For example, vast regions in northern latitudes are covered by forests of conifers


Neanderthals would have different vocal tract; they couldn't speak the way we speak today -short vocal tract limits them -probably couldn't make certain sounds or with the same speed -this is what sets us apart from all _________ and Neanderthals


what phylum are leeches from?


Temperate Deciduous Forest • Moderate rainfall - (24 - 48"/yr) • Short mild winter • Deciduous trees - lose their leaves __________


Phylum Arthropoda: Chelicerates have no _________


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES _______________ •Natural production & release of chemicals that inhibit other microorganisms .•Many natural antibiotics have been discovered from soil bacteria, which use them to reduce competition nearby


Chromalveolata -Apicomplexa Spore-forming parasites of animals One end of the cell contains an _________ complex of organelles that is specialized for penetrating their hosts


Phylogenetic Tree/Cladogram is like a family tree... Forks in each branch 2 new species 2 new species • Derived characteristics (do not use advanced): (novel/new traits (____________) that create new species who have evolved from the common ancestor


Cellular Transport in Plants:Lateral Transport • Cell walls of neighboring cells in contact forming another type of continuous pathway for molecular transport = __________


Plant Pathogen Defense 3. Once infected area has been contained __________ occurs and the leaf may be discarded


Prey Defense 5. Mechanical or Chemical defense -Animals with chemical defenses are usually brightly colored = ____________ coloration


The term used for animals who display their toxic characteristics through bright colorations: ______________ _______________

aposematic coloration

-ability to detect electrical currents because duck-billed platypus is a mostly _________ creature


Ammonia excreters Most common in _______ species, ie. freshwater fishes


Gator Holes important safe havens for wildlife Gator Holes • Concentrate _________ prey in a confined habitat


Protists Most are__________ and bottom dwellers, but also important constituents of plankton


The Rise of Reptiles Escape from ________ habitats


The Primates: New World monkeys = __________ (live in trees)


Class Echinoidea - Sea Urchins, Sand dollar No ____


Emergence of Early Humans Australopithecus - the first hominids -Longer ____, so may have been arboreal as well


Japanese Honeybee Defense Japanese hornet has __________ chemical that it sends out to other hornets so they know it found the honeybee nest


Phylum Arthropoda: Cuticle made of chitin which is shed as it grows (ecdysis) Allowed ___________ to colonize land


Phylum Ascomycota Produce sexual spores internally in saclike ____ - Ascomycetes undergo their sexual stages in macroscopic fruiting bodies known as ascocarps - Asci are found within the ascocarps Can reproduce asexually by producing spores at the ends of specialized hyphae called conidiophores (naked spores called conidia)


Representative Venomous Snake Florida Cottonmouth/Water Moccasin (Agkistrodon piscivorous conanti) Body- 20-48" juvenile; wiggles yellow tail to _______ prey, color; brown with dark bands


Representative Lizard- Legless All lizards have ability to lose tail - _________________


bilateral (4 major animal divisions)

bilateral symmetry dorsal and ventral, anterior and posterior, left and right all other animal phyla! gastrulation produces 3 germ layers (eco/endoderm and mesoderm-forms muscles) TRIPLOBLASTIC cephalization

Loss of Ecosystem Diversity Each ecosystem can have a broad impact on the whole biosphere There is a larger scale, global flow of nutrients and ultimately energy through the ___________ - Ocean are thought to be a sink for global warming gases such as CO2 , which are concentrated in the form of phytoplankton -Some ecosystems have higher productivity than others, ie. tropical rainforests = high production


Bony Fishes: Swim Bladder Gases which inflate and deflate gas bladder diffuse from the _____


Human Kidney • 1,100 - 2,000 L of _________ flows through both kidneys each day (275x the total volume of blood)


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Arachnida - scorpions, ticks, mites, spiders: Gas exchange occurs via the ____ lungs -Stacked plates in an internal chamber


Chordate Characteristics: 2. Dorsal, Hollow Nerve cord -Will develop into the Central Nervous System(CNS): _____ and spinal cord


The Neanderthals Similar _____ size to modern humans - But skull shape a bit different


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds Proportionately larger ______ than those of reptiles or amphibians; intricate behavior


The Rise of Mammals; Class Mammalia; 220 mya -> Cenozoic Era Mammalian Characteristics: Larger ______


Factors that divide populations and contribute to Reproductive Isolation Postzygotic barriers (after zygote has formed) 3. Hybrid _____________ - Hybrids are viable and fertile, but their offspring are sterile or have low survivability


Altering metabolic heat production -Nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) -Takes place throughout the body -Some mammals have a tissue called ______ fat which is stored in neck and shoulders that is specialized for rapid heat production


Altering metabolic heat production: -Nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) -Takes place throughout the body Some mammals have a tissue called ______ fat which is stored in neck and shoulders that is specialized for rapid heat production


This group of nonvascular plants have a dominant gametophyte stage: _______________


Thermoregulation: -Animal balances its heat ________ over time so the rate of heat gain = the rate of heat loss


-crocodiles have a more narrow snout with a _________ end


-part of debate on how society responds to genetic engineering -Monsanto successful selling corn, soybeans, and cotton that are GMOS -98% cotton grown is bt cotton -trying to repress the ____ worm (damages cotton) (caterpillar, eats the seed in the cotton) -tabashnik studies bt resistance in the caterpillars, monsanto funds the research -tabashnik found the bugs more likely to develop resistance to bt -after 12 yrs of bt crops, 3 insects evolved resistance -tabashnik thinks GMO crops helps more than hurts -risks more difficult to quantify


Bony Fishes: Swim Bladder -An air sac that helps control the __________ of the fish


how can you tell the difference between a male shark and a female shark?

by looking at claspers in its jaws (claspers only found in male; attach to female to keep them together as mating) -female sharks have very thick skin on head and side of body to protect from male bites while mating

Shark Attacks: Should you should you be scared?: More likely to die in ___ accident on the way to beach


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: 5 pairs of appendages connected to the ________


Gnathostomes - jawed vertebrates: 1. Cartilaginous fishes Class Chondrichthyes -Have a skeleton made of __________ not bone (like the support in your nose and ears)


Vertebrates w/out a Backbone & Jaw: Class Myxini - Hagfish -Bottom dwelling scavengers - _____________ skeleton - notochord support


Primates: Tarseirs -____________ hunt these down and eat them using tools -Tarseirs wait in trees -chimpanzees break off tree branches until they get a sharp one and spear the tarseirs and feed on their corpse


Fungi Cell walls are made of ______- Insect exoskeleton and analogous to fingernail material • Strong, but flexible


Sexual Selection • Many features do not seem to be adaptive (i.e. showy plumage in birds, large mane in a lion); but they could be, such as large antler of a deer • Usually females are the "_________" of these traits and thus their choices drive this type of selection process


Subphylum Cephalochordata Lancelets - small, blade-like animals that live in marine, sandy bottoms All _________ characteristics in adult


jellyfish and Starfish both live in water, have radial symmetry and are invertebrates However, humans and starfish are the two closest relatives. - They are both _____________ - a derived feature of animals


zygote undergoes successive mitotic cell divisions...

cleavage (early embryonic development)

Phylum Mollusca: Class Cephalopoda: The only mollusks to have a _______ circulatory system


-are cannabis demons or saviors? Same with apple -more uplifting -Amsterdam celebrates cannabis (though not fully legal, can be sold in licensed _______ shops) -can choose exact marijuana experience you want -no different than wine or cigarettes -special garden shots for cannabis growers -tim a-court has passion of growing cannabis got him in trouble with the law -has timers and camera -can buy all female seeds of any types of cannabis you want -a whole life's work (some ppl their whole life is cannabis, more than about drugs or money)


Allyn howlett surprised no one knew how it worked -she discovered THC molecules activate specialized chemical receptors deep inside the brain -receptor can bind to brain -they had a tool for studying it now -found the receptors in hippocampus (memory), cerebellum, and frontal cortex (were we think) -receptors developed so they can ____________ with a chemical the body makes -tried to extract compound like THC in brain -mechoulem found it (aneldemine)


Homo erectus • The first hominid to migrate out of Africa • Upright man - 1.8mya - 200,000 years ago - Change in -Brain size = 1,100 cm3 - Social organization & ____________ skills were thought to be well developed


Ecological Hierarchy • Populations of species occur in biological ___________. The complexity of a community is a function of species diversity (# of species). -Aka species richness


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: __________ digestive system


Japanese Honeybee Defense -the honeybees attack the individual scout hornet as it enters the hive (hold onto it; cant kill it) -when have it pinned, they vibrate their wings to create heat that ______ the hornet alive (the honeybees can survive 1-2 degrees more of heat than the hornet can)


Heat Exchange Pathways (4/4): Evaporation -Has a strong _________ effect because it requires lots of energy (heat) for a molecule to go from liquid to gas


4. Origins of Heredity Short polymers of RNA in presence of monomers could have ________ themselves


This mutualistic organism combines cnidarians and dinoflagellates.: _______


Secondary Plant Growth • A Lateral Meristem known as the _____ cambium will replace the epidermis (dermal layer) with a secondary dermal tissue (bark) - Produces cork cells which contain a waxy material (suberin) - Layer of cork + cork cambium = periderm - All phloem layers + periderm = bark


Learning Innate behaviors improve with performance Vervet Monkey Infants may give undiscriminating alarm calls Ex. Eagle alarm for any bird Adults reinforce them when they are ________, by repeating the alarm call


-corn, soybeans, and cotton use GMOS -the bt in cotton (bt cotton). Used as part of program to suppress the bull worm -bull worm (caterpillar) feeds on the seeds of the _____ plant which is bad for it -insects evolve resistance -monsanto funds this guys research -bt engineered into crops Tabeshnik found bugs create resistance (evolved)


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Crustacea: The Decapods (Order Decapoda): Crabs, Lobsters, shrimp and _________


-if you see both upper and lower teeth- ___________


To survive you must acclimate -Ectotherms acclimate at the cellular level -Some produce "antifreeze" compounds called ____________, that prevent ice formation in cells


Koch's postulates: 2. Isolate the pathogen and grow it in pure ________.


