Bio 318

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Which of the following can be classified as an invasive species? - Coronavirus - Sudden Oak Death fungus - Bd fungus - Felines (domesticated cats) - Homo sapiens

- Coronavirus - Sudden Oak Death fungus - Bd fungus - Felines (domesticated cats) - Homo sapiens

Extinction only affects lineages that are old and poorly adapted. - True - False

- False

In the film 'Before The Flood', Harvard Economist Greg Mankiw proposes a new market intervention that the US government could apply to fossil fuel markets, providing a mechanism to promote the public interest through a combination of economic incentives and disincentives shared among both producers and consumers. Which of the following solutions did he propose? - carbon tax - electric vehicle ride share vouchers - free iPhones - solar installation subsidies - pollution credits - cap and trade

- carbon tax

Identify the INCORRECT statement describing the vast biodiversity found in the various Domains and Kingdoms of Life on Earth: -algae are the primary photosynthetic organisms within aquatic environments: oceans, lakes, rivers and streams -modern Eubacteria and some ancient Archaebacteria still exist on Earth today -multicellular land plants acquire their sugars from fungal decomposers in soil -multicellular animals cannot synthesize their own food

-multicellular land plants acquire their sugars from fungal decomposers in soil

The ecological relationship between feeding caterpillars, parasitoid wasps and volicitin release in response to leaf wounding is best described as an example of ______________________. -risk-foraging trade off -tri-trophic interaction -symbiosis -mutualism

-tri-trophic interaction

About half of all scientifically described species are insects. -true -false


From class discussion, match each of the following adaptive traits used by each organism:

-hognose snake - faking death by rolling over and remaining still -tree owl - razor beak -kangaroo rat - defensive kicking of rattlesnake predator while jumping -hawk - head stabilization -butterflies and imitation dart frog - pigmentation patterns mimicking poisonous species -mother bird - parental care of eggs -flowering plants - pigmentation and petals attractive to specific insects -fungi - secondary metabolites which disrupt cell metabolism or reduce anxiety responses in foraging animals -rainforests bromeliads - narrow leaves to capture light penetrating through dense canopy covers -tree bats - sleeping postures and echolocation for predator avoidance and hunting prey

Which of the following are examples of evolutionary mismatch between organisms and their capacity to adapt to rapidly changing environments? -hunting instincts of polar bears -migration of monarch butterfly populations across converted landscapes -shell production for corals, oysters and clams -lifecycles of plants as sources of food and habitat for insects and birds

-hunting instincts of polar bears -migration of monarch butterfly populations across converted landscapes -shell production for corals, oysters and clams -lifecycles of plants as sources of food and habitat for insects and birds

Consider a typical metapopulation and identify the false statement: -is comprised of both source and sink populations -most genetic variation arises and is selected for within source populations -most individuals occupy a source population -migration and emigration occur between sources and sinks when -temperature (hot or cold) and precipitation (wet or dry) conditions change -robustness depends on preserving both source and sink populations to increase the genetic diversity found in the species

-most genetic variation arises and is selected for within source populations

In a hypothetical marine food web, 'who eats who'? -fish eat phytoplankton (algae) -phytoplankton eat zooplankton -fish eat other fish -fish eat mosquitoes -birds eat fish -crustaceans (scavengers) eat all -most of these -all of these

-most of these

Ultimately, the human species must attempt to forge a future relationship with the planet that will be __________________. -Parasitic -Mutualistic -Unsustainable -none of these


Based on the estimates of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), one in four species on earth are currently at risk for extinction. - True - False

- True

Which of the following challenges can species face when introduced into new habitats (in situ) and/or reintroduced into the wild, after being raised in captivity (ex-situ) - rejection from the herd - developing species-specific social relationships - competition for territory and mates - engaging in complex selective mating behaviors - learning how to live within their natural habitat - predator avoidance

- rejection from the herd - developing species-specific social relationships - competition for territory and mates - engaging in complex selective mating behaviors - learning how to live within their natural habitat - predator avoidance

With Conservation International's analysis of Global 'Hot Spots" of Biodiversity: - nearly 40% of all land vertebrates could be saved from extinction with protection of less than 1% of identified landscape - this calculation is based on the Species-Area curve proposed under the Theory of Island Biogeography, where protection of 10% of habitat preserves 50% of species that occupying those areas - identified hotspots include freshwater lakes, islands, "Mediterranean climate' coastal areas (warm, dry summers and wet winters), tropical & temperate forests - all areas with high degree of biodiversity and/or endemism present - all of these statements are true

