BIO166 Cardiovascular System: Blood, Heart, Vessels & Circulation

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sickle cell disease

(also, sickle cell anemia) inherited blood disorder in which hemoglobin molecules are malformed, leading to the breakdown of RBCs that take on a characteristic sickle shape


(also, thrombocytes) one of the formed elements of blood that consists of cell fragments broken off from megakaryocytes


(also, white blood cell) colorless, nucleated blood cell, the chief function of which is to protect the body from disease

Interleukins are associated primarily with which of the following?

All of the following: production of various lymphocytes, immune responses and inflammation

Which of the following statements about blood is true?

Blood is slightly more viscous than water.

Which of the following is a positive inotrope?


In a healthy young adult, what happens to cardiac output when heart rate increases above 160 bpm?

It decreases.

Which of the following statements about erythropoietin is true?

It facilitates the proliferation and differentiation of the erythrocyte lineage.

What happens to preload when there is venous constriction in the veins?

It increases.

Which of the following statements about albumin is true?

It is the most abundant plasma protein.

Which of the following is unique to cardiac muscle cells?

Only cardiac muscle is capable of autorhythmicity

Which component of the heart conduction system would have the slowest rate of firing?

Purkinje fibers

Which of the following statements about mature, circulating erythrocytes is true?

They have no nucleus

Which of the following describes a neutrophil?

abundant, granular, especially effective against bacteria

platelet plug

accumulation and adhesion of platelets at the site of blood vessel injury

The force the heart must overcome to pump blood is known as ________.


The process in which antibodies attach to antigens, causing the formation of masses of linked cells, is called ________.



aggregation of fibrin, platelets, and erythrocytes in an intact artery or vein


agranular leukocytes of the myeloid stem cell line that circulate in the bloodstream; tissue monocytes are macrophages

Hemolytic disease of the newborn is a risk during a subsequent pregnancy in which ________.

an Rh− mother is carrying a second Rh+ fetus

T and B lymphocytes ________.

are involved with specific immune function

Most blood enters the ventricle during ________.

atrial diastole

In which septum is it normal to find openings in the adult?

atrioventricular septum

A patient has been experiencing severe, persistent allergy symptoms that are reduced when she takes an antihistamine. Before the treatment, this patient was likely to have had increased activity of which leukocyte?



below-normal level of oxygen saturation of blood (typically <95 percent)


blood plasma that does not contain clotting factors


blood protein active in fibrinolysis


bone marrow cell that produces platelets

Which primitive area of the heart will give rise to the right ventricle?

bulbus cordis

The influx of which ion accounts for the plateau phase?



cancer involving leukocytes

The two tubes that eventually fuse to form the heart are referred to as the ________.

cardiogenic tubes

formed elements

cellular components of blood; that is, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets

The first heart sound represents which portion of the cardiac cycle?

closing of the atrioventricular valves


clustering of cells into masses linked by antibodies

Prothrombin is converted to thrombin during the ________.

common pathway


compound of carbon dioxide and hemoglobin, and one of the ways in which carbon dioxide is carried in the blood

A molecule of hemoglobin ________.

consists of four globin proteins, each bound to a molecule of heme

The production of healthy erythrocytes depends upon the availability of ________.

copper, zinc, and vitamin B12

natural killer (NK) cells

cytotoxic lymphocytes capable of recognizing cells that do not express "self" proteins on their plasma membrane or that contain foreign or abnormal markers; provide generalized, nonspecific immunity


deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin


destruction (lysis) of erythrocytes and the release of their hemoglobin into circulation


digestive enzyme with bactericidal properties

The process by which leukocytes squeeze through adjacent cells in a blood vessel wall is called ________.


The ________ layer secretes chemicals that help to regulate ionic environments and strength of contraction and serve as powerful vasoconstrictors.


