Bio 200, Final Exam Bio 200

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What can we use phylogenies for?

-Identifying unknown samples -Test hypotheses

oldest fossils of life

3.5 billion

age of planet

4.6 billlion

The P site of the ribosome usually holds

A tRNA with a polypeptide attached to it

n the light dependent reactions _____ is produced during cylic electron flow


What is a polyribosome?

An mRNA being translated by more than one ribosome at a time

A chromosome consists of 1 DNA molecule during which of the following?


Primers are synthesized where on the lagging strand?

At the beginning of every Okazaki fragment

Human Genome Project

Began 1990, complete 2003

DNA and associated proteins form a structure called


Developmental genes often highly conserved

Only minor differences in sequence or regulation But small changes can lead to very different body forms

Remember environment acts on

PHENOTYPE directly and genotype indirectly


POLYPLOIDY -Multiplying sets of chromosomes -Nondisjunction in meiosis -Gives rapid reproductive isolation HABITAT DIFFERENTIATION -Subdivide or move into new part SEXUAL SELECTION


RNA intermediate


Rapid increases in species number Usually spreading into new roles/sub-habitats Often after mass extinction or in new area


Smallest group of individuals sharing a common ancestor


Study of naming and classifying

Which of these steps happens earliest in the translation process?

The mRNA attaches to the small subunit of the ribosome.

mate choice

Traits usually "honest" signal of quality


Uses appearance characters

what amino acids would this sequence code for? ...GGAAGAUCCUAA...


The two strands of DNA are held together by___.

Hydrogen bonds

At what stage of the Calvin cycle is NADPH used?

In the reduction phase, giving electrons to the carbohydrates

Some proteins are biological catalysts which means that they

Make chemical reactions proceed more quickly

Colorblindness is an X-linked disorder where Xc represents an X chromosome that has a colorblindness allele. A mother has the genotype XcX. Will her son be colorblind?

Maybe - there is a 50% chance she'll pass the Xc allele to her son.

If a virus has an envelope, it is usually made out of:

Membrane taken from host cells


one ancestral= species 2n =6 to 4n =12


repetitive many copies of a sequence repeated in tandem A lot at telomeres and centromeres


studies whole sets of genes & their interactions

Found in a protein

threonine tyrosine lysine histidine

Natural Selection genetic change that is


In a lipid bilayer, ___________ fatty acid tails face each other within the bilayer and form a region that excludes water.



is the study & management of biological information

ATP hydrolysis is required for RTK signaling. The ATP __

is used for receptor phosphorylation.

An electron that moves from the second shell (energy level) into the first shell (energy level) has...

lost energy

Genome size

Prokaryotes 1 -6 million (Mb) Eukaryotes larger Plants & animals usually >100 Mb Humans have 3000 Mb No systematic relationship between genome size & phenotype

Imagine that a bacterial toxin destroys ribosomes. What cellular process would stop first?

Protein synthesis

How is transcription terminated in eukaryotic cells?

Proteins cut the RNA free from the RNA polymerase II

_____ is the process that makes new copies of DNA molecules.


A rare toxin prevents ribosomes from docking at the endoplasmic reticulum. Which of the following would be made?

Ribosomes Mitochondria Steroid hormones

What would happen if a cell was missing SRP?

Ribosomes could not be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

Term describes the fact that not all molecules cross the membrane?


Which amino acid ha a polar side chain


If a single base pair mutation in the DNA changes the mRNA, but there is no change in the amino acid that is coded for, it is considered a ____ mutation


Why is the total amount of ATP actually made per molecule of glucose by cellular respiration less than the amount that is theoretically possible?

Some protons slip directly through the membrane instead of going through ATP synthase


Study full protein sets encoded by a genome Deducing protein function based on similarity in sequences Biochemical and functional studies for unknown sequences

correct about telomeres?

Telomere length appears to be connected to cell aging.

Altering Gene-sized regions

"Errors" in crossing over -Transposons lead to unequal pairing -Duplicates regions of genes Slippage in replication -Produces duplications or deletions


1. Cut the DNA into overlapping fragments 2. Clone the fragments in plasmid or other vectors. 3. Sequence each fragment. 4. Order the sequences into one overall sequence with computer software.

