bio final exam

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if a person needs to consume 100 kcal of energy and she chooses to do so by eating chicken, how many kcal of grain would the chicken need to consume to make the 100kcal available for the human?


on average, what percentage of the energy from one trophic level of an energy pyramid is transferred to the next trophic level

10 percent

which letter in the figure below identifies a primary spermatocyte?


During blood clotting, a broken blood vessel triggers a cascade of factors that collectively reduce blood loss. In this example, the clotting factors are functioning as part of

a positive feedback loop

blackberry and cherry seeds and most likely dispersed far and wide because the seeds are encased in

a tasty sweet fruit that will be eaten by animals and the seeds dropped somewhere else later

after receiving a vaccination a person begins to produce antibodies. this demonstrates a _______ immune response


within the kingdom protista, the ______ are photosynthetic and may or may not be motile


in cystic fibrosis, parts of the respiratory tract can become clogged with mucus, inhibiting gas exchange. the area of the the respiratory tract where gases are directly exchanged are the


which of the following is NOT an easily testable hypothesis regarding net primary productivity?

an increase of water in a marine ecosystem will likely result in tastier products of NPP

worldwide, more than 80 percent of the calories consumed by humans come from


pollen is produced by the


Each T cell and each B cell binds only to one specific type of


a plant that is tipped on its side will bend to grow upward again because of the actions of


which of the following terms describes all living organisms on earth and their environments?


at the site of a wound or cut, platelets combine with proteins in our blood to form

blood clots

osteocytes are specialized cells found in


plant growth aboveground can be accomplished by adding new _______ units


which of the following could be biotic components of a desert ecosystem?

cacti, sagebrush, scorpions, and snakes

the blood vessels that allow diffusion between blood and nearby body cells are


the function of the esophagus is to

carry food to the stomach

which tissue type is responsible for reducing friction within joints?


the _______ of a neuron contains all of the structures, such as a nucleus, that are common to animal cells

cell body

which of the following statements MOST accurately describes a selectively permeable membrane?

certain solutes move freely across the membrane by simple diffusion, while others must be helped across by active or passive transport proteins; some substances are completely excluded from crossing the membrane

ADH is produced by the pituitary gland when the brain detects lower-than-optimum levels of water in the body. in the kidneys, ADH promotes the uptake of water, creating more concentrated urine. ADH travels from the pituitary gland to the kidneys through the

circulatory system

all of the living organisms present in an ecosystem comprise the ________ or biotic portion of the ecosystem


rabbits, foxes, tapeworms, and fungi are all examples of


some protists break down waste material by consuming other dead organisms and releasing nutrients into the environment to be reused by the producers and cycles back into the food chain. these protists are


the branched structures on a nerve cell that receive information are called


by the end of a normal first trimester, the zygote has

developed recognizable arms and legs

in the vertebrate immune system response to a pathogen, which of the following events would happen last?

development of memory cells

which of the following processes is not the function of nephrons?

diffusion of oxygen into the body cells

the subatomic particles that possess a single negative charge, surround the nucleus, and are lost or gained by atoms called ions are the


ecologists often define an ecosystem by describing how _______ and _______ are acquired and distributed by the biotic community

energy; nutrients

two genes control fur color in labrador retrievers. the first gene determines whether the pigment to be deposited in the hairs will be black or brown. the second gene determines whether the pigments will be put into the dogs hair at a all. A dog homozygous for the second allele of this second gene will be yellow because no pigment is deposited into its hairs. this is an example of


in the vertebrate immune system response to a pathogen, which of the following would occur first?

external defenses

disruptions to the development of a zygote can happen at any time during pregnancy. the most vulnerable time period of a zygote/fetus/embryo is the _______ week


tuna are predatory fish that consume smaller, carnivorous fish that have fed on zooplankton. the zooplankton had fed on phytoplankton. when a person eats tuna, he or she is consuming the _______ trophic level of the food chain


which of the following plants is a monocot?


vanessa has been lifting weights to increase strength in her arms. the muscles she is strengthening

have tendons that are connected to the bones

which of the following is a collection of organs?

heart, lungs, and liver

the number of chromosomes on secondary spermatocytes is fewer than in primary spermatocytes because _______ are separated during meiosis _______

homologous pairs; I

which of the following statements accurately describes hormone signaling? (picture)

hormones act on specific target cells

voluntary muscle that has a banded appearance would be expected to be found

in a muscle that bends the knee

once a hormone enters the bloodstream, it

is broken down after it has performed its function on the target cells


know location

when mendel proposed the law of segregation, which of the following pieces of information did he NOT have?

knowledge of the location of the alleles for flower color

Food passing through our digestive tract would contain the fewest nutrients when it reaches which of the following organs?

large intestine

which of the following sensory receptor types is NOT found in humans?