- this calculation is based on the Species-Area curve proposed under the Theory of Island Biogeography, where protection of 10% of habitat preserves 50% of species that occupying those areas - identified hotspots include freshwater lakes, islands, "Mediterranean climate' coastal areas (warm, dry summers and wet winters), tropical & temperate forests - all areas with high degree of biodiversity and/or endemism present

Contemporary scientific theories in a variety of disciplines have revealed that nature is dynamic, unpredictable, and open ended. - True - false

- true

Which of the following were major factors reducing effective population size (Ne) in the Ngorongoro Crater lion population in Tanzania? - unequal sex ratio - lack of immigration - loss of genetic variation - canine distemper virus - seasonal droughts

- unequal sex ratio - lack of immigration - loss of genetic variation - canine distemper virus

To meet the Paris Climate Agreement goals for limiting global temperature rise to under +2.0°C above pre-industrial levels by the year 2100, which of the following CO2 emissions reduction targets must be met? - ~80% reduction in annual global CO2 emissions by 2030 - ~85% reduction in annual global CO2 emissions by 2060 - ~90% reduction in annual global CO2 emissions by 2050 - ~15% reduction in annual global CO2 emissions by 2030 - ~50% reduction in annual global CO2 emissions by 2040

- ~85% reduction in annual global CO2 emissions by 2060 - ~15% reduction in annual global CO2 emissions by 2030 - ~50% reduction in annual global CO2 emissions by 2040

The evolution of dogs came about most directly through which mechanism of evolution? -Genetic drift -Artificial selection -Natural selection -Reproductive isolation -Gene flow -Bottleneck

-Artificial selection

Refer to the following equation: Sugar (Glucose) + O2 + H20 --> CO2 + H2O + ATP -this represents photosynthesis -this represents cellular respiration -organisms use to produce energy molecules necessary for metabolic reactions -A and C -B and C

-B and C

Match each adaptive trait with members of a community of organisms living within a landscape composed of streams, grassland, floral and forest ecosystems.

-Insects: co-evolutionary relationships with flowering plants for foods and reproduction -Hawks: high vision acuity for hunting prey across large distances -Old-growth trees: thick cell walls, large canopies to compete for sunlight (photosynthesis) -Rabbits: muscle mass and jump reaction speed for defense against predation -Flowering plants: sugary nectar, colorful petals with distinct patterns for attracting pollinators -Songbirds: displaying complex vocal range with pitch changes to intimidate rivals, compete for territory & attract mates -Snakes: pigmentation for camouflage, poison (paralytic toxins) for predation

Which of the following molecules are PRODUCED through photosynthesis? -C6H12O6 (glucose sugar) -ATP (Adenosine tri-phosphate) -DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) -C02 (carbon dioxide) -O2 (oxygen) -sunlight

-O2 (oxygen) -C6H12O6 (glucose sugar)

Which of the following gases is relatively abundant today, but was much less common or absent in the early Earth's atmosphere? -Carbon dioxide (CO2) -Oxygen (O2) -Water vapor (H2O) -Methane (CH4)

-Oxygen (O2)

From the videos in the posted article 'Evolution Is The Greater Show on Earth', match each animal species with the evolutionary process or principle it's specific adaptive behavior exemplifies:

-Peacock: sexual selection -Hawk: image stabilization -Hognose snake: predator evasion -Kangaroo rat and rattlesnake: evolutionary arms race -Bird and tractor: parental care -Gazelle and lions: evolutionary trade-offs -Honeybees: collective behavior

Identify the correct example of an 'evolutionary mismatch' between adaptive traits for each species within their rapidly changing ecological environments:

-Polar bears: instinctive behaviors for hunting seals on ice, mating, swimming -Caterpillars: feeding stages timed with vegetation growth -Sharks, dolphins, whales: harvesting fish stocks migrating beyond historical migration ranges -Birds: responses to light and temperature cues for migration

Genes are sequences of instruction used by organisms to build functional ________________ that determine a cell's structure, metabolism, and/or behavior. -Proteins -Carbohydrates (sugars) -None of these -Lipids (fats and oils) -Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)


Which following factor(s) were "proximate" (secondary) causes of the Heath Hen going extinct? -a fire on Martha's Vineyard Island preserve -goshawk predation -loss of North American forests -a domestic chicken virus -lekking contests -a skewed sex ratio

-a fire on Martha's Vineyard Island preserve -goshawk predation -a domestic chicken virus -a skewed sex ratio

Changes in frequency & intensity of which types of major weather events have been observed in the past 50 years? -droughts -floods -wildfires -hurricanes -more than one of these -all of these

-all of these

Which one of the following components ARE considered part of biological diversity? -genetic diversity -species diversity -ecosystem diversity -all of these