Adaptation to Land Water Conservation 1. Epidermis coated w/ a ________ Consists of polyesters and waxes - Prevents microbial attack - Prevents excess water loss


Plant Response to Stress WHY DO TREES LOSE THEIR LEAVES? Most important factor is ____ length- Trees near light posts can keep leaves longer due to artificial light


Biodiversity is short for biological diversity - Current rapid ___________ in the Earth's great variety of life - Identified 1.8 million species, but estimates of undiscovered species range from 5 - 30 million undiscovered • Mainly arthropods, nematodes, protists, fungi, prokaryotes = smaller, harder to see


Key Characteristics of Amphibians Eggs lack a shell and ___________ quickly in dry air


Salinity Tolerance -Many marine animals are osmoregulators and have to deal with a constant ______________ environment


Sharks, cont.: Have placoid scales = __________


Sharks, cont.: Have placoid scales = denticles - Contain enamel and _______


Osmoregulation in Freshwater • Maintain their balance by excreting large amounts of _______ urine - Regain lost salts in food and active uptake of salts


Ammonia excreters Access to large amounts of water is essential -_____________


Major features of Human Evolution Reduced sexual _______________ - Gorilla males weigh twice as much as females - Human males=1.2 x females


This group is the primary cause of Red Tides, yet is a critical part of most coral species: _________________


Class Mammalia evolved in Triassic, 220 mya -> Speciation took place in Cenozoic Era First true mammals were extremely small compared to the __________ they lived amongst.


An environmental change causes a change in the most abundant phenotype of moths, from a white variety to a black variety.: ____________ ____________

directional selection

Origin of Homo sapiens -Wise man Only human species in fossil record from 29,000 years ago - Neanderthals __________ from fossil record at this time


Osmoregulators Must _____________ excess water if it lives in a hypoosmotic environment


Class Holothuroidea : What are sea cucumbers defense mechanisms?

discharge sticky threads to ensnare their enemies (slime)

Class Crinoidea - Sea Lilies Can ___________ and crawl to a new location


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES Robert Koch was the first to recognize the connection between bacteria & _________. •He established a protocol to identify which specific pathogen was causing a particular disease


Koch's postulates: 3. Produce ___________ by transferring the pathogen from culture to a new experimental host.


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Flight allows quick escapes, increased food finding ability, increased mating success, increased ________ to new habitats


Osmoregulation -Waste disposal/Excretion ties into osmoregulation because most metabolic wastes must be ______________ in water when they are removed from body.


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Most _________ of all other organisms


Keystone species • Allow for higher species __________


Competitive Exclusion - One species will eventually become more ____________ due to adaptations or having competitive edge


Grassland • Low rainfall (12 - 30"/yr) • Grasses dominate • Grass-eating animals ___________ • Majority has been converted to agriculture


Sharks, cont.: Have placoid scales = denticles -Orientation reduces ____


Sharks - the exception • Sharks actually have water slowly diffusing into their bodies • Sharks do not ______


Gator Holes important safe havens for wildlife Gator Holes • Alligators excavate deep holes to provide them with food during the ___ season


Ecological Hierarchy A biological community, along with all the abiotic factors in the environment, is called an __________. An example is our wetlands (Everglades)


Behavioral Ecology Foraging Behavior - Forage = recognition, searching, capturing and eating - Nutrition is extremely important to an organisms success - Feeding ____________ should be enhanced


-whale sharks hunted for meat and liver -liver is huge source of _________ back in the day (all the oils) -fishermen use finning-> catch shark, cut its fins off , and throw them back into the ocean, prevents them from swimming -slowly suffocate to death (slow death)


A Seed Resistant structure that is multicellular and complex in contrast to a spore - Consists of a sporophyte __________ packaged along with a food supply w/in a protective coating


Uric acid -This can be stored within a developing egg without causing harm to the developing ________


Evidence for Evolution Comparative ______________- unrelated species show similarities during embryonic development


Specific niches • Some species have a very specific niche • Many species w/ very specifc niches tend to become ____________ due to habitat destruction


Galapagos Islands -Off northwest coast of South America -G.I. animals are unique because they lived nowhere else in the world= __________ -They were similar to species on South American but were different


Ectosperm and Endoderm produced (early embryonic development)

endoderm fills blastocoel and eventually will form the lining of digestive tract

This is a triploid tissue, which supplies nutrition to the developing embryo and is found only in angiosperms.: _____________


Bacillus thurigiensis uses this structure to withstand heat, dessication, and toxins: ______________


More on Protists -They can form cysts, which are similar to ____________- Some of the oldest eukaryotic fossils are ruptured cysts of algae


Mammals, birds, and some fishes, and insects are ____________


Most Fishes are Ectothermic: EXCEPTION: Large Powerful Swimmers Great White, Tuna, Swordfish have circulatory adaptations that allow them to retain metabolic heat and are considered _____________


Thermoregulation adaptations Changing the rate of metabolic heat production -Applies only to ___________, specifically birds and mammals


Thermoregulation adaptations Changing the rate of metabolic heat production -Applies only to ______________, specifically birds and mammals


Extreme responses to Severe conditions Torpor -Allows animals to save _________ and survive these dangerous conditions


Urea Can transport and store urea at high concentrations -Animal must expend _______ to produce urea


Endotherm: Have a high metabolic rate Generates enough heat to keep its body substantially warmer than the surrounding _______________


Orchids are a good example of these types of non-parasitic arboreal anthophytes.: ______________


The Neanderthals Evolved from Homo ________


A reduction in activity and metabolism in response to heat and water limitation: ____________


This protist is known as a mixotroph because it utilizes both photosynthesis and heterotrophy for nutrition: __________


The Honeybee Huddle Honeybees also are known to transport water to their hive in summer and fanning wet areas with wings to promote _______________ cooling


Thermoregulation adaptations -Cooling by evaporative heat loss Can increase this via lungs by panting -Sweating or bathing to make skin wet enhances _____________ cooling


Uric acid -More energetically _____________ than urea to produce


Nature vs. Nurture Some researchers have been able to link behaviors to specific genes - Must remember that behavior can be modified by _____________


Learning The modification of behavior resulting from specific ____________


Ethology The study of behavior - originated in 1930's - understand how animals behave in nature through observation and _________________


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Wings are not true appendages, rather they are __________ of the exoskeleton (cuticle)


Key Characteristics of Amphibians Fertilization is primarily _________


Parasitism 1. _________ - lives on outside (flea)


Phylum Arthropoda: Chelicerates have simple ____ (_____ w/ a single lens)


The Honeybee Huddle -Honeybees also are known to transport water to their hive in summer and ___________ wet areas with wings to promote evaporative cooling


Thermoregulation adaptations -Adjust rate of heat exchange -Insulation: -Humans rely more on their ____ stores for insulation -Goose bumps are a vestige of our hair-raising ancestors


Potato: control southern idaho is desert, green circles are crop fields -get water from irrigation underground -desire potato gratifies is control over our ____ -provides immense amount of food per acre -can grow enough food with potato to keep family alive for a year


This characteristic was revealed to be similar to modern birds in the fossils of Archaeopteryx: __________


Marijuana: -______ plants resign highly psychoactive -keep male plants exiled from plant room to make the females more potent (gives higher resign production which is more psychoactive) -best gardeners are working with cannabis -its a weed worth 6-7,000 dollars -they broke chemistry of plant down -isolated 10 compounds, only 1 (THC) causes the high -tested it in humans -identification of THC made ppl wonder what it did to the brain


Reptiles - 7,000 Extant Species Order Testudines - Turtles Temperatures in the nest determine the sex of the turtles. •Warmer temps produce________, and cooler temps yield males


Three Variations on Alternation of Generations in Plants: 2. Large sporophyte and small, independent gametophyte (_____)


Factors that divide populations and contribute to Reproductive Isolation Postzygotic barriers (after zygote has formed) 2.Reduced hybrid ____________- Hybrids which survive development are typically sterile (mule = horse + donkey)3. Hybrid breakdown


Survival of the "Fittest" Contribution an individual makes to gene pool of the next generation relative to contribution of others -Survival does not = fitness -Fitness depends not only survival but also _________


Root System • Monocots usually have ________roots- Mat of thin roots spread out across soil surface- Hold topsoil in place, prevent erosion


Human Kidney • 180 L of __________ produced in kidney


Homo erectus • The first hominid to migrate out of Africa • Upright man - 1.8mya - 200,000 years ago - Change in -Brain size = 1,100 cm3 - Social organization & communication skills were thought to be well developed -Leg length increased making them taller -Fossil evidence indicates they built ______


Prokaryote Characteristics • DNA associated with fewer proteins .• Simple looping of circular DNA; nucleoid region. • Primarily reproduce asexually via binary ___________ • No mitosis, meiosis or fertilization.