DNA function

1.5% coding for protein/tRNA/rRNA in humans 25% coding for introns & regulatory sequences Much more transcribed than used for proteins

first eukaryotes

1.8 billion

What is the probability that an AABBCC x AaBbCc cross will produce an AaBbCc offspring (assuming independent assortment of all gene pairs)


first flowers

160 million

true about the Citric Acid Cycle?

2 CO2 are released for every turn of the cycle 1 ATP is made for every turn of the cycle Both NAD+ and FAD are reduced during the cycle

What is the probability of Aabb x aaBb parents producing a child who is homozygous recessive for at least one of the genes?


In a di-hybrid test cross from a wild-type blue-flowered, long-stigma plant with a double-mutant white-flowered, short-stigma plant, the resulting offspring were: 300 blue flower, long stigma 325 white flower, short stigma 200 blue flower, short stigma 175 white flower, long stigma What is the recombination frequency in this test-cross?


Cambrian explosion

525-535 million

rise of mammals

65 million

summary reaction for Photosynthesis given in lecture?

6CO2 + 12H2O + light => 2C3H6O3 + 6O2 + 6H2O

Transcription in eukaryotes begins when transcription factors attach to:

A TATA box in the promoter region

How can reproductive barriers evolve

ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION- geographical isolation SYMPATRIC SPECIATION- new without geographical isolation

RTK signaling pathway

ATP hydrolysis results in receptor phosphorylation.

In eukaryotic cells, the addition of ____ groups to chromatin is correlated with increased transcription rates.


Requires ATP?

Active transport

Support for Selection

Artificial selection

Lowest level of organization in biological systems?


Rubisco is the enzyme that :

Attaches CO2 to RuBP

How is the building of RNA strands in transcription similar to DNA replication?

Both processes use polymerase enzymes Template strands are read in the 3' > 5' direction. New nucleotides can only be added to the sugar at the 3' end of the nucleic acid strand Pairing of nucleotide bases is complementary


Change in allele frequency across generations -Ground finch beak changes during Galapagos drought

Genome Evolution

Change in genetic make-up over time- Ultimate source of change is mutation Many ways to change genome -Duplicate entire chromosome sets **POLYPLOIDY -Alter chromosome structure -Alteration of gene-sized regions -Alterations within genes


Collections of identical or similar genes Identical genes - usually RNAs (plus histones) e.g. 3-in-1 rRNA molecules Similar genes e.g. Human Globin genes - different forms expressed at different times produce variations on oxygen affinity of hemoglobin

Genotype frequencies can be affected different ways


During the copying of DNA, which action happens first?

DNA Helicase attaches at a site of origin

Distal Control Elements have an influence on genes that are not close to them in the DNA when

DNA bending proteins bend the DNA to bring the control elements close to a gene and its promoter.


DNA moves to different sites in genome

Darwin's definition

Descent with modification


Direct DNA move Cut & paste or copy & paste

Evidence for Evolution

Direct observations of change -antibiotic resistance Genome Evolution Homology -Similarity from common ancestry & convergent evolution Fossil record biogeography

true of tRNA

Each tRNA attaches several types of amino acid

"A substance that cannot be broken down to any other substance by ordinary chemical means" defines


X and Y can form a covalent bond resulting in the molecule XY. XY is soluble in water, but Y alone in not. This is an example of

Emergent properties

During a chemistry lab, you observe a reaction that requires a constant supply of heat to keep the reaction going. This reaction is most likely:

Endergonic, because energy is being put into the reaction

Structures involved in the process through which membrane proteins are synthesized and inserted into the plasma membrane?

Endoplasmic reticulum transport vesicles Golgi apparatus

Major functions of proteins

Enzymatic activity Structural Support Transport of substances Contraction

Which of the following does not happen during post-transcriptional processing in eukaryotes?