-all of these

When considering the coupling of the atmosphere to the hydrosphere, a key implication for a warming planet involves: -rapid melting of arctic ice pouring into the thermohaline circulation -slowing of the oceanic conveyer belt, reducing the rates of distribution of surface heat and deep sea storage circulating across the planet -drastic changes to global weather patterns coupled to altered El Nino and La Nina cycles -melting permafrost, organic matter decay and release of methane gas, creating a 'positive feedback' greenhouse effect that cannot be reversed even with rapid reductions in fossil fuel use -all of these are true statements

-all of these are true statements

Which of the following organisms would stand to 'gain' an ecological advantage within their ecosystems, immediately following a major disruptive event, such as an old growth forest fire? -Woodpeckers -pine, oak, redwood trees -soil microbes -annual plants -perennial flowers -brown bears

-annual plants -perennial flowers -Woodpeckers

Which of the following organisms were present on Earth during the Archean Eon, at the beginning of life's diversification? -Bacteria -Amoebae -Worms -Fish


Of the 26,000 species that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) identifies as threatened with extinction, which of the following group(s) ARE currently included on the group's annual 'Red List'? -birds -reptiles -crustaceans -mammals -angiosperms (flowering plants) -amphibians

-birds -crustaceans -mammals -amphibians

Which of the following is presently not a threat to the survival of coral reefs? -surface water heating -coral farming -ocean acidification -fishing with trawling nets -reef bleaching

-coral farming

From the short posted video on 'How Wolves Change Rivers', match each species with the critical role it plays in maintaining the health of the Yellowstone National Park ecosystem:

-cornerstone species - GRASSES -flagship species - EAGLES -keystone species - WOLVES -ecosystem engineers - DEER

Fungi are among an important group of species in soil ecosystems that break down dead organic matter. They are critical participants in the Nitrogen cycle. These organisms are called: -carnivores -primary producers -omnivores -detritivores -secondary consumers


A spider producing a web to ensnare prey, a beaver constructing a dam to engineer habitat, a bird fashioning a nest to protect their eggs, a crow using a stick as a tool to harvest insects, are all behavioral adaptations by which the motivations and neural circuitry underpinning these behaviors are genetically based, yet operational only through interactions with the external environment, as a mechanism to by which facilitate individual survival and reproduction. The web, the dam, the nest, and the tool are all examples of: -extended phenotypes -kin selection -evolutionary trade-offs -signal displays

-extended phenotype

Prokaryotes (bacteria) are less evolved then the multicellular fungi, plants and animals, because their unique diversity and range of adaptations are simpler. -true -false


Identify the INCORRECT statement describing the processes which contribute to a major 'Polar Vortex' weather event, such as the one that occurred in the US midwest this Winter: -high pressure warm air moves north to disrupt the strength of the Jet Stream -increased speed of the Jet Stream creates Rosby waves with wider amplitudes -low pressure areas in the Arctic keep cold air trapped in the North -longer, lingering, meandering, persistent heat waves and cold spells move across higher & lower latitudes

-increased speed of the Jet Stream creates Rosby waves with wider amplitudes

The relationship of sea otters to kelp forests is a good example of a species with relatively few individuals that impact on an entire food web. Such species are called: -Keystone species -Endemic species -Cornerstone species -Flagship species -Dominant species

-keystone species

Eukaryotic cells: -have a nucleus -do not contain organelles -all contain chloroplasts and mitochondria -more than one of these -all of these

-more than one of these

According to Endosymbiosis Theory as developed by Lynn Margulis: -a free living purple sulfur bacteria engulfed by a eukaryotic cell became the first mitochondria -a free living cyanobacteria engulfed by a eukaryotic cell became a chloroplast -organelles of eukaryotic cells separated over billions of years to diversify prokaryotic life -more than one of these is true -all of these are true

-more than one of these is true

Identify the false comparison between primary and secondary succession: -pioneer species are required for forming soil -shrubs and shade intolerant trees are intermediate species -lichens breakdown bare rock to release essential minerals as required for plant growth -annual plants are followed by grasses and perennials

-pioneer species are required for forming soil

For this question, go to the Project Drawdown website: Spend a few minutes reviewing the Table of Solutions. Rank by Emissions Impact, by clicking on Scenario 1.Which of the following impactful solutions to climate change is ranked at #11 for reducing CO2 emissions, if implemented? -refrigeration management -reducing food waste -educating women and girls -Silvopasture -tropical forest restoration -plant rich diets -onshore wind turbines --family planning


Contemporary scientific theories in a variety of disciplines have revealed that nature is dynamic, unpredictable, and open ended. -true -false


The 'information' molecule that links all organic life into a web of interconnected relationships is DNA. -true -false