Innate Behavior Same behavior occurs in all individuals in a population, even though there are environmental differences between them- Developmentally _________


Plants & Charophyceans have four common traits 3. Microstructure of _____________ sperm


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION - continued Mobility 1.Bacterial ___________ - majority.- Naked tightly wound helical protein flagellin, lacks microtubular structure found in eukaryotes.-Analagous structure


-2 diff species of humans; what gave us the edge? -Dr. Jerry Laftmen noticed minor difference in skull shape -at base of the skull, Neanderthals had ____ base while ours is curved (where voice box is ) -flat central base


The Radiata- Phylum Cnidaria (two main body types) 2. Medusa

flattened, mouth on bottom, pelagic drifter

This parasitic vector caused the Black Plague: ______


Prey Defense 1. ________ = high energy


The coelom; coelomates (4 major animal divisions)

fluid filled body cavity completely lined by mesoderm ( all but three bilateral animal phyla)

4 Major threats to Biodiversity 4. Disruption of ______ chains Keystone species removal - Upsets or breaks down top predator controls on ecosystem


Phylum Mollusca use a _____ for movement


Phylum Mollusca: Class Bivalvia animals (clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops can move by using a _____


Keystone species • Higher sea urchins = lower algae - Loss of kelp ________


when aneldemine released in brain, affects appetite, pain, and memory -plays key role in ___________ -why would forgetting be adapting? -> do you want to remember all the faces you saw on the subway? -forgetting takes flood of information and forgetting everything except whats important -memory can cripple us (trauma that cant be unlearned from war, etc)


Evidence for Evolution The ______ record - succession of fossil forms & transitional forms


Incomplete Fossil Record 1. Not all organisms under correct conditions for _______ formation


The majority of plant pathogens belong to this group of organisms.: ______


Genetic Diversity Remember in order for mutations to affect evolution and change the gene pool they must occur in sex cells (__________)


An ovule used to house the female _____________


Pollen and Production of Sperm A germinated pollen grain produces a pollen tube that discharges sperm into the female _________ within the ovule


What evolutionary reasons might have pushed plants to have a dominant sporophyte (diploid) generation? Helps ___________ withstand the harmful effects of mutations from UV light


Development of embryonic tissues: ___________


4 potential agents which drive microevolution (Things that cause populations to evolve) 3) ____ flow


4 potential agents which drive microevolution (Things that cause populations to evolve) 1) _______ drift


This causes changes in the gene pool due to some chance event: __________ _____

genetic drift

Incomplete Fossil Record 2. Many fossils destroyed by ___________ processes (erosion,pressure,melting)- - estimated that one in 10 million individual organisms end up as fossils


The Evolutionary Advantage of Seeds, Continued -Seeds provide some evolutionary advantages over spores -They may remain dormant for days to years, until conditions are favorable for ____________ -They have a supply of stored food -They may be transported long distances by wind or animals


Ammonia excreters Most ammonia is lost through the ______ -Small percentage is passed via kidneys and urethra


Most Fishes are Ectothermic: -Most metabolic heat is lost through _____


Sharks - the exception • Sharks do have a lower salt concentration in their bodies so salt is constantly diffusing into the body via the ______


-birds cannot chew or shear off pieces of flesh (talon or beak tears off pieces of food) -crop is storage area -________ is muscular part of the bird that contracts and grinds down anything the birds consume -feathers made of keratin


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds Toothless; food ground in the _________


Extreme thermophiles ("heat lovers") - DOMAIN ARCHAEA •Reduced % of glycine in polypeptide chains -Glycine is 2nd most common amino acid in normal proteins -.It contributes to flexibility in 3-dimensional configuration. -Reduced __________ levels increase rigidity; prevent denaturation


Plant Response to Stress WHY DO TREES LOSE THEIR LEAVES? Most nutrients in leaf are absorbed before loss, but if soil is low in nutrients some plants may lose _____ leaves to recycle nutrients into soil


-if you wanna scare a snake, best thing to do is stomp hard on a _________ (itll think its a big predator and want to run away) -snakes have infrared technology; how they find their prey along with smell -flicking their tongues allows them to track pheromones (smell)


Human evolution Homo ________: 2.4 - 1.6 million years ago


Gator Holes important safe havens for wildlife Gator Holes • Provide other animals with ________ and food as well


The term used for the place an animal lives: __________


The biggest threat to biodiversity: _________ ________________

habitat destruction

The behavior of ignoring background and environmental sounds while we are playing jeopardy.: _____________


Community Interactions - One organism benefits one is _________


Competition • Both organisms are ________


Parasitic fungi have modified hyphae called _________ for penetrating their host -Each year, 10% to 50% of the world's fruit harvest is lost due to fungi


These structures are used by parasitic fungi to penetrate their hosts: _____________


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Body has 3 main regions: (1/3): _____: Usually contain one pair of antennae


Phylum Platyhelminthes: Class Cestoidea - Tapeworms: scolex = _____


The Honeybee Huddle Increase ____ production - utilize honey stores


Major Plant Divisions Seedless Vascular Plants Majority are _____________ - one spore type develops into a bisexual gametophyte


Recall - Most seedless plants are ________________ = single spore produces both male & female gametophytes


The Honeybee Huddle Increase heat production - utilize _______ stores


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds Bones have internal structure that is ____________ making them strong but light


Phylum Echinodermata: Dueterostome: Water Vascular System: -Network of _________ canals


Osmosis A solution with a high concentration of a particular solute is known as ____________


The osmotic term for a fish in freshwater: ________________


Body Plan Fungi are composed of tiny filaments known as ________ -- These are composed of tubular cell walls which surround plasma surround membrane and cytoplasm


Osmosis -A solution with a low concentration of solutes is known as ____________


Phylum Platyhelminthes: Gastrovascular cavity with one opening for mouth an anus = ___________


Do birds learn to fly? - Young birds have _______ ability to fly, but have not developed the mechanics to do it yet - They don't need to practice


These are behaviors built into our genes and are similar in organisms of the same species regardless of their environment.: _____ _______________

innate behaviors

Class Mammalia evolved in Triassic, 220 mya -> Speciation took place in Cenozoic Era - Shrew sized - __________________


Phylum Arthropoda:1 million species (mostly ________)


Two ways to look at Behavior Ultimate Questions - Reasons why this behavior evolved over time • Example: Why do most birds breed during spring? - Must maximize fitness - Abundant supply of ___________ (food resource), which provides ample food for rapidly growing offspring


Osmoconformer -Do not actively adjust their__________water concentrations


Osmoregulators -Must control and adjust its _________ environment


The term for a species which is usually exotic and outcompetes natives becoming dominant and spreading through our natural areas.: __________ _________

invasive species

This mineral, found in high concentrations in strata around the world and dates back to ~ 65 mya, provides evidence for the cause of the Cretaceous Extinction: ___________


Learning Habituation - May increase fitness by allowing an animal's nervous system to focus on stimuli that signal food, mates or danger, rather than _____________ stimuli


Fixed Action Pattern (FAP) A sequence of ____________ behavioral acts that is carried to completion once initiated - Triggered by a sign stimulus • External sensory stimulus


What divides populations? Or groups of organisms being ___________ on an island, ex.. Rafting in reptiles (iguanas as well as others!)


General Primate Characteristics Shorter ____ - flattens face


The stage of fungal reproduction when two genetically distinct haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote: ___________


Characteristics of Reptiles Adapted for Terrestrial Living: •Scales contain _______ for prevention of dehydration


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds Beak made of _________


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds Wings with airfoils; Feathers made of _________


The term used for a critical species needed to maintain species diversity.: ___________ ___________

keystone species

The Rise of Reptiles New Adaptations Reptilian ________ conserve water


Japanese Honeybee Defense Individual hornets scout for honeybee hives and the hornet swarm then _____ and eats them


-Mike Heath, organic farm -hes an equal opportunity grower -has 16 varieties of potatoes -narcodas, all blues, elbis, etc -controlling pests with __________ -natural -his labor costs are high, doesnt use pesiticides, and has less land -but his organic farming; he still gets good prices for his potatoes


The Rise of Amphibians Class Amphibia The first vertebrates on ____


Leatherback -__________ sea turtle


Subphylum Urochordata: Turnicates -All four chordate characteristics are seen in the ______ form


Phylum Mollusca: Class Cephalopoda: complex brain and fast ___________ behavior -observational learning -jar opening


___________ sea turtle: -plates connected to skin tissue allows them to dive into rly deep waters -only eat jellyfish since it can access deep waters without the shell being crushed


Desert • Plants which lack __________ • Due to difficult environmental characteristics - not threatened by agriculture or human development


This human parasite releases an anticoagulant to keep blood flowing, but also an anaesthetic to dull the pain it is causing.: _______


Phylum Annelida: Class Hirudinea are known as ________ and blood suckers (parasties)


Phylum Echinodermata: Class Asteroidea = Sea Stars Some can regrow an entire new organism from one ____


Urea -100,000x _____ toxic than ammonia


Waste Products -Some animals can excrete ammonia directly, but storage would be _______


Phylum Ascomycota Important saprobes of plant material, parasites (ringworm and athlete's foot), involved in mutualistic associations with_______ and some involved in mycorrhizae


Why should we care? Aesthetic value of nature's beauty Dependency for _____


Adaptation to Land Production of Secondary Compounds - Some deter pathogenic microbial attack - Some absorb harmful UV radiation • Phenolics (flavinoids) - Some produce _______, a polymer which hardens the cell walls of woody tissues and provides structural support for large plants and trees


Dominant species Why do species become dominant? 1. Species best suited to exploit __________ resources


Key Characteristics of Amphibians: Moist skin allows gas exchange; respiration; some species lack ______ -Still tied to closely to water or moist environments


Thermoregulation adaptations Cooling by evaporative heat loss -Can increase this via ________ by panting


Causes of Evolution 4. Mutation BUT mutation is the original source of variation and affects _____________


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Metabolic wastes removed by excretory Metabolic wastes removed by excretory structures known as __________ tubules


Mass Extinctions 1. Permian (~ 250 mya) - Boundary between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Period - 90% of all ______ species go extinct - Tied to Pangea Formation •• Drastic climate change •• Habitat destruction • Ocean circulation altered


The form of reproductive isolation indicated below (small and big dog; different breed): __________ _____________

mechanical isolation

Plant Growth • Capable of producing new areas of growth due to areas of embryonic tissues known as ______________


sharks: -________'s purse contains developing fetus -eggs get nutrition from yolk (oviparity) or mom shark


Ectotherm: ____________ rate: the rate at which heat is given off by an organism at complete rest -Very low so no effect on body temperature


Energy Flow • The energy available in any environment to the animals is limited • All animals lose heat to the environment during ___________.