gamete formation in human males is different from gamete formation in human females in that human males

make sperm throughout their lifetime, whereas females are born with all the eggs that may be fertilized

males and females both produce estrogens, progestogens, and androgens. which of the following is accurate for typical males and females?

males have more androgens than estrogens, and females have more estrogens than androgens

If a drug attacked and destroyed involuntary muscle cells only the movement of _______ would be affected

materials throughout the digestive system

the term that is most closely associated with the secondary immune response is


copper is an example of a _______ by plants

micronutrient needed

a genetic mutation has altered the shape of an enzyme found within cells. the altered shape prevents the enzyme from functioning normally because a small organic molecule called a _________ cannot bind to the enzyme


protists and other other organisms that use energy from carbon from a variety of sources to fuel their growth and reproduction are most appropriately referred to as


a plant has a flower with three petals and leaves with parallel veins. this plant can be classified as a


which of the following statements about the growth patterns of plants and animals is true?

most plants have indeterminate growth, whereas most animals have determinate growth

cardiac, smooth, and skeletal are all types of _______ tissue that generate force to move structures within the body by contracting


which of the following is not a plant hormone?


adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C), are the ________ building blocks for DNA; they are organized in different combinations to code for all od the proteins needed to accomplish everything the cell does


in an ecosystem, energy differs from nutrients in that

nutrients are recycled, but energy eventually moves out of the system and is lost

serotonin, one of the hormones thought to be involved in depression, is a water-soluble molecule. receptors for this hormone would be expected _______ of the target cell

on the outside of the plasma membrane

a flower may be specialized to attract bat pollinators by

opening at night

which of the following statements accurately distinguishes tissues from organs?

organs consist of multiple tissue types, whereas tissues consist of one or more cell types

during the process of _______, water diffuses across a semipermeable membrane from an area where water is more concentrated to an area where water is less concentrated (it moves the water across a concentration gradient)


which of the following sequences places the direction traveled by an egg in the correct order?

ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina

which of the following hormones is partially responsible for initiating labor contractions?


sperm that is ejaculated from the body would pass through the _______ last


which of the following groups of organisms would NOT be considered consumers?


fiddlehead greens are the curled, young fronds of a fern. harvested very early and trimmed close to the ground, they provide a tasty addition to salads. these multicellular, photosynthetic, vascularized organisms that do not produce seeds belong to the kingdom


Living cells have an intact phospholipid bilayer that separates the cell from its external environment; this structure is commonly referred to as the

plasma membrane

the observation that individuals afflicted with albinism also have vision problems is an example of


when humans consume rice, they occupy which trophic level of the food chain?

primary consumer

when certain hormones are added to the uterus, they induce the thickening of the cells lining its walls. which of the following hormones is likely to be responsible for this change?


eukaryotic cells can complete tasks such as digesting2 and storing food and ridding the cell of waste products because they contain an elaborate system of internal membranes and compartments. this compartmentalization is lacking in


DNA exists in a concentration of strands known as a nucleoid in _______ cells


the primary contribution of decomposers to an ecosystem occurs when they

recycle nutrients sequestered in organisms back to the physical environment

muscle in control

refer to the figure below

minerals are

required by the human body in small amounts

water and nutrients are taken up from soil by

root hairs

which of the following would be abiotic components of an arctic, marine ecosystem?

salt water, ice, snow, sun, wind, rocks, and sand

if a bottle of perfume was spilled in the corner of a large lecture hall, the students sitting near that corner of the room would very quickly smell the perfume. over time, the students sitting in the far corner of the room would smell the perfume. what phenomenon has occurred to the perfume molecules that have entered the air?

simple diffusion

another name for the "pacemaker" of the heart is the

sinoatrial (NA) node

negative feedback

slows down or shuts off a process when a set point is reached

the external signals and information that are received by an organism are called


a component of the immune system's third line of defense are

t cells

cell-mediated immunity is regulated by the activities of

t cells

the graph below indicates that global temperatures have

tended to increase, especially in the past 100 years

as you take this exam, which part of your brain is helping you decide which answer is correct?

the cerebral cortex

by what mechanism do most hormones travel through the organism that produces them?

the circulatory system

oxytocin is secreted by

the fetus and the mother

which of the following organs coordinates communication between the endocrine system and the nervous system?

the hypothalamus

sensory neurons that contain specialized membrane channels activated by moderate temperatures are


significant weight gain and the growth of hair on the head are events that occur during which trimester of pregnancy?


epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous are the four broad categories of animal body


during gestation, human development is divided into several stages called


an allele is a

version of a gene

which of the following is a characteristic of an organ used for gas exchange?

very thin tissues

some fruits may produce low density seeds that float on water because plants that produce those type of seeds live near or in

water; producing seeds that can float on the water gives them an advantage at dispersing their seeds in distant locations

what is the mechanism of seed dispersal for the dandelion?


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