Identify all true statements describing current threats and challenges to preserving Biodiversity. - determining an exact number of species on earth from which to compare and measure extinction rates is difficult, though the actual number is estimated to be up to 100 million - since 1776, number of extinctions have fallen dramatically, primarily due to conservation efforts by humans to mitigate loss of biodiversity - marine biodiversity is threatened by over harvesting of fisheries, transformation of coastal areas, warming of oceans, acidification and coral bleaching - over half of Earth's biodiversity on land lives in temperate forests, with roughly half of these landscapes lost or converted within the past 40-50 years - island birds, amphibians, conifer trees, sharks, turtles, and large land mammals are among those species most highly threatened with extinction - land biodiversity is threatened primarily due to over harvesting of natural resources (food fiber and timbre) through practices which convert natural landscapes, including agriculture, deforestation, mining, urbanization and pollution - extinctions occur less today than at any other period in the history of Earth, when compared with background rates observed throughout geologic history with fossil records

- determining an exact number of species on earth from which to compare and measure extinction rates is difficult, though the actual number is estimated to be up to 100 million - marine biodiversity is threatened by over harvesting of fisheries, transformation of coastal areas, warming of oceans, acidification and coral bleaching - island birds, amphibians, conifer trees, sharks, turtles, and large land mammals are among those species most highly threatened with extinction - land biodiversity is threatened primarily due to over harvesting of natural resources (food fiber and timbre) through practices which convert natural landscapes, including agriculture, deforestation, mining, urbanization and pollution

Modern humans ___________________________. - use 40% of the net primary productivity of all ecosystems on Earth - have completely and permanently altered less than half of the terrestrial landscape - have destroyed half of populations of wildlife on land and at sea within the past 40 years - are the only species to have driven a major extinction crisis in the history of earth - more than one of these statements are true - each of these statements are true

- More than one of these statements are true

In the acronym "HIPPO" which E.O. Wilson offers as a way to categorize human causes of declining biodiversity, the "O" stands for: - Overharvesting - Obliteration - Obstreperousness - Oil spills

- Overharvesting

Minimum Viable Populations and Minimum Dynamic Areas are necessary metrics required for conservationists to assess when developing long term, robust recovery plans that prevent species from falling into an "extinction vortex." - True - False

- True

Rather than the total number of recorded extinctions since the Industrial Revolution began, it is the increased rate of extinctions in recent centuries that is of the greatest concern for the future of life on Earth. - True - False

- True

Through the effects of HIPPO, driving human induced loss of biodiversity and global climate change, our Earth continues to accumulate a vast "ecological debt" that must soon be repaid in full with "compound interest"; to prevent overshoot, we must 'drawdown' human consumption of natural resources, if our planetary ecosystems are to recover with enough time to sustain themselves for future generations. - True - False

- True

Match each term with its correct definition:

- alpha diversity: number of species which occupy a particular landscape or area - endemism: a species present (or exists) within a single landscape or area - beta diversity: dissimilarity in number of species distributed between landscapes or areas - gamma diversity: total number of species distributed across multiple landscapes or areas

Match the following environmental filters for creating niches of surviving species in an ecosystem which can limit similarity on various spatial and temporal scales:

- biotic interactions: competition, facilitation - climate: weather, drought, precipitation - disturbance filters: flooding, fires - geology: earthquakes, volcanism

Identify the correct statement(s): In the Bighorn mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis) metapopulation studied in the Southern California desert over the past 70 years: - habitat which may have been occupied in the past is no longer available - over one hundred individuals per area were required to maintain Minimum Viable Population sizes for each population over this period - source and sink populations have shifted with natural relocation and migration of sheep - no sink populations have completely disappeared - canals, fences, highways, and human settlements have restricted gene flow and migration

- over one hundred individuals per area were required to maintain Minimum Viable Population sizes for each population over this period - source and sink populations have shifted with natural relocation and migration of sheep - canals, fences, highways, and human settlements have restricted gene flow and migration

Former NASA Chief Atmospheric Scientist James Hansen and his colleagues predict that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have risen from approximately 285 ppm during the preindustrial age, to their current level of _____. According to deep oceanic ice data, global atmospheric CO2 levels must be kept at or below ______ to prevent the Earth from shifting to an ice free, "hot house" world. -350 ppm; 418 ppm -418 ppm; 450 ppm -450 ppm, 285 ppm -350 ppm; 450 ppm

-418 ppm; 450 ppm

In the Nitrogen cycle, which organisms specifically fix nitrogen gas (N2) from the atmosphere? -bacteria in the root nodules of legume plants -fungi -soil bacteria -A and C -B and C