Extreme responses to Severe conditions -Torpor -Estivation ~ Summer Torpor -Slow _____________ and inactivity in response to high temperatures and scarce water supplies


Phylum Arthropoda: Segmented Coelomates, Ecdysozoans: These repeated segments are known as _________ and specialized segments can form metameres and specialized segments can form distinct regions = tagmosis


Phylum Annelida: Each segment has a pair of excretory tubes known as ____________- remove wastes


Extraterrestrial organic compounds including amino acids have been found in modern ___________


Stromatolites = Slow growers 1/3 mm/year - Living examples in Western Australia and Bahamas • ~2,000 yrs old - Similar to __________ mats still formed today in salt marshes and warm lagoons


Seedless Vascular Plants Phylum Lycophyta - oldest land plants-have small leaves with only one unbranched vein = _________* no expanded flat foliage


Advantages of Reduced Gametophytes The gametophytes of seed plants are _____________


Causes of Evolution 3. Gene Flow Genetic exchange due to____________ of fertile individuals or gametes between populations


Altering metabolic heat production Hormones can increase _______________ activity and switch their products to heat rather than ATP (energy)


Protistan Diversity Diplomonads:- multiple flagella - Two separate nuclei - Modified mitochondria (__________) • No ETC - don't use Oxygen to produce ATP


-Insects and fungi -russet burnbanks grown in ___________ -if insect can kill one, they can kill all the potatoes -to help potatoes win race, Cranny used chemical pesticides -the chemicals can be toxic but they follow EPA guidelines -doesn't like to apply insecticides


Potato: Control -answer to the problem is to get away from _____________ -learn from peruvians, appreicate the diversity they have given in potatoes -in peru, use genetic diversity by planting many diff types of potatoes in one area -order we impose on nature is only temporary -logic of nature wins against logic of capitalism -nature resists our control


A tree with both male and female flowers.: ____________


Newly hatched sea turtles follow natural _________ to sea


The Rise of Mammals; Class Mammalia; 220 mya -> Cenozoic Era Mammalian Characteristics: Live births - ____


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION - continued Mobility 2.Gliding on __________ secretions.


Bi-Annual Shark Migration in South Fl. -Blacktip and spinner sharks Follow bait (______ run) and reproduction


Keystone species • Example - Without the seastar the dominant ________ had uncontrolled growth due to the loss of predation and monopolized most of the space (<5 species)


Phylum Mollusca: Class Bivalvia animals include clams, oysters, __________, and scallops


4 potential agents which drive microevolution (Things that cause populations to evolve) 4) __________


Pollinators and Flowering Plants: ____________


Body Plan (fungi) Hyphae form a large matrix known as the __________ (feeding network) -Can be huge, but usually unseen (underground)


The filamentous hyphae of most fungi can be very large and are collectively known as this term.: ___________ ____

mycelium mat

Cell walls •Two major types - used for identification purposes •Gram __________ - Small peptidoglycan layer, an additional outer membrane- Lipopolysaccharides of outer membrane often toxic.- Outer membrane offers additional defenses against antibiotics.


An organisms influences, impacts and activities: _______


Keystone species • BUT have a strong control on the community due to their ecological roles or ________


Waste Products The most important waste products are ______________, derived from breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids


The coelom; acoelomates (4 major animal divisions)

no cavity between digestive track and the outer body wall (phylum Platyhelminthes: flatworms)

Shoot System Stems- Made up of ______ • Leaf attachment points - And Internodes • Segments between the nodes - Axillary bud • a structure which can grow a new vegetative branch • Located where the base of leaf and stem meet - Terminal Bud • Found on upper tip of stem • Area of shoot growth and leaf formation


Chordate characteristics: 1. ____________-longitudinal, flexible rod


The phrase describing a protist that can only live in a habitat devoid of oxygen.: ____________ _____________

obligate anaerobe

Order Squamata - Lizards and snakes Tongue Flicking fans scents to their ___________ glands


3 major classes of cnidarians: Anthozoans

only polyp stage is expressed


only two embryonic layers ectoderm and endoderm (easy to remember because di = 2)

Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: _____ circulatory system


Habitat Tuna = _____ _________

open ocean

The most important phenotypic characteristic which defines all Primates.: _________ ______

opposable thumb

Parazoans (4 major animal divisions)

opposite of eumatazoans. example of parazoa (phylum proifera): sponges: lack true tissue and asymmetrical

Eumatazoa (4 major animal divisions)

opposite of parazoans all other animal phylums and true tissues!

Zach's crow study demonstrate clear support for this theory: _______ __________ _______

optimal foraging theory

Carolus Linnaeus = Taxonomy Determined to find ______ in the diversity of life in mid 1700's- Named over 11,000 species


Phylum Arthropoda: Millipedes (Class Diplopoda): Eat decaying leaves and _________ matter


saprophytic: Obtaining nutrients from dead or decaying __________ matter


A chemoheterotroph obtains its carbon and energy from this source: ________ _____________

organic molecules -Most bacteria fall into this trophic group

Ecological Hierarchy The ___________ is the smallest unit of ecological study. Physiological and behavioral ecologists focus at this level.


Niche • Deals w/ impacts the organism has on abiotic and biotic factors and the impacts they have on the ____________ - INFLUENCES, IMPACTS, ACTIVITIES


Keystone species • Low abundance of seals and sealions due to lower fish abundance due to ___________ by humans


Ovules and Production of Eggs An ________ consists of a megasporangium, megaspore, and one or more protective integuments


animals w/ high metabolism require alot of _______ (cellular respiration)


geological causes (animal diversification)

oxygen was high enough to support active metabolisms

phylum mollusca includes Snails, slugs, ________, clams, octopuses and squids


Gnathostomes - jawed vertebrates: Existing Jawed Fishes: Dominant vertebrates w/ ______ appendages


Thermoregulation adaptations -Cooling by evaporative heat loss Can increase this via lungs by ________


Phylum Annelida: Class Polychaeta: Usually have appendages known as __________ extending off body.


-cannabis makes you not want to strive, kicking back and listening to music -seconds the motion no mater what -millions of young ppl smoking it, promted govt to take action -more difficult to bring in marijuana -_________ (toxic chemical) attacked marijuana -1975-1983 Mexican pilots doused marijuana with herbicides


Phylum Arthropoda: Chelicerates: Carnivorous, but some __________ (ticks, mites)


Innate Behavior Newly-born chicks beg for food by raising head, opening mouths, and chirping loudly when a _______ is nearby


Major features of Human Evolution Family structure - More ____________ care


Unlike plant cell walls, bacterial cell walls are not composed of cellulose -Bacterial cell walls contain _______________- a combination of sugars (Polysaccharides) and polypeptides


Learning innate behaviors improve with _______________ Kenyan Vervet Monkey alarm calls


The reason the tundra is a treeless environment: ____________


Plants & Charophyceans have four common traits 2. Efficient _______________. a. Minimize loss of organic products


-potato poisonous (wild) -green porudces solenine (posionous chemical) -if potato becomes green, it is producing that chemical -overtime, _________ adapted to nature of potato -higher altitude is very different climate -early peruvians preserved diversity by growing all sorts of plants -learned where to grow which types of potatoes where (what side of the mountain with what sunlight) -developed for diff uses and purposes


Plant Responses to Stimuli • Any growth response to a stimulus is known as tropism (~taxis) • Stimulus is light = _____________


________________ has a biogeographical basis in continental drift


Plant Pathogen Defense 2. Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) = chemical signal sent to the rest of plant, causes production of __________ • Antimicrobial compounds • Some sent to site of initial infection


what phylum is a tapeworm from?


Phylogenetic Tree/Cladogram is like a family tree... Roots or base -> common ancestor common ancestor • Ancestral characteristics (____________) (do not use primitive): general characteristics that are shared by all the species that evolved from it


Pollen and Production of Sperm A microspore develops into a _____ grain that consists of a male gametophyte enclosed within the pollen wall


• Some orchids mimic wasp species •The wasps attempt to mate with the flower and get dusted with _____ for their trouble


Nature vs. Nurture Most behavioral traits are __________ (based on more than one gene) and environmental variables can produce a wide variety of reactions


Chemical Evolution: Hypothetical Scenario 2. Joining of these monomers into _____________ This may have been only possible near volcanoes or deep-sea hydrothermal vents


Ecological Hierarchy Organisms exist in ___________ of individuals belonging to the same species. -Endangered/threatened species conservation is focused here


Cell walls •Two major types - used for identification purposes •Gram _________ - Large outer layer of peptidoglycan- Antibiotics inhibit cross-link formation of peptidoglycan; prevent cell wall development.


Land colonization by plants, fungi and animals occurred 500 mya (adaptations for life on land) -Most mammal Orders established 50-60 mya -Human lineage diverged from __________ 5 mya


Salinity Tolerance -Constantly lose water through gills and skin - The excess salt is actively transported across gills and very little urine is __________ (conserving water)


Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, is ice-covered and may contain water and _____________


For the first 3/4 of evolutionary history, Earth's only organisms were microscopic and unicellular (____________), and aquatic!


Chordate Characteristics: 4. Muscular, Postanal Tail -Provides __________ force in many aquatic species


Cell Response Rapid Temperature changes can increase the production of special molecules known as stress-induced _________ within cells


Chemical Evolution: Hypothetical Scenario Aggregation of abiotically produced molecules into droplets called _____________ that had chemical characteristics different from their surroundings


marijuana: -____________ is attractive concept that humans like -750,000 abt arrests for cannabis every year -ppl behind bars for cannabis charges -nearly 100 million ppl have tried it -cannabis growers do whatever the plant wants it to do (pampered)


Whale shark- Rhyncodon typus: Filter out plankton on gill _______


Thermoregulation: -Every animal is adapted for different environmental temperatures, but each has an ideal or optimal temperature ______


Osmoconformer -Available only to marine animals living in very stable surroundings = _____


Vector • Black Plague (14th century) - Vector = Fleas; Original host = _____ - Killed 33% of European population - Caused by a bacterium


Gnathostomes - jawed vertebrates: 1. Cartilaginous fishes Class Chondrichthyes -Sharks, _____ and rat fishes (chimeras)


Human Kidney - Nearly all sugars, vitamins and organic nutrients are ____________


Why do species become dominant? 1. Species best suited to exploit limited resources 2. Species has a greater success of avoiding predation - Loss of a dominant species in a competitive environment is not detrimental due competitor replacement = _____________ model


-no wind or clouds in winter in Florida is very cold -clouds capture the heat to ____________ temp


Hox Genes

regulatory genes which control the expression of other genes. more how genes means more animal complexity

Commensalism - Sharks and __________ - Epiphytes


Origin of Homo sapiens Replacement Hypothesis - Homo sapiens evolved from Homo erectus in Africa and second human migration occurred ~ 100,000 years ago - They ___________ all other Homo species in the world