Exons are proof-read using the peroxisome

Genetic Drift

FOUNDER EFFECT -New population has different ratios than source BOTTLENECK EFFECT -Change after drastic decline Can lead to losing alleles And thus variation Can allow harmful recessives to increase


For a given gene, what proportion for a single allele All alleles for one gene add up to 1.00 (or 100%) For each allele type, count 1 for heterozygote and 2 for homozygotes

Natural Selection Requires:

Genetic basis to traits (inheritability) Variety in traits Something in environment favors some forms over others Differences in survival and/or reproduction

According to Wikipedia, an allele of the CLPG gene in sheep produces large muscular buttocks with very little fat. The large-buttocked phenotype only occurs when the allele is present on the copy of chromosome 18 inherited from a sheep's father. The phenotype does not occur if the allele is on the copy of chromosome 18 inherited from that sheep's mother. This is an example of:

Genomic imprinting

Example of a polar covalent bond


Gene topic correct pairs

Heterozygous - two different alleles Gene - factor or basic unit of inheritance Trait - a form that a character can take in an organism Phenotype - the appearance of characters in an organism

In the LYTIC cycle of bacteriophages -

Host DNA is degraded

Which of the following was part of an experiment that demonstrated that proteins could move laterally within the lipid bilayer?

Hybrid mouse-human cells

true about photorespiration?

It is a recovery pathway of reactions to regenerate RuBP

If an operon is under positive repressible regulation:

It is normally transcribing and removing an activator turns it off.

During gamete formation the segregation of the alleles of one gene is independent of the segregation of the alleles of another gene. What did Mendel call this phenomenon?

Law of independent assortment

Which of the following would result in greater activity of the enzymes in a metabolic pathway

Lower levels of ubiquitin

Disappearance of species


Build tree by looking for shared DERIVED characters


Homologous chromosomes are separated during ___.

Meiosis 1

Under normal conditions, as electrons flow down the electron transport chain of the mitochondria:

NADH and FADH2 are oxidized.

Darwin's idea on change


CH3, OH, NH2 which is an amino acid


A.R. Wallace came up with similar explanation of diversity

Natural Selection Malay Islands in South Pacific


Niche, or role in the ecosystem

general structure of the nucleotides found in DNA & RNA?

Nitrogenous base Ribose sugar Phosphate group

Errors made during the replication of DNA can be corrected using:

Nuclease, DNA polymerase and ligase

Surrounded by a membrane

Nucleus Chloroplast

Intelligent, friendly aliens have donated cells to cell biologists to study. The scientists discover that the cells contain a nucleus with DNA, ribosomes and mitochondria. The alien cells are most similar to which cell types found on earth?

Plant and animal cells

The difference in leading- vs. lagging-strand synthesis is a consequence of:

The anti-parallel configuration of DNA DNA polymerase III synthesizing only in the 5'-3' direction

In eukaryotic cells, the signal that often tells the machinery to degrade a protein is:

The attaching of ubiquitin to the protein.

concentration of 1.7 mM is placed in a culture solution with a solute concentration of 1.5 mM. Which of the statements below is true if we assume that only water and none of the solutes can move?

The cell will gain water because the solution is hypotonic to the cell.

Negative feedback is a common regulatory mechanism in biological systems. In a biochemical pathway this feedback occurs when

The end product of the pathway binds to an allosteric site on an enzyme used earlier in the pathway.

true of ALL viruses?

They contain nucleic acid They have a protein coat They must use the machinery of a living cell to copy themselves They are considered infectious particles

Atom X and atom Y are isotopes. They are both neutral atoms. This means that

They contain the same number of protons and electrons

true about enzymes?

They stress the bonds of substrates, to decrease activation energy

Darwin Inferred natural selection

Traits that lead to greater survival & reproduction result in more offspring in next generation Favorable traits will increase in population over generations (due to unequal survival & reproduction)

Darwin influenced by HMS Beagle's journey

Travelled most of coast of South America Patterns- Range of diversitySimilarities to other SA species

An artificial membrane is inserted into a beaker divides the beaker into side A and side B. The membrane is permeable to water only. The solute concentration in side A is 0.1 molar and the solute concentration on side B is 0.2 molar.

Water moves from side A to side B because the solute concentration is higher in B.

Where is oxygen made during photosynthesis?