-A and C

Which of the following are examples of defensive adaptations that you identified in our Introduction to Biodiversity discussion, that are used by various organisms to survive? -Camouflage -Mimicry -Sharp appendages -Nocturnal foraging and feeding -None of these

-Camouflage -Mimicry -Sharp appendages -Nocturnal foraging and feeding

A conservation based shift away from focus on species to focus on habitat represents moving from a "Fine Filter" to a "Coarse Filter" approach. Which of the following species would be the focus of efforts to protect wildlife under a "Coarse Filter" strategy? -California Gnat Catcher -Orange-throated Whiptail Lizard -Coastal Sage Scrub -Coastal Cactus Wren

-Coastal Sage Scrub

Match each species with the primary driver of population loss leading to its extripation, extinction in the wild, or threat of extinction.

-Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Bonobo - hunted for bushmeat, rainforest habitat destruction for mineral mining, trafficked in illegal wildfire trade -Sea turtles - nesting grounds converted for real estate and used for human recreation -Elephants and rhinos - hunting and harvesting of trophy heads, ivory tusks and horns for carvings, jewelry, daggers -Amphibians - invasive fungal species infections, freshwater diversion, agriculture and urban waste runoff, conversion of riparian forest and watershed habitats -Manatees - boats, loss of coastal zone grassland habitats, sugarcane agricultural runoff, algae blooms, warming waters, freezing winters -Orangutans - loss of fruit bearing trees and conversion of rainforests for palm oil plantations -Palm - limited number of species used in large scale cash crop agricultural plantations -Butterflies - loss of floral habitat due to private land and suburban development

In terms of genetic diversity, heterozygosity does NOT increase _________________________. -Reproductive fitness -Individual resilience -Evolutionary adaptiveness -Homozygosity -More than one of these -All of these


Match each specific environmental challenge with its major driver, all due to human over-harvesting and unsustainable consumption of natural resources, described in the film "Before The Flood":

-Methane in the atmosphere: consumption of beef products - hamburger and steaks -Tropical rainforest deforestation: expanding palm oil plantations and cattle ranching -Coal mining: providing a cheap and accessible source of electricity to the world's poor -Bleaching of coral reefs: increased temperature and acidification of the world's ocean -Tar sands extraction: increased global demand for oil and natural gas -Flooding and refugee migration from island nations: rising sea levels due to glacier melting and expansion of water

Match the various mechanisms of evolution with their correct examples:

-Mutation: changes in DNA sequences driving the emergence of new genotypes and adaptive traits -Genetic drift: random (stochastical) events leading to changes in genotype frequencies within a population -Kin selection: parental investment favoring genetically similar relatives -Sexual selection: assortative mating based on combining groups of favorable traits -Gene flow: migration of individuals into a new population of the same species -Natural selection: specific phenotypic traits conferring unique advantages for survival and reproduction in new or changing environments

Identify any incorrect statement(s) describing mutation: -Provides a net benefit to organisms under standard conditions where this process most commonly occurs -Can be introduced by humans modifying the genetic information of cells through application of biotechnology (CRISPR and/or cloning techniques) -Is usually deleterious or harmful to the organism -Reinforces, maintains and or protects the existing structure of proteins that provide essential functions for cellular metabolism -Alters DNA sequences that store the genetic information of an organism -Leads to emergence of 'adaptive traits' that can increase the capacity for an organism to survive and/or reproduce in either it's current or future environments

-Provides a net benefit to organisms under standard conditions where this process most commonly occurs -Is usually deleterious or harmful to the organism

Cyanobacteria were the earliest photosynthetic organism capable of fixing carbon and releasing oxygen as a waste product. Cyanobacteria later became important as an endosymbiont (chloroplast) in: -green algae -mitochondria -flowering plants -a and c -b and c

-a and c

Tropical forest ecosystems are important because __________________. -they harbor over half of all known land species on the planet -they play a crucial role in the planet's atmospheric and water cycle -they serve as a major key sink for carbon dioxide -all of the above

-all of the above

Which of the following are considered likely impacts on biodiversity due to planetary (global) warming effects of climate change? -mismatch in timing during lifecycle of insects, flowering plants, vegetation and bird migrations, reducing availability of food sources at critical stages of development -ocean acidity stressing the formation of coral reefs (bleaching), killing aquatic larvae, and destroying the energetic and habitat foundations of multiple marine ecosystems -loss of Arctic ice habitat, reducing the populations of polar bears due to starvation and drowning -extreme changes in local and regional precipitation, temperature and weather patterns, reducing availability of livable landscapes for many land flora and fauna (plants and animals) -all of the above are factors likely to impact biodiversity