Two ways to look at Behavior (1/2): Proximate Questions- Hormonal, nervous and environmental stimuli that trigger a particular behavior • Example: why do most birds breed during spring? - Triggered by increased day length - Changes in day length result in neural and hormonal changes that induce _____________ behavior


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds probably originated as flying ________


Loss of Genetic Diversity - Disease can easily wipe out a population if all individuals with _______ have already been killed and their genes removed from the gene pool -Reduces favorable developmental genes, which may have aided increased agricultural production


Many antibiotics target this bacterial organelle, which differs from its eukaryotic counterpart: ___________


4. Origins of Heredity RNA catalysts are called ____________ and RNA is autocatalytic and can synthesize new RNA (r, t, m RNA)


Innate FAP's can be detrimental Mayflies lay eggs in standing water triggered by the polarization of light on water - Similar polarization on ______ surfaces - Causes high mortality


Pouched (Marsupials) -Australia -Embryo born at early stage of development -kangaroos and possums -________ are true placental mammals and most common roadkill species (freeze when scared, can fake their death)


-french fries make us forget -7 ½ billion pounds of french fries consumed in america per year -want long and tall french fries -fast food relies on the _______ Burbank potato -mcdonalds only buys that potato all over the world (bejing, new york, Idaho, etc) -dale baker is plant manager in idaho (mcdonalds) -monocultures on plate lead to monocultures on land -chain of consequences from desire for those particular fries


Salinity Tolerance Stenohaline -Animals cannot tolerate substantial changes in __________ -Narrow tolerance zone - This is true for most marine animals


Thermoregulation adaptations Increase evaporative cooling Spreading _______ on body surfaces -Kangaroos and rodents


Fungi -Decomposers (_________), parasites and mutualistic symbionts - Saprobic fungi = absorb nutrients from nonliving organic matter


This term describes the typical mode of nutrition for most fungi: ______________


Marijuana: -12 foot tall plant, needed genes of shorter cannabis plant to breed -cannabis _______ with cannabis indica (smaller) bred together -short, fast, and strong plant developed -multicolored, strong plant now -nurtured by indoor gardeners, now far more potent -artificial environment


Keystone species -• Killer whales eating ____ ________ because of reduced seals and sea lions

sea otters

Salinity Tolerance -Constantly lose water through gills and skin - Obtain water through their diet and by swallowing large amounts of ___________


Origin of Homo sapiens Replacement Hypothesis - Homo sapiens evolved from Homo erectus in Africa and _______ human migration occurred ~ 100,000 years ago


Three Variations on Alternation of Generations in Plants: 3. Reduced gametophyte dependent on sporophyte (____ plants)


The type of defense used by muskoxen in Alaska: ____ ________

self defense

Uric acid - Relatively nontoxic - Insoluble in water - Excreted as a ____________ paste w/ little water Great adaptation for terrestrial animals to conserve water


-baby humans have voice box all the way up in the throat (our voice box starts a journey all the way down to the neck) -very dangerous cuz changes neuromusculature of skin? -our airway and food way (once ________ now crossed) -why we get food stuck in our throat and food that regurgitates -have large area of space above larynx and now we can modify vocal chords (gained ability of fully articulate speech)


Species form when populations divide, or become _____________



sequence of DNA (very similar in unrelated animals), determines body form of the animal

Subphylum Urochordata: Turnicates -Most _______, some planktonic


Phylum Annelida: Class Polychaeta: Parapodia may have bristles called _____ Most Marine


Phylum Platyhelminthes: Class Cestoidea - Tapeworms: protoglottids= ___ organs


Phylum Basidiomycota Under adverse conditions undergo________ reproduction and produce fruiting bodies called basidocarps (ex. Mushroom, few hours) -Basidia are external structures found on the basidiocarp that produce sexual spores (basidiospores, billions)


Phylum Zygomycota Black Bread Mold, Rhizopus Asexual phase, sporangia form (100's of spores) - Usually reproduce asexually under ideal conditions When conditions deteriorate _______ reproduction occurs


A female peacock will select a male with the most brilliant feather plumage.: ______ ________

sexual selection

Plate Tectonics 1) Plate Tectonic Theory-by Alfred Wegener 2) The concept- The Earth's crust is actually a bunch of different pieces which through time have __________, causing mountains, trenches, and the current location of the continental land masses


Community ecology - Fish community on artificial reefs • More specifically - _____________ • Make comparisons to varying habitats


Altering metabolic heat production Heat can be increased by muscle activity, such as ________________


Altering metabolic heat production: Heat can be increased by muscle activity, such as _____________


Homo erectus: -social organization and communication skills were thought to be well developed -in fossils, see them together in big groups -leg length increased making them taller -homo habilus were ______ in terms of legs


Competitive Exclusion Two similar species competing for ___________ resources


Chordate Characteristics: 1. Notochord - longitudinal, flexible rod -used for ___________ support


Subphylum Vertebrata: Vertebrate Characteristics: 1. Neural Crest - a group of embryonic cells at the dorsal margin of the hollow, nerve cord -Contributes to the formation of many ________ components


Emergence of Early Humans -Better ___________ for more recent hominids


Salinity Tolerance • Many marine animals are osmoregulators and have to deal with a constant dehydrating environment • Constantly lose water through gills and _____


Sharks - the exception - This high urea content increases the overall ________ concentration of their bodies to a point which is greater than their surroundings


Behavioral Biology What is Behavior? - Externally visible muscular activity - Sex attractant secretions (nonmuscular) - Learning and memory • Bird _____


Competition • Drives _____________ - Example: insect-eating birds


Crocodiles have _________ glands -Alligators have non-functional lingual organs


The formation of new species is called ____________ - adaptive radiation (common ancestor)


Wallace forced Darwin to publish! Natural selection was the driver for __________ and Natural selection was the driver for speciation and diversity


amoebocyte (parts of sponge) ______ give shape and support


Phylum Arthropoda: Chelicerates include _________, mites, ticks, horseshoe crab


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Arachnida - scorpions, ticks, mites, spiders: Most _______ can use strands of silk to aid in prey capture


Class Holothuroidea - Sea Cucumbers - special defense: No ______


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Gas exchange accomplished through a tracheal system: Small, branched tubules made of chitin which open to the outside via pores known as __________


Five Derived Characters unique to Land Plants 4. Walled spores w/in ___________- Spore cells contain Sporopollenin in cell wall- Spores produced in multicellular organs known as sporangia


Seed replaces the ______ as dispersal mechanism


-Gymnosperm seeds develop on the surfaces of specialized leaves known as __________


Advantages of Reduced Gametophytes They develop within the walls of spores that are retained within tissues of the parent __________


Angiosperm Life Cycle -Pollination brings the gametophytes together in the ovary (Pollen has 2 sperm nuclei) -Fertilization occurs and zygotes develop into ____________ embryos that are packaged along with food into seeds


Charophyceans, the closest plant relatives -Typically live in shallow water areas around the edges of ponds and lakes -____________ is used as a protective coating against dessication (zygote)


Chromalveolata -Apicomplexa Infectious cells called ____________ Most require 2 or more hosts to complete their life cycle Plasmodium - parasite that causes malaria


pathogens:_____________: The infectious cell stage of plasmodium


shell is reduced and maybe internal (______)


Phylum Mollusca: Class Cephalopoda animals include ________ and octopus


Class Crinoidea - Sea Lilies -Have _______ which attach to substrate


Operculum of Bony Fishes Involved in respiration such that the fish can breathe while __________


This term describes the type of modified shoot represented by a strawberry: _______


Phylum Echinodermata: Class Asteroidea = Sea Stars Use their tube feet to pry open a bivalve and then evert their ________ into shell and digest it


Innate FAP's can be detrimental -Sea Turtle juveniles have innate FAP to follow moon's reflection on ocean -Easily confused with ______ lights on nearby roads in urbanized coastal areas


Advantages of Reduced Gametophytes This arrangement protects the developing gametophyte from environmental ______ and enables it to obtain nutrients from the sporophyte


Radiata (4 major animal divisions)

subcategory of eumatazoa radiata: radial symmetry oral and aboral side, no left and right phylum cnidaria and Ctenophora gastrulation produces 2 embryonic layers (germ layers) (eco/endoderm) DIPLOBLASTIC

Osmoregulation in Freshwater • Constantly gaining water and losing salts to ________________ -Due to higher concentrations of salts in their bodies


Osmoregulators Requires energy to do this, which depends on how different its internal environment is from its ____________


Behavioral Ecology Natural selection will favor behavioral patterns that enhance _________ and reproductive success


Vector • West Nile Virus - Most people display no symptoms • Elderly and young are more ___________ • Avoid dusk and dawn = high mosquito activity


Altering metabolic heat production: Hormones can increase mitochondria activity and _________ their products to heat rather than ATP (energy)


Cellular Transport in Plants:Lateral Transport • Plasmodesmata - cytosolic connections between neighboring plant cells- Continuous pathway for molecular transport =__________


A particular pathogen travels through plasmodesmata of adjacent plant cells. The term for this type of transport.: ____________


Cladistics - now accepted method of phylogenetic analysis All clade members share derived features called ______________- Not enough to share characteristics - Starfish, jellyfish and a human - Which are most closely related?


Outgroup Analysis All other taxa are grouped according to shared derived characters (______________).. - The more derived structures two organisms share, the closer is their evolutionary relationship -- that is, the more recently their common ancestor live. -- Close relationships are shown by a recent fork from the supporting branch - the closer the fork in the branch between two organisms, the closer their relationship.


Phylogenetic Tree/Cladogram is like a family tree... Upper ends of branches present- present-day descendant species The more derived characteristics organisms share (________________), the closer the evolutionary relationship!


Homologous Structures Some snakes have pelvic and leg bones -Humans have fused ____ bones -Basilosaurus, an extinct whale w/ hind limbs


This parasitic worm is usually acquired by eating undercooked meat and absorbs nutrients from its host without a digestive tract: ___________


Root System Eudicots usually have __________- One large vertical root w/ smaller lateral roots- Store food, used during flowering and fruit production- Carrots, turnips harvested before this period


Hierarchical Classification Groups species in broader taxonomic categories Each taxonomic unit, at any level, referred to as a _____


Class Cephalaspidomorphi - Lamprey -Uses Circular Rows of _____ to grasp prey and then a rasping tongue to penetrate host and suck its blood


Sharks, cont.: Multiple rows of _____, which fall out and are replaced


This biome has moderate rainfall, mild winters and deciduous trees Hint: Florida ___________ ______________ _________

temperate deciduous forest?

