Bio Evolution Test

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In the year 2500, five male space colonists and five female space colonists (all unrelated) settle on an uninhabited Earthlike planet in the Andromeda galaxy. Which of these is closets to the allele frequency in the founding population?

0.1 a, 0.9 A

Nine percent of a population is homozygous recessive (aa) at a certain locus. Assuming that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, which of the following is closest to the frequency of the recessive allele (a) ?


Assuming that there are only two alleles at a give close, if the frequency of one allele is 0.6, what is the frequency of the other allele?


Given a population that contains genetic variation, what is the correct sequence of the following events, under the influence of natural selection? 1. Well-adapted individuals leave more offspring than do poorly adapted individuals. 2. A change occurs in the environment. 3. Genetic frequencies within the population change. 4. Poorly adapted individuals have decreased survivorship.


For a gene with two alternative alleles, A (with a frequency of p) and B (with a frequency of q), the term in the algebraic form of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the heterozygote genotype frequency is A. p2. B. q2. C. 2pq. D. (p+q)2. E. 2Aa.


Evolutionary biologists have observed variation in the average age and size of mature individuals in a population of small freshwater guppies. blah blah blah. Which of the following predicts the most likely outcome of moving a population of guppies from a pool with pike cichlids to a pool with killifish?

After many generations, the offspring of the introduced guppies will mature at an older age and larger size because of selective pressure from the new predator.

Members of two different species possess a similar-looking structure that they use in a similar fashion to perform the same function. Which information would best help distinguish between an explanation based on homology versus one based on convergent evolution? A) The two species live at great distances from each other. B) The two species share many proteins in common, and the nucleotide sequences that code for these proteins are almost identical. C) The sizes of the structures in adult members of both species are similar in size. D) Both species are well adapted to their particular environments. E) Both species reproduce sexually.

B) The two species share many proteins in common, and the nucleotide sequences that code for these proteins are almost identical.

Which statement best describes the correlation between beak depth of Geospiza fortis on Daphne Island and the environment? (graph/drawing of 1977-1984)

Birds with large beaks are favored during a dry year.

A cladogram representing the evolutionary relatedness of selected primates is shown below. Which of the following conclusions is supported by the data?

Bonobos are more closely related to humans than to gorillas because bonobos and humans share a more recent common ancestor than bonobos and gorillas do.

Students analyzed several photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms in the laboratory to determine their phylogenetic relationships. The organisms were Spirogyra (a green alga), a moss, a spruce tree, and an apple tree. Table 1 compares several characteristics in the organisms (+ indicates the trait is present, − indicates the trait is absent). Which of the following rows of data listed in Table 1 best supports the possibility of a common ancestor for the organisms listed there? (TABLE QUESTION)

Cell wall composed of cellulose

During a study session about evolution, one of your fellow students remarks, "The giraffe stretched its neck while reaching for higher leaves; its offspring inherited longer necks as a result." Which statement is most likely to be helpful in correcting this student's misconception?

Characteristics acquired during an organism's life are generally not passed on through genes.

Ciprofloxacin was given as an antibiotic to healthy livestock to promote efficient weight gain. blah blah blah. Which of the following is the most likely consequence of adding ciprofloxacin to animal feed?

Ciprofloxacin-resitant strains of C. jejune will have a selective advantage in the digestive tracts of livestock, increasing the risk of serious infections in people.

Researchers were modeling the effects of repeated cycles of isolation with occasional interbreeding among five hypothetical fish species. blah blah blah. Which of the following data coyld vest support the claim that species B arose from a specieation event in Lake I? (LAKE GRAPH/PIC QUESTION)

DNA analysis shows fewer difference between species A and species B in Lake I than between species B and the populations in Lake II.

A widely accepted hypothesis about the origin of life on Earth is that life arose blah blah blah. Which of the following questions might scientists ask to most reliably determine if there has ever been life on Mars?

Did Mars have the elements present in its atmosphere to support life?

The table shows the changes in allele frequencies of a specific gene in two populations of randomly mating small mammals after 30 years. The populations inhabit adjacent equatorial islands that have similar topography and climate. Which of the following is the most reliable conclusion that can be drawn from analysis of the data above? (TABLE QUESTION)

Genetic drift has occurred in both populations.

Experimental evidence shows that the process of glycolysis is present and virtually identical in organisms from all three domains, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Which of the following hypotheses could be best supported by this evidence?

Glycolsis is a universal energy-releasing process and therefore suggests a common ancestor for all forms of life.

If Darwin had been aware of genes, and of their typical mode of transmission to subsequent generations, with which statement would he most likely have been in agreement?

If natural selection can change one gene's frequency in a population over the course of generations then, given enough time and enough genes, natural selection can cause sufficient genetic change to produce new species from old ones.