-all of the above are factors likely to impact biodiversity

Palm oil is used for: -Cosmetics -processed foods -Nutrition -all of these

-all of these

Petroleum is a key ingredient used in the production of which of the following? -tarmac (asphalt) -plastics -fertilizers -pesticides -all of these

-all of these

The 'Gaia hypothesis' proposed by Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock includes which of these observation(s)? -modern climate is closely linked to the interaction between life and the physical atmosphere -components of the earth system - atmosphere, oceans, land, and living organisms - are inextricably intertwined -feedback mechanisms between organisms and the environment help maintain boundary conditions within which life can be sustained -endosymbiosis of early prokaryotes (bacteria) led to evolution of the biosphere and the biogeochemical cycles of earth -more than one of these -all of these

-all of these

Which of the following can lead to evolution and diversification of new genes and species (speciation) over time? -Reproductive isolation between populations -Natural Selection -Mutations -Artificial Selection -Stochastic (random) disaster events -All of these

-all of these

The number of species in a particular area or sample unit is called: -beta diversity -species abundance -local endemics -alpha diversity

-alpha diversity

Kelp forests provide critical sources of food and habitat for a variety of marine invertebrates, zooplankton, bivalves and fish species. This makes kelp a ___________________ species of their ecosystems. Sea otters, in turn, consume __________________ which feast on kelp. This makes sea otters a unique ____________________ species, because they maintain a stable population of kelp consumers and prevent collapse of the entire ecosystem. -cornerstone, sea urchins, keystone -sensitive, sea urchins, cornerstone -keystone, sea stars, cornerstone -keystone, sharks, foundation -cornerstone, sea stars, sensitive

-cornerstone, sea urchins, keystone

How is climate warming LIKELY to influence local environments in different parts of the world? -prolonged drought will increase wildfire frequency and severity -melting glaciers will decrease water supply to lowland farms -extreme rains and flooding will occur in certain watersheds, destroying crop harvests and damaging critical infrastructure -heating oceans will intensify hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, monsoons -each of these impacts are likely to occur

-each of these impacts are likely to occur

How is climate warming likely to influence local environments in different parts of the world? -prolonged drought will increase wildfire frequency and severity -melting glaciers will decrease water supply to lowland farms -extreme rains and flooding will occur in certain watersheds, --destroying crop harvests and damaging critical infrastructure -heating oceans will intensify hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, monsoons -each of these impacts are likely to occur

-each of these impacts are likely to occur

The Earth System is composed of four components: Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Anthrosphere. -true -false


Which of the following are among the primary heat trapping "greenhouse gases" in the atmosphere? -Carbon dioxide (CO2) -Methane (CH4) -Nitrous oxide (N2O) -Ozone (O3) -Sulfur dioxide (SO2) -three of these -four of these -all of these

-four of these

Consider the ecological concept of community heritability, where different individuals pass on unique genotypes which support different assemblages of species across multiple generations. Which of the following statements does not accurately describe this process? -narrow leaf cottonwood plants with unique genotypes support different assemblages of arthropod insect species based on their own unique genotypes, each selecting for specific genetic variation within the other, which is passed down in each across multiple generations -heterozygosity present in nitrogen fixing soil microbes determines the heterozygosity found in decomposer fungi species interacting symbiotically with producers (trees, brush, grasses, flowering plants) which require specific heterozygosity in genes needed to survive within that ecosystem -genetic diversity in trees and the canopy arthropods that occupy them determines the level of heterozygosity required in songbirds who utilize these arthropods as a source of food while foraging and nesting in the trees -if community stability in an ecosystem can be genetically based (heritable), the ecosystem itself is probably not subject to natural selection

-narrow leaf cottonwood plants with unique genotypes support different assemblages of arthropod insect species based on their own unique genotypes, each selecting for specific genetic variation within the other, which is passed down in each across multiple generations -heterozygosity present in nitrogen fixing soil microbes determines the heterozygosity found in decomposer fungi species interacting symbiotically with producers (trees, brush, grasses, flowering plants) which require specific heterozygosity in genes needed to survive within that ecosystem -genetic diversity in trees and the canopy arthropods that occupy them determines the level of heterozygosity required in songbirds who utilize these arthropods as a source of food while foraging and nesting in the trees

Identify the FALSE statement describing the behaviors of wolves: -live within social groups -cooperate for purposes of hunting and defense -demonstrate altruistic behavior with elderly members of their "packs' -often cross territorial boundaries to complete for habitat

-often cross territorial boundaries to complete for habitat

In which eon did the majority of diversification of multicellular life (plants, animals and fungi) occur? -Proterozoic -Anthropocene -Hadean -Phanerozoic -Archaean