Japanese Honeybee Defense The honeybees hold it (scout hornet) down and start the Honeybee Huddle This increases the______________ over the threshold the hornet can survive The rest of the hornet swarm never finds the hive


-population of Neanderthals may have reached half a million -maybe they had ___________ the same as us; seemed to bury the dead -they developed a culture



three embryonic layers; ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm (tri = 3)

Phylum Annelida: Class Oligochaeta: Wanted by gardeners and farmers as they ____ the soil


EVOLUTION = Change -the change in the genetic composition of a population over ____


Root System -Most absorption of water and minerals occur near root ____ -Root hairs found in this region- Increase surface area for absorption • Adventitious root - atypical location- Used mainly for additional support


Pollinators and Flowers: Coevolution • Some bats, birds and moths have developed long ________ to reach into deep-trumpet-shaped flowers.


Learning Habituation Ex. An anemone contracting when touched • Repeated ___________ will cause habituation and it will no longer contract


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Gas exchange accomplished through a __________ system


Terrestrial adaptations of Angiosperms -Refinement of vascular tissue -__________ which are used for both water transport and support in gymnosperms evolved into vessel elements (xylem cells) specialized for conducting water -and Fiber cells which were specialized for support


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Merostomata - The Horseshoe Crab: Closely related to a group of extinct organisms the ___________


Energy Flow • 90% of energy animals consume are lost as heat and about 10% is converted to biomass. • This means that 10% (usually less) of what an animal has consumed is available at the next ________ level to predators and decomposers.


Class Cephalaspidomorphi - Lamprey: Introduced to Great Lakes in 1800's -Large declines in Lake _____ in 1960's


-1st job he worked at turtle porgram for NSU (now have sea turtle education system) -had to be on beaches at 4:30 am and look for turtle nests -Ft. Luderdale beach (alot of ppl, lights, distractions) -supposed to move any nests that were around Ft. Lauderdale beach -brought up to hillsborough beach where they reburied them -never touch a sea turtle (very endangered and will be fined for harassing it) -learned that moving them was increasing mortality -will see wooden markers and nets around them since its better to leave them than move them


-40,000 yrs ago Europe has last peak of ice age Stopped 10 mins and 17 secs -20,000 years ago -> just homo sapiens from then on! -Neanderthals could've been pushed further south where other human species already are; making it difficult for the Neanderthals to try to survive


-Eastern glass lizard (ophisaurus ventralis) -nervous system of tail becomes active and wiggles around; lizard completely stops moving until predator goes after tail; then runs -can regenerate tail (harder to do it; set limit on being able to regrow tail)


-Eastern glass lizard (ophisaurus ventralis) body 18-40" -tail color isnt same color as body cuz can lose tail to attract organism while it escapes (tail bounces)


-GMOS beame big topic issue -GMOS help reduce farmers costs -ppl say since it doesnt provide advantage for them, they dont want it -mcdonalds stoped using monsanto's potatoes cua ppl iterviewd them abt using genetically modified potatoes -monstanto stopped growing the new leaf potato -large debate on how society responds to new technology in farming


-as a diver, dont shoot up to the surface so quickly cuz you could get the bends which is where nitrogen gas has been dissolving in your tissues and start to come out of solution -of you shoot up fast, nitrogen starts forming little bubbles in arteries and veins which block blood flow: causing stroke, heart attack, nerve damage


-birds dont have teeth, but if they can swallow it they can eat it -the birds can hear the baby sea turtles in the nest -foxess and coyotes -humans poach the nests -sharks and fish eat the sea turtles -sea turtles hide in seagrass -tutrles cant live in pool environment


-bony fish have internal buoyancy regulator inside their bodies known as a swim bladder or an air bladder that can be inflated or deflated, depending on what the fish buoyancy needs - in ancestral fish, the swim bladder could be filled by swallowing air -more derived species fill and deflate the swim bladder through diffusive action


-brown anole (most common lizard in fl, from cuba) -anoleis carenilious -Cuban anoles near the ground (ground dwelling lizards) -green anoles in high shrubbery and tree branches; morphology has changed, toes longer, nails more hooked since no longer living in ground


-bull sharks are one of the most dangerous in Florida (we have them year-round) -great white sharks come and go (makes the news when theres one in florida) -great whites very rare in florida


-frog calls primarily males to females attracting a mate -or telling other males its their territory -this usually happens after a rain event because they can emerge out of the water -wetter the environment; the more active they become


-green turtle eats seagrass; called green cuz chlorophyll cuz the seagrass goes into their adipose tissue, making them green -anything hard would burst the leatherbacks beak


-have an amniotic egg (exterior shell, major tissue types) -amnoitic egg refers to tissue called the amnion which is for protection; protects from damage and injury -Allantois concentrates the wastes from cellular respiration and involved with gas exchange -yolk sac is highly nutritional tissue that shrinks as fetus develops -egg white is also protective feature


-have large area of space above larynx and now we can modify vocal chords (gained ability of fully articulate speech)


-humans rely more on their fat storages for insulation -goose bums are a vestige of our hair-raising ancestors -Hair loses its insulating power when wet


-idaho potato farmers, mosty sell potatoes to ppl that make frozen french fries -other varieties easier to grow, so they have to grow russet burbanks -water, seed, fertilizers, chemicals cost millions but not in control of how much the potatoes sold for in stores -alot of farmers gone out of business -need to re-mortgage farms and businesses to afford to live -economic perils, insects, and fungi on plants


-in almost every society, one or two intoxicants accepted and actively promoted -no agreement on which is good and bad -alcohol used in our society, taboo in Islamic society


-male only on shore when born -female turtle comes back to same beach (same spot) to lay eggs -this causes the female turtles (come back 40 yrs later) to end up in pools -olfactory smell brings them back to the same place (imprint with the smell; navigate their way back via smell)


-marijuana and plants just as evolved and sophisticated as us -cannabis can change texture of consciousness -we wouldn't be the same without cannabis, and cannabis wouldn't be the same without us


-most important lessons are we arent simply outside web of life, were part of it -what we choose to eat, drugs we choose, and flowers we put on our table drives evolution -desire metaphorical -we dont have a vocabulary for what species do to us -we think were the only species that does things -we become members of biotic community


-most shark attacks come from bull sharks; they are bullies and aggressive (will get close and come after prey items you are carrying; dont like you in the water with them)


-one thing increasing your risk of a shark attack is swimming at dusk or dawn -sharks are crepuscular, meaning they are active during dusk and dawn -thats when they are feeding/looking for food


-palo alto california science lab -mexican marijuana developed bad name -ppl sending in their pot to be tested for chemicals (didnt want to ge sick) -govt shocked that marijuana seized was more than they thought existed -govt agents raided marijuana fields to get them out of business -cannabis survived threat and came ahead -growers and plant moved indoors


-reptiles had advantage of evolutionary changes allowing them to survive drier environments -their skin became tougher and quicker. Could retain water in their tissues


-researcher fed sharks thermometers in tuna, which showed internal temperature (once pooped out) and put one on a dorsal fin to see external temperature of water (found great disparity) -as body heating up, heat transferred to cooler arterial blood into muscles


-softshell crab is a blue crab usually that has just undergone a molt (shed its hard exoskeleton) -crab farmers grab them out of the water (usually one of the freshest things) -after they molt, the saltwater starts to harden new skin


-thought the coelacanth was extinct for 100's of years- around 1930's research expedition in Africa -> women named Vladimir went down to local village and saw an odd-looking creature in the fish for sale, she contacted her colleague (a curator) saying she found a Coelacanth (said through letter) -1 month later; the decayed fish -> he knew it was a coelacanth cuz of the specialized scales not rly found in other fish -huge breakthrough for science, took 30 years fishing in that area to find another coelacanth -healthy population in Africa - in 90's found another population of coelacanths in Indonesia that are still alive today -we don't see them today (very rare) cuz they are deep water fish that feed on lantern fish which are mesopelagic fish


-wanted to create NewLeaf potato, contained genes from diff potato species -allows them to move genes without species barriers -could use butterfly gene in corn plant -one (bt ; bacillus) is bacterium used in new leaf potato plant, beetle eats leaf which disrupts digestive system and kills it -this diminishes sparying cuz generate their own pesticides, -1996, new leaf potato in fast food chains, and millions of ppl eating it -ppl didnt need to label the potatoes -we had been eating them for a couple years -was same nutritionally, but had the extra gene -FDA: unless substantially different, or nutrient content diff, don't need to label it different


-we are the lightning capital of the US; used to be lightning capital of the world (Fl) -gators particularly around mating season (february-march), particularly at dusk very active -very territorial rn and looking to mate, relatively aggressive


-we have lower jaw thats fused together -snakes have elastic tissue so whole lower jaw can open and can manipulate their jaw bones and skin around mouth extremely elastic -snakes have complete digestive system


-why have the lobe-finned fishes lead to the evolution of tetrapods? : one key things is the fins connected to fleshy essential lobes that come off the body, i.e., appendages which almost look like limbs -when coelocanths swimming, they kinda move the limbs the same way we move our arms and our legs (alternate right and left) -ppl thought they walked until recent videos of divers viewing them; that's just the way they swim


1. Inorganic to Organic Earth's present atmosphere prevents this from occuring due to high Oxygen content, which attacks chemical bonds Primitive Earth's atmosphere would have favored synthesis of organic compoundsbut would require energy (UV and Lightning)


3 Components of Biodiversity: 1. Loss of Genetic Diversity .2. Loss of Species Diversity 3. Loss of Ecosystem Diversity


3. Protobionts -Aggregates of abiotically produced molecules (Cell Precursor) - Maintain an internal chemical environment Maintain an internal chemical environment different from their surroundings (lipid bilayer) - Exhibit some properties of life • Metabolism and excitability - Engulf smaller materials and create smaller Engulf smaller materials and create smaller protobionts protobionts


4 Major threats to Biodiversity 1. Habitat Destruction • Coral Reef - Occupy 0.2 % of world's ocean's - Small area used by 1/3 of planets marine fish species


Amoebocytes: 1. Take up food from water and choanocytes 2. Digest food 3. Carry nutrients through sponge body


Bacteria in biotechnology •Use of E. coli as model organism in medical, genetic & environmental research. -Probably the best understood of any organism. •Decomposition of sewage, pesticides, petroleum spills, synthetic compounds. •Industrial mass culture for vitamins, antibiotics, other compounds (e.g., actone). •Food industry uses - manufacture of cheese, yogurt.