Which of the following is not important in preventing backflow of blood?



enzyme essential for the final steps in formation of a fibrin clot


excessive bleeding


excessive clot formation

common pathway

final coagulation pathway activated either by the intrinsic or extrinsic pathway, and ending in the formation of a blood clot


form of cancer in which masses of malignant T and/or B lymphocytes collect in lymph nodes, the spleen, the liver, and other tissues


genetic disorder characterized by inadequate synthesis of clotting factors

erythropoietin (EPO)

glycoprotein that triggers the bone marrow to produce RBCs; secreted by the kidney in response to low oxygen levels


gradual degradation of a blood clot


granulocytes that stain with a neutral dye and are the most numerous of the leukocytes; especially active against bacteria


granulocytes that stain with basic (alkaline) stain and store histamine and heparin


granulocytes that stain with eosin; they release antihistamines and are especially active against parasitic worms


green bile pigment produced when the non-iron portion of heme is degraded into a waste product; converted to bilirubin in the liver

The earliest organ to form and begin function within the developing human is the ________.



heme-containing globular protein that is a constituent of hemoglobin


hemopoietic stem cell that gives rise to the formed elements of blood


heterogeneous group of plasma proteins that includes transport proteins, clotting factors, immune proteins, and others


hormone secreted by the liver and kidneys that prompts the development of megakaryocytes into thrombocytes (platelets)


immature erythrocyte that may still contain fragments of organelles

Which of the following plasma proteins is not produced by the liver?


Hemophilia is characterized by ________.

inadequate production of clotting factors

extrinsic pathway

initial coagulation pathway that begins with tissue damage and results in the activation of the common pathway

intrinsic pathway

initial coagulation pathway that begins with vascular damage or contact with foreign substances, and results in the activation of the common pathway


insoluble, filamentous protein that forms the structure of a blood clot

The cardiac cycle consists of a distinct relaxation and contraction phase. Which term is typically used to refer ventricular contraction while no blood is being ejected?

isovolumic contraction

People with ABO blood type O ________.

lack both antigens A and B on their erythrocytes

The myocardium would be the thickest in the ________.

left ventricle

Aging and damaged erythrocytes are removed from the circulation by ________.



mature myeloid blood cell that is composed mostly of hemoglobin and functions primarily in the transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide

The cardiovascular centers are located in which area of the brain?

medulla oblongata

Of the three germ layers that give rise to all adult tissues and organs, which gives rise to the heart?


Which valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle?



most abundant plasma protein, accounting for most of the osmotic pressure of plasma

Which portion of the ECG corresponds to repolarization of the atria?

none of the above: atrial repolarization is masked by ventricular depolarization


oxygen-carrying compound in erythrocytes


phagocytic cell of the myeloid lineage; a matured monocyte


plasma protein produced in the liver and involved in blood clotting

Thrombocytes are more accurately called ________.


Which of the formed elements arise from myeloid stem cells?



platelets, one of the formed elements of blood that consists of cell fragments broken off from megakaryocytes

A patient has been suffering for 2 months with a chronic, watery diarrhea. A blood test is likely to reveal ________.



production of the formed elements of blood


protein-containing storage form of iron found in the bone marrow, liver, and spleen


red, iron-containing pigment to which oxygen binds in hemoglobin

Which chamber initially receives blood from the systemic circuit?

right atrium


short-acting anticoagulant stored in mast cells and released when tissues are injured, opposes prothrombin


substance such as heparin that opposes coagulation


thrombus that has broken free from the blood vessel wall and entered the circulation

Which of the following lists the valves in the order through which the blood flows from the vena cava through the heart?

tricuspid, pulmonary semilunar, bicuspid, aortic semilunar

The pulmonary trunk and aorta are derived from which primitive heart structure?

truncus arteriosus

myeloid stem cells

type of hemopoietic stem cell that gives rise to some formed elements, including erythrocytes, megakaryocytes that produce platelets, and a myeloblast lineage that gives rise to monocytes and three forms of granular leukocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils)

The first step in hemostasis is ________.

vascular spasm

Ventricular relaxation immediately follows ________.

ventricular repolarization


volume percentage of erythrocytes in a sample of centrifuged blood


yellowish bile pigment produced when iron is removed from heme and is further broken down into waste products

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