Identify the incorrect statement(s) describing Primary and Secondary succession: -through primary succession, lichens, mosses and detritivores convert new landscapes, followed by annual, perennial grasses, flowering plants, and finally, trees which provide habitat for detritivores, producers and consumers to enrich a diverse ecosystem -primary succession is the process in which species gradually or rapidly establish a new ecosystem, following a stochastic (random) environmental disturbance event -volcanic eruptions, fires and floods can lead to succession events, with remaining survivors becoming the founding populations of the altered habitats and landscapes that remain -species establish new ecosystems based upon defined ecological assembly rules, where new niches are occupied and food webs organized through unique adaptations of individuals in these populations

-primary succession is the process in which species gradually or rapidly establish a new ecosystem, following a stochastic (random) environmental disturbance event

Identify any of the following guidelines that provide an effective approach to conservation of Biodiversity at Ecosystem and Landscape scales: -recruit and hire members from local populations to serve as ecosystem stewards, rangers, tour guides, conservationists and land managers, to maintain protected areas, guard threatened flora and fauna - Gorillas, Virunga And Vulcans National Parks -using principles of reserve design for protected park area creation, maintaining large, unfragmented, diverse habitats with 'stepping stones' to facilitate movement between mix of large and small reserves, managed regionally - Large Carnivores; Large and Small Herbivores, Serengeti plains -building habitat corridors which connect networks of protected areas across larger landscapes - Clouded Leopard, Bhutan -selective logging of old growth Redwood trees to hollow out forest density and separate individual populations of territorial endangered species - Northern Spotted Owl, Pacific Northwest -identify and preserve global 'hotspots' with high levels of biodiversity, endemism, and significant threat of imminent extinctions - Terrestrial Vertebrates, Conservation International -increasing edge effects, to create a range of larger and smaller forest patch areas to sustain a greater diversity of dung beetle, army ant, and fruit eating monkey species - Ecosystem Project (MCS) Brazil -managing protected areas by excluding humans from undisturbed core and buffer zones - United Nations Global Biosphere Reserves issue industrial mining leases and drilling permits on Federal lands in multiple states providing critical habitat to land birds, to localize damage and minimize impacts across the broader landscape - Greater Sage Grouse, Western United States

-recruit and hire members from local populations to serve as ecosystem stewards, rangers, tour guides, conservationists and land managers, to maintain protected areas, guard threatened flora and fauna - Gorillas, Virunga And Vulcans National Parks -using principles of reserve design for protected park area creation, maintaining large, unfragmented, diverse habitats with 'stepping stones' to facilitate movement between mix of large and small reserves, managed regionally - Large Carnivores; Large and Small Herbivores, Serengeti plains -building habitat corridors which connect networks of protected areas across larger landscapes - Clouded Leopard, Bhutan -identify and preserve global 'hotspots' with high levels of biodiversity, endemism, and significant threat of imminent extinctions - Terrestrial Vertebrates, Conservation International

For this question, go to the Project Drawdown website: a few minutes reviewing the Table of Solutions. Rank by Emissions Impact, by clicking on Scenario 1. Which of the following among these Top 10 most impactful solutions to climate change could have the greatest impact for reducing CO2 emissions, if implemented? -refrigeration management -reducing food waste -educating women and girls -silvopasture -tropical forest restoration -plant rich diets -onshore wind turbines -family planning

-reducing food waste

Of the 26,000 species that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) identifies as threatened with extinction, which of the following group(s) are NOT currently included on the group's annual 'Red List'? -conifers -reptiles -sharks and rays -birds -amphibians -mammals -angiosperms (flowering plants) -crustaceans -corals -fungi

-reptiles -angiosperms (flowering plants) -fungi

Identify any statement(s) that correctly describe(s) Principles of Dynamic Ecology: -SPECIES within ecosystems arrange across trophic levels of producers, consumers, and decomposers -SPECIES that successfully occupy niches organize into communities across ecological time -'ASSEMBLY rules' determine the compositions and arrangements of species within regional pools -COMMUNITY are comprised of organisms that survive passage through unique combinations of geologic, climate, disturbance and biotic interaction filters across long and short spatial and temporal scales -interactions and interrelationships between species, populations, communities, habitats, ecosystems and landscapes rarely follow any general ecological principles that can be accurately predicted or described

-species within ecosystems arrange across trophic levels of producers, consumers, and decomposers -species that successfully occupy niches organize into communities across ecological time -'assembly rules' determine the compositions and arrangements of species within regional pools -community are comprised of organisms that survive passage through unique combinations of geologic, climate, disturbance and biotic interaction filters across long and short spatial and temporal scales

Due to its massive heat storage and distribution capacity, _____________ is the major partner with the atmosphere in determining Earth's physical climate system. -the ionosphere -the ocean -the desert -the rainforest -none of these

