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Which of these fungal phyla is most closely associated with the commonly envisioned "mushroom" (what most people call mushrooms)?


Which of these phyla, commonly known as the club fungi, has a variety of shapes including the shelf?


Which accurately describes a typical mollusc?

Bilaterally symmetrical, reduced coelom, presence of a radula

Which group of plants lack vascular tissue and include mosses, hornworts, and liverworts?


5) From the list below, identify characteristics of phylum Arthropoda. Select all that apply.

- segmented bodies and jointed appendages - well-developed nervous system and a variety of sense organs - respiratory organs -metamorphosis -molting exoskeleton

Plants can be described as playing an important role in almost every ecosystem because of their roles in which of these processes?

- the phosphorus cycle - the nitrogen cycle - the water cycle - the carbon cycle

Tissues in the vascular system of plants

- transport water. - transport nutrients and minerals. - allow the plant to stand erect on land.

2a) Nonvascular plants

-Lacks roots, leaves, and stems - Dominant gametophyte generation - Grow low to the ground - Requires water for reproduction - Bryophytes only

In what supergroup are animals classified?


Which eukaryotic supergroup includes multicellular animals, fungi, and related protists?


Which phylum was the first to exhibit bilateral symmetry with a distinct head with sensory organs?


Which of these is a benefit of flowers?

They attract pollinators

All fungi have a life cycle that includes

a diploid state. asexual reproduction. sexual reproduction. mating types. a haploid state

9a. All members of the _____ family belong to the grouping known as _____ ; a special grouping to note _____ apes. b. According to the evolutionary tree, the _____ split from the other apes _____ MYA. c. Fossil evidence indicates that as few as four different species within the genus _____ existed one to two million years ago. d. Today, modern _____ is the only member of the genus to have survived and has replaced other hominin species on Earth.

a- ape; hominids; bipedal b- hominins; 5-6 c- Homo d- Homo sapiens

The group of prokaryotes that includes three known types of organisms, all of which are specifically adapted to different harsh environments, is the ____________.


In a lichen, the fungus provides minerals and water while the algae provides


A mycelium consists of a network of long branched ______.


Select all the information you would use to describe the prokaryotes

lack a nucleus abundant single-celled

Metamorphosis can be defined as a change in the form and physiology of an animal as its ________________ becomes an adult.


There are four major classifications of vertebrate animals: fish, amphibians, reptiles, and _________________.


All eukaryotes have ______, but they do not all have ______ because of the order of the evolution of the protists, as described by the endosymbiotic theory.

mitochondria; chloroplasts

Before the supergroup, what was the basis for the classification of protists?

mode of nutrition

Which of these describe the Archaea?

more closely related to eukaryotes than to other prokaryotes adapted to life in hostile environments

Fungi are best described as

multicellular eukaryotes.

Fungi get their nutrients from

organic material

The protists can be described as the link between the

prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Seeds are a significant adaptation over spores because seeds

protect an embryo and nourish it.

Seeds allow plants too

provide nutrition to the embryo.

What was the first group of vertebrates that evolved amniotic eggs?


Select the examples of arthropods.

spiders crabs scorpions insects

Which organisms make up phylum Porifera?


Increased photosynthetic capabilities can be attributed to which event in the evolution of land plants?

the evolution of megaphylls

The vascular system in a plant functions in ______ for the plant.


6d) Notochord

- Chordate characteristic Supporting rod - Becomes part of the verbal column in vertebrates

6b) Dorsal tubular nerve chord

- Chordate characteristic: A component of the central nervous system - Develops into a spinal chord in vertebrates

6a) Postanal tail

- Chordate characteristic: tail that extends past the anus - Structure that is used for location but may be lost in some vertebrates

8b) Amphibians

- Evolved from a lobe-finned fish; the first vertebrates to develop adaptations for life on land - first tetrapod -first group to develop eyelids - first group to develop a larynx and ears to pick up sound waves - first group to have a three chambered heart - adults live on land, but reproduction is still tied to water -salamanders, frogs, and caecilians

2c) Seed plants

- Gymnosperms and Angiosperms - Reproduction is no longer tied to water

2d) Flowering plants

- Most abundant and diverse land plants - structure used to attract pollinators, protect the embryo, and provide nourishment - Angiosperms only

Which statements describe vertebrates?

- They have a backbone. - They belong to phylum Chordata. - The have a postanal tail at some point during development.

Select all true statements about seeds.

- They protect growing embryos. - They may be dormant in unfavorable conditions. - They provide nourishment.

Select all of the characteristics of phylum Porifera.