When water is split to give replacement electrons to photosystem II


Which phenotype favored changes depending on what is common ex: attack style

If the DNA content of a diploid cell in the G1 phase of the cell cycle is X, then the DNA content of a single cell at Metaphase II would be


In the ZW system for determining sex:

ZW is female and ZZ is male

Which pattern of diploid and haploid phases reflect the life cycle in some fungi and protists, but not plants or animals?

a life cycle that limits the diploid state to a single cell produced by fertilization

Variation in continuous traits typically forms

a normal curve


a species as all organisms that can produce viable offspring with each other

C4 photosynthesis differs from C3 photosynthesis by

adding extra reactions in between CO2 entering the leaf and the start of the Calvin Cycle

Genome definition

all the genetic material in an organism

Correct association

anaphase: chromosome move to cell poles prophase: spindle assembles S:: DNA replication telophase: spindle disappears

evolutionary theory

any change in the genetic makeup of a group (population) over time

An alien cell replicates its circular chromosome and divides without a mitotic spindle. It most closely resembles a ___

bacterial cell

Receptor-mediated endocytosis:

brings about the selective uptake of materials by enclosing them in membranous vesicles.

Dideoxy method

ddNTPs Terminate chains when added Create pieces of difference length that can be separated by gel electrophoresis

Genome sequencing

determines all nucleotide bases

A physicist creates an atom with an additional proton. He now has a

different element

During anaphase the nonkinetochore microtubules are responsible for?

elongating the cell

According to the first law of thermodynamics

energy cannot be created or destroyed.

ATP hydrolysis is

exergonic and produces an inorganic phosphate

Choose the pair of terms that correctly completes this sentence: Catabolism is to anabolism as ___ is to ___

exergonic; endergonic

Radiography replaced by


How often does speciation occur

fossil record - 6.5 million years Range 4000 - 40 million


genetic change in GROUPS typically population

------ is polysaccharide used to store energy in animal cells


A process common to all living organisms, aerobic and anaerobic, is



habitat isolation temporal isolation behavioral isolation mechanical gametic

After telophase I of meiosis, the chromosomal makeup of each daughter cell is

haploid, and the chromosomes are each composed of two chromatids

At the beginning of G2 as cell __

has twice the amount of DNA present in one telophase nucleus

The table below shows the recombination frequencies for four genes located on chromosome 5 of mythical unicorns. Using this information, choose the correct order of the genes on the chromosome. Rf hrn gl wh pur hrn X 5.1% 45.5% 89.7% gl X X 40.4% 78.4% wh X X X 44% pur X X X X

hrn --- gl --- wh --- pur

Which type of bond forms a protein's secondary structure?


To use molecular data, must find sequences that are similar but not


Role of transposons

increasing change

I artificially replaced some unsaturated hydrocarbon chains in a membrane with only saturated chains. The new membrane ___.

is less fluid


it can skip generations

An atom becomes a cation if

it loses one or more electrons

Which spindle microtubules are responsible for chromosome movement?


SHOTGUN approach

larger sequences

Biological polymers is defined by a physical property instead of a chemical structure


"Next-Gen" methods sequence

many fragments at once Higher throughput = more rapid analysis

Sister chromatids are separated during ____

meiosis II and mitosis

Proteins called RNA polymerases are required for transcription and are synthesized on ribosomes. In order for these enzymes to carry out their function they ____.

must move into the nucleus through nuclear pores

Cell A releases molecule B via exocytosis. Molecule B diffuses locally and binds to receptors on nearby cells. This is an example of

paracrine signaling

You have two different functional proteins. Protein A is composed of a single polypeptide chain, while Protein B is composed of 4 different polypeptide chain. Protein B can be discussed in terms of ____ whereas Protein A cannot.

quaternary structure

In fermentation, the steps after glycolysis serve to

re-oxidize NADH, so there is NAD+ for glycolysis to continue


reduced hybrid viability, fertility, hybrid breakdown

When electrons move closer to a more electronegative atom the more electronegative atom is _____.

reduced, and energy is released

Which of the following is found in a prokaryote?

ribosomes plasma membrane DNA

Relationships between cell structures and their respective functions

ribosomes; protein synthesis mitochondria; energy production cytoskeleton; cell shape nucleus; production of ribosomal RNA


short tandem repeat = 2-5 nucleotides # of repeats highly variable Genetic profile = unique set of STR genetic markers Use for forensic DNA analysis

Polysaccharides may be used for

short-term energy storage


similar adaptations in similar environments

Study Evolution

similarities and differences across organisms close relatives have more DNA in common More time since had common ancestor = more time for genetic differences to arise

part of, or derived from, the endomembrane system

smooth endoplasmic reticulum nuclear membrane lysosomes Golgi apparatus

Categorizing life (smallest to largest)

species genus family order class phylum kingdom Animalia domain- archaea, eukarya, bacteria

The chemical characteristics or reactivity of an element depends primarily on

the number of electrons in the outermost shell

Taxol is an anticancer drug extracted from the Pacific yew tree. In animal cells, Taxol disrupts microtubule formation which stops mitosis. Taxol must affect _____.

the structure of the mitotic spindle

Phosphorylation cascades that involve a series of protein kinases are useful for signal transduction because

they amplify the original signal.