Biomes • Climate - over longer time periods 5-10yrs 1. Amount and pattern of precipitation (rain) 2. Temperature range (extremes)


Body Plan -Oregon fungus mycelium mat was 3.4 miles in diameter and spread over an area over 1,600 football fields !- Estimated to be 2600 years old!


Causes of Evolution 4. Mutation • Insertions • Deletions • Translocations • Inversions


Causes of Evolution: 2. Natural Selection Premise: • Differential success in reproduction due to better adapted traits Results in: • Likely to adapt a population to its environment


Chemical Evolution: Hypothetical Scenario 1. Abiotic accumulation of small organic molecules, or monomers, such as amino acids and nucleotides


Clades and Cladograms Based only on Homologies -Derived characters inherited through common ancestry -e.g., limb skeleton of tetrapods from salamanders to humans share homologous elements


Class Cephalaspidomorphi - Lamprey: Introduced to Great Lakes in 1800's


Class Holothuroidea : -feeding tentacles-throw up their intestinal area which is eaten by fish so sea cucumber is spared -intestinal content gums up mouth and gills of predators or has toxins in it that affects the predator -takes a few months to recreate that intestine defense, but have other means of absorption


Class Mammalia evolved in Triassic, 220 mya -> Speciation took place in Cenozoic Era


Coral Snake and Mimics in Fl. • Imposter Mimic Red snout and red and yellow not touching


Cretaceous Extinction - Tsunamis, earthquakes - Fire Storm, Ash darkens sky for years -reduced photosynthesis and global temps reduced -food chain collapse estimated 6 miles wide traveling 62,000 miles per hour =Ft. Laud to Tokyo in less than 8 minutes


Darwin's Background Englishman, from a well off family- Father was a doctor -Not a good student -Went to medical school at 16- Dropped out (boring) -Father sent him to study Theology


Darwin's Influences These convinced Darwin that the earth must be very old and small changes over long periods can lead to substantial differences


Definition of a species- A species is a population which can interbreed with one another and reproduce viable, fertile offspring and cannot produce viable fertile offspring with other species


ECOLOGY OF PROKARYOTES How do pathogenic bacteria produce disease symptoms? Sometimes invade tissues and disrupt metabolic pathways, but more commonly via Exo- and Endotoxins


EVOUTION CAN NOT OCCUR IN INDIVIDUALS! The reason for the wide diversity of life on earth today is evolution


Early Seed Plants and the Rise of Gymnosperms, Continued - Living seed plants can be divided into two clades: gymnosperms and angiosperms - Gymnosperms appear early in the fossil record, about 305 million years ago -Conditions became drier at the end of the Carboniferous, favoring gymnosperms over the previously dominant seedless vascular plants -Gymnosperms dominated terrestrial ecosystems during the Mesozoic era, 252 to 66 million years ago


Earth formed 4.5 bya Oldest Rocks 3.8 byo Oldest Fossils (bacteria) 3.5 bya


Ecological Organization population, communities, organism


Ectotherm: body temperatures are almost entirely determined by the temperature of the surrounding environment


Evaporation -humans in tropical rainforests; look at their body, they dont sweat (sweat glands dont function) cuz not helpful to sweat in tropical rainforest (cuz humid)


Extreme responses to Severe conditions -Certain times of year or day temperatures may be extremely hot or cold and food may be unavailable -Inhospitable for life


Extreme responses to Severe conditions -Torpor -Estivation ~ Summer Torpor -Daily torpor adaptations can be seen in many animals as well


Fossil record extinctions -High species turnover associated with mass extinctions followed by diversified speciation of surviving taxonomic groups


Fruit is a mature fertilized ovary - adapted for seed dispersal


Gametophytes reduced and dependent on sporophyte


Gnathostomes - jawed vertebrates: Existing Jawed Fishes: -Late Silurian, Early Devonian ~ 410 mya


Gnetophyta Welwitschia has largest known leaves (2m) - keep growing


Grey Nurse Shark -a lot of teeth protrude out mouth while resting -one of the most docile sharks on the planet -congregate off of Carolina coast for breeding purposes and cuz they're following prey One of the most common sharks that have been observed off the coast of south Florida are nurse sharks -like puppy dogs but they do kill people and attack people, even though they don't have sharp serrated teeth like most sharks -their teeth are moloform, just like crushing lobsters and gastropods, snails, things that have heavy and hard shells


Grey Nurse Shark -they can lay on substrate and survive -have muscles attached to gills that regulate pumping of water acros the gills; they dont have to be swimming in order to breathe -leopard sharks also dont need to swim to breathe -dont approach the nurse shark if it notices you are there and starts reacting -dont pet it or grab its fin -protects itself by suctioning onto your body -nurse sharks can get up to 8 feet or bigger in length -because of the several hundred pound fish suctioned onto you, you may not be able to get back to the surface -some divers and snorkelers have died of suffocation cuz these sharks attached to them


Gymnosperms served as food for herbivorous dinosaurs -Recent fossil discoveries show that gymnosperms were pollinated by insects over 100 million years ago


Heirarchal Classification -Human Taxonomy Domain Eukarya Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Primata Family Hominidae Genus Homo Species Sapiens


Human Populations And Trophic Levels • Global food demand is expected to double by 2025 based upon human population growth estimates


Human evolution -There have been multiple species in the Homo Genus in the past


Japanese Honeybee Defense -some bees utilize their ability to produce heat as a defensive mechanism -from what? The Japanese Hornet (very huge, 3-4x the size of a honeybee) -they are carnivorous, eat other honeybees


Japanese Honeybee Defense Some bees utilize their ability to produce heat as a defensive mechanism


Japanese Honeybee Defense The honeybees attack the individual scout hornet as it enters hive


Leaves • Main Photosynthetic Organ • Extremely variable in form depending on function and environmental conditions


Major Plant Divisions Seedless Vascular Plants 1. Phylum Lycophyta 2. Phylum Pterophyta (Ferns, horsetails, and whisk ferns)


Mammals, birds, and some fishes, and insects are endotherms


Metabolism relative to oxygen -Obligate aerobes require O2. -Facultative aerobes can use O2 when present. -Obligate anaerobes are poisoned by O2. Initial ancient bacterial metabolism was most likely obligate anaerobic chemoautotrophy.- O2 increase 2.1bya caused extinction of many of these and drove evolution of aerobic bacteria


Might get encrusting sponge on a mollusk -most animal hermaphrodites undergo one sex (act as male or female) during any spawning unit -based on how much nutrients it has (eggs require more maintenance) -sponges big part of any coral reef system cuz of filter feeding -act like pool filter


Most Fishes are Ectothermic: Typically live in stable areas


Most inverts, fishes, amphibians, and reptiles are ectotherms (whatever temp is, their body will be) -reptiles also exothermic


Nature is all around us Have you ever thought about where the wood for your furniture comes from? - Most high quality hardwoods come from tropical rainforests - Indonesia The food we eat, grow, hunt, fish 25% of all prescriptions contain plant derivatives Use of extremophilic organisms (Archaea) to enhance industrial techniques


Nature is important Destruction Before Discovery!- New medicines, foods, petroleum substitutes, industrial chemicals, and other important products yet to be or may never be discovered!


Nature is important Some things in life are Free! - Purification of air and water - Climate control - Soil production and preservation - Detoxification and decomposition of wastes - Pollination of crops and vegetation - Seed dispersal - Agricultural pest control




Northern migration of sharks -winter period, sharks head south to warmer waters -late march earl april, bait and sharks move back to the north -follow bait (mullet) -> plantivorous fish (mullet species) -mullet run is all the mullet fish running around -carpet and barracuda sometimes there -get out of the water during mullet run -shark could be in frenzy mode trying to get bait and accidentally bite you (how most shark attacks occur)


Organic Compounds in Space? Spacedust Mission finds Organic Molecules in Comet Tail


Overview of natural selection • The naturally selected traits which enhanced survival will increase in a population with time - ie. the allele frequency will increase


Overview of natural selection: 1. All species have genetic variation 2. Organisms produce more offspring than the environment can support 3. Organisms better able to survive in a particular environment leave more offspring


Ovulate Cone Scale-like Sporophyll •Site of gametophyte development (ovule)


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION - continued Mobility • Many bacteria exhibit taxes (singular: taxis) - movement toward (positive) or away from (negative) a stimulus e.g., phototaxis, chemotaxis


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION -Genome With unlimited resources bacteria would Double in numbers each generation1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 (Geometric Growth) -A single cell could theoretically give rise To a colony outweighing the Earth in Just 3 days!


Phylum Arthropoda: Class Insecta: Oldest insect fossils date back to 400 mya


Phylum Echinodermata: Class Echinoidea -spiny sea urchin has the longest spines and toxic spines (black with little white tips) -were abundant in the 60's -corals had edge up over the algae


Phylum Echinodermata: Class Ophiuroidea - Brittle Stars -mainly nocturnal -usually under rocks -delicacies for many fish -if alot of plankton in water, may see their arms drifting in the current grabbing them -come out at night looking for organic food or plankton thats settled (nonmobile prey) -move alot faster than sea stars -can regenerate their arms just like sea stars do


Phylum Platyhelminthes: Class Cestoidea - Tapeworms -can survive your stomach acid; hook onto small intestine (where you absorb your nutrients) so they absorb that through diffusion and continue to grow -no digestive tract, absorbs food predigsted by host -proglottids = sex organs Scolex = head -they release proglottids which are more parasites waiting to be absorbed


Plant diversity is a nonrenewable resource...50 million acres of tropical rainforest/year destroyed No Rainforests by 2030!