The figure below compares two models of speciation, A and B. Which of the following best explains how the ecological conditions are lieu to be different in the two models? (picture of butterflies)

In model A the ecological conditions change gradually over a long period of time; in model B the ecological conditions remain unchanged for long periods of time and then change drastically.

DDT was once considered a "silver bullet" that would permanently eradicate insect pests. Today, instead, DDT is largely useless against many insects. Which of these would have been required for this pest eradication effort to be successful in the long run?

None of the individual insects should have possessed genomes that made them resistant to DDT

Researchers observed selected internal structures of four different microscopic organisms as part of a larger study on the divergence between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Their observations are recorded in Figure 1. Which organism would the researchers most likely predict to be the most distantly related to eukaryotes? (WEIRD DRAWING OF ORG I-IV)

Organism I

The table above shows the presence (+) or absence (-) of three different derived characters (vascular tissue, seeds, and flowers). blah blah blah. Group IV of the cladogram most likely includes which of the following species? (TABLE+CLADOGRAM QUESTION)

P and S only

Which of the following is not an observation or inference on which natural selection is based?

Poorly adapted individuals never produce offspring

(long paragraph about a parasitic fly) Matings between individuals from the two populations of Rhagoletis produce hybrid flies that appear to be healthy and have normal life spans. The eggs laid by these hybrid flies, however, Hatch less often than those of flies from either of the two populations. What isolating mechanism seems to be important in this hybrid population?

Reduced hybrid fertility

Which of the following mechanisms could most likely account for the origin of species B in Lake I

Sympatric speciation

Initially, which of the following isolating mechanisms is likely to have been the most important in preventing gene flow between the two populations of Rhagoletis? A) Gamete incompatibility B) Temporal isolation C) Mechanical isolation D) Reduced hybrid viability

Temporal isolation

In a hypothetical population of beetles, blah blah blah. Which shows changes of colors of beetles? (4 charts)

The coloration in the population shifted toward more darker-colored beetles, as in diagram IV. The lighter-colored beetles were found more easily by the predators than the darker colored beetles were.

In an experiment, 100 mice were released into a field to which no other mice had access. Immediately after their release, a representative sample of mice was captured, their fur color was recorded, and they were returned to the field. After twenty years, a representative sample of mice was captured and the distribution of fur color was again recorded. Which of the following could best explain the change in fur color distribution, as shown in the table above? (table question)

The field was primarily composed of ;eight-colored soil and little vegetation, affording gray mice protection from predators.

grey squirrels blah blah blah. Which of the following could best explain the increased in the frequency of the allele B in the population after five years?

The frequency of the allele increased due to the selective pressures of the environment.

The amino acid sequence of cytochrome c is exactly the same in humans and chimpanzees there's is a difference of 13 amino acids between the cytochrome c of humans and rattlesnakes. Which of the following statements is best supported by these data?

The human is apparently more closely related to the chimpanzee than to the dog or rattlesnake.

A small number of lizards from a mainland population have been deposited on four isolated islands because of the effects of a rare strong storm. Which of the following best predicts the outcome of these lizards reproducing for many generations on the islands?

The isolation prevents gene flow; thus, the lizards on different islands experience prezygotic isolation.

Two populations of a species of squirrel blah blah blah. Which of the following is the best prediction of how the new disease will affect the two populations?

The smaller population will be more affected than the larger population, because the smaller population has less genetic variation than the larger population has.

The next question refers to the following evolutionary tree, whose horizontal axis represents time (present time is on the far right) and whose vertical axis represents morphological change. Which species is most closely related to species W?

V is most closely related to species W

All of the following were likely present on the primitive Earth during the evolution of self-replicating molecules EXCEPT

an O2-rich atmosphere

Which of the following is most likely to produce an African butterfly species in the wild whose members have two strikingly different (yet equally beneficial) color patterns?

disruptive selection

Over time, the movement of people on Earth has steadily increased. This has altered the course of human evolution by increasing

gene flow

It has been observed that organisms on islands are different from, but closely related to, similar forms found on the nearest continent. This is taken as evidence that

island forms and mainland forms descended from common ancestors

In Darwinian terms, the fittest individuals of a species are those that

leave the greatest number of reproducing descendants

Which evolutionary process created new genetic variation?


Which sequence below is correctly ordered from the most general to most specific?

reproductive isolation mechanism, prezygotic isolating mechanism, gametic isolation, pollen-stigma incompatibility.

During breeding season, one should expect female house finches to prefer to mate with males with the brightest red feathers. Which of the following terms are appropriately applied to this situation?

sexual selection

The oxygen revolution changed Earth's environment dramatically. Which of the following took advantage of the presence of free oxygen in the oceans and atmosphere?

the evolution of cellular respiration, which used oxygen to help harvest energy from organic molecules.

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