In class we used the lac operon as an example of bacterial gene regulation. If glucose levels are high and the CAP activator is not attached, and lactose levels are low, so the repressor protein is attached to the operon:

transcription will not occur.

The trans face of the Golgi complex is most directly involved in

transporting molecules out of the Golgi


two ancestral species

As electrons move during linear electron flow in the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis, they go from which substance to which substance?

water > P680 > P700 > NADP+

The adhesiveness of water allows

water to form hydrogen bonds with other polar molecules


where similar species overlap and may mate

start of oxygen revolution

2.7 billion

start of dino

232 million

Atom X has an atomic number of 13. How many electrons are in its valence shell?


colonization of land

500 million

How many molecules are present in one mole of C6H12O6?

6.02 x 10^23 molecules

Appearance of new species


happen during the process of glycolysis?

ATP is produced ATP is used Carbohydrates are oxidized 2 pyruvate are produced

natural selection Can lead to increased 'match" between organisms and environment



Allele and genotype frequency in a population will remain constant generation to generation IF only Mendelian segregation and recombination occurring

Where is O2 used during cellular respiration?

At the end of the Electron Transport Chain


-Assume consistent rate of nucleotide substitution -Match known changes to known dates from fossil record or other known sample

A diploid cell has 36 chromosomes at the beginning of mitosis. How many chromatids does it have at telophase?


What does miRNA do?

B) Blocks translation of mRNA C) Breaks down or degrades mRNA Either B or C, depending on how many complementary bases match between the mRNA and the miRNA


Barriers to successful reproduction

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be

Both transferred and transformed

What else happens during pyruvate oxidation, besides the making of Acetyl CoA?

CO2 is released NAD+ is reduced

Building a phylogenetic tree

Choosing groups Choosing characteristics avoid convergent evolution

Associated with motor proteins?


true about DNA?

Hydrogen bonds hold the two strands together


Identify all species in an environment based on DNA found in sample

Altering gene frequencies

If not in H-W equilibrium, then change is happening Can be caused by -NATURAL SELECTION -GENETIC DRIFT -Change due to random chance -More like to have an impact in small populations -GENE FLOW -Movement in or out of population

Natural Selection

Individuals with certain inherited traits survive & reproduce better because of those traits

sequencing of other species

Many bacteria (1st organism) Yeast (1st eukaryote) Arabadopsis thaliana (1st plant)

Atom A is more electronegative than atom B. Molecule AB3 is made when A forms covalent bonds with each of the B atoms. AB bonds are

Polar bonds and the result of electron sharing. The region of the molecule around atom A has a partial negative charge.

What is the job of DNA polymerase I in the process of DNA replication?

Replacing RNA primers with DNA nucleotides

In a G Protein mediated signal transduction pathway what occurs following the replacement of GDP with GTP?

The G protein activates an enzyme.

ATP is often referred to as the "energy currency" of a cell because

The phosphate-phosphate bonds are high energy The bond between phosphates is easy to make and break There is usually a pool of ATP and ADP+Pi available for cell reactions to utilize.

What is the function of the regeneration phase of the Calvin cycle?

To regenerate RuBP

Comparing Genomes

close relatives have fewer genome differences Distantly related species -Highly conserved genes

Hydrocarbon chain, carboxyl group

lipid structure

A cell in G0 is

not in the cell cycle

Taxonomy categories overlap with


_____ breaks down cohesin.



structural isomers


trees organize life by evolutionary history

Which of the following is the smallest? A) transport vesicle B) plant central vacuole C) mitochondria D) nucleus E) membrane protein

Membrane protein

When the last product of a metabolic pathway can attach to the first enzyme in the pathway and shut it off, this is called:

Negative feedback inhibition

If homologous chromosomes fail to separate during Meiosis I, it results in _____ and an abnormal number of chromosomes may occur in the gamete.


