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53. Which of the following is not true about the social and economic impact of AIDS?

B. AIDS will have the greatest economic impact on the United States.

51. Which of the following is not true about AIDS?

B. After infection with the HIV virus, AIDS symptoms generally begin showing within a year.

7. The majority of hungry people live in

B. Asia.

4. Millennium Development Goal 6 is to combat ___________________ and other diseases.

B. HIV/AIDS, malaria

42. Which of the following is the best approach to eradicating undernutrition in developing nations?

B. Improve the infrastructure of rural regions

17. Which of the following is true about semistarvation?

B. Often the first sign that tissues are being affected is a biochemical change that may be detectable by a blood test.

3. Millennium Development Goal 4 is to reduce _________________ mortality. ,

B. child

59. According to the ____________ approach, improving women's access to education, information and communication technologies, resources, and governance will help to propel nations out of poverty.

B. gender and development

33. Since the early 1900s, the role of the United States government in providing food assistance to the poor has steadily ____________________.

B. increased

14. All of the following are true about undernutrition during pregnancy except

B. only the mother is affected significantly.

25. The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children

B. provides food vouchers and nutrition education to low-income pregnant and lactating women and their young children.

49. The single most effective health advantage for people wherever they live is

B. safe and convenient water supply.

6. Failing health that results from a long-standing dietary intake that does not meet nutritional needs is termed

B. undernutrition

11. Impaired development or function that results from an inadequate intake, absorption, or utilization of the nutrients needed for optimal growth, development, and body function is best termed

B. undernutrition.

19. _______________ is the physiological state that results when not enough food is eaten to meet energy needs.

C. Hunger

28. The homeless in the United States are at increased risk of undernutrition. Which of the following is true about the homeless?

C. Many are members of families with children.

24. The food assistance program developed in the 1960s to help whole families purchase healthy foods is the

C. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

47. Which of the following is not true about sustainable agriculture?

C. Sustainable agricultural practices have a promising role in developed nations, but probably would not benefit farmers and consumers in developing nations.

18. Which of the following is not true about the effects of undernutrition in poor countries?

C. Symptoms of underweight rarely result in deficiencies.

8. Which of the following is true about chronic hunger in the world?

C. The primary cause of hunger is poverty.

26. Which of the following is not true regarding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)?

C. The target beneficiaries of SNAP are pregnant or lactating women and their children.

44. The manipulation of nature (plants, animals, and bacteria) to increase production and food yield and the use of living things to manufacture products is called

C. biotechnology

13. The consequences of undernutrition are most critical during

C. infancy

34. All of the following are obstacles to solving problems of undernutrition in developing nations except

C. lack of available technology that could be taught to the populations.

16. All of the following are effects of semistarvation except

C. lack of hunger and appetite.

32. The roots of undernutrition in the United States are mainly _______________, economic, and socioeconomic rather than technical. As policies of the federal government change, so does the problem of undernutrition.

C. political

21. Approximately how many Americans live at or below the poverty level of $24,850 annually for a family of four?

D. 45 million

52. Which of the following is true about the type of person who gets AIDS?

D. Anyone who engages in sexual activity without a condom or shares needles during intravenous drug use can get it.

46. Which of the following is an example of genetic engineering?

D. Changing DNA inside grape seeds so they produce their own pesticide to prevent attack by insects

9. Don is suffering from malnutrition. Which of the following might be true of his condition?

D. He could be suffering from undernutrition or overnutrition.

5. What is the term to describe failing health that results from a long-standing dietary intake that either fails to meet or greatly exceeds nutritional needs?

D. Malnutrition

29. Which of the following is true about homelessness and undernutrition in America?

D. The recent increase in homelessness stems from a shortage of affordable rental housing coupled with an increase in poverty.

12. All of the following are results of undernutrition except

D. coronary heart disease.

45. Manipulating the DNA inside cells to improve production of materials or the material itself is called

D. genetic engineering.

50. According to the conceptual framework of malnutrition developed by the United Nations Children's Fund in 1990, the underlying causes of malnutrition include

D. inadequate access to food and health services.

57. Housing, sanitation and storage facilities, and education, communication, and transportation systems are called a country's _______________.

D. infrastructure

31. The root cause of hunger and undernutrition in the United States continues to be _______________.

D. poverty

15. Humans are particularly susceptible to the effects of undernutrition during periods of rapid growth, such as during ____________.

D. pregnancy

30. All of the following are socioeconomic factors affecting hunger in the Unites States except

D. weather.

C. Millennium Development Goals

1. The __________________________________ are eight goals that address poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women.

A. 2015

2. The United Nations member states have agreed to make progress to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by the year

27. Which of the following is not true about the history of nutrition assistance programs in the United States?

A. Food assistance programs developed in the 1960s and 1970s are not relevant to the current problem of undernutrition in the United States.

43. Which of the following is the best approach to preventing famine in developing nations?

A. Increase the productivity of rural people by teaching them farming methods so they can build agricultural surpluses to eat and sell.

48. Which of the following is not true about "new biotechnology"?

A. It has no beneficial applications that are without significant risks.

40. Which of the following factors will adversely affect the nutritional status of a country?

A. Movement of the population to urban centers

20. ____________ is a form of undernutrition caused by an extremely deficient intake of calories, protein, or both. Two examples of this type of malnutrition are kwashiorkor and marasmus.

A. Protein-energy malnutrition

60. The acronym AIDS stands for ___________________________.

A. acquired immune deficiency syndrome

37. The "green revolution" was a

A. movement that increased crop yields.

54. The organ system most affected by undernutrition in infancy and early childhood is the _______________.

A. nervous

23. The major cause of undernutrition in the United States is

A. political

10. The primary cause of chronic hunger is

A. poverty.

35. All of the following adversely affect the food/population ratio except

A. scientific advances that increase food production.

38. A promising strategy to help other countries increase food resources has been

A. to use "green revolution" technologies.

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