- body is perforated with holes - heterotrophic - lack symmetry - multicellular

6c) Pharyngeal pouches

- chordate characteristic: Structure used for feeding - Developes into gills in fishes and auditory tubes in tetrapods

Select the general characteristics of animals from the choices listed.

- composed of cells without cell walls - ingestion of food (heterotrophs) - are able to move (motile) - multicellular

2b) vascular plants

- dominant sporophyte generation - have roots, leaves, and stems - internal tissue called xylem and phloem - Pterophytes, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms

7a) Reptiles

- first group of vertebrates to be fully adapted to life on land - first group to have an amniotic egg - first group to have keratinized skin - first group with well-developed lungs and a heart that prevents the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood - turrets, crocodiles, snakes, lizards, and birds

Select the classes of vertebrates you would include in a summary of the major classifications of vertebrate animals.

- fishes - reptiles - amphibians - mammals

The characteristics of animals include which three of these?

- multicellular - heterotroph - eukaryote

8a) Fish

- oldest group of vertebrates - may or may not possess jaws - vertebral column made of cartilage or bone - lampreys, hagfishes, sharks, trout, or coelacanth

7b) Mammals

- organisms process hard for camouflage and temperature regulations - organisms possess mammary glands that produce milk to nurse young - monotremes, marsupials and placental animals

Select the reproductive role of flowers in angiosperms.

- protect the embryo - attract pollinators - provide nourishment in fruits and seeds

1) From the list, determine which of the statements are practical reasons why plant diversity is extremely important to preserve. Select all that apply.

-Many medicines used to treat illnesses and diseases are derived from plants. -Many organisms, including humans, depend on plants for food. - Plants play an important role in the various cycles, such as carbon, water, nitrogen, and phosphorous, on Earth. -Plant diversity is important to maintain stable ecosystems and provide nutrients and shelter to many organisms in the community.

4) From the list below, identify characteristics of phylum Platyhelminthes. Select all that apply.

-bilateral symmetry - acoelomates - display cephalization

All members of the phylum Arthropoda have what characteristics?

-jointed appendages (legs) - segmentation - a hard exoskeleton

All animals

-lack cell walls. - are diploid adults that produce haploid gametes for reproduction - are motile and ingest their food


-supply us with food and fuel. - are part of the carbon, water, nitrogen, and phosphorous cycles - are used for medicines

1) Nucleoid region 2) Plasma membrane 3) Cell wall 4) Cytoplasm 5) Ribosomes 6) Flagellum 7) Capsule

1) Location of the bacterial chromosome 2) Phospholipid bilayer that surrounds the cell and regulates the entrance and exit of molecules 3) Structure that provides support and shapes the cells 4) Semifluid solution that contains the chemical cellular components of the cell to sustain life 5) Site of protein synthesis 6) Rotating filament that propels the cell through the environment 7)Sticky gel-like coating outside of the cell wall

1) Bacteria 2) Archaeans

1) Oldest organisms on the planet; classified by their hope and metabolic abilities; often associated with diseases; cyanobacteria 2)typically classified based on where they live; classified by their unique composition of plasma membrane and cell wall; More closely related to eukaryotes; thermophiles, methanogens, and halophiles

1) Ascomycota 2) Basidiomycota 3) Zygomycota

1) Sac fungi; Commonly form symbiotic relationship with algae called lichens; Approximately 49 species are threatened or endangered by climate change and air pollution 2) club fungi; Of the 50,000 species, 236 are identified as threatened 3) Black bread mold; Reproductive structures known as zygospores

1) cell wall 2) cytoplasm 3) nuclei region 4) capsule 5) plasma membrane 6) ribosome 7) flagellum

1) supportive structure that shapes the cell 2) contains the nuclei and ribosomes 3) location of bacterial chromosomes 4) coating outside the cell wall ; a gel-like coating outside the cell wall 5) regulates passage of materials in and out of the cell 6) the site of protein synthesis 7) a locomotive organelle that rotates

Which describes mycelium?

A multicellular structure formed from connected hyphae

In the evolution of vertebrates, which feature allows for the development of vertebral column?

A notochord

Which phylum has been the most successful animal on the planet, with over 1 million species?


The prokaryotic group that includes 10,000 identified species, which are classified based on their shape and metabolic abilities, is the ______________ .


What is the best description of the function of plants with regard to humans?

Humans rely on plants for almost everything, including food, fuel, and shelter.

How would you describe the effects of the current extinction crisis on fungi?