-the ocean

Consider our class discussion of dark vs. light colored Peppered moths in Industrial England, and identify the FALSE statement: -when factories began to operate across the countryside, air pollution covered tree trunks in surrounding forests with coal ash -before industrialization, most peppered moths had light colored wing patterns which camouflaged them against the light-colored trees -after industrialization, dark pigmented moths with increased pigment coloration now had selective advantage over lighter pigmented moths against predation -this example demonstrates how human activity can alter natural environments in ways that favor new genotypes in predator-prey interactions -this example demonstrates how evolutionary mechanisms require thousands of generations to alter genetic heterozygosity within populations of species

-this example demonstrates how evolutionary mechanisms require thousands of generations to alter genetic heterozygosity within populations of species

Refer to the following equation: Sugar (Glucose) + O2 + H20 --> ATP + CO2 + H2O -this is photosynthesis -this is cellular respiration -organisms use this reaction to build energy molecules for the cell -this reaction occurs in the mitochondria -this reaction occurs in the chloroplasts -two of these -three of these

-three of these

Exposure to environmental toxins, such as synthetic industrial chemicals, pesticides, lead, plastics and micro-particulates in air and water are all correlated with a rise in neurological damage, asthma, cancers, heart diseases and diabetes seen across the US and the rest of the world. -true -false


Ice Core Data from Vostok, Antarctica provides evidence that fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations correlate with cyclic planetary temperature changes over the past 420,000 years, with an average 100,000 years of a cooling 'Ice Age', followed by 20,000 year Interglacial warming periods. -true -false


Loss of Biodiversity & Global Climate Change represent two of humanity's grand challenges that we must successfully address together, in order to preserve a healthy, hospitable and livable planet for all future generations to come -True -false


Loss of Biodiversity & Global Climate Change represent two of humanity's grand challenges that we must successfully address together, in order to preserve a healthy, hospitable and livable planet for all future generations to come. -true -false


Rather than the total number of recorded extinctions since the Industrial Revolution began, it is the increased rate of extinctions in recent centuries that is of the greatest concern for the future of life on Earth. -true -false


The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has concluded that with greenhouse gases accumulating at their current rate within the atmosphere, global mean temperatures are already set to rise at least 2-6 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, depending on different emissions reduction scenarios. -true -false


The term 'bottleneck' can be used to describe biodiversity being rapidly lost due to the consequences of an exploding human population, without regard for future consequences. -true -false


Until the recent emphasis on conservation risks associated with climate change, various types of habitat alteration (e.g. destruction, fragmentation, degradation, edge effects, etc.) have been considered to be the leading threat to biodiversity. -true -false


Which of the following solutions were discussed in the film "Before the Flood" -voting for political leaders that will pledge and fulfill carbon reduction commitments through treaties with other nations in our global community, to reduce humanity's collective carbon footprint -reducing meat consumption, shifting diets from beef to chicken or fish -technology transfer and funding of renewable infrastructure in the developing world to enable nations to industrialize without consuming fossil fuels -mass production and installation of residential home batteries to store energy for electricity, heating and powering vehicles -reduce deforestation by refusing to purchase food and cosmetic products that contain palm oil ingredients -shifting away from burning of coal, oil and natural gas for energy as soon as possible to reduce green house gas emissions and air pollution, which is a major planetary killer

all of them

Major drivers of deforestation include: -cattle ranches -cash crop (soy, coffee, flowers) plantations -palm oil plantations -timber harvesting -more than one of these -all of these

all of these

Tropical forest ecosystems are important because __________________. - they harbor over half of all known land species on the planet - they play a crucial role in the planet's atmospheric and water cycle - they serve as a major key sink for carbon dioxide - all of the above

e- all of the above

Which of the following solutions could effectively reduce the impacts of animal agriculture upon climate change and the destruction of our natural ecosystems? -shifting away from corn and soybean to seagrass fed cattle -use of urban waste compost to fertilize crops grown for animal feed -reducing or eliminating meat altogether from one's diet -substituting a portion of beef consumed with chicken, fish, or vegetables -each of these proposed changes would serve as huge improvements upon our current activity

each of these proposed changes would serve as huge improvements upon our current activity

On Green and Tern Islands of Hawaii, operating Coast Guard Stations within the Hawaiian Monk seals' habitat impacted the demographic distribution of populations living there and lowered effective population size (Ne) because: -juveniles were lost when pup seals were reared on alternate beaches -migratory routes of seals were blocked -noise from Coast Guard stations aroused mating instincts in seals -service members hunted seals for blubber and sport

juveniles were lost when pup seals were reared on alternate beaches

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