Plants have had global impacts; Plants have transformed the atmosphere and the climate; Plants decrease levels of atmospheric CO2 -Deforestation is a Problem that should concern all of us!


Protists Phytoplankton (eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria) are basis of marine food chain and account for ½ the global photosynthetic production of organic material


Reptiles - 7,000 Extant Species Order Testudines - Turtles Only 1 in 1000 hatchlings ever survive to adulthood -have high mortality in juveniles because they instantly hit a sleugh of predators


Root System • Anchor, store food, absorb minerals and water


Shark Attacks: Most shark attacks in Florida from Bulls


Shark Reproduction -viviparous -the young develop within the uterus and are nourished by the mother's placenta -vivaparity has female carrying 20-30 individuals which will start eating each other (cannibalistic) in larval form (beneficial evolutionary trait cuz otherwise mother will give birth to lots of small sharks) -the smaller you are, more likely to be eaten in the ocean, so eating their brothers and sisters allows them to get larger and have 10-12 sharks double the size


Shark Structures: -lateral line is a sensory structure in all fish- series of pores on the sides of the body that pick up on pressure waves in the water -pressure waves can be due to fish swimming erratically, predator approaching -pores lead to subcutaneous canals that have lining of the sensory hair cells -the pressure waves move the hair cells


Sharks, cont.: -have specialized cells called demine dentiles or plasmoid scales -teeth derived from these types of scales -make sharks swim better -sharks lose their teeth at every feeding event -need their teeth to remain sharp


The Earth's "thin" Crust 7 Major Plates-Speed varies from 0.7 - 8.5 cm/year Mid-Atlantic Ridge grows as fast as our fingernails


The Honeybee Huddle -can move together through nest to heat the nest; used the honey that's stored and used throughout the winter -Increase heat production- utilize honey stores


The Origin of Species (1859)By Means of Natural Selection -Interaction between environment and individual variability


The Primates Two major groups 1. Prosimians 2. Anthropoids


Thermoregulation adaptations Behavioral Responses -Used by both endo and ectotherms


Uric acid Land snails, insects, birds, and many reptiles excrete uric acid


Vasodilation = increase in the diameter of superficial blood vessels -results in elevated blood flow to skin -usually warms the skin


Vessel elements connect end to end to form continuous tubes. -Fiber cells have thick lignified cell walls


Voyage of the Beagle 1831-'36 Primary purpose of the cruise was to chart coastal and lagoon regions of less known areas of the world -Darwin made observations and collected specimens during the cruise


Wawona - Yosemite's famous Sequoia fell in 1969 - it wasCut in 1881 -Chandelier treeCoastal Redwood Cut in 1937Private Drive-Thru Tree Park


Whale shark- Rhyncodon typus: -need help staying buoyant; most sharks use liver -liver is smaller in whale shark than most sharks -gulp air to bring to gut -whale sharks very docile (can swim next to them) -one whip of their tail can knock you out and break some bones (be careful) -they are very slow gill rakers- cartilangous structure housing the gills (gills on side of their face) -fleshy, blood filled part of gills attached to gill rakers -as plankton goes in, filter out that food


Whale shark- Rhyncodon typus: Up to 40' in length


What can we do about it? Gas Prices are insane- Hybrids • Toyota Prius, etc. - Buy Energy Saving Lightbulbs - Plant Native Species - Join NSU's Nature Club - Explore your world! • Be active in nature and enjoy it while you can • Support conserving it for your future generations


What can we do about it? Think globally and act locally Be conscious and aware = educated consumer - Grouper fishery - Where does your food come from? Vote Conserve and reduce waste- Helps you and the environment


a. Population Bottleneck • Indian Ocean Tsunami is an example of a population bottleneck • Some Remote Indian Islands had 2/3 of their populations killed


endotherms can survive colder climates alot easier


functions of the various leaf forms!: support, protection, water storage, pollination,etc


marijuana: -lot of physical labor, little antibiotics -cannabis for labor pains, asthma, etc as treatment -cannabis became known as marijuana cuz of new mexico -cockroach that fueled himself with marijuana song (new mexico)


not everyone can be beautiful or sweet in plant world -its ability to make chemicals -creating original and complicated molecules (some designed to create flavors, beauty) -some molecules have power to alter what happens in human mind -cannabis -produce more of the molecule and more marijuana planted -trying to understand how memory, consciousness works -similar to shifting consciousness: rollercoasters, spinning, drugs -ppl like that altered consciouness


oviparous means lay eggs


ppl risk freedom to get marijuana (intoxication)


ram ventilation- sharks will sink if they stop swimming


sea cucumbers special defense: -throw up their intestinal area which is eaten by fish so sea cucumber is spared -intestinal content gums up mouth and gills of predators or has toxins in it that affects the predator -takes a few months to recreate that intestine defense, but have other means of absorption


the baby turtles cant get out of the nest (why they have hard time surviving); need to climb on brothers and sisters to get out -positively protopathic (move towards light source) -in modern day society, the baby turtles accidentally go to the lit bars (confused by lights) -get killed on roadways -countless predators wait for this time a year (yellow crowning heron) -homeowners on beach need to keep lights off this time of the year


vertebrates dominated by bony fish and fish in general -can see 600 different types of fish on one dive in one reef patch in the pacific


• Modern flower shapes, colors and smells chiefly function in attracting pollinating insects. •Dune primrose (Oenothera caespitosa) is highly reflective and visible to the moth by starlight alone.


•Current Three-Domain model Domain Bacteria [or Eubacteria] (Prokaryotes) Domain Archaea (Prokaryotes) Domain Eukarya (Eukaryotes) -Protista subdivided into multiple "kingdoms" (see Chap. 28) -Fungi, Plantae, Animalia


Phylum Echinodermata: Dueterostome: Water Vascular System: -Network of hydraulic canals -Branch into extensions called ____ feet


Excretory System • Most systems include some type of _________ system


Remember* For a diploid species each locus is represented ________ in the genome of an individual (alleles).


The evolutionary reason for certain behaviors.: ________ ______

ultimate cause

Commensalism • A relationship where one organism benefits and the other is _____________


Learning Innate behaviors improve with performance Vervet Monkey Infants may give _______________ alarm calls Ex. Eagle alarm for any bird


Most Protists are ______________ Most are aerobic and utilize mitochondria for cellular respiration


Emergence of Early Humans -Australopithecus - the first hominids -Stood __________, but small brain and prognathic jaw


Sharks - the exception Sharks do not lose as much water as other marine animals, because they maintain high concentrations of ______ in their body fluids, organs and tissues


Thermoregulation adaptations Increase evaporative cooling -Spreading saliva and ______ on body surface -Bats


amoebocyte (parts of sponge)

use pseudopodia: go from one choanocyte to another picking up food with food vacuole

Placental Mammals (Eutherians) -longer pregnancy -complete embryonic development in ______ -while joined to placenta


Phloem transport Direction of Phloem transport is ________ - Send nutrients to areas of plant that need it most = Pressure Flow - From Sugar Source(Leaves or storage area) to sugar sink (growing roots, shoots, stems, fruit)


Genetic Diversity Mutation and sexual recombination generate genetic ___________


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION -Genome • Major source of genetic __________ is via Mutations •Rapid generation times of bacteria (minutes) •Favorable mutations spread rapidly and allow quick adaptation to changing environments


What evolutionary reasons might have pushed plants to have a dominant sporophyte (diploid) generation? Remember the genetic benefits of diploidy...(genetic _______ maintained)


Non-Vascular Plants Lack specialized ________ tissues; do not have true roots, stems or leaves


_________________ = decrease in the diameter of superficial blood vessels -Reduces blood flow and heat transfer


Chordate Characteristics: 1. Notochord - longitudinal, flexible rod -Found in all chordate embryos, replaced by ___________ column of more advanced organisms


Class Cephalaspidomorphi - Lamprey Notochord surrounded by a cartilagenous pipe - primitive ___________ column


hagfishes, lampreys, and jawed vertebrates are all _______________


Vector • West Nile Virus - Vector = mosquitoes; Host = bird - Caused by _______


Class Aves - 8,600 extant species Birds Acute _______


Competition -2 organisms need a ____ resource that is in short supply


PROKARYOTE STRUCTURE & FUNCTION - Cell ____ • Protection, shape maintenance. • Prevents rupture in hypoosmotic medium. • Differences in cell wall structure may determine toxicity or drug susceptibility.


Endotherm Not necessarily ______ than ectotherms - So scientists no longer using the cold/warm blooded terminology


Key Characteristics of Amphibians: Live on land and _____


Non-Vascular Plants Must remain small and close to ______.


Pollen and Production of Sperm Pollen eliminates the need for a film of ______ and can be dispersed great distances by air or animals


The Rise of Reptiles New Adaptations -Tough, dry, scaly skin - reduces _____ loss


choanocyte (parts of sponge)

water current and food filter (collar)

Fungal Reproduction Reproduce by releasing spores- Produced either sexually or asexually - Enormous numbers (Puffballs = trillions) - Transported by ____ or water• Accounts for wide geographic range of many species • Fungal spores found 100 miles above earth


The Honeybee Huddle Honeybees also are known to transport water to their hive in summer and fanning wet areas with ______ to promote evaporative cooling


Pollen and Production of Sperm A germinated pollen grain produces a pollen tube that discharges sperm into the female gametophyte within the ovule -pollen eliminates the need for a film of water and can be dispersed great distances by air or animals -Pollen produces a tube that delivers sperm nuclei to the egg. - may take a _____ or longer to reach egg


are leatherback turtles kinda rare in Florida?


do baby sea turtles get confused by the bright lights of the beach?


is web building an innate behavior in phylum arthropods (class Arachnida)?


The Rise of Mammals; Class Mammalia; 220 mya -> Cenozoic Era Mammalian Characteristics: Care of _______ - most placental


Phylum Zygomycota Plasmogamy produces a resistant structure known as a ______________ - Karyogamy and meiosis occur within - These structures are resistant to freezing and drying


Flagellated sperm fertilizes non motile egg which makes...

zygote (2n) (early embryonic development)

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