Hundreds of species of fungi are threatened by the current extinction crisis.

a. (Click to select) Parasitic Basidiomycota Mutualistic Antheridium fungi, which describes a relationship in which fungi benefits and the host is harmed, are known to cause diseases in both plants and animals. b. Fungi are also capable of forming beneficial (Click to select) organic macromolecules hyphae symbiotic algae parasitic commensal relationships with many algae and plant species. c. For example, a lichen is a mutualistic symbiotic relationship between an (Click to select) basidiomycota symbiotic antheridium algae plant and a fungi in phylum (Click to select) Mutualistic Antheridium Ascomycota Basidiomycota . d. In a (Click to select) algae proteins lichen hyphae , the algae that live in the filaments, or the (Click to select) algae hyphae symbiotic proteins , of the fungus provide the organism with (Click to select) plants proteins carbohydrates minerals , the end products of photosynthesis. e. As the fungi grow and spread, the fungus provides the algae with protection, (Click to select) minerals carbohydrates plants symbiotic , and water. f. Another type of symbiotic relationship occurs between a fungi and the roots of (Click to select) proteins minerals carbohydrates plants algae . g. (Click to select) Antheridium Mycorrhizal Basidiomycota Mutualistic fungi are particularly important because they assist the plant with the uptake of water and nutrients, (Click to select) increasing proteins decreasing minerals the surface area of the roots.

a. Parasitic b. symbiotic c. algae; Ascomycota d. lichen; hyphae; carbohydrates e. minerals f. plants g. Mycorrhizal; increasing

3a. Kingdom Animalia is a branch on the _____ tree that contains the _____ , _____ organisms. 3b. Several characteristics unique to this kingdom is the fact that they _____ their food and their cells lack _____ . 3c. The organisms are typically _____ and have a _____ dominated life cycle in which the only haploid cells produced by the organism is the gametes. 3d. The adults typically reproduce _____ .

a. eukaryotic; multicellular, heterotrophic b. ingest; cell walls c. motile; diploid d. sexually

a. Fungi are typically ___________ eukaryotic organisms. b. Fungi are composed of microscopic, threadlike filaments, called ______________ that form a multicellular, fungal body called _________________ . c. Nutritionally, all fungi are ______________ organisms that digest organic material outside the body and absorb the molecules released. d. Fungi's manner of obtaining nutrients makes them especially helpful in many ecosystems since they decompose organic material or are ________________ . e. Fungi do not have true sexes, but rather what are called _______________ . f. Fungi also have life cycle that consists of both ______________ (n) and _________________ (2n) states, and both sexual and asexual reproduction.

a. multicellular b. hyphae; mycelium c. heterotrophic d. saprophytic e. mating types f. haploid; diploid

A lichen is a symbiotic relationship between which two of these?

algae sac fungi

How are protists currently classified?

based on genetic evidence they are placed into one of six supergroups

During the evolution of land plants, the gametophyte has

become progressively smaller.

Metamorphosis is the drastic change

between larva and adult stages of life.

which aquatic green algae is known as the common ancestor of plants?


Which phylum is the only one with members that exhibit radial symmetry and the first to have true tissue?


Which type of body cavity do we see in molluscs?


Which of these accurately describes prokaryotes?

commonly called bacteria

Select the metabolic capabilities of fungi.

decomposer saprotrophic heterotrophic

Select all characteristics of fungi.

decomposers heterotrophic saprophytic structurally diverse

Which of these phrases describes invertebrate animals?

do not have a backbone

One of the benefits of _______________ (found only in angiosperms) is that they give rise to fruits that cover seeds.


Which structure in an angiosperm attracts pollinators and protects the embryo?


A lichen is a partnership between green algae and a


Protists are all eukaryotes, which means all of their cells

have DNA. have a nucleus. have membrane-bound organelles.

Invertebrates are separated from vertebrates by not

having a backbone.

The majority of arthropods are


Which of these classification terms is used to describe animals such as insects, corals, and molluscs?


Prokaryotic cells that use solar energy to make their own food are called


Which of the following is the definition of a eukaryote?

single-celled or multicellular organisms that have a membrane-bound nucleus

A photoautotroph uses ______ to make its own food.

solar energy

Which level of biological organization was created to describe protists and their problematic classification?


Which of the following events occurred last in the evolution of the eukaryotic cell, accounting for the difference between photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes?

the formation of a symbiotic relationship between an early protist and a photosynthetic bacterium.

Which of these describe the Bacteria?

the most ancient group of organisms the most diverse group of organisms

Which of the following is a characteristic common to animals?

they are able to move

Animals with a backbone are describes as ______________ animals.


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