Bio Final Test

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In a population of finches, birds with small, thick beaks can efficiently crack the seeds of one species of plant, while birds with long, thin beaks can efficiently crack the seeds of another plant species. Birds with medium-sized beaks cannot efficiently eat either kind of sed. After many generations, the distribution of beak size in these birds will be ____________ because of_______.

'U'-shaped, with peaks at the low and high extremes of beak size; disruptive selection

At ejaculation, approximately _______ sperm are expelled as a part of the semen.

300 million

Prior to the 19th century, most scholars throught that the world was less than 10,000 years old. Based on geological and radiometric evidence, however, scientists now believe the age of Planet Earth is closer to:

4 billion years old

Many people are initially repulsed by leeches. But after some study, you can find that you actually begin to feel some affection for them. And they, in turn, become attached to you. Leeches are in they phylum:


All animals:

Are heterotrophic, and share a common ancestor

What is the difference between artificial selection and natural selection?

Artificial selection requires human intervention, whereas natural selection does not require human intervention

The circular muscle at the opening to the uterus in human females is called the:


Members of which of the following groups exhibit radial symmetry?


Heart attacks are usually caused by an interruption in blood flow in the:

Coronary arteries

_______ selection favors organisms with phenotypes that are at one extreme relative to the average phenotype.


Until the middle of the 19th century, all peppered moths observed around manchester, England where light in color. In 1845, a single black peppered moth was reported. As manchester became more industrailized and dark soot began to cover the bark of the trees, the frequency of black moths increased greatly. The change in proportion of light and dark forms resulted from:

Directional Selection

______ selection favors organisms that have character values at both extremes of the phenotypic distribution


Which of the following is the correct sequence of human structures that sperm pass through, from where they develop to where they exit to the outside world?

Epididymis>vas deferens>prostate>urethra>tip of penis

Which of the following are chordates?

Fish, Humans, and frogs

You are eating in a french restaurant and read that snails are on the menu. Being a knowledgeable biologist, you kindly inform the other members at the table that this restaurant is serving the _____ class of Mollusks.


What is the major developmental characteristic that shows the close relationship between echinoderms and chordates?

In both groups, the gut develops from back to front.

The phenotype of an organism is:

Its physical characteristics

Radioactive isotopes emit high-energy particles that can damage DNA. These substances are known as:


The origin of all genetic variation is:


The following animals have no tissues or organs:

None of the above

Which of the following Traits CANNOT e modified through artificial selection on a laboratory population?

None of the above; All could be modified through artificial selection

Gonads include

Ovaries and Testes

The clitoris developers from the same embryonic tissue that in males produces the


Which animal phylum lacks true tissues?

Porifera (sponges)

The circuit of blood flow between the heart and the lungs is called the ______ circuit.


Anatomical homolgy in a vertebrate forelimbs is considered to be evidence for evolution because:

Similarities among vertebrate forelimbs suggest that they evolved from a common ancestor

When a sudden change in the enviroment, such as a flood or a fire, reduces the size of a population, the survivors' collective gene pool will be only a limited representation of what was present before the disaster. This phenomenon is called:

The bottleneck effect

Which of the following is not a characteristic of all animals?

They produce sexually at one point in their life cycle

Prior to fertilization, the pathway traveled by sperm through the female reproductive system is:

Vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes

Deoxygenated blood enters the hearth through what vessels?

Vena Cavae

If there is an infection in the body, _______ increases

White blood cells

You are studying a population of American robins, in which approximately 2% of all individuals carry a recessive allele for leucistic (white) coloration. The population suddenly expands when an influx of robins arrives during spring migration, and the frequency of the leucistic allele drops to only 1.5%. Has evolution occurred in the robin population?

Yes, Because allele frequencies in the population have changed over time.

Evolution is defined as:

a change in the frequency of alleles in a population over time

You have several hives of honey bees, that you keep in your backyard. Some bees uncap and remove dead larvae from cells, while others leave dead larvae in the cells; this difference is genetically determined. After a particularly hot summer in which many bees die from disease, you notice that the only hives remaining are the ones in which bees uncap and remove dead larvae. you have witnessed:

a population-level change in frequency of behavioral trait and in allele frequencey, and evolution by naturla selection :a), b) and c) are all correct

Population bottlenecks occur when:

a populations size is reduced for at least one generation, portion is suddenly killed but a few survivors repopulate, populations genetic variation is lost within a single generation: All the above is correct.

Artificial selection is likely to produce population-level changes most quickly in organisms with:

a short generation time.

All arthropods have:

an exoskeleton and jointed appendages

Which of the following groups is made up solely of carnivores?