Characteristic of living things

Order, growth and development


Phenotype, whole gene, DNA sequence New alleles / forms causing mutation -Changing nucleotides Gene or exon duplications/deletions/relocations Higher occurrence when more rapid reproduction

In tigers, the absence of fur pigmentation is caused by a recessive allele that also causes the tigers to be cross-eyed. This is an example of:


Which type of bond must be broken in order for water to ionize?

Polar covalent

Darwin Observed natural selection

Population members vary in traits Species produce more offspring than survive

In the figure above the starting molecule is a ___ and the process illustrated is ___

Protein Hydrolysis

Receptors for hydrophobic signaling molecules

are located in the cytosol or the nucleus

Receptors for hydrophilic signaling molecules

are located in the plasma membrane

Sister chromatids do not remain identical in meiosis due to ____?

crossing over at prophase I

proteins is synthesized during a restricted period of time during the cell cycle and is essential for passage through check points?



'useless' parts that were useful in ancestors

true of a species that has a chromosome number of 2N=16?

A gamete from this species has 8 chromosomes

Non-Coding DNA

A lot of DNA is repetitive like TRANSPOSABLE ELEMENTS Enzymes to copy, cut, reverse transcribe and insert


All organisms of one kind in one area Breed together


All possible alleles in a population

Sexual life cycles

All sexual life cycles require meiosis

Gene Flow

Allele movement between populations Can undo or enhance natural selection

Where do non-competitive inhibitors attach to an enzyme?

Allosteric site

summary reaction for the entire process of cellular respiration is:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 => 6H2O + 6CO2 + energy


involves traits related to mating - competition and mate choice

Electrons are transferred from one atom to another in

ionic bonds



Facilitated transport requires

membrane proteins

At which stage are chromosomes aligned at the equator of the cell?


Terms associated with the cytoskeleton

microtubule actin centriole desmosome


nuclear membrane reforms

Genomes are made up of

nuclear, mitochondria, chloroplasts, intracellular symbionts

Genes are considered to be linked if they:

occur on the same chromosome


often larger than genome Alternative splicing Post-translational processing -Protease -Glycosylation or phosphorylation -Alternative promoters

A molecule containing thymine and cytosine could be a


What contains DNA?

prokaryotic cells eukaryotic cells chloroplasts

A high body temperature can break weak chemical bonds resulting in

protein denaturation

Anabolic process

protein synthesis



A+B =

Energy in the reactants


HOX genes important for regulating segmentation & other aspects of development

Fossil record

Trace patterns and changes across time

Describes polygenic inheritance

When multiple genes contribute to the phenotype of a single character.


contribution to the gene pool of next generation relative to other individuals in the population


-No mutations -No natural selection -No gene flow (immigration/emigration) -Mating must be random -Populations must be large


-Role of continental drift -Predictions of fossil locations -Similarities between island species and nearest mainland

Limits to Natural Selection

-Selection only acts on variation that exists -Possibilities limited by historical constraints -Rate limited by generation time -Tradeoffs faced -Random chance -not constant

Limitations to Biological Species Concept

-Viable hybrids -Variation extremes e.g. dogs -Asexual groups -Fossils

Chromosomal alterations

-fusion of two chromosomes -Duplications and inversions **Blocks of genes staying together, even as chromosomes change

Steps to get first cells

-Abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules and macromolecules -Packaging into protocells -Self-replicating molecules (RNA


-Both types of homozygote have lower fitness -Preserves genetic variation

A substance entered a cell via passive transport?

The substance moved from an area of high concentration to low concentration.

considered a 2nd messenger

cAMP Ca++ IP3

All viruses have a coat made out of protein, called a:


Metabolic pathways which break down molecules are considered:


A new bird species is discovered in the rainforest. Back in the lab, a scientist crosses a yellow variety with a red variety. The result includes some birds with red feathers, some birds with yellow feathers, and some with both red and yellow feathers. What type of inheritance do these birds display?


_____ holds sister chromatids together


part of the extracellular matrix of animal cells?



combine and model behavior of whole system based on interactions between parts Test how genome leads to activities in cells

Homologous structures

common ancestry; similar but different structure and function similarities early in development


compares developmental processes across groups to understand how evolved

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