Segmented worms (annelids), roundworms (nematodes), and flatworms (platyhelminths):

are all bilaterally symmetrical

Which order of insects has the highest species diversity, more than that of any other order in animals?


Echinoderm larvae are ________, while echinoderm adults are _________.

bilaterally symmetrical; radially symmetrical

In Australia, most of the typical mammalian roles are filled by marsupial mammals. There is a marsupial "wolf," several species of marsupial "mice," marsupial "squirrels," and marsupial "anteaters." This example shows the importance of the study of __________ in understanding evolution.


Blood travels into the _____ through the___.

both a) and c) are correct: right atrium; venacava.. left atrium;pulmonary vein

The average time to death from starvation in a fruit fly is about 20 hours. Selecting for increased starvation resistance in fruit flies:

can produce populations in which the average time to death from starvation is more than 160 hours

The phylum Arthropoda includes all of the following kinds of animals EXCEPT:


Species that are only distantly related but occupy similar environments often come to resemble each other through a process known as:

convergent evolution

The following animals have five pairs of appendages that extend from the head:


A breeder of thoroughbreds selects only the fastest horses for breeding stock. This is an example of artificial____ selection


The following animals are deuterostomes


Vertebrate's closest invertebrate relatives are:


sperm mature in the


Convergent evolution can occur only when two species:

evolve under similar selective forces.

The phylum Platyhelminthes are more commonly known as:


The migration of reproductive individuals among populations results in a movement of alleles called:

gene flow.

The longer two species have been evolving on their own, the greater the number of ___________ that accumulate between them.

genetic differences

A storm washed five female and five male tiger beetles from the mainland to a small island that had no previous population of tiger beetles. In the tiger beetles, having six spots (A) is dominant to having four spots (a). ALl ten beetles had six spots, but one male and one female were heterozygous for the four-spot trait. If six of the beeles died randomly without reproducing, the ratio of the genotypes could be quite different in subsequent generations. This change in allele frequencies would be an example of:

genetic drift

All of the following are arachnids EXCEPT:

horseshoe crabs.

Most species of animals are:


a disadvantage of asexual reproduction is that:

it results in less genetic variation in a population

In complete metamorphosis, an insect goes through the following stages, in the following order:

larva, pupa, adult

Which of the following is NOT a component of the blood plasma?


To demonstrate evolution by natural selection, all of the following conditions must be satisfied EXCEPT:

low environmental variation

In a particular population, over the course of several dozen generations, an adenine was replaced by a guanine at a particular non-coding locus in the DNA base sequence. The evolutionary mechanism responsible for this change was:


Evolution occurs:

only via natural selection, genetic drift, migration, or mutation.

The _______ is the site of gamete production in human females


During ovulation in human females, the mature egg is released from the ____, travels through the ____ where fertilization occurs, and embeds in the___.

ovary, Fallopian tube, uterus

The hormones present in birth control pills typically prevent pregnancy by:

preventing sperm from fertilizing the ovulated egg

Oxygen is carried by protein hemoglobin, which can be found in:

red blood cells

The following animals grows by molting:


Which of the following is NOT a member of the segmented worms, phylum Annelida?


The molluscan class Cephalopoda includes all of the following kinds of animals EXCEPT:


The lineage that first separated from the common ancestor of all animals, and retains many of those primitive features to this day, includes which of the following modern organisms?


Human birth weight is a classic example of the results of:

stabilizing selection

Sperm are produced in the ______ and stored in the____. They then travel in to the penis through the _____ and are ejaculated through the _____.

testes; epididymis; vas derferens; urethra

During gene flow, where do the genes flow to?

the genes flow into and out of the population due to migration of individuals from one population to another.

A populations environment sometimes changes too quickly for natural selection to adapt the individuals in the population to the environment. In these situations:

the individuals' instincts can no longer be trusted to elicit behavior that maximizes reproductive success

When blood leaves the right ventricle of the mammalian heart, to which location does it flow next?

the lungs

Which of the following is the best measure of an organisms fitness?

the number of fertile offspring it produces

Which three sets of accessory glands add secretions to the semen in human males?

the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, and the bulbourethral glands

A gene pool consists of:

the total of all alleles present in a population

The walking legs of insects are found on their


All of the following are insects EXCEPT:


After ovulation, approximately halfway through the female menstrual cycle, levels of progesterone rise sharply. What is the primary function of progesterone at this point in the menstrual cycle?

to maintain the endometrial lining of the uterus, where a fertilized egg can implant

The three principle functions of the vertebrate circulatory system are:

transport, protection, and body temperature regulation

Through which of the following tubes do both urine and semen travel?


Blood flowing out of the narrow, thin-walled vessels in the tissues flows next into:


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